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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: morphiaflow on August 01, 2013, 01:52:58 PMI also dropped him a warning about the stalkerish nature of a certain Scorpion general, which he acknowledged.
That General promoted four of us to Generals here a while back. Let's keep our Generals straight here  :D


Quote from: Usagi on August 01, 2013, 02:00:23 PM

....And it's not even because it would be a little kick in the balls to Dave (okay, the moniker has grown on me - it's like a badge of hater honor), but rather because I genuinely would like Knapp to host on the weekends.  Here's hoping.

Absolutely.  And I recommend using "Dave" often.  We know how much Dave Noorie loves "Thuh Haterz" for spelling his name correctly. ;)


I noticed Keith Rowland at the artbell.com twitter page tweeted this early this morning:
ArtBell.Com ‏@ArtBellCom
I will check into BellGab from time to time.

Quote from: Max_TO on August 01, 2013, 03:09:56 PM
I sent Ian Punnett a tweet asking him his thoughts on Art's return and if Ian would be listening to Art's new show and his responce was ....
" I'm a longtime subscriber to XM/Sirius. I wish Art Bell success and I commend his decision to not go head-to-head with George Noory."
Eh, well, least he had the balls enough to write you back...unlike that Norri fucker.


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on August 01, 2013, 03:58:21 PM
That General promoted four of us to Generals here a while back. Let's keep our Generals straight here  :D

Would that make him Field Marshal?  I'm still just a raggedy camp follower...

I feel bad mostly for my co-Seattleite The General.  He doesn't deserve to ever be mistaken for FR or Dave...

Quote from: kf5iwe on August 01, 2013, 02:51:19 PM
Just remember, The Scorpion General was right all along. He was the only one who said Art would be back. We all wanted Art back. We begged and cried for Art to come back. FORT ROCK was the only one who SAID Art was coming back. Day after day. Week after week. He was wrong on the time frame several times. But he kept the faith. Despite the fact that we all ran him down. He never wavered. The rest of us were Simon Peter.

Fort Rock Fan since Day One!

Quote from: Usagi on August 01, 2013, 04:12:51 PM
Would that make him Field Marshal?  I'm still just a raggedy camp follower...

I feel bad mostly for my co-Seattleite The General.  He doesn't deserve to ever be mistaken for FR or Dave...
Usagi, you just made me realize that mudking and I have to call FORTROCK boss now.


Quote from: kf5iwe on August 01, 2013, 02:51:19 PM
Just remember, The Scorpion General was right all along. He was the only one who said Art would be back. We all wanted Art back. We begged and cried for Art to come back. FORT ROCK was the only one who SAID Art was coming back. Day after day. Week after week. He was wrong on the time frame several times. But he kept the faith. Despite the fact that we all ran him down. He never wavered. The rest of us were Simon Peter.

You HAVE to be kidding me. First of all, he's NOT the only one who said Art would be back. He's been saying the sky is falling for over two years now. As the saying goes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Personally, I never doubted that Art would be back sooner or later, and my posting history shows this. Even at my least certain, when others were absolutely in the "Art will never come back" business, I still pointed out Art's qualifiers about "someday, maybe".

All that FR did was scream and shout about mysterious sources and contacts and dates that never panned out, the most significant and recent being the 4:02pm debacle, which was only a few months ago and which you can read about here if you go back to the Feb-Mar-April posts. And he predicted that after one of the posters here made a JOKE about "how long before Fort Rock predicts the clock in the background of Art's pic that reads 4:02pm is sending him a secret signal that Art will do a new show on April 2nd?"

No way. The dude is and has always been full of it. Amusing at best, mostly annoying, and I still believe, and do not apologize for it, deeply disturbed. Probably harmless, but--I'm not sold on that, either. So he is an absolute devotee of Art--good for him. I can admire that. He hates Dave as much as the rest of us do--ditto, and, well, the thing about the stopped clock being right twice applies here too. He never lost the faith? I don't think that's quite true, as he did send some despondent "My Art hath forsaken me" posts after April 2nd took the wind out of his sails. And he's had several lengthy absences from these boards, as well.

He is the self-appointed general of the non-existent scorpion army. he has no inside information, no contacts, and beyond perhaps contacting Art on Facebook, no connection to the man whatsoever.

