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Things, That Surprisingly, You Discovered You Liked

Started by Camazotz Automat, April 25, 2012, 02:41:03 PM

The microwave oven blowing up - forcing me to actually cook. What I lose in time, I gain in better quality meals.

Though if a 1940s Barbara Hale showed up at my door brandishing an Amana Radar Range, I would go back to my microwave ways.


Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Grimace on May 27, 2012, 04:16:15 PM
Please don't hold it against me, but I really miss tripping. I only did acid a few times but indulged in the magic mushrooms anytime I could get my hands on them and never had one bad experience. I reminisce about carefree days when friends and I would eat mushrooms, smoke weed, share a couple 30 racks of beer, and watch taped episodes of the Simpsons back when the Simpsons were really good. But enough with my nostalgia, let's go back to the future...

Unexpectedly, with influence from my fiancee, I've gotten really into birdwatching. Now I can't imagine a time when I don't sit outside during a nice day and not mentally take note of all the birdsongs I'm hearing and what species are frequenting the backyard at that time of year. We'll also spend entire days out at some of the local nature preserves and state parks just to enjoy the suburban yet amazing fauna.
I'm glad to see another proponent of what Bill Hicks called "Great times on drugs". They're not for everyone, of course... but what is? The biggest waste cases and burn outs I knew were dreadful toads before they used. My only criticism of weed is that it slowed me a down a bit-mellowed me out, and made me too sociable...it made me a nice guy. That's the only ill effect.

          I live in the city, but only 500 feet or so from the Atlantic, and there's quite the ornithology farrago in my somewhat tiny(18 feet long, 12 feet wide) backyard. Tons of grackles,sparrows and pigeons. The occasional cardinal and blue jay. But at high tide the seagulls perch on my roof/telephone poles sending the smaller birds scattering. However, the seagulls get unnerved when the Canadian Geese fly in formation on their way to a local park. It's pretty interesting to observe...


I think somebody needs to experience bird watching..... on hallucinogenics.  One of my greatest trips involved finding one of those thousandleger millipede things on a floor while XTREMELY dosed out of my head and in between hours long guitar sessions...  The pattern on this thing's back was a thing of beauty... normally I wouldn't have noticed and quite possibly would have squashed the Lil sucker out right but at this moment I was getting the kaleidoscopic visuals so... It had to move before I squashed it.


I live in a very wooded area. Lots of rodents: squirrels, rabbits, beavers, an occasional fox and way way too many deer. With all those critters the owl, hawk and vulture population is on the rise. Not unusual to see a hawk on my back fence with a 5-6 foot wingspan.

As to LSD... boy that brings back the memories. Owsley Stanley, I am not sure how much of my fried brain I owe to him. In retrospect I wish I had left the stuff alone. I used to think I had gained a wider sense of understanding about the metaphysical/spiritual. Now I think I played a foolish/dangerous game with little upside.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 29, 2012, 01:24:00 PM
        I'm glad to see another proponent of what Bill Hicks called "Great times on drugs". They're not for everyone, of course... but what is? The biggest waste cases and burn outs I knew were dreadful toads before they used. My only criticism of weed is that it slowed me a down a bit-mellowed me out, and made me too sociable...it made me a nice guy. That's the only ill effect.

          I live in the city, but only 500 feet or so from the Atlantic, and there's quite the ornithology farrago in my somewhat tiny(18 feet long, 12 feet wide) backyard. Tons of grackles,sparrows and pigeons. The occasional cardinal and blue jay. But at high tide the seagulls perch on my roof/telephone poles sending the smaller birds scattering. However, the seagulls get unnerved when the Canadian Geese fly in formation on their way to a local park. It's pretty interesting to observe...

Awesome, sounds a lot like my backyard though at the moment there aren't any pigeons to be found on my street. I'm about 2.5 miles from some marshes that eventually lead out to the Atlantic myself, and I really enjoying seeing the ospreys, robins, herons, cormorants, ducks and hordes of "Canadian" geese that some consider a nuisance but I love. Like large gulls, they get really bold with people and I recently saw one C. goose who perhaps swigged back the remnants of a discarded liquor bottle by accident and totally charged/chased these teens on bikes straight out of the park. Incredible.

I totally agree drugs ain't for everyone but as far as the hallucinogens go, absolutely no regrets and I'd go shrooming again so long as I had a few days to myself and perhaps a weekend in the woods or something as well. What would also be important is to meet up with some of those irreplaceable old friends. Our nights "on the fringe" were always totally laid back without incident or anything obnoxious happening. A few times we'd let someone new into our little group of five or so and it could prove to be a nuisance, especially to me as someone who has little patience for high strung dweebs.

