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C2C now just for extreme right wing

Started by Cynnie, May 30, 2013, 09:06:52 AM


Why is it right-wing to recognize the fact that the only people who have gained financial wealth, and privacy in the last 6 years are the national politicians who "serve the people" hahahahhaha! It's not right wing it's fact. And once Obama leaves office the Mt St Helens landslide of criticism from both sides will begin. I find it funny that so many guests are careful to never criticize Obama directly. Can't possibly figure out why....Im sure being called a racist has nothing a all to do with it. Hahahahhaha!

Quote from: Gd5150 on July 07, 2013, 10:51:30 AM
Why is it right-wing to recognize the fact that the only people who have gained financial wealth, and privacy in the last 6 years are the national politicians who "serve the people" hahahahhaha! It's not right wing it's fact. And once Obama leaves office the Mt St Helens landslide of criticism from both sides will begin. I find it funny that so many guests are careful to never criticize Obama directly. Can't possibly figure out why....Im sure being called a racist has nothing a all to do with it. Hahahahhaha!

I don't think the word "fact" means what you think it means.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: West of the Rockies on July 07, 2013, 11:50:57 AM
I don't think the word "fact" means what you think it means.

I nearly wet my self reading that...Touched my funny bone.


Yes.  How about George's little discussion with the authors of the book, Disinformation.  There are 3 authors:  One is a defected Russian general who can't be in the interview because he is in hiding from several "assassination squads" roaming America trying to kill him ("he's listening" however); one is a fairly earnest lawyer who learned a lot about Soviet disinformation techniques while defending the wartime pope from allegation of colluding with the Nazis; the third is an editor of Worldnet Daily, the publisher of the book, those folks who brought us birtherism and 911 trutherism.

The WND guy is clearly interested in establishing 1) that the Soviets invented disinformation and were and are the ONLY practitioners of it (when we were told about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that was  simply a "mistake; 2) that Russians didn't give up disinformation when they were demoted from Soviets to just Russians; and, 3: and implying that everything you think to be true, including that Obama was born in Honolulu and that Al Quada attacked the World Trade Center, are artifacts of continuing Russian disinformation campaigns.

They explain that agents of disinformation identify certain gullible, easily manipulated media figures through whom disinformation is planted.  Really??? Why bother with George Noory and C2C???

What is Dumbo doing during all of this?  Talking about the decline of "hard headed" journalism, like back when he was a copy boy.  He praises the WND guy for fearlessly upholding the standards of the hard headed journalism of old.  (Has he not seen the WND web site?)

The WND guy goes on this riff about John Kerry being the victim of Soviet disinformation when he testified about the conduct of the Viet Nam war before Congress.  (What I don't get is how they faked Mi Lai.)  George does not mention anything about Kerry's having been swiftboated, however, by the same crowd who own WND.

Finally, Noory ventures the comment that "..a lot has been written about our current president, and most of it true."  At this the jaws of his two guests must have dropped, judging by the dead air--could there be a better patsy for disinformation campaigns than George?

One thing I've noticed - it's even in the name of this thread - is the 'extreme' right wing is often referenced, but there apparently is no 'extreme' left wing.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 07, 2013, 01:15:03 PM
One thing I've noticed - it's even in the name of this thread - is the 'extreme' right wing is often referenced, but there apparently is no 'extreme' left wing.

That is a fair call. At least from a 70's to 80's mindset all the wiff and poof stuff certainly would have been more directed towards the lefties of that time. Today I dunno who or why people follow some of noory's bs.

Oh, I think there are extreme left-wingers, Paperboy... Personally, although I consider myself very "green" and pro-environment, the idea of tree-spiking is reprehensible.  That is just one among (I am sure) many possible examples. 

Both sides have whackadoodles.  Both sides have voices of reason.  Unfortunately, in our infotainment culture, which has crossed over heavily into political campaigning as well, reason does not sell well.  We want one side to shred the other; we want a bloody smear on the pavement where once stood a fellow human being with whom we disagreed.

Compromise?  The middle ground?  That's for sissies.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 07, 2013, 01:15:03 PM
One thing I've noticed - it's even in the name of this thread - is the 'extreme' right wing is often referenced, but there apparently is no 'extreme' left wing.