So anyone who thinks FR is anything but a seriously obsessed fan with too much time and very little life is absolutely fooling themselves.

I know we're all happy Art's back, some, it seems, more than others. And I am as anti-bully as one can get. And others have posted much, much harsher things than this. So I don't mean to engage in a seemingly mean-spirited character attack on our own Village Idiot. But let's not for one minute fool ourselves into thinking that he's anything but. If the dunce cap fits...

George Drooly

Quote from: indigoo on August 01, 2013, 07:42:07 AM
ST Joshi would be fantastic on there, though may not fit the format. Still, would love to hear him do an interview with Art.

No offense, but what makes you guys think Art has read or is even familiar with Lovecraft or any of Joshi's other subjects, except in the most general way? I know Art's a reader, but  I get the distinct impression it's more along the lines of Clancy or Koontz, and a bunch of non-fiction... not esoteric macabre stuff.

Of course, Noory might could have on the copywriter who wrote the pizza roll cooking instructions, so...


Quote from: qaddisin on August 01, 2013, 02:31:30 PM
Yes, as this is America, myself and my seven 300-pound children are lounging around the double-wide, eating moon pies, drinking RC cola, and watching Jerry Springer.

Aww, now im just homesick

Being a relatively recent BellGab poster, I can only assume Fort Rock burned you all bad once upon a time.. really, really bad.


Quote from: Max_TO on August 01, 2013, 03:09:56 PM
I sent Ian Punnett a tweet asking him his thoughts on Art's return and if Ian would be listening to Art's new show and his responce was ....
" I'm a longtime subscriber to XM/Sirius. I wish Art Bell success and I commend his decision to not go head-to-head with George Noory."

My opinion of Ian just went down a notch. Sad.

To clarify, I take Ian's post as "Art knows better, because Noory would cream him in the ratings". Because I think Ian doesn't want to burn the bridge with Coast/PRN.


Quote from: Roy Hinkley on August 01, 2013, 03:36:50 AM
So, I don't know anything about Sirius or satellite radio programming.  It is going to cost $14.50 a month and that is the cheapest way to get Art's new show?  I don't want 300 sports channels, or other programming like that.  I know you can't with cable TV, but I thought with Sirius you could do a-la-carte ordering to pick some shows and it would be less expensive than $14.50??  I also think I would only want it at home as I don't drive much - is this doable and less expensive than vehicle service??  I have an internet radio, and I think it can handle Sirius but I don't know how that works - any advice?  Thanks much in advance for a total satellite newb.

Because you DO have an actual internet radio (check here : http://www.siriusxm.com/subscriptions and on the left you can verify whether or not you have a compatible internet radio) you CAN "activate" it via SiriusXM website and listen ala carte for 8.00 per month. Check the link I provided and there is also an 866 number you can call to discuss further options. Good luck!


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on August 01, 2013, 04:32:14 PM
Being a relatively recent BellGab poster, I can only assume Fort Rock burned you all bad once upon a time.. really, really bad.

No, not "really bad once upon a time". From day one--right after Art quit--he's been talking about sources and inside info and a personal connection to Art. Every single one of which has been bullshit, and then he backpeddles faster than Harold Camping and comes back with a NEW source, a NEW date.  ALL of which were wrong. Maybe at first, a few people gave him the benefit of the doubt (I don't think I was one of them), but when it kept not happening, and he kept doing it, he made himself the butt of nearly every Non-Dave joke on the forum, or at least the Art Bell threads. In this most recent case, it was AFTER Art gave signs that something was indeed brewing that he showed up again, after getting spanked on the April 2nd debacle, and nothing he's said has correlated in any way with what has since been announced, other than "Art is coming back".

I can't speak for any other posters, and I'm not usually curmudgenly, but I generally cringe when I see him post, and he has more than worn out his welcome with me.


Quote from: morphiaflow on August 01, 2013, 04:32:20 PM
My opinion of Ian just went down a notch. Sad.

