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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Heather Wade

Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on July 12, 2015, 06:34:17 PM
Did Jorch tell Knapp to go pout in the corner too?

No, but that I'd pay to hear.


Nbirnes and RoseGirl weekend hosts.  It was me but I can't spell host


Quote from: (Redacted) on July 12, 2015, 06:35:38 PM

No, but that I'd pay to hear.

Me too. How about premrat told Jorch to go work for Church


Quote from: weeberwubber on July 12, 2015, 06:44:27 PM

Oh man, that would be crazy good!


Or maybe both as co-hosts.


Quote from: gabrielle on July 12, 2015, 04:53:51 PM
Yes, I fear what the next generation will have to deal with.
It is the sun.... Some of us predicted this exact change in weather because that is what happened during previous grand solar minimums.
The change we have seen is due to a change in jet stream pattern/circulation system and that change is exactly opposite of what the mdoels showed global warming would do. This change in jet stream behaviour causes more extremes on both ends of the scale.
Here in Norway we have hardly had any summer at all and sudden snowfall in middle of summer. Even the areas of Europe that has been having heatwaves in last few weeks are seeing big variations. The same areas that was in middle of a heatwave now is experiencing frost in middle of july.

This will only get worse over the coming years since it now seems like we will experence a long period of even further dips in solar activity like seen during the little ice age and global temps will probably start dropping within 10 years as well even though they are still high.

Ms. C

Quote from: chefist on July 12, 2015, 06:24:33 PM
Art Bell, "The Art of Radio (Teasing)"...

Can't wait to find out what it is, Art!

What a tease!  Does Jaz know since its tomorrow for him already?


Quote from: Ms. C on July 12, 2015, 07:00:06 PM

What a tease!  Does Jaz know since its tomorrow for him already?

It's only 11am. Future Art hasn't made the announcement yet. ;)


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on July 12, 2015, 04:30:27 PM
You know, I have listened to the Caravan to Midnight show lately and have actually enjoyed John B Wells's effort there. Granted, I got to choose what I listened to and avoided the bullshit peddler guests.

Per your voice similarity comment, I did catch one thing while watching.... he sure looks a lot like Art back in the 90s. I nearly had to do a doubletake.

John Wells does indeed remind me of Art too, but not in voice similarities. He reminds me of the interview style because he actually pays attention and asks pointed questions.

I'd love to see JBW induct Art into the Ark Knights.


Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 04:46:34 PM
Who knows for sure why but unless you are blind I don't even think it's worth a debate anymore, of course it's changing and faster then you think, we are boiling crabs. If we don't get rain soon part of the American Southwest will have to be abandoned. My Wife is from a Island Nation, ask anybody there.


well, NOAA is predicting a particularly strong el nino to last thru next spring which will hopefully help CA out.

things can change quickly...texas was in a ten year megadrought, and that got fixed by a couple weeks of rain in May:



Quote from: chefist on July 12, 2015, 06:24:33 PM
Art Bell, "The Art of Radio (Teasing)"....now let the speculation begin! I go first, RCH versus George Noory in an Octagon Cage Grudge Match!

Can't wait to find out what it is, Art!

Dave gets choked out in first round.

Quote from: jazmunda on July 12, 2015, 06:31:56 PM
Weekend host?

Knapp?  LMH?  or  ??


Quote from: serenity on July 12, 2015, 06:36:29 PM
Nbirnes and RoseGirl weekend hosts.  It was me but I can't spell host

Hmm...    And Redacted??


Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 06:21:40 PM
Big news coming Tomorrow!



I sent you some info about the reddit AMA


Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 06:21:40 PM
Big news coming Tomorrow!

Will the news be one of the big SHOCKS you said were coming?

Quote from: (Redacted) on July 12, 2015, 06:35:38 PM

No, but that I'd pay to hear.


Id pay to hear Knapp tell Jorch to kick rocks, and "I quit!"