I wouldn't concern yourself PB; it isn't in the US. I'd hazard a guess that you'd get a dozen average humans in a room, and you'd get a dozen slightly different definitions for either, and all would be different to another dozen. To take recent events in the middle east: The former government of Egypt were strong conservatives (Insofar as they were absolutely dedicated to their own narrow agenda (In this case Muslim based that superceded any other concerns)) In Ireland it's the catholic church; their laws have Catholic doctrines inserted as part of the statute.

The incoming Egyptian patsy is a secular liberal; and his remit (if he doesn't want to go the same way as Masri) will be too encompass a much wider field of political and religious persuasion; ergo, liberal. I doubt that will be extreme left wing, because unless the government is abolished entirely and the country is run for the people by and only by the people on a collective/ co-operative basis, it isn't going to happen.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: West of the Rockies on July 07, 2013, 02:35:23 PM

Compromise?  The middle ground?  That's for sissies.

Classic line from 'Newsroom'; Character Will McAvoy says this to his therapist.

“I'm a registered Republican, I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.”.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on July 07, 2013, 03:02:32 PM

Classic line from 'Newsroom'; Character Will McAvoy says this to his therapist.

“I'm a registered Republican, I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.”.

the show starts again on the 14th... I will be there.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: onan on July 07, 2013, 03:06:10 PM

the show starts again on the 14th... I will be there.

Be a lamb and record it for me please Onan; and when I get over there we can blow the froth off a few scoops and delight in it's greatness.  :)


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on July 07, 2013, 03:02:32 PM

Classic line from 'Newsroom'; Character Will McAvoy says this to his therapist.

“I'm a registered Republican, I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.”.

"Tee hee. Those stupid, hate-filled Republicans. We writers had no idea how horrible they really were until we started creating the characters and dialogue. Wow, there's just so much art can tell us about politics and culture."

Quote from: Sardondi on July 08, 2013, 08:44:18 AM
"Tee hee. Those stupid, hate-filled Republicans. We writers had no idea how horrible they really were until we started creating the characters and dialogue. Wow, there's just so much art can tell us about politics and culture."

Yeah, that show must just be so funny.  Meanwhile, 5 years in, Obama has done zero on behalf of the economy - well, other than to exacerbate it and bury us further in debt, and is actively working to install terrorist jihadis in Egypt and Syria after his success in Libya.  Make that reinstall in Egypt's case, the people there threw his bitch out last week.

Remember when the Ds and the Media thought that even talking to terrorists was impeachable?  Or would have blamed the administration for the economy after 5 years of failure?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 08, 2013, 10:41:48 AM

Yeah, that show must just be so funny.

So you haven't watched it then to form an opinion? But as you haven't, and for the record, it's primarily not funny, but hugely entertaining. I think it probably depends on how many threads of the bigger story you can keep up with and follow them through.

  Meanwhile, 5 years in, Obama has done zero on behalf of the economy - well, other than to exacerbate it and bury us further in debt, and is actively working to install terrorist jihadis in Egypt and Syria after his success in Libya.  Make that reinstall in Egypt's case, the people there threw his bitch out last week.

Zero? Really? Okay. As for Egypt, you haven't been keeping up PB.. The current incumbent isn't a jihadist; No idea if he's been airlifted in the way that Bush did with Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan. The great thing there being that after the Afghans were blanket bombed and had the undecided line up against NATO, the poppy crop expanded from pre-war to now producing 75% of the planets non pharma opium. Of course the farmers who grow it haven't an alternative, because such as Iraq the brains back in DC hadn't thought of what to do post war..Hence why Iraq went to rat shit when SH was removed.

Remember when the Ds and the Media thought that even talking to terrorists was impeachable?  Or would have blamed the administration for the economy after 5 years of failure?

Eventually, the governments have to talk to terrorists. This so called war on terror is disingenuous mendacity. It's impossible to have a war on a philosophy, unless we introduce brain washing as a mandatory treatment to anyone non secular?


Quote from: Sardondi on July 08, 2013, 08:44:18 AM
"Tee hee. Those stupid, hate-filled Republicans. We writers had no idea how horrible they really were until we started creating the characters and dialogue. Wow, there's just so much art can tell us about politics and culture."

Although I understand your angst. The republican party has only itself to blame for this kind of nit-wittery.

I mean 3 primary candidates raised their hands and stated they didn't believe in evolution.

Michelle Bachman... granted not the best representation of the republican party, but for a time had a great deal of the limelight.

Michele Bachmann: Hurricane Irene and earthquake are divine warnings

To add, I am getting quite tired of the democrats of late. More so I am getting tired of some of the inflexibility I am seeing in certain factions.

