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Started by RealCool Daddio, April 24, 2011, 10:21:45 PM


Quote from: ShayP on May 17, 2016, 09:40:07 PM

Yes. In the old days my local FM rock station would do full albums at night sometimes which, for bands like BOC, are key. I think the mp3 and apple and whole digital experience has lessened our listening pleasure to a degree. Expanded the ability to listen everywhere but truncated the experience also. No more full concept albums, liner notes, art, etc.

analog kid

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 17, 2016, 09:01:14 PM
Yeah, that was the last one I remember connecting with and it was very somber and emotional sounding. Seemed to fit in with the immediacy of the post-9/11 era. Speaking of, i don't know if you ever read Klosterman's analysis of Radiohead's Kid A vis a vis 9/11 but I thought it was very interesting, anyway.


Interesting article. I didn't make the connection with that album's proximity to 9/11.

analog kid

Quote from: ShayP on May 17, 2016, 09:40:07 PM

That's a great version, Shay. Thanks for that.


Considering Obama's obsession and all the news about "bathroom controversies" I figured I'd post this. The Austin, TX based "cow-punk" band that was hilarious and really good. Just one though they also addressed other issues way before the mainstream was concentrating on it, like "Pennsylvanian Mexicans."


Your eyes are getting heavy (from the smoke in the room)
You are getting very sleepy (from what you're smoking)
Then this starts playing......   Welcome to 1969.....




Having recently attended my first EDM festival I would like to present this sample of what a rock show used to be like. You know, coked up shirtless dudes, with afros and pink frilly sleeves, and chicks throwing their panties on stage. Man I miss the 70's!



Quote from: aldousburbank on May 19, 2016, 04:05:08 PM
Having recently attended my first EDM festival I would like to present this sample of what a rock show used to be like. You know, coked up shirtless dudes, with afros and pink frilly sleeves, and chicks throwing their panties on stage. Man I miss the 70's!

Me too! Here's one for us:




I will only attend 1 more funeral in my life, promised myself after my wife passed. In the spirit of my life, I have earned the right to select what song I want to be played to help friends celebrate my end, as I celebrated life... Well worth the listen, you never know who this fits in your life....

Followed by the most poignant song written about senseless violence



Quote from: pate on May 21, 2016, 04:22:28 AM



Love to be stuck!

So, this is what the Dixie Chicks are up to these days. I like it!  :)


As an avid fan of all great music (there is crappy stuff across all genres) I find myself becoming a true hater of the assholes who feel that music should be heard at least 10 blocks in all directions of their car and it should shake the windows of every neighborhood they bless with their presence... The local cops, who agree with me, have asked that I take a video of the cars doing this, but can't quite clearly explain what good that would do, except maybe to pacify me and keep me from using spike strips. Being a disabled, pretty much homebound veteran unable to sleep easily, means nothing to these inconsiderate, useless, self-centered psychopathic "mowrons".... Freedom of speech does NOT include volume, dammit.... Makes me want to slap their parents for not teaching them better....


Quote from: HAUnted TEXan on May 22, 2016, 11:21:06 AM
As an avid fan of all great music (there is crappy stuff across all genres) I find myself becoming a true hater of the assholes who feel that music should be heard at least 10 blocks in all directions of their car and it should shake the windows of every neighborhood they bless with their presence... The local cops, who agree with me, have asked that I take a video of the cars doing this, but can't quite clearly explain what good that would do, except maybe to pacify me and keep me from using spike strips. Being a disabled, pretty much homebound veteran unable to sleep easily, means nothing to these inconsiderate, useless, self-centered psychopathic "mowrons".... Freedom of speech does NOT include volume, dammit.... Makes me want to slap their parents for not teaching them better....

I must agree. No one really enjoys music that loud unless you're at a concert and then you're either outside or in a big enough space to warrant those levels. The one saving grace is that without adequate hearing protection they'll probably soon be deaf listening to it in a confined space at that decibel level.  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 22, 2016, 11:29:09 AM
I must agree. No one really enjoys music that loud unless you're at a concert and then you're either outside or in a big enough space to warrant those levels. The one saving grace is that without adequate hearing protection they'll probably soon be deaf listening to it in a confined space at that decibel level.  ;)
Then, after they are deaf, they can live with Falkie and increase his income level proportionately. (see, able to get that asshole into this thread too):)


Quote from: albrecht on May 17, 2016, 09:48:02 PM
Yes. In the old days my local FM rock station would do full albums at night sometimes which, for bands like BOC, are key. I think the mp3 and apple and whole digital experience has lessened our listening pleasure to a degree. Expanded the ability to listen everywhere but truncated the experience also. No more full concept albums, liner notes, art, etc.

One of my local stations did that as well....agreed.  ;)



Quote from: HAUnted TEXan on May 22, 2016, 11:21:06 AM
As an avid fan of all great music (there is crappy stuff across all genres) I find myself becoming a true hater of the assholes who feel that music should be heard at least 10 blocks in all directions of their car and it should shake the windows of every neighborhood they bless with their presence...

Even though there are noise ordinances is most localities, it does no good to call the authorities. They just turn it up once the cops leave, and drive off when they come again.  Around 10:00 pm most nights there's a car that parks outside my apartment and pumps up the volume.  He (they) hang out until told to move on.  Then they decide to drive around all night in the area so you hear them no matter what.  It's an attention getter and an almost "I dare you to say something about my music."  Fuck those people.


* sigh *   ;)

This is one of those night time road trip songs.  I love this.  Live version.  8)



Quote from: ShayP on May 22, 2016, 05:14:08 PM
* sigh *   ;)

This is one of those night time road trip songs.  I love this.  Live version.  8)

Great song. So I was wondering what "bridge" inspired it, because there are so many, "of sighs" besides the original in Venice. Turns out he got the name from reading the sports page and saw horse with that name. Now, what bridge was that horse named after though?
ps: I find very suspicious that after I downloaded last night Bill Cooper's "Hour of Time" collection because I realized that I did not have in my archives (after some postings back and forth with Aldous) that today I get "keyboard error" on start-up, computer doesn't recognize mouse, youtube is very slow, and message from Firefox (we've notice Firefox is slow to load.) Hmmm. Some resets, safe-mode, and a new keyboard seems to have fixed. AVG, Malwarebytes etc don't detect anything but.....


can't stop listening to this for some reason lol


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