I am REALLY confused and annoyed that people keep saying Art is NOT going head-to-head with Noory. Simple ability to tell time says otherwise. Here we go: Art is on from 7pm to 10pm Pacific Standard time with REPLAY of the entire show from 10pm to 3am. Now, Noory is 10pm to 2am Pacific Standard time so, Art's replays WILL be playing during Noory's time. That is head to head! Especially since many avid coast listeners that have had the 10pm to 2am timeslot working for them and their daily lives/schedules for many many years will more than likely prefer to listen to Art's replays starting at 10pm (the normally scheduled C2C start time) anyway. I bet there will be more listeners during the replay timeslot than the live timeslot (7pm is a bit early for most) so, in summation, it IS head-to-head!!!!


Quote from: HorrorReporter on August 01, 2013, 03:53:37 PM
The greatest honor achieved.. ArtBellCOM on twitter following me. So cool

Uh, hate to burst your bubble but that is not Art. ArtBellCOM is simply the website's twitter account though that is questionable as there is no mention of the site having a twitter account at all on the actual site and anyone can make a twitter account for anything on twitter. However, ArtBell51 IS Art bell and this is also verified on ArtBell.com. The only twitter mentioned on ArtBell.com is @ArtBell51. Also, he only follows one person. I am sure it will remain that way.

It was only posted recently, but @ArtBellCom is linked on the ArtBell.com website,

Also, it includes this tweet:

ArtBell.Com ‏@ArtBellCom 31 Jul
Yes, this account is for posting stuff from http://artbell.com  and run by me ( @KeithRowland )

Keith Rowland, of course being Art's webmaster.


Quote from: BattyBrooke on August 01, 2013, 04:47:11 PM
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but that is not Art. ArtBellCOM is simply the website's twitter account though that is questionable as there is no mention of the site having a twitter account at all on the actual site and anyone can make a twitter account for anything on twitter. However, ArtBell51 IS Art bell and this is also verified on ArtBell.com. The only twitter mentioned on ArtBell.com is @ArtBell51. Also, he only follows one person. I am sure it will remain that way.

Um, maybe you need to refresh your browser. Artbellcom is linked from ArtBell.com and has been established as being controlled by Art's webmaster, Keith Rowland.


Quote from: BattyBrooke on August 01, 2013, 04:43:06 PM
I am REALLY confused and annoyed that people keep saying Art is NOT going head-to-head with Noory. Simple ability to tell time says otherwise. Here we go: Art is on from 7pm to 10pm Pacific Standard time with REPLAY of the entire show from 10pm to 3am. Now, Noory is 10pm to 2am Pacific Standard time so, Art's replays WILL be playing during Noory's time. That is head to head! Especially since many avid coast listeners that have had the 10pm to 2am timeslot working for them and their daily lives/schedules for many many years will more than likely prefer to listen to Art's replays starting at 10pm (the normally scheduled C2C start time) anyway. I bet there will be more listeners during the replay timeslot than the live timeslot (7pm is a bit early for most) so, in summation, it IS head-to-head!!!!

They won't be competing Head to Head LIVE.

Which is what Dave should rename his show.

Quote from: BattyBrooke on August 01, 2013, 04:47:11 PM
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but that is not Art. ArtBellCOM is simply the website's twitter account though that is questionable as there is no mention of the site having a twitter account at all on the actual site and anyone can make a twitter account for anything on twitter. However, ArtBell51 IS Art bell and this is also verified on ArtBell.com. The only twitter mentioned on ArtBell.com is @ArtBell51. Also, he only follows one person. I am sure it will remain that way.
I know that.. Believe me. And you didn't burst a bubble at all.
I can brag right?
please let met brag..
The number 2 man in Art's new parade of people.. and you tell me it doesn't matter!
*I Kid, I kid.. I am actually very humbled to be followed. *

And yes, it's not the "real Art." But Art follows one person. And I bet never more than that.
After all, even Drudge follows a big fat 0


The site artbell.net that promoted a CD of the old artbell.com website now redirects to the current artbell.com.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on August 01, 2013, 11:59:06 AM
Thanks for the preaching.  I never asked to be in the position I'm in.  I worked hard for a good career but I've still been out of work a long time, dealing with sick parents, and don't have $15 a month.  I don't need to be told my life sucks or that I'm somehow lazy.  I'm not complaining, I wish Art well.  I haven't seen many others complaining either.. just trying to figure out ways to listen to Art or admitting they can't do it.

