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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 18, 2013, 02:37:13 AM

       Noory loves Elvis bumpers. If I were Elvis I would climb out of my grave and punch him.

I guess it's proof that Elvis is indeed dead, though.


Quote from: HorrorRetro on January 17, 2013, 12:27:27 PM
Maybe there should be a separate "Diagnose Noory" thread.  ;D

In addition to the diagnoses already listed by others, I'd add Oedipus complex to his list of pathologies.  Here is a man in his 60s who claims he still confers with his mother regarding the show each night.  He wants to keep a late-night show G rated so it does not offend her.  He claims a late-night show that used to explore all facets of the bizarre is now a "family show."  He plays music from his mother's glory days.  He seems to have no cultural knowledge of what was popular music for his generation; he is stuck in his mother's cultural milieu.  From his own stories, we know he had problems gaining his father's approval, but his mother was always there supporting him.  It is rather depressing to think that a man in his 60s still requires the approval of his mother and seeks it out at the detriment of his listeners.
Oh my.  Haven't we heard this story somewhere before?

To me Norry seems like a guy uncomfortable with his job. Someone earlier posted that George is know to pace during the show. Maybe that's why he is such a terrible interviewer, affaid to make a mistake. Maybe this is why all the wierdness with him goes on. "Do you like my train whistle impression" Really??? WTF? The episode with him lying about the "ghost" voice this week. The bullying...so he can feel like he is in total control. I don't know the guy. None of us do personaly. He could be just a regular dude. Even that being said enough is enough. Lets get him out. Keep up the emails to the show.


The c2c website schedule shows that Noory is taking off another Friday night next week with John B. Wells is filling in again...


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 18, 2013, 02:37:13 AM Noory loves Elvis bumpers. If I were Elvis I would climb out of my grave and punch him.


Quote from: Morgus on January 18, 2013, 02:07:57 PM
The c2c website schedule shows that Noory is taking off another Friday night next week with John B. Wells is filling in again...

Really????  Uhmmmm........I think that is interesting.......Noory just took off for a week and Wells is STILL hosting this coming Friday??? 


I hope people call in tonight and ask for him to play the "ghost" voice on the radio from Tuesday night. Watch him make some excuse how they went back to listen to the audio and DUN DUN DUN it was gone!

CrabbyOld Bat

Just finished catching up on several pages of posts. I'm thrilled to read that people are emailing Snorge/Tommy/Satan-or-whoever-runs-C2C with such legit and well written comments and criticisms. I believe emails DO make a difference, albeit not enough to get Snorge off the air -- yet. (Hope springs eternal.)

Anyway, bravo to all concerned and keep up the great work!

(I've emailed and fast-blasted several times but so far I've never received a response. Perhaps my correspondences have been a bit too Crabby... )


Quote from: Albedo on January 18, 2013, 02:21:48 PM
I hope people call in tonight and ask for him to play the "ghost" voice on the radio from Tuesday night. Watch him make some excuse how they went back to listen to the audio and DUN DUN DUN it was gone!

He'll probably make up some bullshit like they replayed it and heard nothing.


Quote from: Morgus on January 18, 2013, 02:07:57 PM
The c2c website schedule shows that Noory is taking off another Friday night next week with John B. Wells is filling in again...

At least it's one less night of Noory AND UFO Phil. 


Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on January 18, 2013, 03:01:35 PM
Just finished catching up on several pages of posts. I'm thrilled to read that people are emailing Snorge/Tommy/Satan-or-whoever-runs-C2C with such legit and well written comments and criticisms. I believe emails DO make a difference, albeit not enough to get Snorge off the air -- yet. (Hope springs eternal.)

Anyway, bravo to all concerned and keep up the great work!

(I've emailed and fast-blasted several times but so far I've never received a response. Perhaps my correspondences have been a bit too Crabby... )
I don't want to discourage anyone from emailing the C2C PTB about the disaster that is Jorch.  But I'm not sure they care about that.  Back in 2003, many folks at Fantastic Forum sent loads of emails similar to the ones being shown on this thread.  Some of us did get back similarly snarky, barely literate replies full of elipsis such as the ones somebody copied upthread aways.  Those are (imo) a sure giveaway that Jorch is the sender.

Here we are ten years later and the only change is that the woefully inept Jorch has gotten even lazier and more ignorant.

I think all that toomrick is making him lose IQ points, and he didnt have any to spare.


Quote from: lonevoice on January 18, 2013, 03:42:24 PM
I don't want to discourage anyone from emailing the C2C PTB about the disaster that is Jorch.  But I'm not sure they care about that.
I think the only way to really make a difference is to affect the bottom line: revenue.

