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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 24, 2017, 06:46:11 PM
He claims not to have flown anything since 2007 and nothing commercially since 2003 when he turned 60 and the FAA rules kicked in for mandatory retirement.  I'd sooner have a 70-year-old pilot with 10,000 hours of flight time under their belt and a wall of certifications than someone right out of flight school.
Yeah, assuming passed medical and psych check. Especially with 'automatic' (not physical systems needing strength as much to manipulate.) Experience is best thing, to a point. But can't you still do charters, crop-dusting, cloud-seeding, or your own craft, etc? Maybe not?  I seem to recall he mentioned there was an 'incident' with an airline once?? And a falling-out with his dad? I forget where the Miss Batman figures but that has been mentioned by some people.


Quote from: albrecht on July 24, 2017, 06:53:54 PM
Yeah, assuming passed medical and psych check. Especially with 'automatic' (not physical systems needing strength as much to manipulate.) Experience is best thing, to a point. But can't you still do charters, crop-dusting, cloud-seeding, or your own craft, etc? Maybe not?  I seem to recall he mentioned there was an 'incident' with an airline once?? And a falling-out with his dad? I forget where the Miss Batman figures but that has been mentioned by some people.
Thats true on the charters and crop-dusting and such. The early 2000's is when he started on the no planes theory of 9-11 and the moon having a saffron yellow sky along with the Apollo hoax and other ideas. I'm not sure if the FAA would or could pull his license for that if he spoke about it outside an examination. These days he is in such rough shape, I am not sure he could safely drive a car.


Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 24, 2017, 07:13:23 PM
Thats true on the charters and crop-dusting and such. The early 2000's is when he started on the no planes theory of 9-11 and the moon having a saffron yellow sky along with the Apollo hoax and other ideas. I'm not sure if the FAA would or could pull his license for that if he spoke about it outside an examination. These days he is in such rough shape, I am not sure he could safely drive a car.
Yep, recently I was listening to a "LMH Binge" found on youtube and one of the UFO guys (not him) was mentioning his career and "theories" and thought, it is perfectly reasonable, to me, why the FAA (or whatever depending country) would look askance at a commercial pilot (or maybe even anybody) who tells such tales/experiences. Not that I discount UFOs (all that means it that one can't ID them) but when you start into "missing time," "green mists," and various "explanations" and "sleep experiences" (and worse) later it is better to err on the side of caution! It made we wonder how/if the FAA (or even just State DMVs handle if they hear some of the stuff on C2C etc?)


Quote from: albrecht on July 24, 2017, 07:23:33 PM
... It made we wonder how/if the FAA (or even just State DMVs handle if they hear some of the stuff on C2C etc?)

Remember the Strieber classic where he took a freeway off-ramp up into some other dimension?  Maybe more application forms need a checkbox for that.


Quote from: zeebo on July 24, 2017, 07:36:19 PM
Remember the Strieber classic where he took a freeway off-ramp up into some other dimension?  Maybe more application forms need a checkbox for that.
Indeed, I do! Ha. Yeah, I know we have a 'general prohibition' statement for motor vehicles, gun ownership, and some contracts that state things 'like state of mind,' no various addictions or under pressure/influence of other parties, 'ever been adjudicated' mentally ill, 'medical issue that might cause...' etc. But very pro-forma and not sure how they are checked, or if they are, unless an actual CRIMINAL conviction. I wonder if someone DID show up at one of those places, especially DMV, and started on about some story like that how it would be handled?


Quote from: albrecht on July 24, 2017, 07:23:33 PM
Yep, recently I was listening to a "LMH Binge" found on youtube and one of the UFO guys (not him) was mentioning his career and "theories" and thought, it is perfectly reasonable, to me, why the FAA (or whatever depending country) would look askance at a commercial pilot (or maybe even anybody) who tells such tales/experiences. Not that I discount UFOs (all that means it that one can't ID them) but when you start into "missing time," "green mists," and various "explanations" and "sleep experiences" (and worse) later it is better to err on the side of caution! It made we wonder how/if the FAA (or even just State DMVs handle if they hear some of the stuff on C2C etc?)

Some beliefs could be dangerous. If some pilots that take up the  flat earth idea, they could not navigate effectively on a long distance flight without lying to themselves. At least in the FAA minds such a delusion could cause a crash. Lets say one hallucinated he was going to fly over the edge and put the plane into a sharp turn, stalled and crashed. There's a line between say thinking aliens crashed at Roswell (harmless) to hearing voices as some contactees claim. I suppose in an exam if they saw unexplained lights (pass) versus the lights spoke to me (fail) would be a reasonable criteria.


Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 24, 2017, 07:48:55 PM
Some beliefs could be dangerous. If some pilots that take up the  flat earth idea, they could not navigate effectively on a long distance flight without lying to themselves. At least in the FAA minds such a delusion could cause a crash. Lets say one hallucinated he was going to fly over the edge and put the plane into a sharp turn, stalled and crashed. There's a line between say thinking aliens crashed at Roswell (harmless) to hearing voices as some contactees claim. I suppose in an exam if they saw unexplained lights (pass) versus the lights spoke to me (fail) would be a reasonable criteria.
Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't like my NWA (at the time) saying, "look this 'great circle' route to get us to MSP is bs and I'll prove it to you...")  ;)


Howard Bloom comes on to talk about the San Antonio Wal-Mart incident and talks about the important contribution immigrants have made to the US, historically and in the present. When he's gone, Joorch points out that Bloom is a Democrat, the implication clearly being that we don't take what he says seriously. No such advisory to be heard as he jumps into a round of Trump ass-licking with Gerald Cilente. Joorch is oh so politically neutral, ain't he?

And btw, did Cilente really say that what we need to unite a divided nation is a revival of the 'teach the world to sing' Coke ad?!

Not paying attention to LITERALLY ANYTHING:

Gerald Celente: (sarcastically making a point about cleverly wording/spinning things to accomplish what you want) "Or better yet, oh! Oh! I've got it, we'll sell ripped jeans, and call them 'distresssed jeans'... hehe..."
George: "And you know, you'd make a fortune, Gerry!"

Um... hey idiot... he's referencing something that has - famously - already been done.

Seriously? Really, you just gave that sage advice?


I always like this topic that is tonight on C2C.
(let's hope that the Stupido will not fuck up the interview and distress the guest)

"Scholar of biblical studies Michael Heiser talks about his latest work researching the fall of the heavenly Watchers in the book of Enoch.
The story of the Watchers has deep connections to the life of Jesus, the Antichrist, and the end-times".

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 24, 2017, 11:42:09 PMAnd btw, did Cilente really say that what we need to unite a divided nation is a revival of the 'teach the world to sing' Coke ad?!

Yes, I heard that nonsense. Give the world a Coke and a smile. Laughable. Between George Noory and his ludicrous guests, it's the lowest denominator of intelligence, reason and knowledge in talk-radio today. If not in all of humanity. What a ship of fools.

After hearing them note how "we" -- I conclude they mean the United States -- have "never known of a divide like this after the election of a president," neither of them mentioned the American Civil War (1861-1865) after Republican Abraham Lincoln ascended to the nation's highest office. Da? Hey, Noory and your "expert" guests, there were worse divides before. Like an armed conflict. 

That program is worth its weight in making all of us feel better about ourselves. Things could be worse: We could be clueless morons like George Noory and his "experts" who seem unaware of their own idiocy. That program sounds like a parody of a talk-radio show -- but no, it takes itself seriously. If you can believe that. 


Don't forget to tune into Doc Wallet's regular appointment tonight with Jorch. ;)

First Half: Dr. Joel Wallach addresses alternative health approaches, and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 24, 2017, 11:42:09 PM
Howard Bloom comes on to talk about the San Antonio Wal-Mart incident and talks about the important contribution immigrants have made to the US, historically and in the present. When he's gone, Joorch points out that Bloom is a Democrat, the implication clearly being that we don't take what he says seriously. No such advisory to be heard as he jumps into a round of Trump ass-licking with Gerald Cilente. Joorch is oh so politically neutral, ain't he?

I don't know why Noory always wants to do political topics. The weekend hosts has shown you can do shows without needing to go to that lazy route.

I am sure he gets so much blow back whenever Bloom is on, it just shows how isolated and bubble living people are. He can (and normally has) 4 out of 5 days having his "news segments" be all Trump supporters and have three 2-hour block guest a week pushing Trump talking points. But he he has Bloom (or somebody who isn't licking Trump balls) for 3-minutes he has to put out a disclaimer and I see people would still freak out on twitter calling out Noory for being a "anti-Trump liberal" It's bizarre.

"This super storm has been compared to the historic Carrington Event of the eighteen fifty nines. That caused widespread power blackouts, because of the telegraph system that they had."
-- George Noory; host, "Coast To Coast AM," Premiere Networks; July 24, 2017; in the news segment describing a recent solar flare.

