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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 25, 2013, 12:38:22 PM

What was his prediction?
What Morgus said.
He did hit the location pretty much where it happened. I haven't had my 36oz of Red Bull yet so I can't recall full details, but I did put some time looking in to this one prediction of his.
Also, I have to hold up there in the top tier of Dames flamers on here, so don't read me the wrong way on this one please.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 25, 2013, 12:47:06 PM
  He's a complete fraud - they all are.
I'd agree that quite a few, if not most are. But I do feel that there are some legitimate ones as well.
I also think that by the time they are discharged, most are pretty much fucked in the head from what they endured/experienced/saw while serving.


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 24, 2013, 01:50:26 PM
Last Active: March 06, 2013, 11:34:18 PM
He hasn't even logged in here except to check out how we were reading his facebook drama bullshit and that was over two months ago. I feel so played, do you?


You don't have to log in to read this site, though...

Edited to add: facebook does indeed suck.


Quote from: Morgus on May 25, 2013, 12:39:55 PM
Dames years ago remote viewed a disaster in Japan with earthquake affecting a nuclear reactor, but saw it coming in 2007 or so...

Oh puh-lease!

Japan is notorious for earthquakes and they have nuke plants. Put the two together and you will eventually get a disaster.

If you throw enough shit around you will eventually get a nice, juicy, steaming pile to stick.

He's a fraud. Plain and simple.

Quote from: jazmunda on May 25, 2013, 10:11:30 PM
He's a fraud. Plain and simple.
I'm still sticking to my guns and saying he nailed Fukushima. Ya, they have a lot of reactors there, but not many N/E of Tokyo.


Just read back about 6 pages and saw Art's note.  Makes me sad.   :(   

Too bad, I was having fantasies of a new show where Art plays the "Bosley" to the old crews of Paranormal Fact or Faked and Destination Truth as his paranormal "Charlie's Angels".

Just...something.  Anything.  The comments about Art pulling fast one, using the threat of a new show to start a kerfuffle and run away with dough because of it are not convincing.  I just don't see that as a plausible m.o.


Quote from: Morgus on May 25, 2013, 12:39:55 PM
Dames years ago remote viewed a disaster in Japan with earthquake affecting a nuclear reactor, but saw it coming in 2007 or so...

I was thinking he called it for ~2004.  Its an old trick though.  That plant was slated to be closed long before the accident happened but the power company kept it up and running.  There was a lot of hub-bub about it in Japan.  Long before the quake people were saying that keeping the plant open would increase the risk of it being destroyed if a quake were to occur. Dames, more than likely, had read something about it in the Far Eastern Economic Review or something and then 'RV'd' it.

Its like when S.D. Morton predicts earthquakes....  if anyone notices he will predict a quake in the general area of all major hotspots around the world - and then when one (eventually) happens he can claim he called it ignoring the 20 other misses he also called.


Quote from: Lunger on May 26, 2013, 05:35:47 AM
...when one (eventually) happens he can claim he called it ignoring the 20 other misses he also called.

That's exactly it.

Quote from: MV on May 20, 2013, 09:44:09 PM

yeah, as a man, i think he's just shit for leaving his previous kids in the lurch like that.  true, i don't know the whole family story... but it's hard to imagine any circumstances in which i, as a father, could ignore human lives i created.  how could any kind of man not seek to improve the lives of his own children if he has the means?

edit:  about 5 years ago, around the time of the article exposing art's (non) relationship with his children, i was exchanging emails with his son, vincent.  he wanted to come on my podcast and talk about his dad, but i never went ahead with it because i thought it would be really uncomfortable and awkward.  i mean, wtf kind of business did i have being inserted into something like that?  so he never came on, i lost contact with him, and who knows what he's up to now.  what i do know, however, is that vincent and his sister hold their father in total contempt and view him as a complete narcissist who never lifted a finger for them.

This is why I respect Rush for never having kids. At least he knows he's too much of a self-obsessed narcissist to ever do justice to raising a family.

Quote from: MV on May 20, 2013, 09:56:21 AM

if it keeps him from dying alone and miserable in his trailer, i say fine.  we all have our differing approaches to making our way in this world.

I'll never be one to begrudge an old man a young piece of tail. Lord knows women don't really care how old the guy is, any man who knows anything knows that's not what makes 'em tick.

Quote from: HorrorRetro on May 21, 2013, 09:36:56 PM

I encountered that in other sociology classes.  I can only read so much Engels and Marx before wanting to slit my own throat.  Originally, I was pretty put off by the theme of this class.  As I got into it, I found it quite interesting and couldn't disagree with a lot of what was covered.  There were some wacky theories as well but, overall, the class was pretty good.

My sum total of sociology experience was the last 45 minutes of the first day of a class I was late for. The professor had one of the hot chicks who was wearing a very short skirt stand up for some inane reason, it was patently obvious to me he simply wanted to get a better look. Turns out he required attendance, I was an engineering student with a full load, I didn't have time for that shit in a throwaway class.

I am listening to last Saturday's broadcast of Future Theater with Bill & Nancy Birnes.  Bill mentioned that he would be on C2C with George Knapp on Sunday.  Nancy then rehashes their being "fired" by Noory while working on his latest book. 
Nancy says that what Noory did to them was a "real cleaver in the back." She then says "We have to get Art Bell on our show.  I have a real feeling that we have a lot in common and he will come on if he knows." (i.e. knows that Noory used and abused the Birnes like he did Art).
Bill agrees that Art probably does have a similar opinion of Noory.  He says that he will try to get with Art and invite him on Future Theater.
Probably nothing will happen but I will try to keep you up to date with what the Birnes have to say.


