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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.

It is a wonderful vision for now and the future.  Thank you for sharing it with us.  I love radio, but I listen to shows on the internet and rarely, these days, listen to local radio stations.  The internet gives us choice.  If not for the internet, I wouldn't be able to listen to your old shows right now.  With your new show, the future will be here....


Quote from: morgana213 on March 15, 2015, 09:19:41 PM
It is a wonderful vision for now and the future.  Thank you for sharing it with us.  I love radio, but I listen to shows on the internet and rarely, these days, listen to local radio stations.  The internet gives us choice.  If not for the internet, I wouldn't be able to listen to your old shows right now.  With your new show, the future will be here....

Well spoken!  I didn't listen to talk radio till someone introduced me to the Art Bell program. I actually had to buy a radio to listen at home. Art Bell introduced to me the magic that I've seen on old shows in which people gathered around the radio for entertainment. It's fair to say that I would do what was necessary to not miss an Art Bell program and I really like the concept of Live, 5 days /week.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


This is great. It's true...no one knows what to do and everyone is too scared to try something new or truly adapt. Art, you're the man for the job.

Art, in addition to skype, and land line as ways for the audience to engage with the show have you considered using Facebook comments and Tweets as well? Maybe you have done this already, I can't remember...


Would it not be cool if we got #artbell trending worldwide, every night?

Quote from: jimg on March 15, 2015, 10:07:40 PM
Would it not be cool if we got #artbell trending worldwide, every night?
Good idea but that is rough. I am really worried about getting enough exposure for the show. It will not work right with a small caller base.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on March 15, 2015, 10:09:12 PM
Good idea but that is rough. I am really worried about getting enough exposure for the show. It will not work right with a small caller base.

I guess I'm a Glass half full kind of guy. Go big or go home. (How many more cliche phrases need I make?)


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


I just pictured an Indian in a rickshaw listening to Midnight in the Desert. Morning commute maybe?


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
...Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.


Um, hello-oh, Timmy Chuuch...  ;)

Heather Wade

Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


This is my excited face.


Art, please forgive me if this has been addressed or asked already, but I remember you having a hard time with cell phone callers on DM.  What exactly was the issue with the cell phones, and do you anticipate it being much of a problem when people use them to call your new show?


I like the idea of an app for the show that will alert you when it's live on air and have a button that will dial the number for you. I do wonder how many prank calls or hang ups will come through if all you have to do is push a button though, hahaha.


Quote from: basswood on March 15, 2015, 10:19:23 PM
Um, hello-oh, Timmy Chuuch...  ;)
Like Art said "...nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show."

There are many posers who think they only have to copy Art's techniques to be successful. They lack the creativity to come up with their own ideas. Even with the many choices of paranormal talk radio, the subject is stale.  We need new topics, new information, presented with Art's wit and intelligence.  He is the ultimate interviewer.  That's why I'm listening to his old shows, rather than new shows regurgitating the same old shit.*

*With the exception of Bateman...of course.   ;D


Quote from: (Redacted) on March 15, 2015, 02:45:22 PM
Followed by the sound of a cat falling down Mel's Hole, followed by the sound of Bigfoot screaming in the forest.

oh man, i remember that show where he played that, i was laughing so hard


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


I believe you're right Art.. Look what the smartphone has done to digital cameras. Radio is next.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 02:44:50 PM
Yes, Skype as well as land line

Google+ allows people to make free long distance calls which is the only reason to use it. I take it video chat will be fun because I seem to recall Dave taking Skype calls once, and getting some naked dude... or something.


Quote from: Surmo on March 15, 2015, 09:18:33 PM
Art, like Rush, has a track record of creating a revolution in listening habits.  Let's see if he can do it again........

Rush is a Tool! A mean spirited tool with no talent except inventing division among people. He is a disgusting human that thrives on hate and division...wake up people! Most of you know this already, I'm sure...most likely preaching to the choir.

I know art thinks he has talent...which makes me sad and conflicted, but oh well...I'll still listen to Art. Always have, always will.

Art doesn't speak hate...he doesn't speak vitriol...fuck the left right thing...let's all be humans...on one planet trying to communicate and listen to each other together...we don't need the hate! Rush only brings the hate and the disgusting side of humanity!

It takes zero talent to cater to the lowest denominator of people's humanity...

But, it actually takes talent to elevate people's humanity.

Quote from: jimg on March 15, 2015, 10:07:40 PM
Would it not be cool if we got #artbell trending worldwide, every night?

On Twitter there are cooldown periods for tags and phrases after they've trended. When a tag or phrase is constant it does not trend at all after a certain point. For example, if anything could trend at anytime things like meal names 'breakfast' 'dinner' and popular everyday things like coffee would literally never leave the list.

Best to get something trending here and there at certain junctures to raise awareness otherwise you run the risk of turning it into a ghost.


Ok let's run down what we know so far based on Art's hints.

MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT (god, I love that name)

9pm-12am eastern

5 days a week

Possible weekend shows with a second host!?

Live Internet streaming for FREE

podcast subscription service

Didn't say it wouldn't be on AM Radio.....

Questions to be answered

1. What company, cumulus? Some Canadian company?
2. Please God tell us you didn't sign a non compete?
3. Who owns the show, you Art or the company?
4. What can we do to help?
5. Graham Hancock is the first guest, right? Pretty please?

Did I miss anything?


Quote from: SaucyRossy on March 16, 2015, 02:03:04 AM
Ok let's run down what we know so far based on Art's hints.

MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT (god, I love that name)

9pm-12am eastern pacific

5 days a week YESSSSS!!!!!

Possible weekend shows with a second host!?

Live Internet streaming for FREE

podcast subscription service

Didn't say it wouldn't be on AM Radio.....

Questions to be answered

1. What company, cumulus? Some Canadian company? Could be internet based
2. Please God tell us you didn't sign a non compete? Unknown
3. Who owns the show, you Art or the company? Unknown
4. What can we do to help? Buy a subscription AND plug the show on social media in the great Blitz of 2015
5. Graham Hancock is the first guest, right? Pretty please? First show possibly Open Lines

Did I miss anything?

Fixed and answered in Bold


Quote from: Redwolf on March 16, 2015, 12:22:18 AM
Rush is a Tool! A mean spirited tool with no talent except inventing division among people. He is a disgusting human that thrives on hate and division...wake up people! Most of you know this already, I'm sure...most likely preaching to the choir.

I know art thinks he has talent...which makes me sad and conflicted, but oh well...I'll still listen to Art. Always have, always will.

Art doesn't speak hate...he doesn't speak vitriol...fuck the left right thing...let's all be humans...on one planet trying to communicate and listen to each other together...we don't need the hate! Rush only brings the hate and the disgusting side of humanity!

It takes zero talent to cater to the lowest denominator of people's humanity...

But, it actually takes talent to elevate people's humanity.

Well said, Redwolf, well said.

Quote from: Redwolf on March 16, 2015, 12:22:18 AM
Rush is a Tool! A mean spirited tool with no talent except inventing division among people. He is a disgusting human that thrives on hate and division...wake up people! Most of you know this already, I'm sure...most likely preaching to the choir.

That sounds pretty hateful to me.


Glad to hear there is some radio planned in addition to the net stuff.  I love to listen live, but with two little kids who wake up (I have my own BM's to monitor myself), and a business to run, sometimes it's just not possible.  I'll definitely subscribe to the podcast too, Art.

Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


I'm not here to make political points but Mark Levin streams his latest show for 24 hours on his app and website. He seems to be a bit ahead of the game. Most traditional talk show hosts haven't grasped the technology yet but he has and its all free.  He uses bumper music and most of it comes from the original recordings by the original artists though a few like My Girl are obviously later remakes.  I'm not sure what the deal is there.

You might want to look at his model. He must have a special deal with Cumulus who he is under contract with.  Maybe you can get the same deal or something close to it.

I know the last thing I want you to do is sign a contract with the damn clause that prevents you from broadcasting for years. So don't do that.


Quote from: Pam J on March 14, 2015, 04:03:17 AM
That comment is SO sarcastic.  Get over it DF.  I mean WTF, I threw a question to Art and so many got up on their high fucking horses.  I could have quoted many so please don't get all shitty about it.  I picked yours  cause it's just so laced with ass kissing.  Art could easily cut off the diarrhea mouths if he liked.

The problem was you were so pushy over it(acting like a pushy girlfriend)--that's why you got a reaction.  I'm over it if you are.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 02:28:38 PM
As far as the Internet part of what I will be doing it will simply be a LIVE show from 9PM- 12 AM 5 days a Week. Yes there will be a app (also free)


So Art--are you hinting you will have a radio part too?


Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Here is what I truly think, it has not yet dawned on a lot of Broadcasters that the Internet offers a much better chance to reach far more people then Radio. It's just a matter of time and not much of it at that. Almost everybody has a smart phone now and if somebody like myself or any other good Talent runs a live Talk Show as a Free stream it may take some time but it will draw a very large number of listener's. The model of doing a one hour Podcast and throwing it up for Download will not work well, it has to be live like Radio. Nobody of any real weight has put up a live free show.

The shares for AM Radio are getting so low that many smaller stations are starting to throw in the towel and going off the air. Music stations including FM are now being replaced by the Pandora's of the World. Talk as of yet has not really done it, I intend to change that.

A one hour Podcast once a Week does not do the job, to build a audiance you need LIVE and it has to be there at least 5 Days a Week to build listening habits, the same rules that did govern success on Radio apply to streaming, it's just that people are not observing those rules on the net, they think it's not ready, they are wrong. Just consider its like almost everybody is walking around with a radio on their belt or pocketbook....but it's a smart Phone, it a huge untapped market for live Talk not just in the U.S. But Worldwide. I lived in Manila and everybody there had one in their hand. The potential is off the scale. Anyway I love new stuff.


I totally agree with this. I think one thing that we need to expect is a HUGE downturn in open line callers. Especially at the start.

Personally, I'd like to see you have a backup host. Maybe they do Fridays, or holidays etc.... Let it be known that they may do your show from time to time for whatever reason. This way, if you take off a night due to a bad batch of Pizza Punch, or some KetoSlim that doesn't agree with you, there won't be calls of "Art quit again!"


Quote from: popple on March 15, 2015, 02:40:54 PM
+1 for Vikings . It's one of the few shows I follow & I don't watch it on TV. I also heard about it online first. Internet has pretty much replaced traditional TV+Radio for me.

+2 Vikings is a really good show.  Bloody, fun and intense...very well acted with nice production.

No Quarter

Quote from: Art Bell on March 15, 2015, 02:54:56 PM

                                BM Radio is coming!

I don't know - listening to all of the drivel being broadcast nowadays, it seems like BM Radio is already here    :-\

Oh....you meant Baby Monitor Radio....crap, my bad...  ::)

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