What a dunce. First, we get "the eighteen fifty nines," implying that the year 1859 was "more than one year" since Noory uses a plural over a singular. I mean it. The guy is so inept, he can't even read news copy without mucking it up on his own.

And power blackouts? In 1859? Hey, Noory, first I heard electricity was in wide use in the United States at that time. Then "power blackouts" were caused "because of the telegraph system that they had." What? Noory, what in heck are you talking about? You lost any informed and perhaps intelligent listener with the above passage you aired.

Where does Premiere Networks get them from? What a ludicrous talk-radio program if one ever aired. It's its own running gag of nonsense. Except someone forget to tell the host that himself and his staff are laughing stocks while they advance they are about "truth" and have one over on everyone else.

What a sad sack of you-know-what host that "brags" of providing such "truth" (read as bullsh*t) to over 600 affiliates. How dumb are those affiliates? Fairly dumb to allow their stations to waste airtime -- and insult their listeners' intelligence --  with that load of crap some guests mistakenly call "The George Noory Show."

Widespread power blackouts? In 1859? Huh, Noory? No wonder they had power blackouts: Electricity hadn't been introduced to the "widespread" scale -- and it's no mystery why the people of 1859 were left without electricity: They didn't have it yet!

Quote from: ItsOver on July 25, 2017, 10:33:41 AM
Don't forget to tune into Doc Wallet's regular appointment tonight with Jorch. ;)

First Half: Dr. Joel Wallach addresses alternative health approaches, and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments.

Agreed. Get your overpriced snake-oil here! With no FDA disclaimers aired, nor do I feel any business connections between George Noory and that criticalhealthnews(dot)com scam site is disclosed, as well.

Know that site's URL is one Michael Zwerling apparently owns and operates. As in KSCO, Santa Cruz, California. Admitting on the station's website that it draws its main revenue from "paid programming" in Joel Wallach's infomercial program "Dead Doctors Don't Lie."

OK. That station admits it is being paid for such "health-news programs" -- and I must add, does air legal disclaimers and disclosures to cover itself. But "Coast To Coast AM" might be following that same business model -- providing fake "news programs" in exchange for money and compensation -- but fails to air disclaimers or possible disclosure to that effect.

I may be among the few to see this. That whole thing Noory conducts, I suspect, is a scam and should be investigated in the interest of protecting consumers. But such seem disinterested. Um, that is, until someone is harmed -- or worse -- by the "medical advice" issued so irresponsibly and the lack of either disclaimers or disclosure sent to over 600 affiliates become a legal matter.

Scam, scam, scam. Did I mention its a scam. To sum up one creep and huckster Joel Wallach, all I need to do is quote him. What kind of fool would believe anything he says, after this:

"Now, drug dealers in America. Each year. We're talking about slimy, HIV-infected, dirty, scaly drug dealers kill ten thousand people a year in America. You are safer going to one of these scumbag dealers on the street than you are going to a doctor."
-- Premiere Networks; aired to roughly 600 affiliates; guest Joel Wallach; "Coast To Coast AM"; host George Noory; December 7, 2015.

December 7. "The Day That Will Live In Infamy."
First 1941, then 2015. What in the world, Premiere Networks? Has your company lost its mind? Telling people to stay away from medical doctors? Are you taking the full responsibility for that? If people care about their health, true medical doctors are the ones to consult -- not some profiteering slime ball on "Coast To Coast AM" who may just be paying that program for airtime, unchallenged, no matter who gets cheated or hurt.

Yes, George Noory "cares" about people and is a "good person." Baloney. He's a narcissist, liar, a cheat a manipulator and is only out to take care of himself at the cost of anyone around him. A real loser. Despite his job and income. He has probably not worked an honest day in his life. Screw him and his snake-oil salespeople. That is that, I state firmly.

"Remember, it wasn't that long ago, when the tobacco companies admitted. Yes, this stuff can [unintelligible]...cancer."

"And too many emails floating around."

-- "Coast To Coast AM," Premiere Networks; July 24, 2017

What a dunce. Noory, the information tying cigarettes and tobacco use to cancer was in the 1970s. Glad to hear that "emails" were "floating" around back then, even though I was in those times and don't remember such, but thanks for your ignorant history lesson. Educating the ignorant masses is apparently the life mission of one talk-radio host George Noory.   

The Snorchlax

It is clear that the chairs are being rearranged on the deck of iheartmedia as the company's debt will not be repaid


Quote from: Here We Go Again on July 25, 2017, 01:29:07 PM
Educating the ignorant masses is apparently the life mission of one talk-radio host George Noory.

