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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



OMG!  This quack scares me.  How the eff did he ever get his license?  More scary, how can so many people keep this dangerous person in business?  Where are the old show topics?  Why deity of my choice why?

Perhaps Noory senses the end and is making it while he can.


Old Harvey Bigelsen doesn't have a license to practice medicine, just like George's other chump, anti-vaxer and autism fear mongering Andrew Wakefield. Nevertheless, George champions and loves the both of them. He is their savior and redeemer. He respectfully calls them doctors when they have been deservedly stripped of the title. Unsurprisingly, both ex-doctors claim the 'medical establishment' has been harshly unfair to them. Of course, Wakefield fails to mention there is no scientifically proven link between vaccines and autism. Of course, Bigelsen omits telling you that sick and terminally ill people will spend their last dollar by turning to worthless Mexico clinic quacks and weird, useless finance draining 'treatments' in attempts to feel better and see a few more sunrises.


"While dozens of homeopaths have let their licenses lapse in Arizona, the board has revoked only two licenses in its 23-year history. One of those stripped belonged to its co-founder and former chairman, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, who held the first homeopathic license ever granted in the state."

"Bigelsen surrendered both his medical and homeopathic licenses and opened a cancer clinic in Mexico."

I think I hear George's disgusting 'pom-poms of truth' rustling now.


So this dingbat says that if you can keep your maxillary teeth you won't get Alzheimer's, my, not george's question is could there be a connection twixt those who have good teeth and not getting Alzheimer's?  George basically says wow.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Do not microwave, water is a crystal.  Noory is such a moron water is not a crystal he must have invested in the quack's practice.

George said he got an e-mail begging him to ask the ex-doctor about Ankylosing Spondylitis.  Bigelsen said that it was a misalignment of the spine, maybe resulting from “belly surgery.”  No mention that it is an auto-immune disease or an inflammatory disease.  Very odd that he should know so little about it as before his license was taken away he was an ophthalmologist.  Ankylosing Spondylitis also very commonly causes eye problems.  Despite obviously knowing next to nothing about this disease, he said he could cure it.  Disgusting, really.

HAL 9000

Woke up in middle of the night - heard this fucking quack Harvey Bigelsen on for what is essentially a long infomercial, and investigated his background.

For your perusal and/or amusement, here is one of his books, for free of course:





Quote from: HAL 9000 on January 04, 2012, 03:56:29 AM
Woke up in middle of the night - heard this fucking quack Harvey Bigelsen on for what is essentially a long infomercial, and investigated his background.
If only you heard the entire show... George firmly established that the good "doctor" is not a quack by listing the attributes of a "quack."  (Actually, the "Dr" seemed to fit every criteria...)  I can't believe that simple George allows people like this a national platform. 
Quote from: jconrad on January 04, 2012, 02:44:39 AM
So this dingbat says that if you can keep your maxillary teeth you won't get Alzheimer's...
Everybody knows that the roots of your upper teeth are connected to the frontal lobe and the lower teeth connected to the brain stem.  Get with the times.

George has had his grace period for his father passing.  I'm back to an extreme, incurable hatred for the man who is happy to spread S### like this.

Frys Girl

The crazy "doctor" was on again? Ew. George, get some standards.


It was even worse. The crazy "science adviser" was on, telling us how the GRAIL spacecraft are looking for the Moon's engines. OMFG.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: WOTR on January 04, 2012, 05:58:57 AM
If only you heard the entire show... George firmly established that the good "doctor" is not a quack by listing the attributes of a "quack." 

George has had his grace period for his father passing.  I'm back to an extreme, incurable hatred for the man who is happy to spread S### like this.

Some humanitarian Noory is, begging listeners to support a campaign for Save the Children, then courting guests like this quack who will wind up killing at least some unknown portion of his adult audience. 



Quote from: Lovely Bones on January 04, 2012, 10:54:55 AM
Some humanitarian Noory is, begging listeners to support a campaign for Save the Children, then courting guests like this quack who will wind up killing at least some unknown portion of his adult audience. 


I believe Noory's sponsorship "campaigns" for Save The Children are paid-for advertising. 


I have only been listening to the show very sporadically lately--I'd prefer to sit in silence and be bored. I did listen a bit when George was out and heard some of Ian and the better George. They were passable enough that I accidentally got duped into tuning in again last night. Much to my surprise the first topic I heard was not Angels, but unsurprisingly I guess was Noory's second favorite topic, quacks.