I haven't smoked weed in a little over a year, which is a damn shame. If I could choose one consumable vice, it'd be marijuana no question. Has always helped me sleep, kept me out of trouble, didn't negatively affect things like job or academic performance, hell... the only side effect was probably laziness and a room that wreaked of ganja. The only thing that's ever gotten me in trouble is booze, which paradoxically society accepts. Don't get me wrong, I think a good brew is the nectar of the gods, but the lowest moments in my life were always booze induced. I try to stay away from the hard stuff these days, though I might treat myself to a nice bottle of whiskey every now and  then.

As far as more things I surprised myself by liking... I guess Indian food in general fits into this category. I must've had a few lacking dishes years ago and always said the stuff wasn't for me, and damn how wrong I was.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on May 27, 2012, 07:08:48 PM
The microwave oven blowing up - forcing me to actually cook. What I lose in time, I gain in better quality meals.

Though if a 1940s Barbara Hale showed up at my door brandishing an Amana Radar Range, I would go back to my microwave ways.


Haha, I actually know a guy who still has one of those in his kitchen, among other retro appliances which I find nothing short of badass. He also has a mannequin collection, the 1976 Buick Skylark he bought new which he talks to as if sentient, and a "mail order" bride less than half his age who he met in Kiev. Guess it all makes sense, huh?


Quote from: Grimace on June 06, 2012, 08:00:52 PM
Haha, I actually know a guy who still has one of those in his kitchen, among other retro appliances which I find nothing short of badass. He also has a mannequin collection, the 1976 Buick Skylark he bought new which he talks to as if sentient, and a "mail order" bride less than half his age who he met in Kiev. Guess it all makes sense, huh?

You know Major Ed Dames?


Destination Truth. So it's a paranormal tv show except they have the stones to go out into ruins or the wild in the middle of the night looking for critters and supernatural. And the most impressive thing ... they've figured out how to get a broadcasting company to pay them to travel around the world. Genius!!!!


Gardening... I avoided it until buying my current house, which came with a beautiful garden.  Now that I'm giving it a go, I find it relaxing and enjoyable.


Art supplies from the General Pencil Company, specifically, the Peel & Sketch charcoal.


Shoot, I like all these things you all brought up, but growing a kitchen garden and learning how to can stuff keeps me occupied and happy. My fig produced it's first batch after 3 years and I got to eat a fig fresh from the tree. Holy cow.

Mind expansion aids takes me back to my college days, which were pretty experimental. I couldn't do that anymore - different baggage at this stage of life, but I admire Aldous Huxley for going out tripping. That took stones. I hope it was a good trip.

Eddie Coyle

     Jury Duty.

          First time I was called was in October 1995(13 days after OJ verdict and the day of the Million Man March). Absolutely loathed the prospect of it and was full of anxiety. And it was bad as I thought it would be...however the three times I've been called since have been actually not so horrible. Usually sent home by lunch time. My civic duty fulfilled, as I read books and napped.

           But here's the catch. Because of my real surname and the part of Boston I reside in having an awful rep, the defense attorneys automatically put in for my dismissal. But even better, because of the way I look, the prosecution agrees! So it's a no-lose scenario for me. I'll never be called to sit on a jury because both sides distrust me. Profiling working well for me.

         Once I did have a real itch to tell the defendant and his lawyer.."you know, we hate pigs more than spades, you blew it"...just as a mind-fuck.


Breaking Bad. Had a marathon Netflix watch from start to finish over the summer. Best show on tv.

HAL 9000

Quote from: UnscreenedCaller on August 26, 2012, 10:00:32 PMBreaking Bad. Had a marathon Netflix watch from start to finish over the summer. Best show on tv.

Agreed. I "discovered" it about three weeks ago, so I downloaded all the shows from seasons 1-4 in 1080p resolution (135GB worth) from the web (BR rips), and my dad and I would fit in 2-4 shows per night assuming no ballgame. Totally addicting. We're now caught up through this current season.


that reminds me the new one should be available for download nau!


Shooting.  I recently got into it.  The first time I went to the range, I thought I was going to be sick.  My stomach was doing flips.  After I fired my first round, I set the AR-15 down and didn't think I'd pick it back up again.  After being persuaded to give it another try, I felt more comfortable.  Soon after that, I was having a good time.  For a novice, I'm a pretty good shot with the AR-15 as well as handguns.   I never thought I'd appreciate revolvers, but I prefer the feel of a revolver over a semi-auto handgun.  I'm on the lookout for a nice 38 revolver now. 

