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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



One of the things Noory said that caught my attention:

"There's room for me to get better than I am." 


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 08:47:12 PM
One of the things Noory said that caught my attention:

"There's room for me to get better than I am."

Sounds like he's in therapy.
Big of him to come over here now. Still an asshole, just showing his balls.
George Noory Sucks


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 08:47:12 PM
One of the things Noory said that caught my attention:

"There's room for me to get better than I am."


hey you guys.. got a new thread going with solutions instead of bickering about the whole thing.

subject: solutions to the coast to coast, sirius/xm, and art bell problems.



Just about everything that Noory said tonight on the GabCast was pure BS.
He doesn't really mean any of what he said. It's all an act!
I'm sure that he and his crew thought that today would be a perfect time to come back here and get on the GabCast to get some people to his side.

I hope that not too many have fallen for his "I'm-a-nice-guy-Belieeeeve-me" act. It's what he does. It's what he's been doing for years.

The man is a disgusting deceitful snake. He sickens me.

Oh, yeah, and he SUCKS as a talk show host.


Gnoory Please sing an Elvis tune for us tonight on the show. Any song will do. Preferably something real sad. Does not have to be Elvis per say.  :(


Wow. Thats ballsy.

Oh and norry sure has a flamethrower station here
Kqqq-am, 1kW Day, 27Watts night....

I bet that one is heard all over the world right there.


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 09:56:33 PM
Just about everything that Noory said tonight on the GabCast was pure BS.
He doesn't really mean any of what he said. It's all an act!
I'm sure that he and his crew thought that today would be a perfect time to come back here and get on the GabCast to get some people to his side.

I hope that not too many have fallen for his "I'm-a-nice-guy-Belieeeeve-me" act. It's what he does. It's what he's been doing for years.

The man is a disgusting deceitful snake. He sickens me.

Oh, yeah, and he SUCKS as a talk show host.

+1.  Long live the "George Noory Sucks!" thread!


I wasn't happy with the whole Oates interview. But damn it, George is handling this right and comes across as classy.

Heather Wade

Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 09:56:33 PM
Just about everything that Noory said tonight on the GabCast was pure BS.
He doesn't really mean any of what he said. It's all an act!
I'm sure that he and his crew thought that today would be a perfect time to come back here and get on the GabCast to get some people to his side.

I hope that not too many have fallen for his "I'm-a-nice-guy-Belieeeeve-me" act. It's what he does. It's what he's been doing for years.

The man is a disgusting deceitful snake. He sickens me.

Oh, yeah, and he SUCKS as a talk show host.

Agreed on all points.

George Nooron sucks now & forever.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 05, 2013, 10:35:20 PM
I wasn't happy with the whole Oates interview. But damn it, George is handling this right and comes across as classy.
I know. What a disappointment!


George? You suck as a host, especially when you drift, as you say. And, asking stupid questions doesn't help you either.
The rest of you guys and gals - I have more respect for someone who, at the very least, shows up rather than for one who is unpredictable, finicky, and flighty.  Read it as you may. 

  It does not matter terribly what your motives are George - I'm sure it's all business. You do have balls for showing up.  :-X
Don't forget your a goofy host though, and honesty do need to work on being authentic.

Now I'm heading down to my bunker. :-X


Gnoory may be acting like the white knight here, but I still can't abide by the way he has treated guests (especially female ones), the questions that seem like they are written by and for 2nd graders (maybe that's why he pronounces things the way he does), and his willingness to peddle the most questionable crap without a second thought, save for what's going in his pocket.

He can have his 10 listeners that think he's the best thing since Carnivora to every 1 that thinks he's the human equivalent of a dumpster fire. It just shows how humanity's mental capabilities are slipping and sliding like a Vaseline-covered Danheiser on a Hefty bag.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on November 05, 2013, 03:27:08 PM
Can you do less of the paranoid government shows please?
Less alex Jones please. Besides John B is doing those shows every Saturday, hes got the market cornered.


Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 09:56:33 PM
Just about everything that Noory said tonight on the GabCast was pure BS.
He doesn't really mean any of what he said. It's all an act!
I'm sure that he and his crew thought that today would be a perfect time to come back here and get on the GabCast to get some people to his side.

I hope that not too many have fallen for his "I'm-a-nice-guy-Belieeeeve-me" act. It's what he does. It's what he's been doing for years.

Ditto he sux and is full of shit.

The man is a disgusting deceitful snake. He sickens me.

Oh, yeah, and he SUCKS as a talk show host.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 05, 2013, 10:35:20 PM
I wasn't happy with the whole Oates interview. But damn it, George is handling this right and comes across as classy.

Yeah, other than he's a slimy, opportunistic weasel.


This is how Dave gets his jollies:

"I located myself in a darkened room where I settled into a thick-cushioned easy chair with a high back and nice padded arms. I closed my eyes and focused on each of the men I wanted out of my way. I repeated each one's name to myself as I saw his face in my mind. And then, with all of the power I could muster from the depths of my psyche, I sent out the most evil thoughts I could imagine, specifically aimed at the individual. And this was not just a one-time exercise. I repeated it each night, deliberately, and with the full understanding of what I was doing. I willed evil to befall each individual." --George Noory

Absolutely chilling.  :o


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 11:33:09 PM
This is how Dave gets his jollies:

"I located myself in a darkened room where I settled into a thick-cushioned easy chair with a high back and nice padded arms. I closed my eyes and focused on each of the men I wanted out of my way. I repeated each one's name to myself as I saw his face in my mind. And then, with all of the power I could muster from the depths of my psyche, I sent out the most evil thoughts I could imagine, specifically aimed at the individual. And this was not just a one-time exercise. I repeated it each night, deliberately, and with the full understanding of what I was doing. I willed evil to befall each individual." --George Noory

Absolutely chilling.  :o

What's this from, Spinner?


Quote from: ItsOver on November 05, 2013, 11:36:42 PM
What's this from, Spinner?

That's a quote from his book Worker In The Light.

(yeah, I read it: got it at Barnes And Noble on one of those "red dot" sales for $2).


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 11:33:09 PM
This is how Dave gets his jollies:

"I located myself in a darkened room where I settled into a thick-cushioned easy chair with a high back and nice padded arms. I closed my eyes and focused on each of the men I wanted out of my way. I repeated each one's name to myself as I saw his face in my mind. And then, with all of the power I could muster from the depths of my psyche, I sent out the most evil thoughts I could imagine, specifically aimed at the individual. And this was not just a one-time exercise. I repeated it each night, deliberately, and with the full understanding of what I was doing. I willed evil to befall each individual." --George Noory

Absolutely chilling.  :o



Quote from: 23Skidoo on November 05, 2013, 11:41:25 PM
That's a quote from his book Worker In The Light.

(yeah, I read it: got it at Barnes And Noble on one of those "red dot" sales for $2).

"Worker in the Light"???  Wow... it sounds more like "Worker in the Dark."   :o  El creepo!


Quote from: Spinner on November 05, 2013, 11:33:09 PM
This is how Dave gets his jollies:

"I located myself in a darkened room where I settled into a thick-cushioned easy chair with a high back and nice padded arms. I closed my eyes and focused on each of the men I wanted out of my way. I repeated each one's name to myself as I saw his face in my mind. And then, with all of the power I could muster from the depths of my psyche, I sent out the most evil thoughts I could imagine, specifically aimed at the individual. And this was not just a one-time exercise. I repeated it each night, deliberately, and with the full understanding of what I was doing. I willed evil to befall each individual." --George Noory

Absolutely chilling.  :o


Quote from: ItsOver on November 05, 2013, 11:43:50 PM
"Worker in the Light"???  Wow... it sounds more like "Worker in the Dark."   :o  El creepo!

