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Started by anagrammy, May 02, 2011, 10:45:18 PM


  (Heart produces hormones)

NOORY: When it does, it affects you in all different ways, but you also mentioned something else...

This is an example of the Noory strategy of attempting to pretend that the subject switching question on his 3x5 card is tied into what the guest is saying.



Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 03, 2011, 01:24:52 AM
        Not yet, I'm still in decent health..but I ever need his "assistance"...actually, not really-I read "Final Exit"

I vote for a butt-load of Xanex and a dozen strong but festive cocktails - you know, the ones that have neon fruit and umbrellas.


I always liked the way an old couple did it when I lived in Park City.  It was elegant, romantic and allowed their chlldren to collect on the life insurance.  They lived in Park City for 35 years and one winter a storm came in and closed the roads, not unusual.  They pretended to get lost and pulled over on a lonely road up by the trailhead of a popular summer hiking trail.  Then they walked off.  They found their bodies frozen, arms around each other.  The newspaper said they got lost and accidentally froze.  End of story, and ending where no one ends up maintaining the other's colostomy bag and no daily battle with pain. And no grieving for either of them.


Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 01:31:50 AM
  End of story, and ending where no one ends up maintaining the other's colostomy bag and no daily battle with pain. And no grieving for either of them.

We are kinder to our pets.  We watch them carefully for when the balance between real life and pain shifts too far to the pain side.  We call their doctor.  We arrange, if at all possible, for the vet to come to us, so our beloved fur baby will not be afraid.  We stay by them, we say goodbye, and we absolutely know we have done a GOOD thing - hard as it was.

No such luck for our skin family.


When I lived in Monterey, there was a place called Monastery Beach.  That's what the tourists called it, but the locals called it Mortuary Beach.  The ocean dropped off like 600 feet and it looked just like an ordinary beach with a gradual sand bank going gently off into the surf.  Every so often a wave would come in and just pluck a couple off the beach, like a giant hand and then crash back down pushing them so far down they didn't have enough time to come up.  There were signs with skeleton heads all around and yet still- here would be these little (usually Asian) couples walking back and forth.  I began to wonder if they were maybe seeking relief from this mortal coil....

Eddie Coyle

   I know a radio show in need of euthanization...

Trying... to remain... conscious...


We are working on it, bro.  JustOneFix says he wants to start a simple blogspot to post the reasons why an advertiser might not want to be associated with Noory.    The sponsors are the key.

Eddie Coyle

     I've NEVER been a "boycott" guy...but I'm starting to feel that way now. To hell with this clown,Noory...whatever it takes to be rid of him is fine by me.

         Ends justify all means here...


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 03, 2011, 01:51:34 AM

     I've NEVER been a "boycott" guy...but I'm starting to feel that way now. To hell with this clown,Noory...whatever it takes to be rid of him is fine by me.

         Ends justify all means here...

No boycotts are really necessary, I mean, how many of us can take away our use of Ageless Male?  Or refuse to go to the depression clinic?  No--this is just providing the information.  We go metaphorically with our best clothes and say, "Excuse me sir, just thought you ought to know that the man who tells people to send your flowers said this last Monday.... and also this.... he's really a loose canon, quite a risk.  Google "George Noory Sucks"


Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 01:56:20 AM
No boycotts are really necessary, I mean, how many of us can take away our use of Ageless Male?  Or refuse to go to the depression clinic?  No--this is just providing the information.  We go metaphorically with our best clothes and say, "Excuse me sir, just thought you ought to know that the man who tells people to send your flowers said this last Monday.... and also this...."

Right on, Ana!  To quote the man we love to hate "EXACTLY!"


What are you doing while waiting for this tool to apologize?

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 01:56:20 AM
No boycotts are really necessary, I mean, how many of us can take away our use of Ageless Male?  Or refuse to go to the depression clinic?  No--this is just providing the information.  We go metaphorically with our best clothes and say, "Excuse me sir, just thought you ought to know that the man who tells people to send your flowers said this last Monday.... and also this.... he's really a loose canon, quite a risk.  Google "George Noory Sucks"

   Great point. Nobody buys this shit he hawks anyway...other than hard-core Noory-ites. Who I think STEAL IT anyway. Cretins...

Eddie Coyle

    4:06 AM EST..no apology. Not surprised, but still pissed. I hate him more today than yesterday,but not as much as tomorrow...


I am mentally composing my extreme emergency sponsor alert message.  In addition to my "wouldn't you like to know" component, I now can throw I and other long time listeners asked him to apologize and he refused.  And I give them the mp3 which Hal9000 is going to put into a single audiofile for us.

Arrogant bastard doesn't think he has to apologize to anyone because he's the most wonderful host of the most wonderful show.  Cretin.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 03, 2011, 02:08:39 AM

    4:06 AM EST..no apology. Not surprised, but still pissed. I hate him more today than yesterday,but not as much as tomorrow...

It's actually EDT -  ::)  - but otherwise - i'm 100% with you.