I know that NewsRadio is distasteful to some conservatives. I like how the McAvoy character is drawn. I guess I can see how one with a differing view would miss the slams towards liberals... but I see them.

I suppose it all seems disingenuous, I don't see it that way... nothing surprising there.

Yes, Onan (and Sardondi), I think that blaming the decline of the Republican party on Hollywood is a little silly.  Look, the liberals have those politicians and spokesmen/women they should feel embarrassed by, to be sure.  (I am not going to supply a list of names here because I typically DO but rarely see a conservative on this forum do the same thing -- surely there must be a few Republicans you conservatives are embarrassed by, yes?).  But the Republicans must answer for the Steve Kings, the Michelle Bachmanns, the Sarah Palins, the Rick Perrys of the party.  They are the reason the party is in in decline.

But to try to link this post to the original thread issue, to my ears, C2C has become quite rightwing.  You can try to paint Wells as either non-partisan or Libertarian, but he is at heart pretty clearly more aligned with Republican thinking than Democratic.  Noory is mainly a knucklehead who is probably going to warn us all about our scary government no matter who is in charge, but he seemed to give Bush more leeway than he gives Obama.  That's what MY ears tell me, anyway.  I've got my filters, to be sure, but so does everybody.

It's all a shame because I think even with our disagreements, a lot of us on this forum truly want to see our nation (and the larger community of humanity) do well, enjoy freedom and privacy, and such.  Things have become so bloody partisan. 


Quote from: onan on July 08, 2013, 04:41:50 PM...I know that NewsRadio is distasteful to some conservatives. I like how the McAvoy character is drawn. I guess I can see how one with a differing view would miss the slams towards liberals... but I see them....

It's really not that it's slanted so badly; it's that virtually all programs with any kind of slant at all are slanted thus. It's the tiresome ubiquity of it, because the liberal perspective is all there is on tv and most of the movies. It is really the only perspective out there.

I truly think many urban liberals have the Pauline Kael disease, and have no idea of either the size of the population of America that doesn't think similarly, or how offended they are by the smug sense of moral superiority in these shows and the inherent disdain toward them which they feel - it simply pours off so many of those in popular culture who create the one-size-fits-all menu. And Aaron Sorkin is the world's worst at triumphal self-righteousness. I cannot watch anything Sorkin comes within 100 miles of.

You folks are immune to it, because you agree with what you hear and see. It suits you - you see nothing wrong or objectionable. But it is a like having a hipster doofus spit in my face and laugh about how I can do nothing about it. Over and over and over.


Quote from: Sardondi on July 08, 2013, 05:25:21 PM
It's really not that it's slanted so badly; it's that virtually all programs with any kind of slant at all are slanted thus. It's the tiresome ubiquity of it, because the liberal perspective is all there is on tv and most of the movies. It is really the only perspective out there.

I truly think many urban liberals have the Pauline Kael disease, and have no idea of either the size of the population of America that doesn't think similarly, or how offended they are by the smug sense of moral superiority in these shows and the inherent disdain toward them which they feel - it simply pours off so many of those in popular culture who create the one-size-fits-all menu. And Aaron Sorkin is the world's worst at triumphal self-righteousness. I cannot watch anything Sorkin comes within 100 miles of.

You folks are immune to it, because you agree with what you hear and see. It suits you - you see nothing wrong or objectionable. But it is a like having a hipster doofus spit in my face and laugh about how I can do nothing about it. Over and over and over.

I guess I can relate somewhat, with a similar view on Rush Limbaugh.

But I want to explain one scene from NewsRadio. I won't do a very eloquent job but bear with me.

The particular episode had some dealings with Rick Santorum and his position on gay marriage. One of Santorum's aides (yes in reality an actor representing) was defending Santorum even though the aid was himself gay. McAvoy tried to appeal to the aide being gay. I thought the next lines spoken by the aide were brilliant and tear provoking. And mostly how the liberals no more saw him as a man than the religious right did... I am telling you it was brilliant and moving. Is it enough to garner your support... probably not. None the less, it was a definite poke at the liberal lazy thought machine.

We all have our filters that color our perceptions and sometimes blind us from seeing another's perspective.  Sardondi, you say that TV/film represents an exclusively liberal perspective.  I won't convince you otherwise.  I know that in the particular northern California area where I live, it seems like everything is presented through a conservative perspective.  I spin through the radio dial (AM) and here exclusively conservative talk radio, religious (conservative Christian) stations, and the occasional Latino channel.  Oh, there are a few rock and roll stations, too.  On the FM dial, I certainly don't find a counter-balancing of liberal voices.  It's almost exclusively music or, again, religion. 