Quote from: NW Kro͞oˈsādər on July 12, 2015, 08:38:52 PM

Id pay to hear Knapp tell Jorch to kick rocks, and "I quit!"
Maybe that will happen if Noory & Tommy insist that Knapp plug onair the stupid Paranormal Date venture like the other weekend guest hosts agreed to do?  8)

Quote from: slippingaway on July 12, 2015, 07:03:09 PM
John Wells does indeed remind me of Art too, but not in voice similarities. He reminds me of the interview style because he actually pays attention and asks pointed questions.

I'd love to see JBW induct Art into the Ark Knights.

Yeah, great idea. Maybe John B. "Douchebag" Wells can come on Art's show with some of his turd guests who say that Sandy Hook was a false flag, and never happened, and the memory of all those poor kids can be insulted on Art's new show. Yeah, that would be just great. John B. Wells is a fucking piece of shit, brain-dead motherfucker who needs to go back to Fort Worth, because the dumb-ass shit he peddles only flies in places like that, where a wheelbarrow is considered a complicated piece of machinery. Hopefully all them rednecks can use them wheelbarrows as shields when the government invades them in a few weeks. Yee-haw!

John B. Wells has the distinction of being the only host on Coast who is even worse, and even more dangerously stupid, than Jorch.


Become a Time Traveler now or you are directly responsible for making Art's cats sad you heartless bastards.

Art Bell

No, the shock is still a way out there, Tomorrow is just something very cool.



So anyone who questions Sandy Hook is a douchebag???

  I do not know what happened at Sandy Hook, I do not know if it was a false flag with children killed or not killed, or if it happened similarly as reported by mainstream media.  I have investigated it, and I will continue to investigate it, as at the very least it seems there is very much lying and deception (for who knows what reason).

Just because children were killed, may have been killed, or have been portrayed to be killed does not mean you should not investigate this event.  If we are getting 95% of the truth on this event and only 5% lies, does that not warrant investigation?  If you investigate this you will see inconsistencies and dishonesty in some of those involved in the events surrounding it.  Do your own research and form your own opinion. 

Question everything, and have your own opinion.  Independent thought is not a crime.


Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 09:07:34 PM
No, the shock is still a way out there, Tomorrow is just something very cool.



Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 09:07:34 PM
No, the shock is still a way out there, Tomorrow is just something very cool.


Hope you don't mean the kill shot Art.... :)


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on July 12, 2015, 08:58:28 PM
Yeah, great idea. Maybe John B. "Douchebag" Wells can come on Art's show with some of his turd guests who say that Sandy Hook was a false flag, and never happened, and the memory of all those poor kids can be insulted on Art's new show. Yeah, that would be just great. John B. Wells is a fucking piece of shit, brain-dead motherfucker who needs to go back to Fort Worth, because the dumb-ass shit he peddles only flies in places like that, where a wheelbarrow is considered a complicated piece of machinery. Hopefully all them rednecks can use them wheelbarrows as shields when the government invades them in a few weeks. Yee-haw!

John B. Wells has the distinction of being the only host on Coast who is even worse, and even more dangerously stupid, than Jorch.
Haha. Yeah. Though, I wonder, you have no problem with other Art guests and shows? Like cancer cures (cancer kills a lot more than gunman nutjobs,) OKC bombing (killed more than goth freak school shooters,) TWA flight 800 (killed more than Sandyhook autistic killer?) If the problem is the HOST, I tend to agree with you, but on the subject matter? Come on. Let us not pretend that Art back in the day didn't have some conspiracies or outright frauds on. But they were still good shows due to questioning and the host. There have been worse subjects/guests/callers with Art in the past. So Sandyhook is a personal affront (fine, I understand) but those other theories (and many others) are personal to other people- but they got aired (heck, you think the Kennedys enjoy those shows?) I agree that Art shouldn't go the "new direction" with all-conspiracy, all-the-time (or the health crap) but whatever direction he wishes to take the new show. And I hope it includes some conspiracy and paranormal, and even some politics, as he did in the past. Hell, he was able to make quack medicine experts a fun show (unlike Norry does today.) But I'm wanting to "take a ride" in whatever direction he takes it.....