It's his 'personal pilgrimage'.


Quote from: Lord Grantham on July 23, 2017, 05:30:06 AM
Have I got a deal for you. Here's a glass of tap water I shook a bottle of aspirin at, $20.
Lack of work job loss this afternoon. 


Your infomercial nights has improved my health substantially.

I no longer stay up and listen to the show, and I am getting a good nights sleep.  I cannot thank you enough. 


Fake Doctor just tossed up a beauty....

GN: "Thinnest countries, Japan #1... ...what are they doing right??

Pretend Dr.: I spent weeks living in these rural places like Okinawa and what they are doing is still using wood to heat their homes and dumping the wood ash in their gardens and that's why they are thin."

Well, you've certainly cracked the code, idiot. My wife is Japanese and we spend weeks at a time there, several times a year.. But you don't need to go there to know that 97% of people in Japan do not heat their tiny homes and apartments with a wood furnace (WTF????) and even a smaller percentage of the people who do, have GARDENS that they then eat from! So, expert, why again are the 97% of Japanese - cramped city dwellers -  thin? Wood ash? You're sure about that....?

Ha! Back from the commercial, he changed his story. Now, the Japanese are thin from being an island county and eating fish. It's India - India who uses wood ash to be thin. Ahhh okay got it....

Do tell me... how come everyone on the island of Samoa is a big, fat, cow? Please clarify, Pretend Doctor.

He also claimed that he is "now treating THOUSANDS of people a week, all of them losing .5 to 2 pounds a week, and has been doing this for years." (And is, miraculously, still largely unknown....)

Just claimed he's treating the bones of "lots of horses, these are $20 million each" simply and easily with the healthy bone and whatever pack.

Why did I leave this on again??  - back to work


Doc Wallet already recommended to one caller to eat 8-10 eggs/day!


Quote from: Morgus on July 26, 2017, 12:24:57 AM
Doc Wallet already recommended to one caller to eat 8-10 eggs/day!

Raised it to 20 now. Joorch asks whether they can't be condensed into pill form.
Wallet: We're already working on that.
Noory: Remember it was my idea.
Joorch sensing a royalty there. Not your idea if they've already thought of it, though, is it, Joorch?

To do these shows, does Dr Noory need a medical license in all 50 states he broadcasts in, or just California?

And can I just buy wood ash and sprinkle it around, or do I have to burn it?


I don't mind listening to alternative health shows, but this fraud scammer Dr. Joel Wallach that Noory is having constantly on C2C
doing his 'informercials' is pure vomit.
-I now turn the C2C Show Off, till the second part of the show if the second guest is good.

There are so many choices to listen to that C2C doesn't have to occupy our time.

"All we want to do is help one person."
-- George Noory, host; "Coast To Coast AM," Premiere Networks; July 25, 2017; concluding an infomercial for a paid sponsor posing as "news, editorial or program matter" in criticalhealthnews(dot)com.
There you go. Noory admits something "critical" there.  With perhaps a thousand suckers turning to order takers on the other end of the phone at that business posing as medical professionals, all "we" -- implying those of his program or perhaps those associated with that Youngevity independent distributor -- may be unable to doing anything of substance for the other 999 seeking "help"? But selling them a "bill of goods" when all is said and done?

Noory really nailed it there. After two hours of what are implied prevention, treatment or cures for every condition known to man -- ones only solved by buying those overpriced supplements from that paid sponsor and buying from no one else -- the listeners get that. One person?

Meaning that if everyone else gets lied to or cheated, that matters not as long as these hucksters get their money? Just helping "one person" makes suckering and cheating the rest all right? Even if they get harmed or worse by the bogus medical advice? Huh, Noory? What in the heck did you mean by that?

But thanks, Noory, for coming clean on your intentions with those infomercials. At least you admit that.

The Snorchlax

George is having a meltdown with this unexpected open lines

that Mexican in the hotel is screwing his show up!


implant chips and George Noory.

Noory said that he would never get the chip.
According to the Bible if you don't get that chip that Antichrist will introduce when he comes on the World's Political scene
you will not be able to buy or to sell.

Wonder what Noory will do if C2C Premiere Networks Inc. will get 'that chip' in their system, including in their payroll system,
and they will tell George Noory that if you don't get 'the chip' we can not pay your salary.
What then?
Will he finally quit or get 'the chip'

I think George Noory is just a big mouth coward. That's all.
He will roll up his sleeve and put his arm out in a NewYork's second.

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