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Started by RealCool Daddio, April 24, 2011, 10:21:45 PM

George sucks

Quote from: Dark Side Of The Moon on April 25, 2011, 09:24:09 PM
<snip> Oh and Art (the real Art) may make a statement about all of the Anti-Noory feelings through one of the Facebook Sites, or we could have Tokyo Rose's Grand Daughter, or would you believe son, in the vein of Don Adams on Get Smart. Dunno these days.

Earth to Fort Rock, come in Fort Rock. Oh, wait, it's Fort Rock that is going to make the statement! Never mind, again.   

Quote from: Usagi on April 25, 2011, 10:21:02 PM
Anything filmed in Petra already has a leg up on being cool...

Sisters of Mercy - Dominion

That's hot. One of the best albums ever, and still on rotation on my iPhone!


Quote from: Usagi on April 25, 2011, 10:21:02 PM
Anything filmed in Petra already has a leg up on being cool...

Although, it sounds naked without Mother Russia with it...

To me it sounds like a mix of Duran Duran and Brian Ferry of Roxy Music. Not a bad mix... but Petra definately gives the video a huge spike on the cool meter.

I must be real old cuz the Smiths do not even register... I still like techno, love Peter Gabriel, and early Genesis. For more pop stuff I was into Mike and the Mechanics. But haven't really given much time to rock and roll since I realized even the iconoclasts eventually end up in Vegas.


Quote from: Dark Side Of The Moon on April 25, 2011, 09:24:09 PM
The Smiths, the best band? Yuck, how about Boston, Scorpions, Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, or Deep Purple? I'll even give you Joan Jet and the Blackhearts! Oh and Art (the real Art) may make a statement about all of the Anti-Noory feelings through one of the Facebook Sites, or we could have Tokyo Rose's Grand Daughter, or would you believe son, in the vein of Don Adams on Get Smart. Dunno these days.
my favorite lizzy tune:

Thin Lizzy - The Hero And The Madman


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on April 25, 2011, 02:44:19 PM
...genetic material (ie: jizz) aquired from Whitley.


AS RealCool Daddio mentioned, there must be a selection bias of good musical taste and Art Bell fans. Granted I have a very wide musical range so about everything recently mentioned in this forum I like. I have to say I never could have predicted a few pages back, that this thread would be mentioning Sister of Mercy lol!

BTW, Joy Division ruled!

Ian Curtis died in May of 80 and that fall John Bonham dies, next May Bob Marley dies...Three completely different fellows, but all getting me angry at the time...Wow over 30 years ago...

I have a son and Daughter and I also like to indoctrinate them with a wide variety of my music. What I find the funniest though is the effect that Guitar Hero has had on them. Crazy train is on in the car and my son starts singing along... It's funny because they were surprised I already had Demolition man from The Police, Pat Benatar, and Metallica...My son had the impression these were new groups lol.

Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing [Live @ Artmania Festival 2010]

The General

Quote from: JustOneFix on April 26, 2011, 10:00:07 AM

Screw it, I can't get the damn things to work.... :(
It's easier than you think, just put the URL in your message and Coastgab does the rest.


Okay... one more awesome thing before this thread undoubtedly leaves the topic of great music...

Bauhaus - Ziggy Stardust


Quote from: Usagi on April 26, 2011, 10:08:10 AM
Okay... one more awesome thing before this thread undoubtedly leaves the topic of great music...

Good call Usagi!

And don't forget their solo work...
Peter Murphy - Cuts You Up

Daniel Ash - Trouble

And Tones on Tail..Another Daniel Ash side project...

Burning skies- Tones on Tail

Ok. This nostalgic trip is making me nauseous...

Quote from: JustOneFix on April 26, 2011, 10:00:07 AM
Front Line Assembly -- I.E.D. (2010)

I'll get this album once I'm done with Artificial Soldier. I can't stop listening to it!


Oh no!  We fell into an Industrial hole!

I really can't stand most of it.  Front Line Assembly?  I'd rather gouge my eyes out.  Or... er... my ears.  Some Industrial-ish things I can handle... Laibach, Blood Axis, Death in June, Puscifer.  But once you start getting into things like FLA, Revolting Cocks, Pigface, Killing Joke, MINISTRY (looking at you JustOneFix) etc.... that's the time I leave the room.  :P


Quote from: Do you think it was angels? on April 26, 2011, 05:48:10 PM
I'll get this album once I'm done with Artificial Soldier. I can't stop listening to it!

The whole album is kick ass! I think it's one of their best albums ever. I'm hoping they decide to go on one of their seldom tours, I've been wanting to see them live for years.


Figured I'd post up some good stuff since the Morrissey/Smiths was dominating. LOL How can you say Ministry is bad? Never mind, I say the same thing about Nine Inch Nails on the chalkboard.  ;)

I like A Perfect Circle more than Puscifer, and of course you can't go wrong with Tool. The Puscifer song "Cuntry Boner" got some airtime at the country bar I sometimes go to. People started dancing until it got to the part about copulating with Elvis in the bathroom where he died. See what happens when I sneak in the DJ booth while the DJ is in the can?


Quote from: JustOneFix on April 26, 2011, 07:05:22 PM

I like A Perfect Circle

Speaking of swell Bowie covers...

A Perfect Circle - Ashes To Ashes (David Bowie live cover)

(P.S. - Why didn't Fort Rock's sex life ever get split into it's own thread?! :o)

HAL 9000

Quote from: Usagi on April 26, 2011, 09:42:22 PM(P.S. - Why didn't Fort Rock's sex life ever get split into it's own thread?! :o

You start it, I'll finish it ;)

Eddie Coyle

     Let's not speak ill of the dead....


Quote from: Usagi on April 26, 2011, 09:42:22 PM

(P.S. - Why didn't Fort Rock's sex life ever get split into it's own thread?! :o)

From the way it sounded, he didn't have one......
Back on track-
I saw this song played on Ministry's Sphinctour way back in 1996 and it blew me away compared to the studio version. Filth Pig era Ministry is good stuff.
Ministry - Lava Live Sphinctour.


I may be a bit prejudice considering, this video was made by some of my friends, but I thought this song was pretty awesome.
Roll a D6

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Mops on May 01, 2011, 07:20:18 AM
Is this the sort of stuff you are looking for?

Crossroads Guitar Duel Steve Vai vs Ry Cooder Uncut and HQ

    Poor Vai, he's playing the Karate Kid's parts, but has to "lose" to him in the film.

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