My first trip to the range:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/ILoveKewpies/P7232880.jpg


Quote from: HorrorRetro on August 27, 2012, 06:17:17 PM
Shooting.  I recently got into it.  The first time I went to the range, I thought I was going to be sick.  My stomach was doing flips.  After I fired my first round, I set the AR-15 down and didn't think I'd pick it back up again.  After being persuaded to give it another try, I felt more comfortable.  Soon after that, I was having a good time.  For a novice, I'm a pretty good shot with the AR-15 as well as handguns.   I never thought I'd appreciate revolvers, but I prefer the feel of a revolver over a semi-auto handgun.  I'm on the lookout for a nice 38 revolver now. 

My first trip to the range:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/ILoveKewpies/P7232880.jpg

I have a Ruger SP-101. Very nice gun.


Quote from: stevesh on August 28, 2012, 03:26:55 AM
I have a Ruger SP-101. Very nice gun.

That does look nice.  I have really small hands.  I'm thinking of this Smith and Wesson Lady Smith.  Plus it would be small enough for concealed carry. http://tinyurl.com/8ysyxwo


Quote from: HorrorRetro on August 27, 2012, 06:17:17 PM
Shooting.  I recently got into it.  The first time I went to the range, I thought I was going to be sick.  My stomach was doing flips.  After I fired my first round, I set the AR-15 down and didn't think I'd pick it back up again.  After being persuaded to give it another try, I felt more comfortable.  Soon after that, I was having a good time.  For a novice, I'm a pretty good shot with the AR-15 as well as handguns.   I never thought I'd appreciate revolvers, but I prefer the feel of a revolver over a semi-auto handgun.  I'm on the lookout for a nice 38 revolver now. 

My first trip to the range:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/ILoveKewpies/P7232880.jpg
i'm really into the "naughty librarian" look you have there.  and that quasi-assault rifle really sets everything off.

call me.  tee hee.  ;)


Quote from: b_dubb on August 28, 2012, 10:16:57 AM
i'm really into the "naughty librarian" look you have there.  and that quasi-assault rifle really sets everything off.

call me.  tee hee.  ;)

Ha!  I did get a ration of shit for wearing polka dots to the range, but I never put much though into what I was supposed to wear.  ;D



Quote from: HorrorRetro on August 27, 2012, 06:17:17 PM
Shooting.  I recently got into it.  The first time I went to the range, I thought I was going to be sick.  My stomach was doing flips.  After I fired my first round, I set the AR-15 down and didn't think I'd pick it back up again.  After being persuaded to give it another try, I felt more comfortable.  Soon after that, I was having a good time.  For a novice, I'm a pretty good shot with the AR-15 as well as handguns.   I never thought I'd appreciate revolvers, but I prefer the feel of a revolver over a semi-auto handgun.  I'm on the lookout for a nice 38 revolver now. 

My first trip to the range:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/ILoveKewpies/P7232880.jpg


Jeez. You're making this "old" married woman blush.  But it's nice to encounter guys who aren't afraid to compliment a woman.  These days, it seems, men can be charged with a hate crime for opening a door for a woman.  Ironically, my 18th wedding anniversary will be on 12/21/12, the end of the Mayan calendar :o


She's married and packin heat yall step off!! lol


i can see the headline now ...


sub title for article ... "OUCH!"



I wish I was packing a few years back.  It was Halloween night, and I picked up my girlfriend so we could go ghost hunting in a little cemetery.  This was up in Fairbanks, Alaska, by the way.  We were going to try to get some EVPs lol.  So we're sitting there in the parking lot talking about what we're going to do when we get in there.  A car pulls up a few spots down and a guy gets out.  He stands there looking into the cemetery.  We glanced at him and went back to our discussion.  I glanced up again and saw he was wanking off!  Wanking off while looking into the cemetery!   :o  WTF? 

He then sees us looking at him, and he starts to walk to my car while in mid-wank.   Well, I'm a pretty cool customer, so as I'm looking at him, I casually reach down and grab my camera.  When he's in range, I start to take full flash pics of him and his noodle.  He was shocked as hell.   He jumped into his truck and tried to take off, but I pulled in front of him to take a pic of his license plate. 

He booked out of there, but I decided to follow him.  Fairbanks is a very small town.  I chased him around downtown, going the wrong way on a one-way on black ice.  It was crazy, I'll admit it, but I was pissed.   I thought what if this freak approached my daughter and her friends?  With how casual he was about it, you know it was not the first time he'd done it.  Anyway, I chased his ass to his house and then drove the 2 blocks to the police station. 

We told the cops what happened, gave them the flash card to d/l the pics, and gave them his address. Within an hour, he was in a line up for us to identify.  Last I heard, he pled down to some ridiculous charge.  Turns out he was the son of "VIPs" in town.   ::)  Guess it's okay to wank off in public if your parents buy the town a ball field.


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