And the way to do that is to email, snail mail and call the advertisers. As long as C2C in its current incarnation has sponsors, it will continue. But if advertisers start to drop off, change will occur.

I'd have to listen to a show to get some info, but I would do it in the name of getting George Noory off the air. Then I'd write to a sponsor and say something like, "I would love to buy your Magic Vitamins, but I am boycotting anyone who advertises on George Noory's radio show."

There are nearly 2,000 of us around here. If we all boycotted the sponsors, I think we could have Noory gone in two weeks max.

Meanwhile, Lisa/Lex/George/Knapp/Ian/Wells/Tommy are secure in their jobs. Our emails are just extra noise to them. I'm not saying they never pay attention, but our protests are pretty empty unless they start to lose money.


ChewMouse, I think emailing the sponsors is a great idea, and it's one I don't recall any organized effort towards in the past.    I've seen instances of this succeed with other radio and tv programs, and sometimes it doesn't even take more than a few hundred people contacting the advertisers.  It's do-able, and it's really worth a try!

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: ChewMouse on January 18, 2013, 03:55:45 PM
I think the only way to really make a difference is to affect the bottom line: revenue.

And the way to do that is to email, snail mail and call the advertisers. As long as C2C in its current incarnation has sponsors, it will continue. But if advertisers start to drop off, change will occur.

I'd have to listen to a show to get some info, but I would do it in the name of getting George Noory off the air. Then I'd write to a sponsor and say something like, "I would love to buy your Magic Vitamins, but I am boycotting anyone who advertises on George Noory's radio show."

There are nearly 2,000 of us around here. If we all boycotted the sponsors, I think we could have Noory gone in two weeks max.

Meanwhile, Lisa/Lex/George/Knapp/Ian/Wells/Tommy are secure in their jobs. Our emails are just extra noise to them. I'm not saying they never pay attention, but our protests are pretty empty unless they start to lose money.

          This is basically the only effective avenue. Ratings for overnight programming are skewed and largely negligible anyways. But revenue isn't. Now, I think quite a few of C2C's sponsors are fly by night crackpots who don't give a damn like E-Foods...but the legit businesses will listen if there's enough rattling.

          But Tommy, Noory et al...they could care less what you think or say. There's still enough suckers and rejected Special Olympians who listen...and buy the shit they sell.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on January 18, 2013, 04:11:17 PM
There's still enough suckers and rejected Special Olympians who listen...and buy the shit they sell.

But maybe not.

What have we got to lose by trying? I've sent my share of email to "the cast" at C2C, maybe it's time to put that energy elsewhere. I know Lonevoice is with me on this...I think others would be willing to try as well.

Even thirty or so of us boycotting advertisers would look hefty. If the email addresses were posted here, CoastGabbers and guests could easily contact sponsors. And I'm betting that at least a hundred of us would try.


Quote from: ChewMouse on January 18, 2013, 03:55:45 PM
I think the only way to really make a difference is to affect the bottom line: revenue.

I'll start with Vista Print. I've used them for years, but after hearing Numb Nuts stumble his way through an on air advert for them last night, they've lost my business and I'll let them know it.


I got a manager at our local radio station and nicely told him that I'm boycotting ALL of his station's programming because of George Noory. He wrote it down and thanked me for letting them know.

These people are going to listen, I think.


We should march on... somewhere.  Where can we march?? totally wanna march somewhere.  Kinda gives it all an air of legitimacy.  Then again this thread alone should be all the legitimacy we need.


Quote from: ziznak on January 18, 2013, 05:30:02 PM
We should march on... somewhere.  Where can we march?? totally wanna march somewhere.  Kinda gives it all an air of legitimacy.  Then again this thread alone should be all the legitimacy we need.
I dunno about this marching thing. Lots of agoraphobics are part of this forum. And then there are some of us who are bad marchers. As for me, I don't like crowds. Bad things happen in crowds, especially to mice.

But you go for it, Ziz! I'm with you all the way! From right here in front of my computer.


Quote from: ChewMouse on January 18, 2013, 05:36:50 PM
I dunno about this marching thing. Lots of agoraphobics are part of this forum. And then there are some of us who are bad marchers. As for me, I don't like crowds. Bad things happen in crowds, especially to mice.

But you go for it, Ziz! I'm with you all the way! From right here in front of my computer.

Sort of reminds me of marching band in high school, where Hitler Jr. would force us to march around football fields in strange formations for some bizarre reason I could never figure out.


Quote from: ChewMouse on January 18, 2013, 05:36:50 PM
.........As for me, I don't like crowds. Bad things happen in crowds, especially to mice........

Good point!  ;D

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: ChewMouse on January 18, 2013, 05:36:50 PM
I dunno about this marching thing. Lots of agoraphobics are part of this forum. And then there are some of us who are bad marchers. As for me, I don't like crowds. Bad things happen in crowds, especially to mice.

