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Abductees v. Contactees

Started by 11angeleyes11, August 14, 2009, 09:05:37 PM


After listening to the show last night I thought I would express some thoughts about contactees and abuctees.  I have often listened to these shows when Bud Hopkins talks about his reseach into abucteesm and listened in some awe as Whitley relates his experiences, especially the electrode shock he received from the aliens to  parts unseen. 

One issue that I never differentiated was the difference between an abductee and a contactee.  This is my definition, but an abuctee is someone who is taken against their will to have interaction with the aliens, while a contactee is someone who actually seeks the interaction.  I will share that I am a contactee. 

I had a very interesting discussion with an abuctee last weekend at a conference I attended and was in a awe trance as she related experiences to me.  One of the points she made is that they play games with you.  They do communicate and it is telepathically.  They are far more advanced than us and there are many different races that have been here visiting with us for centuries.  They are also very evasive about a God.  When asked if they believed in God they did not answer or acknowledge a higher power.  This makes you wonder what role they play and if our belief system is valid.  That is just for consideration, I am not advocating one way or the other.

In my experiences, as I have become more involved in the ufology field, the more coincidences and affirmations I receive that I am being directed in this direction.  I will relate two that may or may not be coincidences and these happened today.  First, Whitley last evening was discussing the issue of black helicopters that flew around him at various times and the guest on Coast had similar experiences.  I too, have helicopters that fly low over my home and just about a hour ago, I once more experienced this again.  Another coincidence was on the radio today on a soft rock station.  That has absolutely nothing to do with Coast or the paranormal.  I was driving to the Post Office and was thinking to myself about my alien experiences when out of no where, the DJ made the remark that she could tell us how to contact aliens if you want.  I could not believe the synchronicity.  Well, I did not hear the way to do this because I was working and things immediately at hand took precedence, but this happens often.  I was thinking she was going to tell the story of how you can respond to an on-line website that is going to transmit your e-mails into space.  That may be close, but I heard something like that on Coast about a week ago. 

I have tried to enter Noorvana (the joyous experience of not experiencing Coast) but my quest for the truth and research into ufology has led me back to the show.  I am posting this to solicit thoughts on the subject and how it relates to Coast.


What was your experience as a contactee? Can you go into details? I've never had any such experience (no paranormal experiences whatsoever) so I'm always curious to hear what others have witnessed.
I am skeptical when it comes to alien contact, ghosts, etc, mind you, but still curious all the same.


Ever since my uncle was abducted I have believed in alien contact stories.  They even made a movie about it.


I think a very lot of this abductee/contactee stuff is so much bung. Not so much that it doesn't (or perhaps hasn't) happened but in my research of younger years, there was never any indication of this occurring in modern reality. Instead my research leads me to believe that most of this is genetic memory recall and epileptic based conscious hallucinations derived from modern knowledge/times mixed with this genetic memory. I even have an answer as to why these "aliens" do not answer questions of God. We humans have defined God in our religions, etc. but the truth of it is that God is all about the universe and the universe is all about life. Religions worship death, heaven vs. hell, which is not the truth behind the universe at all. The "aliens" know this and we humans know this in our hearts. Our minds often interfere with this in order to believe in something tangible. I believe the "aliens" visited our planet in the past and perhaps have plans to visit us in the future. If they do there will be no doubt about it and the governments will be powerless to stop the contact when it comes and all humans will know they are here, there will be nothing covert about it at all. If you are experiencing abductee or contactee syndromes then you should take some time to consider the possibility of it being "all in your mind" from genetic memories of your ancestorial background. I think its going to be really cool when we have contact again with other life in this universe, I hope I live to be a part of it. I hope I live to be a part of our journey into space for colonization. I think humans have something great to offer this universe and it would be a shame to waste the life which the universe/god has given us. I also think that the "aliens" are very passive and have nothing to do with evil at all. They believe in life also.


Quote from: KLuWolF on December 06, 2009, 05:42:03 PM
I also think that the "aliens" are very passive and have nothing to do with evil at all. They believe in life also.
should we actually ever make contact, i hope you're right.  i'm inclined to suspect otherwise, but i base that on gut feeling and nothing else.


Quote from: MV on December 06, 2009, 11:59:04 PM
should we actually ever make contact, i hope you're right.  i'm inclined to suspect otherwise, but i base that on gut feeling and nothing else.

A high level of aggression, or desperation could propel a life-form across countless light-years to reach Earth.  At least from our limited human mental paradigm, it is unlikely that extraterrestrial life forms will expend such a high level of time and energy just to trade recipes.  Unless their thinking is very much outside of our understanding of sentience, there will probably be a reason for their visitation.

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