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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 29, 2017, 02:55:27 PM
Not bloody likely! Didn't you see how quick your gal jumped into Trump's lap? Now that you're out of the EU you're going to need a good friend that, you know, you have a "special" relationship with.  ;) ;)

Oh, the British people and Parliament put their standing with trading partners highly. The US represents about 2% of the UK trade. But Parliament MP's see votes haemoraging if Theresa May carries this through and effectively forces the Queen to meet him. I can't imagine the discussions going on now between Number 10 and the palace, but I bet it involves a few robust comments from the palace.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 29, 2017, 03:03:02 PM
You haven't told me how you plan to defeat Islam. You can defeat groups of Islamists (and that's an important distinction when talking about Islam) but you can't defeat an idea.

I think they just ask. If they say "Christian" they're okay. But in Trumpworld, life is that simple.

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 01:43:13 PM
If Trump adds Morocco to the banned list, you know that involves MV's wife's country of birth don't you? I could bet with certainty that many members of this forum have partners and spouses with green cards but a foreign passport that in the future will be scared to go visit relatives because they're not sure they'll be let back in to the US.

Security is greater than some foreigner's "feelings".

"Oh noes, duh foreigners is going to feel scared about not seeing relatives.  Well shit.  Let all foreigners in then!  Let all refugees in.  Uneducated, military-aged men, from radicalized third world Islamic countries, better let them in too!  Ignore our homeless vets, ignore our women and children living in shelters, we have to bring in a flood of uneducated, military-aged men, from radicalized third world Islamic countries and pay for them instead!  Economic net gain they will be!"


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 29, 2017, 03:03:02 PM
You haven't told me how you plan to defeat Islam. You can defeat groups of Islamists (and that's an important distinction when talking about Islam) but you can't defeat an idea.

No one's trying to defeat Islam (not overtly, anyway ;)). President Trump has vowed to defeat RIT (Radical Islamic Terrorism).  ;)


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:04:45 PM
Oh, the British people and Parliament put their standing with trading partners highly.

As authoritative sources go, you don't.


Quote from: Jackstar® on January 29, 2017, 03:05:28 PM

Watch me.

Oh, I am, 24/7. They pay me double time to see all the fucked up shit you get up to.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on January 29, 2017, 03:08:49 PM
Security is greater than some foreigners "feelings".

"Oh noes, duh foreigners is going to feel scared about not seeing relatives.  Well shit.  Let all foreigners in then!  Let all refugees in.  Uneducated, military-aged men, from radicalized third world Islamic countries, better let them in too!  Ignore our homeless vets, ignore our women and children living in shelters, we have to bring in a flood of uneducated, military-aged men, from radicalized third world Islamic countries and pay for them instead!  Economic net gain they will be!"

Name one terrorist from the seven banned countries that attacked the USA. One.

Then look for those from Saudia Arabia, Turkey and the UEA. NOT banned.

Look, I know you're an uneducated fuckwit who believes anything Trump's minders tell you, but try to think for yourself.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 29, 2017, 03:10:41 PM
No one's trying to defeat Islam (not overtly, anyway ;)). President Trump has vowed to defeat RIT (Radical Islamic Terrorism).  ;)

Another philosophy. You may as well say you'll defeat people who prefer the colour green more than orange, but not as much as purple.

But you do know that the USA needs Muslims to help defeat ISIS don't you? You didn't? Ahhhh.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 29, 2017, 03:10:41 PM
No one's trying to defeat Islam (not overtly, anyway ;)). President Trump has vowed to defeat RIT (Radical Islamic Terrorism).  ;)

Try telling Vladimir Blowhole that. He wants to line them up in striped pyjamas and put a gold crescent on them. I'm still waiting to hear his master plan on how to defeat the Salamists. I'm sure that will be worth hearing.


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:14:14 PM
Another philosophy. You may as well say you'll defeat people who prefer the colour green more than orange, but not as much as purple.

Right! Green, you say. <writes it down>  :D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 29, 2017, 03:15:40 PM
Right! Green, you say. <writes it down>  :D

Yes!! Keep the world that simple like Trump does, and you'll get in his cabinet.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 29, 2017, 03:10:41 PM
No one's trying to defeat Islam (not overtly, anyway ;)). President Trump has vowed to defeat RIT (Radical Islamic Terrorism).  ;)

Talk about important distinction.

I think these liberals have very little ability at reading comprehension or understanding and they fly into outer space liberal yahoo land.