During political season, the area is absolutely peppered with Republican billboards and signs:  "A conservative for Congress."  "As a conservative, I support...."  Sure, there are some Democratic politician advertising as well, but the majority of signs feature deep-red conservative values.  This county always votes Republican.  There are some Democrats who gain local seats, but not in the California Congress.

The town in which I grew up had one black family (back in the 70's).  They moved on the second time someone burned a cross on their front lawn.  A new age bookstore was picketed, with signs proclaiming that "the devil had come to town". 

I don't watch TV -- haven't in close to a decade -- so I am not encountering all the pro-liberal material you say is out there.  I am sure, Sardondi, that from your perspective, liberals are running the show.  From mine, I see things differently.

This post certainly won't resolve matters, but perhaps it will further the discussion.

I like what Lewis Black has said of the two parties: "The two parties are a bowl of shit looking at itself in a mirror".
I really wish  there was a 'None  of These candidates' on the ballots .
The corruption runs so deep in both parties that neither will ever do anything but  either try to force feed their views or play the elites control game.


I saw ya'll talking about walmart ..the majority of walmart employees are on some sort of assistance .. So isnt walmart making obscene profits off of the american taxpayers backs ?

I try to never shop there ever ..even if i have to pay way more


I stopped CSC last week cold turkey after over 10 years and today I canceled my subscription.  "Anything for a dollar" Noory has thoroughly screwed it up.  Does anyone remember when he stated that he was apolitical and didn't even vote--long time ago. 

I pine for Art and the rods.  What about Mel's hole? 

I am so tired of hearing Noory's same old shit about big foot, ETs, numbers, that lady that sees dead people with her grandmother and then later writes a book about dead people and their favorite recipes, and of course, Alex and Steve, riding in on the white winged horse of Jesus Christ.  All of the same stuff over and over again. Shilling.

He is so goddamned stupid.  People just feed him questions in advance.  On Martin Luther King's birthday, he attributed MLK's famous speech to promoting Blacks riding on buses MLK's speech said that he looked forward to a time when people of all colors and faith could sit down together!!! 

His politics are ceaseless.  He thinks Snowden is a hero but before this, he was scared of US Muslim terrorist cell groups in the US as well as suit case nukes.  You cant have it both ways Georgie.  And, I do not care about that anyway, WHAT ABOUT RODS???

The others are not so hot too.  Ian Punnet telling us how to pray!! Where does he come off?  (I forgot, he went to grad school).  He is just getting a bit too high snot for me.  Look at his website and see how much stuff he gets for free from his morning gig!  Hair plugs et al. And, that pipe, please.  Now he is going to get a PhD from the CRONKITE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM; he brings that up as many times as he does his stupid books. 

John B. Wells is getting better but he has a political angle too. 

Please guys, don't tell me you are going to do one thing and then lecture me on the US administration--that's Sunday morning tv. 

I am listening to Mysterious Universe and although they talk a mile a minute, it is exactly what Art used to do.  That was all I ever wanted.


Quote from: Cynnie on July 13, 2013, 07:04:19 PM
..the majority of walmart employees are on some sort of assistance .

[Citation needed, please.]


Quote from: bmcintyre on July 13, 2013, 07:15:09 PMI am so tired of hearing Noory's same old shit about big foot, ETs, numbers, that lady that sees dead people with her grandmother and then later writes a book about dead people and their favorite recipes, and of course, Alex and Steve, riding in on the white winged horse of Jesus Christ.  All of the same stuff over and over again. Shilling.
Wait, it's hard to tell on this board sometimes when someone is being facetious or genuine. Somebody wrote a book about dead people and their favorite recipes? LOL!


Quote from: bmcintyre on July 13, 2013, 07:15:09 PM, Alex and Steve, riding in on the white winged horse of Jesus Christ.  .

That made me giggle


Quote from: stevesh on July 13, 2013, 07:23:05 PM
[Citation needed, please.]

Most of this came from politifact.com:

In Florida, Wal-Mart topped all companies operating in Florida with the largest number of employees and family members (12,300) eligible for Medicaid, according to a 2005 Tampa Bay Times story. Wal-Mart also ranked highly (No. 2) for dependents enrolled in Florida Healthy Kids or KidCare, trailing Miami-Dade County employees.

