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What'cha listening to?

Started by Pertzborn, August 25, 2011, 10:17:48 PM


What shows do you listen to all day?  I usually listen to the radio when I have free time although I do watch the occasional cooking show on TV (hello Padma Lakshmi!)

Anyhow, here's my lineup on weekdays:

6am-10am Bob and Tom (WFBQ)
10am-12pm NPR (locally we have the Diane Rehm show.  Great content, but she doesn't sound a day under 120)
12pm-3pm Dennis Prager (KRLA)
3pm-6pm Roe Conn (WLS)
6pm-9pm Hugh Hewitt (KRLA)
9pm-1am John Batchelor (WABC)
1am-??? Red Eye Radio (WABC)

Weekends I usually listen to NPR.

Of course this is pre-empted by work and baby feeding and what-not but you get the idea...

Eddie Coyle

    Batchelor and Phil Hendrie are my only constants now. I'm burned out on almost everything else. Music-wise, the NPR stations are eclectic, so they get my listenership...corporate radio makes me ill, the conglomerates giving you a half hour of commercials for shit you don't need with a half hour of the same tired overplayed songs on recycled formats. "Carry on My Wayward Son","Against The Wind","Take It To Limit"...and anything else that was popular at proms in 1979.


Bob and Tom 6-10 AM Online from their station in Indianapolis.
Glenn Beck (no tomato throwing, please) 9 AM-Noon Online fron glennbeck. com
I'll listen to Limbaugh or Hannity if I'm in the car during the day.
Jerry Doyle (and C2C during Doyle's commercial breaks) 1-4 AM on the car radio.

If I had XM, I'd guess this list would be completely different.

(Diane Rehm sounded that old forty years ago.)

Stern throughout the day......I'll tune in to The Sports Hub out of Boston, but mostly during hockey season. C2C at work on the overnights.


Coast Insider, The weekend edition of Coast
Replays of George
Live George. 
Occasionally SIT
Classic George

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on August 30, 2011, 01:05:01 PM
Coast Insider, The weekend edition of Coast
Replays of George
Live George. 
Occasionally SIT
Classic George

You'd have to bound and gag me to listen to that much George Noory, and I don't hate him as much as other members on the forum.

3pm - 7pm - Downloaded episode of Opie and Anthony/Howard Stern from today
7pm - 11pm - Old Art Bell show from my downloaded archives.

Frys Girl

Quote from: stevesh on August 26, 2011, 06:59:49 AM
Bob and Tom 6-10 AM Online from their station in Indianapolis.
Glenn Beck (no tomato throwing, please) 9 AM-Noon Online fron glennbeck. com
I'll listen to Limbaugh or Hannity if I'm in the car during the day.
Jerry Doyle (and C2C during Doyle's commercial breaks) 1-4 AM on the car radio.

If I had XM, I'd guess this list would be completely different.

(Diane Rehm sounded that old forty years ago.)
Howdy steve. I have XM and I want to tell you that sadly, the options on XM suck. You don't even get limbaugh, but you get crappy Hannity. Why the hell would someone pay for contaminated water when mineral water is there (comparatively speaking Limbaugh is good stock and Sean Hannity is the bull with mad cow disease).

I can't listen to radio easily in the office, so just run short playlists until I get tired of them.  The current is:

"Luchinushka" (Russian folk)
"Epilogue" (A Tale of Two Sisters OST)
"The Last Waltz" (Oldboy OST)

...interrupted at random intervals by 20-somethings asking "What the hell is THAT?"


I listen to the last hours of Coast to Coast AM until 9 am, then tune in to the

9-10: Alex Bennett show ONLY because he's on... Not sure how HE rates a show on a political channel on XM, but... 

10-12:  STEPHANIE MILLER!  LOVE LOVE LOVE ADORE ADORE ADORE her (except when they get on the topic of Israel, then I can't stand their knee-jerk anti-Israel bias)

12-3:  WRN on XM Radio Channel 120 - newsprogrammes from around the world, which is REALLY fantastic and expands the mind (and I despise Ed Schultz)

3-4:30: Randi Rhodes

At night - Yankees on XM, then usually C2C replay until the new programme comes on.


Listening to "Somewhere in Time" on the Kindle, or the desktop. It's great to hear Art's voice. Shows range from early 90s onward. They run 24-7. last night I listened to Art doing open lines during Hurricane Katrina live. GREAT.


Live radio:
Chris Plante on WMAL Washington DC   http://wmal.com ( i know he's one of those "right wing shock jocks" , but he can be utterly hilarious)
Today FM in Ireland  http://www.todayfm.com  ( the auld sod of home... )

The Unexplained http://theunexplained.tv
Hugh Hewitt  http://www.hughhewitt.com/   ( best political interviewer on the planet..  )
No Agenda  http://noagendashow.com
Richard Seret's Conspiracy Show  http://www.zoomerradio.ca/category/shows/the-conspiracy-show/podcast-the-conspiracy-show/
Red Ice Radio http://www.redicecreations.com/
Mysterious Universe  http://mysteriousuniverse.org
Gralien Report  http://gralienreport.com
Middle Theory  http://www.middletheory.com
Grimerica  http://www.grimerica.ca


Listening to old Spec Sheet and TrainWreck podcasts (MVDRT) going back five years. These archived podcasts hold up perfectly well, I recommend them. Can be found from this website or via the Podcast APP on the iPad Air. In episodes over the past 5 years MV rants about everything under the sun and is hilarious while doing it.


(about a month later…)
Was just listening to a TrainWreck podcast from Nov 2010 where Evelyn says her birthday is March 11th.  Wow, that's today. Happy Birthday, EvB. (MV's is 10-29; he recv'd a flatscreen TV).

In this episode we also learn about the urban dictionary's definition of a very small unit of measure (the "Asian penis length/width"), which sent MV into paroxysms of laughter.

And in another episode, Dec 2010 I think, Evelyn refuses to listen to MV's description of the Swiss Miss female duo. Maybe MV will explain more about that scatological lesbian sexcapade here… because he didn't get a chance to explore it due to Evelyn's strenuous objections.

(now down to about 20 TrainWreck episodes to go)


This week: Some "Paracast" (with Gene & Chris), some "Security Now" (with Steve Gibson), some "Tech Guy" (with Leo Laporte), some Mohr Stories (comedy/interviews with Jay Mohr), some Dom Irrera Live (comedy/interviewst), some Darkness Radio (with Dave Shrader), some Dark Weekend (with Steve), some Joe Rogan podcast, Kevin Pollack (video podcast, interviews) and assorted other podcasts. Was trying "The Nerdist" a longstanding podcast but it's not my cup o' tea. Vapid.

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