Immediately the Doctor laid out his claims contrary to his indictment and conviction unchallenged by Noory. The amusing thing is that he immediately acted innocent, but essentially admitted to the crimes he was convicted of word-for-word. He was convicted, among other things, of fraudulently listing treatments that were covered by Medicare on forms, but performing other treatments that are not covered by Medicare. He was also convicted of trying to change the evidence after he was discovered.

His argument was that his Fourth Amendment rights were violated because when they searched his office (with a warrant) they took patients' medical forms. This is a typical Noory and Friends misunderstanding of the Constitution, which is why it should bascially never be discussed on this show. If there was a case against him where they took HIS medical records there might be 4th Amendment problems, but there is no private information about him on the patients' forms, or there shouldn't be.

Noory didn't bother to question him about this, or to challenge him on has massive conspiracy. Instead he just let him blabl on and on. If you are having a former medical professional on who can no longer practice medicine you have a responsibility to go into why he has been banned so the less intelligent listeners--of which C2C is loaded--do not get taken advantage of, or follow dangerous advice.

The show is an absolute joke now, you get more information and entertainment out of the idiotic AM radio preachers than you do from C2C under Noory.

Frys Girl

Quote from: expat on January 04, 2012, 08:37:24 AM
It was even worse. The crazy "science adviser" was on, telling us how the GRAIL spacecraft are looking for the Moon's engines. OMFG.
Wow. just wow. George Noory has no standards. Richard C. Hoagland has got to be taken off of the radio.


Quote from: valdez on January 02, 2012, 05:36:10 PM

     My dad once told me, when I was three, "beware the guy who volunteers to be treasurer."

Your dad is a very wise man.  ;)


Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on January 02, 2012, 07:10:15 PM[Quoting Sardondi]:
"I see two possibilities here:
1) We're just out of sync with millions of CTC listeners, or... "

Because millions of CTC listeners need serious, serious help. This became clear to me during the prediction shows this past weekend. Unfortunately, unlike Ian, Noory enables these idiots with his willingness to entertain any stupid theory.

Bingo. Not to be an a-hole, but all too often I find myself feeling either total pity or just outrage at listener calls. And I admit I think "What is wrong with me that I listen to crap like this?". Which is usually the point I turn it off. I can't remember the last time I was able to keep listening to a Simple George show w/o tuning out in frustration.

Quote from: rangers1919 on January 04, 2012, 02:34:39 PM...[About Noory's/Assorted Legal Quacks' 4th Amendment misunderstanding]...This is a typical Noory and Friends misunderstanding of the Constitution, which is why it should bascially never be discussed on this show.....

You are so right. A Noory show is where the Constitution meets a horrible fate: Death By Total Ignorance. For 30 years I've practiced criminal law (on both sides, at state and federal level) and also occasionally taught it in law school, and I'm pretty good on both it and Constitutional law. And right now I can't think of a single program in which some Constitutional issue has been invoked on a Noory program that I haven't wanted to shoot the radio in frustration - usually when the guest or caller finishes flim-flamming America by giving a badly one-sided version of a case or a completely fouled explanation of what the Constitution says or what the law is (the "tax protester" case he followed 2-3 years ago might have been the most misleading and harmful series of discussions of a legal matter I've ever heard on a national broadcast). On "legal night" Noory hungrily gulps down whatever codswallop he's handed by a guest and says something like, "I can't believe this happens in America! Why doesn't somebody do something?!". Well, George, the main reason "nobody does anything" is because it didn't happen like you were just told. But then you wouldn't know because 1) your staff did no background except to just book the caller, and/or 2) because you didn't ask a single question which would help your listeners get the truth of the matter. No, George simply gobbles up whatever horrendously false legal crapola he's given, just like Kenneth Ellen Parcell would a big ol' bowl of Dead-Yankee-and-Owl-Meat Stew...and Kenneth is my favorite character.

But those kind of stories are too good to ask any questions, right George? Which I have to admit is the way you'd handle it if you were a ratings whore as opposed to a person interested in the truth. Hmmm, maybe I need to rethink this whole "Simple George" thing...


Please excuse the post-whoring, but I just heard a classic out-of-left-universe Noory question. Re the Shroud of Turin, but appropos of absolutely nothing rational he and Marzulli had talked about other than resurrection, George asks in substance "What if many people could do this back then (somehow resurrect their own dead body)?"