Trump: "I would like to continue to follow the current rules of our immigration laws and in doing so continue to remove the over 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the US and build a wall on our southern border."

Liberals: "OMG, literally Hitler!  He wants to enslave and murder hispanic people!"

Never mind the fact that under Obama deportations skyrocketed to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants being deported.  Under Obama the budget and security on our southern border increased.

Obama is Great for deporting nearly 3 million illegal immigrants and strengthening the southern border, but Trump is literally Hitler!!!!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 29, 2017, 03:14:58 PM
Try telling Vladimir Blowhole that. He wants to line them up in striped pyjamas and put a gold crescent on them. I'm still waiting to hear his master plan on how to defeat the Salamists. I'm sure that will be worth hearing.

Oh don't confuse them more!!! They just know Muslim, not Shia or Sunni. They haven't worked out that ISIS is detested by one of them. Oddly the one that supports them isn't on tne banned list. Who knew?


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 02:50:20 PM
And certain death if you were discovered being an informer for the US.  This ban is splitting American families up. 

It was mostly just about money in the past and will continue to be so.

For the first time in history a US President might have a state visit to the UK revoked. Now you might not care, but Trump will, badly.

Not only Brexited but also Amerexited just to make a statement about Trump. Lovely.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on January 29, 2017, 03:18:52 PM
Talk about important distinction.

Never mind the fact that under Obama deportations skyrocketed to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants being deported.  Under Obama the budget and security on our southern border increased.

Obama is Great for deporting nearly 3 million illegal immigrants and strengthening the southern border, but Trump is literally Hitler!!!!

Why didn't you say????  Trump said the opposite before he was elected. And many on this forum did.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 29, 2017, 03:21:00 PM
It was mostly just about money in the past and will continue to be so.

Show your workings.

Not only Brexited but also Amerexited just to make a statement about Trump. Lovely.

Nope. A statement about about how Trump has shredded your constitution and anything that could be called the principles of an alleged free country. It will hurt Trump much more than it will the UK.

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:12:08 PM
Name one terrorist from the seven banned countries that attacked the USA. One.

Then look for those from Saudia Arabia, Turkey and the UEA. NOT banned.

Look, I know you're an uneducated fuckwit who believes anything Trump's minders tell you, but try to think for yourself.

Uh, explain to me why it's important that they attack the US exclusively?  Terrorism overseas happens quite often.  Little is really reported in the US as it isn't anything anyone cares to read or care about, but terrorism overseas happens quite often.

So, I ask why does it matter if they have attacked the US with terrorism when they have attacked everyone else in their direct vicinity with terrorism?

Anders Brevik didn't kill any Americans during his rampage so, because he didn't kill any Americans he certainly wouldn't do so if you released him on American soil.

That is literally your logic, and why you are constantly laughed at for your complete fucking stupidity, never mind the fact that it was Obama and his security advisers who crafted the plan and designated these exact same countries.

Oh, and personally I would be for banning people from the countries that have attacked us well.  I guess I disagree with Trump on this issue of him not talking this ban far enough.

Still better than that harpy cunt Hillary who wanted to open our borders and flood our country with supposed "magical brown people" that white society seemingly can't survive without.

Hey Yorkshire, you should be thrilled!  More muslim and muslim refugees for your country and Europe to take in!  They are an economic net gain and their added diversity will no doubt increase that talent pool of tomorrow's inventors, entrepreneurs and scientists!

Oh darn.  Too bad for us.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on January 29, 2017, 03:24:08 PM
Uh, explain to me why it's important that they attack the US exclusively?  Terrorism overseas happens quite often.  Little is really reported in the US as it isn't anything anyone cares to read or care about, but terrorism overseas happens quite often.

So, I ask why does it matter if they have attacked the US with terrorism when they have attacked everyone else in their direct vicinity with terrorism?

Anders Brevik didn't kill any Americans during his rampage so, because he didn't kill any Americans he certainly wouldn't do so if you released him on American soil.

That is literally your logic, and why you are constantly laughed at for your complete fucking stupidity, never mind the fact that it was Obama and his security advisers who crafted the plan and designated these exact same countries.

9/11 hijackers came from SA, but it isn't banned.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 29, 2017, 03:03:02 PM
You haven't told me how you plan to defeat Islam. You can defeat groups of Islamists (and that's an important distinction when talking about Islam) but you can't defeat an idea.

