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Should Art Tweet or Facebook his announcement?

Started by GeorgieForPresident2216, July 28, 2013, 04:54:41 PM

Should art make his announcement on Twitter or Facebook?

3 (15%)
1 (5%)
14 (70%)
2 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Art tweeted on July 21st:

Art Bell ‏@ArtBell51 21 Jul
Closer and closer. I may announce here or on Facebook. I am
bound right now to not say more.

Since there are indications he looks at this forum, where would you prefer he makes his announcement?

edit:  someone else added in CoastGab.  That wasn't me.


I say Facebook simply because I don't like Twitter. I don't  have a cell phone, which is what it was originally made for, and I don't go there every day. Do you?

I don't, but I prefer it because I don't have to log in.


I'd love if he came to us and made a post first, but realistically I think he'll do it on FB first, then tweet about his FB post. I hope he has a video or audio uploaded to his website of him making the announcement.

I'll probably find out he has announced it through coastgab first since I check here more often.

Eddie Coyle

       Door to door strip-o-grams from Coast to Coast.


I'd prefer he fart smoke signals in morse code
If he puts that kind of effort then I know he's really coming back


So far he tweeted it. Not sure about the FB. But I'm sure he'll have all his bases covered.


Facebook sucks, I don't even use it.   People have to be dumb as rocks to put their whole lives on that piece of crap run by that ginger shithead.

I don't think it really matters where he posts/announces it. Once he does, word is going to spread like wildfire amongst the C2C and Art Bell fan community. There will be either a huge amount of anticipation and excitement by those who have been waiting for this like the second coming, and there could very well be a tremendous shakeup in the radio world, or there will be a number of skeptical people who have grown cautious to his Jay Leno/Brett Favre like antics of retiring and returning that they will have to wait and see what happens before they fully embrace him back again. Also it's been talked about before, but depending on the audience that Snoory has built up who aren't even aware of Art's existence, you have to wonder if the majority of his audience will be loyalists and fans from the old days, or if he's going to have to gain a whole new generation of listeners who have no idea what they've been missing over the past 11 years. Either way, the world of radio was forever changed both when he started his show and when he retired from it, and I imagine that's it's gonna happen all over again if he really were to come back full time. 

"I call it 'The Quickening.'" -Art Bell


Art posted the announcement on his website (artbell.com) his facebook page, and his twitter page - at midnight (eastern time)
He also got the Drudge Report today to provide a link to the article with details on his Sirius/XM deal.

Well, looks like I should have read up a little bit before I responded. I see though that what I said seems to be true, as it doesn't really matter where he said it, word is gonna start flyin fast! Satellite radio seems to the way to go now-a-days. Howard Stern went that way so he could have alot more freedom and less interference from the FCC, but I think Art must have thought that either this was the best way to compete and get himself back to the level he once was, (though I don't think that should be too hard) or maybe it was just a business decision and this was the best deal he could make with a broadcasting company after gettin screwed over by PremRat. I'm sure we'll learn more details as time progresses.

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