What...The...Huh? How's Marzuli supposed to answer that? "Well, George, I think that if we had strapped four aircraft engines and bomb bay to Eleanor Roosevelt we might never have had to use the atomic bomb."

I mean, whether you believe in the shroud or don't, it doesn't matter to issue of this question. But it has to be one of the most asinine, ridiculous questions asked in the entire history of radio.

Turning it off again. God, how I am beginning to hate him.


Quote from: Sardondi on January 05, 2012, 01:07:14 AM
... George asks in substance "What if many people could do this back then (somehow resurrect their own dead body)?"

What...The...Huh? How's Marzuli supposed to answer that? "Well, George, I think that if we had strapped four aircraft engines and bomb bay to Eleanor Roosevelt we might never have had to use the atomic bomb."

I mean, whether you believe in the shroud or don't, it doesn't matter to issue of this question. But it has to be one of the most asinine, ridiculous questions asked in the entire history of radio....

God, I love you guys who make me really laugh! ;D

I'm holding out for the cosmology discussion but don't have too much hope for it...

Quote from: Agent : Orange on January 05, 2012, 01:48:54 AM
I'm holding out for the cosmology discussion but don't have too much hope for it...

Just heard "mass is not really a property of matter."

Quote from: DangerousBlossom on January 05, 2012, 02:01:10 AM
Just heard "mass is not really a property of matter."
Well, so much for that. Fortunately I still have beer in the fridge.


Quote from: Sardondi on January 05, 2012, 01:07:14 AM
Please excuse the post-whoring, but I just heard a classic out-of-left-universe Noory question. Re the Shroud of Turin, but appropos of absolutely nothing rational he and Marzulli had talked about other than resurrection, George asks in substance "What if many people could do this back then (somehow resurrect their own dead body)?"

What...The...Huh? How's Marzuli supposed to answer that? "Well, George, I think that if we had strapped four aircraft engines and bomb bay to Eleanor Roosevelt we might never have had to use the atomic bomb."

I mean, whether you believe in the shroud or don't, it doesn't matter to issue of this question. But it has to be one of the most asinine, ridiculous questions asked in the entire history of radio.

Turning it off again. God, how I am beginning to hate him.

I have not looked into it too much because I think it's irrelevant, but I have heard multiple times that the person who originally presented the Shroud of Turin admitted to creating it as a hoax. I don't know if it is true, but it would be nice if you were doing multiple shows on it to do some background and ask the supposed experts about it.

Another classical Noory error in relation to the Constitution is when he gets riled up about somebody's freedom of speech when a company like Wal-Mart implements a new policy. He has no understanding about the concept of government not being the one that is limited by the Constitution. "Oh people can't say Christmas at Target. What about Freedom of Religion?" Something like that.

No amount of beer can save this show. I'm switching back to the radio trainwreck!


The first hour contained these two gems: Barack Obama was teleported (or was that teleprompted?) to Mars? He's not a Kenyan at all; he's a Martian! So much for that birth certificate! Then, it was revealed that L.A. Marzuli comprehends nothing about event horizons!

The physicist is vaguely entertaining, struggling to keep on the Coast message. His "revelations" have been well-known and well-understood conundrums for decades. His attempts to simplify the material are terribly comical: "Higgs-Bosun is a carrier of force." Really? Force, itself, is a mathematical construct - momentum is the proper term. Of course, then George interrupts with a completely unrelated question. "If the moon wudn't the moon, would we be able to survive?"

Dudebro is not completely off, but it's what he doesn't say that makes no sense! He approaches saying something interesting, but then, he doesn't express it. He almost implies space-time is a fluid (an interesting hypothesis), but stops just short. What a cheap tease! His descriptions of general and special relativity are a little goofy, too. He claims that the scientific establishment is rather hidebound. Wow! Who knew? Thomas Kuhn, in the 19th century?

Beer? I've been doing Pinot.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on January 05, 2012, 02:25:07 AM
Well, so much for that. Fortunately I still have beer in the fridge.
Listening to George talk about the big bang and the beginning of the universe has me reaching in the cabinet for a scotch.  My four year old niece just proved that she must be a genius.  Noory basically says "I just don't understand it- it seems that there had to have been something there to begin with."  The guest trips over himself telling George how smart he is and what a brilliant thinker he is.