To be fair and objective, it was a recounting of something he did when younger. He went on to talk about the "karmic backlash" that resulted and how that was a bad thing to do. So it's a cautionary tale of sorts. On one hand it's refreshing honesty (if it happened that way); on the other it does provide an interesting look into the psyche of the way George handles his perceived "enemies" or rivals in times of stress (see the past two months and the tactics Coast used against Dark Matter and Art).


King George, it's time for you to do a sequel to your now-classic SUPERMAN show! 

You've now got more in common with the Man of Steel than ever before!


Quote from: 23Skidoo on November 05, 2013, 11:47:37 PM
To be fair and objective, it was a recounting of something he did when younger. He went on to talk about the "karmic backlash" that resulted and how that was a bad thing to do. So it's a cautionary tale of sorts. On one hand it's refreshing honesty (if it happened that way); on the other it does provide an interesting look into the psyche of the way George handles his perceived "enemies" or rivals in times of stress (see the past two months and the tactics Coast used against Dark Matter and Art).
Yes, it's from that book. Sorry I neglected to mention that. Cautionary tale? Maybe. But the whole nasty account sounded more like bragging to me.
The point is, this is the sort of thing he's willing to do to get what he wants and to defeat his rivals.
Nice guy, huh?
Yeah, in the same way that Ted Bundy was a nice guy. Psychopath.

Maybe Art should have asked Evelyn Paglini for advise.


Quote from: Spinner on November 06, 2013, 12:09:38 AM

Yes, it's from that book. Sorry I neglected to mention that. Cautionary tale? Maybe. But the whole nasty account sounded more like bragging to me.
The point is, this is the sort of thing he's willing to do to get what he wants.
Nice guy, huh?
Yeah, in the same way that Ted Bundy was a nice guy. Psychopath.

That's pretty much how I summed it up in my last reply: "on the other it does provide an interesting look into the psyche of the way George handles his perceived 'enemies' or rivals in times of stress (see the past two months and the tactics Coast used against Dark Matter and Art)."

Bragging? You know, when I read it several  years ago and didn't have the background on George that I do now, I didn't see that at all. Now I kind of see it like "cross me, and see what could happen". It WAS couched in the book as "I did this and it was wrong, and here's why", but your interpretation is really valid as well.


Quote from: Spinner on November 06, 2013, 12:09:38 AM
Nice guy, huh?
Yeah, in the same way that Ted Bundy was a nice guy. Psychopath.

C'mon, even SUPERMAN has done some things in the past that he isn't proud of!


Quote from: 23Skidoo on November 06, 2013, 12:12:56 AM
That's pretty much how I summed it up in my last reply: "on the other it does provide an interesting look into the psyche of the way George handles his perceived 'enemies' or rivals in times of stress (see the past two months and the tactics Coast used against Dark Matter and Art)."

Bragging? You know, when I read it several  years ago and didn't have the background on George that I do now, I didn't see that at all. Now I kind of see it like "cross me, and see what could happen". It WAS couched in the book as "I did this and it was wrong, and here's why", but your interpretation is really valid as well.

I've heard enough of how he handles some of his callers over the years to know Noory is not "Mr. Nice Guy."


Quote from: ItsOver on November 05, 2013, 11:20:44 PM
Yeah, other than he's a slimy, opportunistic weasel.

You leave George's weasel out of this!

Ah, fuck it, you're right. I feel awful about DM and it's taking just about everything I've got not to go apeshit and 'moralize' to the trolls about Art like I used to do with Noory. They're basically doing what they can to ensure the show won't return at this point.   


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 06, 2013, 12:17:55 AM
You leave George's weasel out of this!

Ah, fuck it, you're right. I feel awful about DM and it's taking just about everything I've got not to go apeshit and 'moralize' to the trolls about Art like I used to do with Noory. They're basically doing what they can to ensure the show won't return at this point.

Just an absolute nightmare about DM.  Goodbye, Art.  It was great while it lasted.  :(

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