In Missouri, where Wal-Mart is the largest employer behind state government, the state’s social services department determined Walmart employees outnumbered all others with employees and family members enrolled in MO HealthNet, the state’s Medicaid plan, in the first quarter of 2011. However, at almost 14 percent, it did not represent the highest percentage of workers enrolled or responsible for an enrollee (Dollar General, for instance, was much higher at 42 percent).

And in Pennsylvania, a 2006 Philadelphia Inquirer investigation revealed the company had the highest percentage of employees enrolled in Medicaid. One in six of Walmart’s 48,000 Pennsylvania employees were enrolled in Medicaid, costing the state about $15 million a year (it’s likely higher because the Inquirer’s story did not cover employees’ dependents on Medicaid, or any other public assistance such as food stamps).

In Ohio, the  state Department of Job and Family Services report found Wal-Mart to be the state’s top employer for workers and family members who receive Medicaid (16,098), food stamps (14,799) and cash assistance (803), according to January 2012 numbers. A state spokesman cautioned the report does not tell the difference between full- and part-time employees, or employees who do not yet qualify for benefits, or why employees sought Medicaid.

In Maine, Wal-Mart topped employers with the largest number of workers on MaineCare, food stamps and temporary cash assistance, according to a 2005 Lewiston Sun Journal report, but it did not break down how many employees receive each subsidy. The company was fourth in the percentage of employees on public assistance.

2004 study called the "Hidden Cost of Wal-Mart Jobs" by the University of California Berkeley’s Labor Center.:

The researchers found taxpayers [in california] paid $86 million a year to subsidize Walmart workers’ wages -- $32 million for health programs and $54 million in other assistance. ("Other assistance" could be food stamps, subsidized housing and school lunches, and use of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is a tax credit for low- to moderate-income workers.)

a January 2012 Walmart Associate Benefits book provides a directory so associates can locate their local Medicaid office.


Thank you Onan ..i was entirely too lazy to google that shit up


Thanks, Onan.  I'll have to look into that further - for instance, in Florida the number is those "eligible" for Medicaid. Just what does that mean?  How many are actually on Medicaid might be a better number.  Unfortunately, I don't know that either Politifact or a study out of Berkeley is sufficiently politically independent to warrant absolute belief.


Don't mean to nitpick, but none of those snippets reports that 'the majority of Walmart employees are on some sort of assistance', which is what Cynnie claimed.

I'm no particular fan of Walmart, but like the previous anti-business whipping boy, McDonalds, they have to be admired for an excellent business model and for providing jobs for a lot of people who wouldn't have them otherwise, especially young, new-to-the-working-world folks.

I doubt very much if all those Mom-and-Pop operations which were driven out of business by the Walmart Juggernaut paid top wages or offered excellent benefit packages to their hourly employees, either.


Quote from: stevesh on July 14, 2013, 06:48:36 AM
they have to be admired for an excellent business model and for providing jobs for a lot of people who wouldn't have them otherwise, especially young, new-to-the-working-world folks.

QuoteAt over $446 billion per year, Walmart is the third highest revenue grossing corporation in the world. Walmart earns over $15 billion per year in pure profit and pays its executives handsomely. In 2011, Walmart CEO Mike Duke â€" already a millionaire a dozen times over â€" received an $18.1 million compensation package. The Walton family controlling over 48 percent of the corporation through stock ownership does even better. Together, members of the Walton family are worth in excess of $102 billion â€" which makes them one of the richest families in the world.

QuoteMeanwhile, Walmart routinely blocks any attempt by workers to organize, using anti-union propaganda and scare tactics, firing employees without just cause, failing to provide any form of decent healthcare coverage or a livable wage.

QuoteIn fact, Walmart has become the number one driver behind the growing use of food stamps in the United States with "as many as 80 percent of workers in Wal-Mart stores using food stamps."

QuoteWalmart's employees receive $2.66 billion in government help every year, or about $420,000 per store. They are also the top recipients of Medicaid in numerous states. Why does this occur?Walmart fails to provide a livable wage and decent healthcare benefits, costing U.S. taxpayers an annual average of $1.02 billion in healthcare costs. This direct public subsidy is being given to offset the failures of an international corporate giant who shouldn’t be shifting part of its labor costs onto the American taxpayers.

I guess my question is: who is this business model excellent for?






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