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A Request

Started by EvB, July 05, 2008, 10:35:44 AM


Hey Michael,

I've been listening to your show Trainwreck.  I'm impressed and I hope you'll do more of the same soon. In the past - you've discouraged commentary on that site at this.  However, the setup here invites dialog more than ufoship.  Could we have a thread, or section, to talk about that show?  There is so much fodder for conversation there!

Hope you'll consider it.  It may give more traffic to both.



PS:  You and Mr. Pate could wipe the floor with Snoory.  Or maybe, when you are rich and famous, you could hire him to wipe your floors!

I second this idea, but only if there's a possibility of a new Trainwreck show. Discussing the old shows is fine, but I think it'd be more interesting to discuss a new Trainwreck show. I've listened to all the old Trainwreck shows over the years at least twice, some three times or more. I truly enjoyed them about as much as a Howard Stern broadcast.

I guess what I'm saying is, it'd be cool to discuss the old shows but what I'd really like to do is participate in discussing ideas for a new show. Or, at least, the old show's newer format..or ..err..whatever.

Either way, I've been crossing my fingers for awhile at the prospect of a new show. When you guys picked up the reverse speech guy (Oates?), or Jamie Kelso, I was like.."wow, now these are interesting guests". I thought the questions you asked them were pretty much exactly what I would have asked as well. I was also very pleased at the way you treated Kelso. Most advertising-funded radio programs would have just made fun of him for an hour, then acted like everything was cool and ask him to come back next month or something. I must say, that was the most unbiased interview I've ever heard on him, and I think Art would have treated him the same way.

Anyways, there's my two cents.


well, firstly, i have to say i had no idea there were actually people out there listening to my radio trainwreck shows, so to say the least, i'm flattered at your comments... and thank you.

secondly, i certainly WILL be doing the show again in the near future.  the universe, for me, is incomplete without it.  the problem is that my life right now is in an abject state of uncertainty and upheaval.  my wife's visa application process is expected to be finished any time, and i'm going to morocco again to be with her at the end of august.  i'll be there for two months... one of which will be ramadan.  let the fasting begin.

when she is here, we have a home, and things are normal again for me after two years of hell, i will be back to my old routine.

as you guys mentioned, this message board's existence makes the prospect of the show's return exponentially more exciting for me due to the level of interactivity that will be possible.

by the way... the first two shows were with jamie kelso and david john oates.  my BIGGEST regret on those shows is the fact that the method of recording them was inadequate and caused a few frames of audio to drop out from time to time.  it drives me bat-shit every time i hear one of those recordings.  actually, i think the first 3 or 4 shows had that problem, now that i think about it.


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 05, 2008, 09:53:20 PM
well, firstly, i have to say i had no idea there were actually people out there listening to my radio trainwreck shows, so to say the least, i'm flattered at your comments... and thank you.

by the way... the first two shows were with jamie kelso and david john oates.  my BIGGEST regret on those shows is the fact that the method of recording them was inadequate and caused a few frames of audio to drop out from time to time.  it drives me bat-shit every time i hear one of those recordings.  actually, i think the first 3 or 4 shows had that problem, now that i think about it.

Well yes - INDEED there are!

As for the tech problems - please know that since it's YOU work - you notice it much more than the listeners.  In fact - I only know because you say so on the stream. 

I THRILLED you'll be doing it again.



Wow I am like Michael here. I had no idea that we had people that listened to our show. Or should I say Michael and I's show. That makes me feel good. It's funny that you had started a topic on this. Michael emailed me and sent me a link to this. Sorry I am really bad with grammar. But makes me feel good that people really care. It's funny that the show ended the way it did. Michael and I really did not do our best work till about the last 4 or 5 shows. When we did the show as we did at the end we did no show prep what so ever. It was him working of me and me working off him. It is really funny that he sent me this link today. I was at lunch at work today with the mp3 file of our last two shows in our smoke room with about 23 people setting there asking  me is that you that sounds like you. LOL anyhow thanks so much for your kind words. I really miss doing that show with Michael. Our lives have changed so much he got married and I play WOW well world of warcraft.I would love to find a way to do this show again. I really wish we could but I myself don't have the money to buy the stuff I would need on my end. I had to put it on hold for my family and all other things. But maybe somehow we can do it again. Thanks again people. I also have a web site not really much on it now. Michael hosts it and made it for me. Come take a look. If you have in fact listened to our show you will know that I am strange and really don't hold anything back. Take a look at my site tell me what you think. Peace to all. Thanks again Michael and fans of this site and both shows .Tim Pate........

****ADMIN NOTE**** apparently tim forgot to tell you his site can be found at TimPate.us


Hi Tim!

So glad you're here.  I've looked at your site and will send feedback later.  Good content.



Hey man thanks I did not add the url to my site. What a lop. Well that is the address to the site.

