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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM

136 or 142

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 22, 2015, 08:49:40 PM
The reports of the actual events where they counted and recounted the votes - adding those controversial groups of ballots, excluding these, reshuffle and try again until they found the right combination that put him ahead, then stopped and declared him the winner?  Those 'ridiculous conspiracy theories'?  The Al Gore approach to vote counting?

I remember the series of events - instead of parroting some self serving 'Progressive' od-ed piece, why not go back and re-read the original articles yourself?

That he didn't infuriate the electorate, or have an opposing candidate that excited the voters, that he had incumbent money and increased name recognition this time around doesn't have a thing to do with the last election.  That one was stolen.

Your memory of these events is as wrong as you are about everything, which isn't a surprise because you are the stupidest person of all time.  The recount of the votes was done by a bipartisan commission and was broadcast on the internet.  The only person who 'questioned' it was the sleazy Norm Coleman who is thankfully now out of politics.


Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 22, 2015, 02:52:54 PM
I have a question for the president's fanboys.
Throughout his presidency, how many times have you heard him defend Christianity?
Now- how many times have you heard him defend Islam?
He appointed a Muslim head to the CIA, John Brennan. He appointed a Muslim brotherhood operative to our DHS. He supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and is defending the Islamic faith since the encroachment of ISIS.
He goes to a prayer breakfast (before his round of golf) and compares the Crusades to Islamic terrorism.
However, the smartest guy in the room conveniently failed to mention the Crusades were a defensive measure against Islamic imperialism.
Why does this man hate his own people so much?
Because we are not his ppl.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 22, 2015, 06:51:18 PM
Not so much a fan boy as one who recognized the disasterous alternatives, and the catastrophic product of the last conservative WH.  Obama doesn't "hate his own people so much" but he probably wishes they were bright enough to understand that using "Islamic terrorists" is  about like using "Lutheran butchers" instead of "Nazis", "Catholic murderers" instead of "Mafia", or "Protestant racists" for "KKK".  He speaks to the world, not just the domestic audience, and can't afford to alienate the people we need as allies if we have any hope of suppressing terrorism to placate the yappers reacting to the Fox and radio ranter dog whistles.

But otoh, I thought the Islamists were his people   ;D
Interesting wordage.  My wife is a Lutheran, trained in the classic style of butchering animals and German. She would be offended by your words and your intent to insult her as a Nazi. 
You are right, instead of Islamic terrorists we should refer to them as pig fucking terrorists who just happen to be Islamic. 
There, following your lead geezer, everybody should feel better.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 22, 2015, 08:49:40 PM
The reports of the actual events where they counted and recounted the votes - adding those controversial groups of ballots, excluding these, reshuffle and try again until they found the right combination that put him ahead, then stopped and declared him the winner?  Those 'ridiculous conspiracy theories'?  The Al Gore approach to vote counting?

I remember the series of events - instead of parroting some self serving 'Progressive' od-ed piece, why not go back and re-read the original articles yourself?

That he didn't infuriate the electorate, or have an opposing candidate that excited the voters, that he had incumbent money and increased name recognition this time around doesn't have a thing to do with the last election.  That one was stolen.

My favorite was the ballot box full of ballots that was found in a pollsters car. They had to add those to the count too! Can't disenfranchise voters, unless they're absentee military ballots. It's ok Franken has turned out to be an outstanding senator in the tradition of Barbara Boxer.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 22, 2015, 08:42:12 PM
So constantly - constantly - insisting the country is racist, blacks can't get ahead, the cops are out to kill black people, we're a greedy and selfish nation, siding with teachers unions over educating kids, chanting a message of hate and division, throwing riots to trash burn and loot our downtowns, burning our flag during riots, growing a gigantic unresponsive intrusive bureaucratic government so fast we have to borrow trillions to pay for it, constantly chipping away at our Constitutional rights, lying to / bullying / and name calling everyone who doesn't agree with them, while insisting they are the tolerant enlightened peaceful open-minded compassionate ones, undermining our Constitution, making fun of honor duty and patriotism. 
I would no sooner engage you in dialogue than I would attempt to persuade a rock to roll over and play dead.  Both equally futile. 

But at least with Obama in the White House you have someone to blame.  Otherwise you might have to consider that the criminal syndicate that Dubbya called his Cabinet might be partially to blame for how fucked this country is. 

Oh fuck I'm doing it.  Nevermind.

This next piece is directed at the Usual Conservitard Suspects.

They're so far to the Right they've left the country.

