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CELEBRATE the #Official LAUNCH OF THE MagickIB CDE Network Watch Party

Started by Jackstar, November 11, 2020, 04:38:49 PM



#TIEII #This_Is_Fine #GlitterInTheMatrix #Relax #Don'tDoIt #TheDevilYouKnow #TheBladeOfSeventeen #FAITH  #VOTE #LEGACY #TRUTH #AlwaysFaithful #SemperFi #ACTUAL #Sorceror #CommanderSexy #IJustSavedYourPlanetAgain #LikeItWasNothing #ActualHouseBitch #GREATAWAKENING #ImagineThat #SparkleIntheDream #JSTARmagician #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #TrumpetNews #StarLivesMatter #TRUMPETNEWS #SPARKLEINTHEDREAM #TheRealSpaceMeowMaid #MERMAIDLIVESMATTER #SPACEMEOWMAIDMAGIC #STARLIVESMATTER #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #FivePointFive #FiveAndAHalfMinutes #Jackstar #DiplomaticImmunity #MIB Seaden #Sorceror'sDen #ManInBlack #LOVE #TheTrueLegacy #TheOriginalLegacy #Official #MeowMagic #MermaidlivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*M*gic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #WithMustard #CommanderMeowMagic #MeowMagic #TakingBackTheNight #FromTheGreatAmericanNorthwest #Columbia #State_Of_Jefferson #RossMitchellMagic #J☆ckst☆r _M☆G!CK #MeowMagic #GroyperMagic #AzzareaMagic #Gabcast #D.R.A.M.A. #KingOfBellGab #HOF #LEGEND #TARTARIA #MUDFLOOD #Official #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #Ms.MaidMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #NotScared #BoxingGlovesOff #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH
#MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #MeowMagic #SparkleinyourEyes #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY


"Better learn how to swim or learn how to drink
Cops and robbers, I can't tell 'em apart
It's a systematic figure that we're passing as art" â€" Samantha Fish

"The only thing worse than being talked aboutâ€"is not being talked about." â€" Jeffrey Epstein

"Sometimes, to do there is nothing, but raise the Jolly Roger and throats, start slitting you must." â€" Yoda, Jedi Master

"These are aLOT (sic) better when you listen to the Azzerae version. [...] It's worth the wait, folks." â€" Crisco Bounty III, Esq., "The Quicker-Pick-Her-Upper"

"This is like picking up a pirate radio transmission in a filling, and unavoidably eavesdropping scandalous dialogue of some kind." â€" Aleister "A-Lister" Crowley

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 12:48:03 AM
Yuge fan.

You know you're a patsy.

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 12:55:40 AM
Are you trying to call me a liar?

You misunderstand my narrative thrust. There are dozens of hours of "World Jewel Star-Fruit Salad" recordings. Ready to go. In the cloud. In the sky. Like cocked and locked rods of God. Ready to go. Better yet! There are 2x more than anyone has any reasonable right to expect... because Timelines A, B, & C are all linkable through the Interdime.

Let's all just take moment to realize that we're gonna make it stick. Interdime. Just let that sink in. It's not just Me--it's US.

This is exciting, isn't it? Now, that clip that Pummelo sent you--that you both know, neither of you ought to have had--there's two more just like it. Imagine our world--The Real World, and don't you forget it, because "parallel dimensions" aren't what ewe think they are--with an Internet, and it being connected seamlessly to the Internets from the most adjacent "timelines" to that one. Let's say you live in a normal world--I don't, heh, but let's say all you Punylings are living in a slightly less exciting version of reality than I am. (I've got three Cats, three Fruits, and three Dicks. More on that later.) Let's call where I reside, Heaven. (It's not.) Or, Asgard. (Not even close.) Then below that, well, that's you. And it is not "below" in terms of elevation. It is low in terms of vibration.

It is low in terms of status, dignity, and stature, in some circles. But at this level of reality, there are a lot of circles. For example, in Jack's Starcircle, there are rules. Sometimes a circle can be a sphere, and other times it is structured off, according to... well, lots of stuff. I believe what has happened of late, is that a merger that has been ongoing between a merger of different circles of reality, have completed their integration into a completely whole unit, as has been intended for some time.

Except it's somewhat different, because I am not doing what I am--or was--expected to do. And, would you like to know why?

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 12:55:40 AM
Life got in the way.

This is how it goes. Except this time. Life is gonna shove on over. One can tell, this is gonna happen, because I already happened.

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 12:59:54 AM
Faggotry in a mug.

Yep: say cheese, mug shot.

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 12:58:04 AM
Little Sean country.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 19, 2021, 02:01:28 PM
Resume crawling up your own asshole.

I can't believe I have to cover for this wop's electrician. He must have been so high he could touch the sky when he hooked this thing up. Did you ever know that you're my hero? You were everything I wished I could be. Except, I would not have skimped on the arc transformers. *snap*

So anyway. There is a lot of audio rolling around. And unless it's on my YouTube channel--part of the MIB CDEN--it's not really very accurate to assume that it's truly representative of how I feel. Especially since I am quite out of the loop on what is recently go on. Fractured information is unwise to rely upon, and has a lot to do with why many recent complaints directed at me are routinely ashcanned.