This is strange.  I am listening to Graham Hancock, but at the top of the hour, I got the inspiration that Art needs to Talk  Remember the Art of Talk Art?  My sense was maybe he could be interviewed by the Striebers on Dreamland.  He should be comfortable talking in that forum.
I get up to post and read this one.  It was my suspicion that that was why Birnes was on with George Knapp instead of Noory.  Yes, that is another outlet that Art could be interviewed in.  My question is is this show available to listen to this show on? I would like to hear that segment.


Quote from: Meanandnasty on May 29, 2013, 02:22:49 AM
This is strange.  I am listening to Graham Hancock, but at the top of the hour, I got the inspiration that Art needs to Talk  Remember the Art of Talk Art?  My sense was maybe he could be interviewed by the Striebers on Dreamland.  He should be comfortable talking in that forum.
I get up to post and read this one.  It was my suspicion that that was why Birnes was on with George Knapp instead of Noory.  Yes, that is another outlet that Art could be interviewed in.  My question is is this show available to listen to this show on? I would like to hear that segment.

The Barnes' show, Future Theater. is available through the Inception Radio Network but you will have to subscribe to the network for about $5 per month.

The address: http://inceptionradionetwork.com/archives/

I listen to their Saturday show later in the week.  The $5 fee will also get you access to the other shows on the network as well and they are displayed on the page.  They usually have a pretty good show.  The clip about Art Bell is in the first segment of the May 25 show at about the 5 minute mark (?) right before they take their first break.  There is always lots of talk about their publication UFO Magazine.

Quote from: Meanandnasty on May 29, 2013, 02:22:49 AM
This is strange.  I am listening to Graham Hancock, but at the top of the hour, I got the inspiration that Art needs to Talk  Remember the Art of Talk Art?  My sense was maybe he could be interviewed by the Striebers on Dreamland.  He should be comfortable talking in that forum.
I get up to post and read this one.  It was my suspicion that that was why Birnes was on with George Knapp instead of Noory.  Yes, that is another outlet that Art could be interviewed in.  My question is is this show available to listen to this show on? I would like to hear that segment.


you can try the CKNW audio vault for free.  http://www.cknw.com/news/audiovault/index.aspx.  I think that interview was on Friday so you'll have to try May 25th, 1:00 am when they start broadcasting the program.  Maybe 2 or 3 am for the interview with Birnes.  The audio vault only goes back 10 days so don't wait too long.

My mistake.  It's May 27th 3:00 am for Knapp-Birnes.


oh  I love SPAGGETT!!!!MV is my true dad


Please post any interactions from the King of Nye - Facebook posts etc

Its not really stalking, just love the man


Quote from: El Bee on May 30, 2013, 04:00:23 PM
Please post any interactions from the King of Nye - Facebook posts etc

Its not really stalking, just love the man

Art poked me once.

My autographed copies of The Art of Talk and certificate of authenticity that came with the CD-ROM of his old website. That's about the closest I've gotten I guess to actually meeting him.


The old website seemed so cool to me. Am I the only person who would actually visit it every day to see the updates? Or spend a lot of time browsing through the old pages? Of course, when Noory took over it immediately became bland and uninteresting.


Quote from: Digitech on June 02, 2013, 10:29:33 AM
The old website seemed so cool to me. Am I the only person who would actually visit it every day to see the updates? Or spend a lot of time browsing through the old pages? Of course, when Noory took over it immediately became bland and uninteresting.

You can relive snippets from those halcyon days here: http://web.archive.org/web - just type in artbell.com and click the TAKE ME BACK button.


Thanks for fucking us all over Art.

You $old us down the river to PremRat.

Coast is dead.


I don't think even Art could have seen coming what has happened with Coast. Snoory has been more self destructive in my mind as a replacement host of a show than any other on radio or TV. But then again there's only so much I think we can expect outa somebody who never really made a tremendously popular and successful show what it was to continue on it's legacy just as good as their predecessor. In the end, I think it all comes down to the producers, directors, and all the other suits who make the final decisions that can really screw things up. A best example is the Tonight Show. Nobody ever could match the type of popular legendary host that Johnny Carson was, but Leno has managed to be successful in his own right and keep NBC at the #1 spot in late night talk shows. However the dumbass executives that have continuously ran NBC into the ground for the past 5 years have decided twice over that Leno's not good enough and wanna shake things up again. It's the typical life story of network television and radio. So again, don't go blamin Art for all the reason's why C2C's in the toilet. It's the bullshit that Snoory's been producin over the past 10 years that's flushin it down it!

"We don't have much depth." -Art Bell (This quote I don't think could ring any truer than it does right now!)


Art himself has said he hates what the show has become. It's not really Art's fault that Noory is a moron.


Art CHOSE Noory. He could have put a tiny bit of effort in and insisted to have one of his guys host, like knapp, punnet, strieber, whoever.


Quote from: El Bee on June 05, 2013, 04:59:46 PM
Art CHOSE Noory. He could have put a tiny bit of effort in and insisted to have one of his guys host, like knapp, punnet, strieber, whoever.
Not possible.  Art chose to sell the show to Cheap Channel - a very large corporation.  Suits hired Noory.


The show has sucked for a decade. No reason to get upset over it now.


To me no one cares about their pet project like the person that started it.  Noory did not have build C2C from the ground up and it shows.


the Coast mock funeral has been proposed in other threads. but as MV pointed out this web site is an ongoing funeral/wake for Coast. where the hell is the bar. I need a drink

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