136 or 142

Quote from: b_dubb on February 23, 2015, 08:52:49 PM
I would no sooner engage you in dialogue than I would attempt to persuade a rock to roll over and play dead.  Both equally futile. 

But at least with Obama in the White House you have someone to blame.  Otherwise you might have to consider that the criminal syndicate that Dubbya called his Cabinet might be partially to blame for how fucked this country is. 

Oh fuck I'm doing it.  Nevermind.

This next piece is directed at the Usual Conservitard Suspects.

They're so far to the Right they've left the country.

The first Secretary of Health and Human Services, former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson struck me as being a decent guy.  Would likely have made a much better president in 2000 than Dumbya. Same thing with then Oklahoma governor Frank Keating and maybe even then Michigan governor John Engler.  Why the Republican party settled on Dumbya instead of any of those three then popular governors is beyond me.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 23, 2015, 10:14:22 PM
...  Why the Republican party settled on Dumbya instead of any of those three then popular governors is beyond me.

I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is a person has to actually run for office in order to win it, or even be their party's nominee.

136 or 142

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 24, 2015, 02:28:47 AM
I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is a person has to actually run for office in order to win it, or even be their party's nominee.

The money people who finance the Republican campaigns decided they wanted a governor to be their party's nominee in 2000 and they chose Dumbya.  I believe Engler really wanted to run in 2000.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 23, 2015, 10:14:22 PM
Why the Republican party settled on Dumbya instead of any of those three then popular governors is beyond me.
Simple; follow the money.  Same as with his brother, same as his Poppy.  Jeb's already grabbed most of the big GOP donors. The charismatic-as-cold-oatmeal Bush Family has been lurking at every momentous turn of the US since Nixon.  Must be coincidence.

Jeb can garner all the PAC money in the world, but it`s not going to buy him the nomination. No way; no how.

Walker 2016. Period. ;)


Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 24, 2015, 11:00:49 AM
Walker 2016. Period. ;)
Could be.  God save us from assertive hacks with feudalist megabillionaire backers.


I may have to exercise my god given 2nd amendment rights

Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 24, 2015, 11:30:54 AM
Could be.  God save us from assertive hacks with feudalist megabillionaire backers.

I thought you liked Obama


Quote from: b_dubb on February 24, 2015, 11:42:57 AM
I may have to exercise my god given 2nd amendment rights

Leave it to a progressive to use violence against those he disagrees with.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Lunger on February 24, 2015, 02:12:04 PM
Leave it to a progressive to use violence against those he disagrees with.

Don't worry; there'll be plenty left for the cons to shoot and then try justify it.


Quote from: Lunger on February 24, 2015, 02:12:04 PM
Leave it to a progressive to use violence against those he disagrees with.
1) The joke went over your head. I'd explain but why?
2) Please take this opportunity to grow a pair

136 or 142

Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 24, 2015, 11:00:49 AM
Jeb can garner all the PAC money in the world, but it`s not going to buy him the nomination. No way; no how.

Walker 2016. Period. ;)

PPP National Poll.  PPP is an independent Democratic polling firm but up until the 2014 election they had one of the best track records going.

Scott Walker 25%
Ben Carson 18%
Jeb Bush 17%
Mike Huckabee 10%
Chris Christie 5%
Ted Cruz 5%
Rand Paul 4%
Marco Rubio 3%
Rick Perry 3%

Everybody else polled, below 1%

A little surprised Ben Carson is so high and shocked that Rand Paul is so low.  Just one poll though.