Oh Oh - here it comes.  The speaker forgot to mention that "they" have developed a machine --A MACHINE--to help you measure your coherence.  I snapped out of my semi-comatose Coast doze the minute he mentioned it.  Website, price, everyone is hawking something...even your standard non-materialistic heart monitoring machine to see if you have compassion.....

Is this guy a bag of garble or WHAT?   

NOORY:  I have no doubt it is what it is but the question is why

GUEST:  What are you talking about?

NOORY:  Why it works the way it does?

GUEST:  Because the earth is pulling around our brain waves by singing at the same frequencies.  And you can measure that.  We need self-regulation tools to control our coherence...you know, see what's going on.

Sweet Jesus.  No doubt it fits in a suitcase, your basic geodetic environment monitor. Vago affrent stimulators...when we're in a heart coherent state, we do it naturally, but we can do it with a machine... No wonder Onan thinks this whole vibration area is a crock.


NOORY:  They might have a pace macer...

CALLER:  Is there any thing like a geomanetical field and the moon, like a geomanetical thing?

GUEST:   Long pause... hello?  What was it? 

CALLER:  Manetical fields and hormones.


QuoteOr refuse to go to the depression clinic?

interesting that the marketing folk on both sides of the "let's make a deal" game, find c2c a good venue to reach people who feel debilitated by depression.

This feels like I'm serving penance right now. I honestly have no idea what this guest is babbling about. At least I could somewhat follow the gun guy but I'm getting lost in the pseudo-science bullshit with this guy.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: EvB on May 03, 2011, 02:13:03 AM

It's actually EDT -  ::)  - but otherwise - i'm 100% with you.

     Freudian slip..EST= I'm having electro shock therapy to recover from enduring 200 minutes of Noory's babble.


Yes, it would be fun to draw a cartoon of the Coast audience based on the sponsors:

It's an animal-loving older person with difficulty sleeping, who is depressed and has erectile dysfunction.  They have their money in gold and efood and don't use banks--keep their money at home. THey are fearful and do not visit friends, preferring to send flowers for special occasions.  They are low income as they are unable to afford a Las Vegas promotion unless it is free and they are treated like a "high roller".  They resist modern technology and simply buy a better built radio instead of getting a laptop.  The Coast listener is lonely and needs constant reassurance that the Coast to Coast program will "always be there."  This is an attachment problem manifesting itself through attachment to a celebrity.  The host pretends to "care" about them although he fails to prepare an entertaining show for those he cares for.

Eddie Coyle

     4:30 is my drop dead point...perhaps literally. Noory has caused dyspepsia for me tonight. That wig-wearing bozo. Such a shitball...


Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 02:27:09 AM

It's an animal-loving older person with difficulty sleeping, who is depressed and has erectile dysfunction.  They have their money in gold and efood and don't use banks--keep their money at home. THey are fearful and do not visit friends, preferring to send flowers for special occasions.  They are low income as they are unable to afford a Las Vegas promotion unless it is free and they are treated like a "high roller".  They resist modern technology and simply buy a better built radio instead of getting a laptop.  The Coast listener is lonely and needs constant reassurance that the Coast to Coast program will "always be there."  This is an attachment problem manifesting itself through attachment to a celebrity.  The host pretends to "care" about them although he fails to prepare an entertaining show for those he cares for.

but this is the fantasy audience he so often panders and condescends to. It's no wonder that's the audience he GETS (and no, that's dosn't need to be metaphysical to work out.  It's just mass communication.)


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 03, 2011, 02:28:29 AM
     4:30 is my drop dead point...perhaps literally. Noory has caused dyspepsia for me tonight. That wig-wearing bozo. Such a shitball...

Sleep sweet, Eddie, you WILL rise again!


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 03, 2011, 02:28:29 AM
     4:30 is my drop dead point...perhaps literally. Noory has caused dyspepsia for me tonight. That wig-wearing bozo. Such a shitball...

You manned up and stayed-- helluva guy, Eddie!  This crap is especially mind numbing.  I've lapsed into fatigued giggles.  The last caller could not pronounce "magnetic", kept calling it  "magnetical".  I'm picturing this dude is like 15 sitting in a dark room with just the light of the computer bluing up his face.  And he's speaking quietly so his parents don't hear him.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: EvB on May 03, 2011, 02:31:40 AM

Sleep sweet, Eddie, you WILL rise again!

     I hope I don't have nightmares about toupee wearing demons.

    Better luck tomorrow....I'm going to be an optimist for once and hope he's fired before this weekend.

All right Snoorballs, time to glide this trainwreck in for a crash landing. I'm amazed I'm still conscious. The last few hours have been mind numbing. How the hell does this show have fans? It staggers the mind.


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on May 03, 2011, 02:34:52 AM
All right Snoorballs, time to glide this trainwreck in for a crash landing.


Are we taking bets on whether or not Snoorballs apologizes? I'm betting he won't.

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