Sure you can. History is filled with defeated ideas or else we'd be snatching up some random Italian and putting him in purple robes and calling him an emperor still. Or we'd be doing that with the Queen and I'd be flying a union flag outside and India would still have a salt tax. It all depends on if you have the balls to call an ideology out and shame it. Well, I say we do that with Islam instead of putting on the kid gloves and treating it like it's not complete counterproductive bullshit.

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:26:42 PM
9/11 hijackers came from SA, but it isn't banned.

You might have responded before I added more thoughts, but yes, I disagree with Trump.  His ban didn't go far enough for me.

Once again, these countries were targeted and chosen by the security counsel during the Obama administration.

Big Chicken

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:12:08 PM
Name one terrorist from the seven banned countries that attacked the USA. One.

Then look for those from Saudia Arabia, Turkey and the UEA. NOT banned.

Look, I know you're an uneducated fuckwit who believes anything Trump's minders tell you, but try to think for yourself.

The Big Chicken is not going to get deeply involved in this mess of a thread, this is just a drive by post.  Why you would
get all lathered up over another nations immigration policy is odd but if you are going there at least don't be so silly man.   

Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud, Guled Omar, Abdirahman Daud, Mohamed Farah, Dahir Adan, et cetera ad nauseam


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:26:42 PM
9/11 hijackers came from SA, but it isn't banned.

oh shits someone's suddenly a truther now


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:19:10 PM
Oh don't confuse them more!!! They just know Muslim, not Shia or Sunni. They haven't worked out that ISIS is detested by one of them. Oddly the one that supports them isn't on tne banned list. Who knew?

Yes we fucking do! It's a war that's been raging on with those assholes since almost the religion's inception. When Mohamed died most of the order thought that one of the clerics should be the new leader and the more radical ones though Mohamed's brother-in-law should've been. It's been a fierce battle ever since and it's not really our problem. We just have to work around it.  ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 29, 2017, 03:27:30 PM
Sure you can. History is filled with defeated ideas or else we'd be snatching up some random Italian and putting him in purple robes and calling him an emperor. Or we'd be doing that with the Queen and I'd be flying a union flag outside and India would still have a salt tax. It all depends on if you have the balls to call an ideology out and shame it. Well, I say we do that with Islam instead of putting on the kid gloves and treating it like it's not complete counterproductive bullshit.

Shame it? Are you for real? How can any radical religious faction feel shame? Be they right wing Christian zealots or Muslim zealots. They're a faction because they're shameless in their fanaticism.


Quote from: Jackstar® on January 29, 2017, 03:31:50 PM

oh shits someone's suddenly a truther now

The times they are a changin'.  :D

Quote from: Xyrsys on January 29, 2017, 12:41:19 AM
Not to mention ones chance to be killed in a terror attack by a refugee in the US is one in 3.64 billion.

That is a current statistic.

So why bring in people from terrorist countries to make the chance increase?


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on January 29, 2017, 03:23:54 PM
Show your workings.

It's just true. The easiest way to get most people to do something is buy them. That's always been true and always will be.

Nope. A statement about about how Trump has shredded your constitution and anything that could be called the principles of an alleged free country. It will hurt Trump much more than it will the UK.

If you wanted to sincerely make statements about the shredding of my constitution you'd have barred Barack Obama from entry. But I know you don't give a shit about constitutionality, you just want to make rage statements and if you're country decides to go that route (which it won't) along with simultaneously leaving the EU you'll be sucking Greece's cock for aid money by 2018. And you'll be doing it as England, not the UK.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 29, 2017, 03:27:30 PM
Sure you can. History is filled with defeated ideas or else we'd be snatching up some random Italian and putting him in purple robes and calling him an emperor still. Or we'd be doing that with the Queen and I'd be flying a union flag outside and India would still have a salt tax. It all depends on if you have the balls to call an ideology out and shame it. Well, I say we do that with Islam instead of putting on the kid gloves and treating it like it's not complete counterproductive bullshit.

I think the Roman empire is still alive and well, since you elected Caligula a few weeks ago.

Anyway, that's all politics of one kind or another, they aren't ideas.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 29, 2017, 02:41:10 PM
Because national identity is just an abstraction. You have no more reason to identify with one set of people than any other. And once you establish yourself as a part of one group it makes it easier to find another group to go after and attack.

...sez one of the biggest flag-wavers in here.  You're funny.

Yeah I know, we're a new species who's moved beyond all that stuff.  It's a blind leap into the future, and you haven't even bothered to convince everybody yet.

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