Oh, what the hell, I'll offer my peanut gallery observation:  Walker is the 2016 Santorum, making a little noise early before the inevitable fizzle (not sizzle, Bart)... Carson is Cain.  Bush is Romney.  Huck  remains a huckster.
OTOH, if all the Dems have is Hillary, who knows.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on February 24, 2015, 07:32:26 PM
OTOH, if all the Dems have is Hillary, who knows.
HRC is the liberal Bob Dole; she's a lousy choice but dammit, it's her turn.  Barring a Republican nominee-goat-little boy threesome video surfacing in Oct '16, she'll be crushed by any of the serious Republicans.  I'd welcome the defeat of Her Royal Smugness except it will mean a totally conservative hard-right wing govt. with no checks whatsoever.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 24, 2015, 11:22:52 PM
HRC is the liberal Bob Dole; she's a lousy choice but dammit, it's her turn.  Barring a Republican nominee-goat-little boy threesome video surfacing in Oct '16, she'll be crushed by any of the serious Republicans.  I'd welcome the defeat of Her Royal Smugness except it will mean a totally conservative hard-right wing govt. with no checks whatsoever.
I agree with you political-wise aspect but Bob Dole was a real person, with real experiences and a bonafide veteran and really in a war. Not that being in a war means you are right for office or a prerequisite but he never had to claim being under fire (whilst really being greeted with flowers by schoolgirl.) Yes, Dole wasn't the right guy, maybe, for the time or "the base" and so politically you are right but he had solid credentials for the country, his state, his family, etc prior- unlike Hillary in all those aspects. Just thinking on the subject brings me back to the savaging of James Stockdale and bonafide fucking hero by the leftist media and Clintonistas. A chance, not saying Perot was the best guy but was right about "free trade" crap, for a 3rd party or independent movement. Forever a shame for them how they villified Stockdale.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 14, 2015, 11:25:19 AM
... You remind of the dove that keeps trying to fly through my window glass because it sees a reflection and can't separate an illusion from reality...




Quote from: b_dubb on February 24, 2015, 02:43:40 PM
1) The joke went over your head. I'd explain but why?
2) Please take this opportunity to grow a pair

Yeah.  Its always a joke when you guys get caught, isn't it?

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on February 24, 2015, 11:37:44 PM
Just thinking on the subject brings me back to the savaging of James Stockdale and bonafide fucking hero by the leftist media and Clintonistas. A chance, not saying Perot was the best guy but was right about "free trade" crap, for a 3rd party or independent movement. Forever a shame for them how they villified Stockdale.

I have no idea what you are referring to.  Stockdale was pretty much ignored in the election.  The only 'attack' on him I'm aware of was from SNL.  Stockdale was a war hero but he was also completely in over his head in politics.

If you want a war hero being sleazily vilified look at the vile attack by Rethuglicans on Max Cleland.


Quote from: Lunger on February 25, 2015, 06:29:37 AM
Yeah.  Its always a joke when you guys get caught, isn't it?
You've caught me red handed sherif! I turn mah self in fer my evil joke making! Praise the Lord! Sherif Lunger is on the prowl!


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 25, 2015, 08:56:13 AM
I have no idea what you are referring to.  Stockdale was pretty much ignored in the election.  The only 'attack' on him I'm aware of was from SNL.  Stockdale was a war hero but he was also completely in over his head in politics.

If you want a war hero being sleazily vilified look at the vile attack by Rethuglicans on Max Cleland.


What the Republishits did to Max Cleland was disgusting and unforgivable.

Quote from: b_dubb on February 25, 2015, 12:07:36 PM

What the Republishits did to Max Cleland was disgusting and unforgivable.

Of course referring to any Republicans who oppose any Democrat candidates or legislation as Nazi's and racists, insisting they are out to take peoples Social Security, want to poison the air and water, are the ones looting the government and the rest of us, hate women, kids, old people, poor people, and minorities - a constant flow of raw sewage into our body politic for the past, oh, 35 years - that's ok

136 or 142

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 25, 2015, 12:17:14 PM
want to poison the air and water,  a constant drumbeat for the past, oh, 35 years - that's ok

Rethuglican claims of "War on Coal" which is estimated to shorten the lives of 24,000 Americans a year.

But hey, the Rethuglicans are 'pro life'! Until your born that is.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 25, 2015, 12:21:19 PM
Rethuglican claims of "War on Coal" which is estimated to shorten the lives of 24,000 Americans a year.

But hey, the Rethuglicans are 'pro life'! Until your born that is.

I am perfectly willing to shut down coal completely, with the one condition that enough Libs disconnect themselves from the grid to make up for the loss of energy

How about all those cities in the Northeast with large 'Liberal' majorities - slurping up energy to run their furnaces in the winter and A/C in the summer.  That should all go, before criticizing the rest of us.

Actually, simply disconnecting Al Gore's house and grounding his plane would put a good sized dent in our national energy consumption


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 25, 2015, 12:21:19 PM
Rethuglican claims of "War on Coal" which is estimated to shorten the lives of 24,000 Americans a year.

But hey, the Rethuglicans are 'pro life'! Until your born that is.
I'm sure people would love not having electric power during these latest "global warming" temperatures and snow storms. Not having electricity would certainly help people out :o. I'm all for phasing coal out when a cheaper (natural gas) alternative comes online but it is not the President's job to kill coal simply to get back at people who didn't vote for him or because of some grudge he has against white people or the country.

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