Anyway sorry to go off.  I just think when people are doing okay it can be hard to understand that some of us aren't and it's not out of lack of effort, and that there's nothing left to cut out.

Sorry to hear about your trials. Life can be very tough at times but what does not kill you only makes you stronger.  I would be glad to pay for a month of your subscription to Art's new show.  If we can find 11 more volunteers, we could pay for a whole year.  Hang in there.  Better days lie ahead.


Quote from: morphiaflow on August 01, 2013, 04:40:51 PM
No, not "really bad once upon a time". From day one--right after Art quit--he's been talking about sources and inside info and a personal connection to Art. Every single one of which has been bullshit, and then he backpeddles faster than Harold Camping and comes back with a NEW source, a NEW date.  ALL of which were wrong. Maybe at first, a few people gave him the benefit of the doubt (I don't think I was one of them), but when it kept not happening, and he kept doing it, he made himself the butt of nearly every Non-Dave joke on the forum, or at least the Art Bell threads. In this most recent case, it was AFTER Art gave signs that something was indeed brewing that he showed up again, after getting spanked on the April 2nd debacle, and nothing he's said has correlated in any way with what has since been announced, other than "Art is coming back".

I can't speak for any other posters, and I'm not usually curmudgenly, but I generally cringe when I see him post, and he has more than worn out his welcome with me.

Agreed. And lets not forget that right up until the announcement Fort Rock was proclaiming that Art was returning to terrestrial radio on KDWN-AM in Las Vegas (here - http://coastgab.com/index.php/topic,1215.msg121739.html#msg121739 and here - http://coastgab.com/index.php/topic,1215.msg126941.html#msg126941).

He was wrong. Again. As I said upstream, you throw enough shit and some of it might stick.

No soup for Fort Rock.

Quote from: morphiaflow on August 01, 2013, 04:59:23 PM
They won't be competing Head to Head LIVE.

Which is what Dave should rename his show.

Let's be accurate. In this example it's Head to Cabbage Head Live.

Quote from: jerry on August 01, 2013, 05:08:08 PM
The site artbell.net that promoted a CD of the old artbell.com website now redirects to the current artbell.com.

That was also Keith Rowland, Art's webmaster. He said a couple of days ago he was getting rid of the site, but maybe he's retaining the name.


Quote from: jerry on August 01, 2013, 05:08:08 PM
The site artbell.net that promoted a CD of the old artbell.com website now redirects to the current artbell.com.

That makes me so sad. I'm going to miss that lady holding the big fat cat.


Yeah, Ian's reply makes him sort of a bitch in my book. He should commend Art for not directly going head to head with Davie. Means his tenure at C2C will be a little longer, and he just laid out where his bread is buttered.

I for one wish Art had gone against Davie in the same time slot. It isn't enough really that Noory should fade into oblivion, I wanted to see him squirm and suffer for what he transformed my once favorite show into. But I am an asshole like that.

Quote from: ourobouros2k2 on August 01, 2013, 05:13:52 PM
Yeah, Ian's reply makes him sort of a bitch in my book. He should commend Art for not directly going head to head with Davie. Means his tenure at C2C will be a little longer, and he just laid out where his bread is buttered.

I for one wish Art had gone against Davie in the same time slot. It isn't enough really that Noory should fade into oblivion, I wanted to see him squirm and suffer for what he transformed my once favorite show into. But I am an asshole like that.

In all fairness to Ian Punnett, he is a man of God, and also someone who moved on. He doesn't want to make enemies and probably wants to host the new years show (if they are permitted to do it, who knows what the rights are on that).. BUt either way, we should hold off being too mean. He took the noble way out on that comment.

Quote from: morphiaflow on August 01, 2013, 04:59:23 PM
They won't be competing Head to Head LIVE.

Which is what Dave should rename his show.

Does this mean Michael should buy "headgab.com"?


Quote from: Treading Water on August 01, 2013, 05:23:41 PM
Does this mean Michael should buy "headgab.com"?

Not unless he wants to venture into the porn industry. boom tish.


Quote from: Treading Water on August 01, 2013, 05:23:41 PM
Does this mean Michael should buy "headgab.com"?

Brilliant. I checked it. I was certain it would be a porn site, but it says "error, connection down".

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