But you go for it, Ziz! I'm with you all the way! From right here in front of my computer.
Hear, hear! I'm behind you as well, Ziz...way behind you. Consider me there in spirit. As a misanthropic agroraphobe(a chicken or the egg thing) I can only hurt the cause by being there.

        I read that Hitler hated "asocials" with a particular passion(we're part of his IBM coded system) and saw those unwilling to join the rallies as the most injurious beings to the Reich.

          Hitler sucks, Noory sucks.


Okay, it's decided:

All agoraphobics wishing to participate in The George Noory Sucks March On St. Louis may simply phone it in.


Quote from: lonevoice on January 18, 2013, 04:07:01 PM
ChewMouse, I think emailing the sponsors is a great idea, and it's one I don't recall any organized effort towards in the past.    I've seen instances of this succeed with other radio and tv programs, and sometimes it doesn't even take more than a few hundred people contacting the advertisers.  It's do-able, and it's really worth a try!

Maybe because they know that for every person that speaks up there are probably 10,000 who feel the same way but wont say anything.


Emailed George (Tommy and Lisa)
Subject: The Voice Of Jesus

Hey George
How are you?
I just wanted to let you know how much I'm looking forward to hearing you replay the mysterious and spooky voice that appeared on the airwaves the other night. You promised your guest, Linda Stasi, you would do it, and a gentleman always keeps his word, right George? I hope there won't be any nonsense about missing tapes or failure to record, either.
I have to say that in the moment I heard the voice - 'Linda, why did you write this book?' - I had absolutely no doubt it was you. None whatsoever. But you have assured Linda, your callers, myself and all the C2C listeners that it wasn't, and I am certain you wouldn't lie about it, so I look forward to hearing you try to shed some light on this mystery.
Do you think it might have been an angel? Or a demon?

Yours in anticipation


Before I read these posts, I had emailed the maker of the Totino's and Jeno's pizza rolls, from General Mills. That was Thursday morning at 8AM.  I complained that George was telling everyone how he burned his mouth on the pizza rolls and that they were bad for children. I got a response from the company that they have got the email. Now, I hope they investigate it. Let the General Mills Company a biggie, take care of George. I have not heard from them as of yet.
I will email our radio station next and E-foods.
Thanks for the suggestions.


Hahahaha... General Mills sues PremRat and Jorch for defamation.  That would be a hoot.


Quote from: somatic hypermutation on January 17, 2013, 06:39:43 PM
Proof George is a sociopath(?), he did almost (or actually did) kill someone:

Around 2005 or 2006 he had a husband and wife come to St. Louis with him from LA.  The guy had someone serious health issue, but they worshiped George.  George, while in St. Louis, took a guy with serious mobility issues to a mall or something, and George left them behind while he sped ahead to do something important (everything George does in important).  The husband fell way behind George.  He tried to climb steps behind George, as George did not stop to help but sped ahead.  After climbing the steps, the guy fell, flat on his face and did very serious medical damage to his face and spine.  He was hospitalized in St. Louis and has a surgery there, I think to his spine.  He had a terrible time.  I think he was partially or fully paralyzed.  He was finally shipped back to LA.  I am not sure if he died or not or whether he ever healed.

George's comments on air felt so disconnected, so unreal to any blame he had in this guy's plight that I stopped listening to Coast on George nights.  George said all this on the air.

Anywhere else remember this?  What happened to the guy?  Didn't Goerge's thoughts at the time show a strange, inhuman disconnect?

I remember listening to George explaining the person falling on his face.  It was very disturbing and George came across as detached and kind of not really compassionate or concerned.  The situation sounded horrific!  I don't know what happened to the person, it might be a good question for Noory's open line night, if it could pass the screener. 

Noory was describing one of his children joy riding one night in his car and she were caught.  He called the police and I think his child spent the night in jail.  Noory very strangely referred to his child as "squirt".  Again, he was detached and uncaring while explaining the story.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on January 17, 2013, 06:52:04 AM
Art is among us. He has posted on the boards. Will you say the same about him now?

While I agree with what you are doing here, and Lord knows I've sent many a fruitless email...I think bringing Arts name up was in poor taste...We as well as Noory know how much he sucks...Let Art speak for himself...Lets not ruin Arts comeback before it even starts.


Quote from: Mels-hole1984 on January 18, 2013, 10:52:22 PM

While I agree with what you are doing here, and Lord knows I've sent many a fruitless email...I think bringing Arts name up was in poor taste...We as well as Noory know how much he sucks...Let Art speak for himself...Lets not ruin Arts comeback before it even starts.

And you are well within your right to express that opinion. I'll respectfully disagree.

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