Quote from: deadmeow on July 12, 2015, 09:08:36 PM
So anyone who questions Sandy Hook is a douchebag???

  I do not know what happened at Sandy Hook, I do not know if it was a false flag with children killed or not killed, or if it happened similarly as reported by mainstream media.  I have investigated it, and I will continue to investigate it, as at the very least it seems there is very much lying and deception (for who knows what reason).

Just because children were killed, may have been killed, or have been portrayed to be killed does not mean you should not investigate this event.  If we are getting 95% of the truth on this event and only 5% lies, does that not warrant investigation?  If you investigate this you will see inconsistencies and dishonesty in some of those involved in the events surrounding it.  Do your own research and form your own opinion. 

Question everything, and have your own opinion.  Independent thought is not a crime.

If you are questioning whether Sandy Hook really happened or not, then your grey matter could never be accused of engaging in very much "thought."  Keep on ridin' that jackass to the Caravan at Midnight.


Quote from: jazmunda on July 12, 2015, 09:07:06 PM
Become a Time Traveler now or you are directly responsible for making Art's cats sad you heartless bastards.

hahahahahahaha awesome


Ok so I think it's safe to announce that Art has agreed to do a reddit AMA on the Paranormal subreddit.

Art Bell reddit AMA
When: Tuesday, July 14th, at 3:30 pm Pacific/ 6:30 pm EDT
from r/Paranormal

How: register for reddit to participate if you don't already have an account here

WHAT BELLGAB CAN DO: It would be a huge help if bellgabbers who are familiar with reddit and it's quirkiness please go to various relevant sub reddits and promote the Art Bell AMA on r/Paranormal
It would be a huge help to make sure it reaches all of the fans that I'm sure would love to participate in this. Thank you in advance for your help.


Quote from: bateman on July 12, 2015, 09:14:42 PM
hahahahahahaha awesome
Become a Time Traveler or we'll shoot this dog cat. (Credit to National Lampoon's mag gimmick back when.)

Quote from: albrecht on July 12, 2015, 09:10:10 PM
Haha. Yeah. Though, I wonder, you have no problem with other Art guests and shows? Like cancer cures (cancer kills a lot more than gunman nutjobs,) OKC bombing (killed more than goth freak school shooters,) TWA flight 800 (killed more than Sandyhook autistic killer?) If the problem is the HOST, I tend to agree with you, but on the subject matter? Come on. Let us not pretend that Art back in the day didn't have some conspiracies or outright frauds on. But they were still good shows due to questioning and the host. There have been worse subjects/guests/callers with Art in the past. So Sandyhook is a personal affront (fine, I understand) but those other theories (and many others) are personal to other people- but they got aired (heck, you think the Kennedys enjoy those shows?) I agree that Art shouldn't go the "new direction" with all-conspiracy, all-the-time (or the health crap) but whatever direction he wishes to take the new show. And I hope it includes some conspiracy and paranormal, and even some politics, as he did in the past. Hell, he was able to make quack medicine experts a fun show (unlike Norry does today.) But I'm wanting to "take a ride" in whatever direction he takes it.....

Yeah, I have a big problem with some of those other subjects. And I know perfectly well that Art has had lots of those types of frauds on. Heck he even had that known fraud Jonathan Reed on Dark Matter, for some reason. And I'm not a big Art fan-boy who's salivating for his return, like some people. I might listen, I might not. He is a better interviewer than Jorch, I will admit.  And I have a cursory interest in some of the subjects. You won't find me defending Art Bell in any of my posts though. He's done plenty of shady things too. Like selling all that Y2K crap. If I remember correctly he did a good job of building up the Y2k hysteria, helping sell all of that garbage. Whatever, IMHO, none of it is as bad as John B. "Douchebag" Wells, trying to find his own conspiracy niche, and boost ratings with nutcases, by having Sandy Hook deniers on his show. John B. Wells is pond scum.

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