My niece was trying to understand the idea of how time began.  How could something have existed before time.  How old is "forever?"  I understand that I am not going to be treated to an intelligent discussion led by simple George when it comes to advanced physics.  Having said that, to be treated to a nationally broadcast discussion on par with the discussion I had with a four year old makes me want to weep.  To have the guest slobbering over Georges mother who told him "that God always was and always will be" while hailing her as a wise philosopher is making my stomach feel a little queasy.  The guest is playing the part of the grown up trying to keep George (playing the part of the interested child) engaged and on track.  I don't know if it can get much worse.  No doubt the guest will be back- I think he has made George feel brilliant (he can get off his knees now.)

Quote from: WOTR on January 05, 2012, 03:43:59 AM
... to be treated to a nationally broadcast discussion on par with the discussion I had with a four year old makes me want to weep...

And a child will remember having the conversation and most of the details, but good ol' George will start fresh with the same cue cards next time the guest is on, and be surprised and mystified by the same responses.


Quote from: Avi on January 05, 2012, 03:35:03 AM
...Barack Obama was teleported (or was that teleprompted?) to Mars?... The physicist is vaguely entertaining, struggling to keep on the Coast message...[he] is not completely off, but it's what he doesn't say that makes no sense! He approaches saying something interesting, but then, he doesn't express it.
Quote from: WOTR on January 05, 2012, 03:43:59 AM
Listening to George talk about the big bang and the beginning of the universe has me reaching in the cabinet for a scotch.

     Andrew Basiago defending his "Obama and me went to Mars" story, the ever snappy, witty, and much maligned on the last "radio trainwreck" episode, Leo Laporte, on the next generation of tv's, L.A. Marzulli on the Shroud of Turin, and then scientist Scott Tyson struggling to get George off the "universe had a beginning" mind frame.  I found Tyson's trashing of the "big bang" interesting.  I read somewhere (well, Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe to be exact) that the combined space/time/something or other/energy of every thing in the universe equals the speed of light.  So what my Honda CRV lacks in approaching light speed is made up for in experiencing time and space, and a photon traveling at light speed experiences no time, and, according to Tyson, with his concept of "collapsing space/time," it experiences no space.  What?  No, I don't get it, and so therefore I dig it, and what to know more.  Tyson's confession that he may have asperger's syndrome, and that may be why he sees things differently, was a moment of pathos.  George said that they will be clearing out the stuff at the "c2c store" to make room for more stuff.  Good riddance, it was all a bunch of crap anyway.

barry in space
...yep, there he is...


Quote from: Avi on January 05, 2012, 03:35:03 AM
The first hour contained these two gems: Barack Obama was teleported (or was that teleprompted?) to Mars? He's not a Kenyan at all; he's a Martian!

Now the Birthers will have to change all of their 'DEPORT  OBAMA' bumper stickers and coffee mugs to 'TELEPORT OBAMA.'  Their logic will be, why send him to another country when we can get his azz to Mars.


Quote from: valdez on January 05, 2012, 05:41:11 AM
I found Tyson's trashing of the "big bang" interesting.  I read somewhere (well, Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe to be exact) that the combined space/time/something or other/energy of every thing in the universe equals the speed of light.  So what my Honda CRV lacks in approaching light speed is made up for in experiencing time and space, and a photon traveling at light speed experiences no time, and, according to Tyson, with his concept of "collapsing space/time," it experiences no space.  What?  No, I don't get it, and so therefore I dig it, and what to know more.  Tyson's confession that he may have asperger's syndrome, and that may be why he sees things differently, was a moment of pathos. 
I tried to listen to it all, but it kept fading into the background.  I think he would be an interesting guest if he were not dealing with a four year old child as a host.  He kept encouraging George and you could tell he was trying to dumb it all down far more than you really should.  I realize that you can dumb any theory down to the very basics but you should not have to.  Nor should you have to keep encouraging the host.  When George guessed the answer "Higgs Boson" in response to the question about CERN Tyson went on about how interested George must be in the subject and gave the child a gold star.  Yet it is obvious that George is not that interested in the subject as he just does not grasp anything about it even after several shows each year with direct access to intelligent guests and the ability to ask any question he wants.  Instead of a compelling, probing question we get questions like "can you imagine if they had computers?"

The subject was interesting, but I couldn't keep my self actively listening.

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