Sweet dude, I'll check it out. Good to see you here Tim. We spoke briefly (on Myspace, I think?) a couple years ago..actually I might still have you on my list if it's that. Not sure. I'm the guy with the aviator's goggles and business jacket. >.>

Anyways, good to see you here, I'll check your website out, and...more MV/TP shows if ever possible!


Yeah well things are changing in my life. I am now and for about the last 2 years going through a separation. I am going be living in my own place. All i need now is a few things to run a stream or for that matter I really don't care to run a 24 hr stream. But a show hell yeah. Hey man thanks for the kind words. I have been listening to our last two shows and enjoybg the hell our of em.


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 05, 2008, 09:53:20 PM
well, firstly, i have to say i had no idea there were actually people out there listening to my radio trainwreck shows, so to say the least, i'm flattered at your comments... and thank you.

secondly, i certainly WILL be doing the show again in the near future.  the universe, for me, is incomplete without it.  the problem is that my life right now is in an abject state of uncertainty and upheaval.  my wife's visa application process is expected to be finished any time, and i'm going to morocco again to be with her at the end of august.  i'll be there for two months... one of which will be ramadan.  let the fasting begin.

when she is here, we have a home, and things are normal again for me after two years of hell, i will be back to my old routine.

as you guys mentioned, this message board's existence makes the prospect of the show's return exponentially more exciting for me due to the level of interactivity that will be possible.

by the way... the first two shows were with jamie kelso and david john oates.  my BIGGEST regret on those shows is the fact that the method of recording them was inadequate and caused a few frames of audio to drop out from time to time.  it drives me bat-shit every time i hear one of those recordings.  actually, i think the first 3 or 4 shows had that problem, now that i think about it.
Yeah i second that motion man. My life is in a choke hold man. if there is a way I think that you and I could find it bro. Anyhow. I got to get back wow. Peace.


Quote from: timpate on July 09, 2008, 01:06:25 PM
Yeah well things are changing in my life. I am now and for about the last 2 years going through a separation.
that's news to me.  when did all this start going down again?


Bout two years in the making bro. Oh well I have to get running man. TTFN


So hey, I got the amusing-as-hell "Haven't seen you at the GNS.com site, are you sick?" email tonight so decided to log in. First post I browse is this one. OK, get this: I just happened to be browsing through my WinAmp library and listening to some older stuff and one of the shows I listened to tonight (no bullshitting) was a Radio Trainwreck. Funny as hell that you guys were watching TV as you carried on the show. Ogling Anna Nicole's honk-bags and lusting after her as you critiqued Mexican immigration and "sending money back home"...

Serendipitous wouldn't ya think that the first post I happened to browse is this one? And it's in re: the RT show...

Har-freakin' har!  Life is good!  I am amused. Good night.

Oh, and YEAH BTW..I did actually find myself enjoying you two whacky-guys' prattling!


Quote from: ChuckQ on July 31, 2008, 12:57:48 AM

Oh, and YEAH BTW..I did actually find myself enjoying you two whacky-guys' prattling!

Yep - they're pretty amusing alright!   ;D


Quote from: ChuckQ on July 31, 2008, 12:57:48 AM
I did actually find myself enjoying you two whacky-guys' prattling!
thx bro.  your $20 bribe check is in the mail.


Michael, I tried Streamer today and didn't find your Art stream. I saw your train wreck and could not get it to play. I am just a pitiful old lady, not very computer literate - is it there or am I doing something wrong? I certainly share your opinion of GN. I formed my opinion the second time I heard him and have not listened since. Your sites have validated everything thing I thought without having to listen any further to his trite tripe.  Thanks for any help you can give me on listening to your show and Art's.


Quote from: cheriethree on September 14, 2008, 02:38:30 PM
Michael, I tried Streamer today and didn't find your Art stream. I saw your train wreck and could not get it to play. I am just a pitiful old lady, not very computer literate - is it there or am I doing something wrong? I certainly share your opinion of GN. I formed my opinion the second time I heard him and have not listened since. Your sites have validated everything thing I thought without having to listen any further to his trite tripe.  Thanks for any help you can give me on listening to your show and Art's.
hi there.  regarding the streamer program...
after you installed it and then ran the program for the first time, did you see any messages regarding "unblocking" or "blocking" internet traffic for that application?  you need to have clicked "unblock" if you did.  assuming that's not the problem, you should be able to start the streamer program and wait for about 30 or 60 seconds for the audio to begin playing.  it usually starts pretty slowly the first time you run the program, but after it's been run once, it's often quite speedy.

as far as listening to michael vandeven's radio trainwreck, the player embedded into the page is a flash player and you will need to make sure you have flash installed in your browser first.  you can go here and make sure it is installed, then go back and take a listen:


ok i just found out that the server went down due to power loss as the remnants of hurricane ike came through the town where the audio server resides.  in other words, the problem is on our end.  we're working on fixing it now so please bear with us....


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on September 14, 2008, 07:27:32 PM


Oh, BTW - I experimentally douched you thinking that 99999 . . . meant that the numbers would not scroll any further.  Please take it off.  the repeating 9's are MUCH funnier anyway.

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