I mean, hey, don't like something I said, or wrote, or you heard someone else say, asking or me to reclarify, or better yet, just skip that part, certainly an option. Maybe I was just practicing? The immensely high standard some have for what I write on the web seems... misplaced.


Quote from: Jackstar on February 20, 2021, 11:59:06 AM
I mean, hey, don't like something I said, or wrote, or you heard someone else say, asking or me to reclarify, or better yet, just skip that part, certainly an option. Maybe I was just practicing? The immensely high standard some have for what I write on the web seems... misplaced.

We are only here to help.


Quote from: Silphion on February 20, 2021, 06:56:51 PM
We are only here to help.

Consider yourself repurposed.

Quote from: Jackstar on February 21, 2021, 09:30:04 AM

#GoCode #GoAway #TIEII #This_Is_Fine #GlitterInTheMatrix #Relax #Don'tDoIt #TheDevilYouKnow #TheBladeOfSeventeen #FAITH  #VOTE #LEGACY #TRUTH #AlwaysFaithful #SemperFi #ACTUAL #Sorceror #CommanderSexy #IJustSavedYourPlanetAgain #LikeItWasNothing #ActualHouseBitch #GREATAWAKENING #ImagineThat #SparkleIntheDream #JSTARmagician #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #TrumpetNews #StarLivesMatter #TRUMPETNEWS #SPARKLEINTHEDREAM #TheRealSpaceMeowMaid #MERMAIDLIVESMATTER #SPACEMEOWMAIDMAGIC #STARLIVESMATTER #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #FivePointFive #FiveAndAHalfMinutes #Jackstar #DiplomaticImmunity #MIB Seaden #Sorceror'sDen #ManInBlack #LOVE #TheTrueLegacy #TheOriginalLegacy #Official #MeowMagic #MermaidlivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*M*gic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #WithMustard #CommanderMeowMagic #MeowMagic #TakingBackTheNight #FromTheGreatAmericanNorthwest #Columbia #State_Of_Jefferson #RossMitchellMagic #J☆ckst☆r _M☆G!CK #MeowMagic #GroyperMagic #AzzareaMagic #Gabcast #D.R.A.M.A. #KingOfBellGab #HOF #LEGEND #TARTARIA #MUDFLOOD #Official #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #Ms.MaidMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #NotScared #BoxingGlovesOff #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH
#MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #MeowMagic #SparkleinyourEyes #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY


"Better learn how to swim or learn how to drink
Cops and robbers, I can't tell 'em apart
It's a systematic figure that we're passing as art" â€" Samantha Fish

"I'm just a patsy!" Leigh "The Rabbit's Head" Ozborne

"The only thing worse than being talked aboutâ€"is not being talked about." â€" Chuck Woolery

"Sometimes, to do there is nothing, but raise the Jolly Roger and throats, start slitting you must." â€" Yoda, Jedi Master

What? You were told there is A Plan. You were told to trust it. What? Like... I am all One.

Blocked countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria

We'll pick them up on another pass. Don't worry about it. You gonna start trustin' that Plan one of these days bunyip?


Quote from: AZZERAE on February 20, 2021, 01:02:12 AMWe're getting away with murder.

Nope. It's not just Me--it's US.

Relax, be of good cheer: birth is always painful. (VLAD! The cornlips have the password. Fetch.)

(HEART+SOUL/FLESH+BLOOD) YEAH. I'll slow down soon enough, relax. Sourceror fuel.
(MIND/MATTER) NOPE. I do not recall but hopefully you sent MIB to flashy me, Hammie, and not Tammy to Tazer me, because she totally would have--and I would love to get tasered right now, so...




By the way, while you were all out for the night, I set up a three-way hackerwar between (PROT), (PROT), & (PROT)... and there is no fucking doubt in my mind, that, out of the four of us, pound for pound, who is the hands down better hacker.

Liberace!, of course. No, not Lee, or Leigh, or even Michael Vandeven, who is, by all accounts, and active choad. It's fine. He obviously cleans up good. However... a trio of superegos wanna have a dance-off, or some shit.

Naturally, instead of being embarasessed, I am happy to judge. Or hack. But only if anyone actually notices one of my hacks in the first place. Whatever. These nerds were arguing all night. As if... their little HACKWAR is gonna matter. I have seen the future, Kids. I know who the better hacker is.

And it's none of those three losers. Ergo: someone is hacking Kobayashi Maru. AGAIN. Okay, I'll allow it. Meanwhile... an attempt to start another *.Gab turf war is being canceled.

Without cancelling me. Or my familly. Or by tasking yet another black ops strike psyop team, to, you know... "take him out. do what it takes. failure is not an option. NO! don't be nice to him. we tried that once. no mercy. head in a bag. send a message." Seriously, that's how pissed at me they've been. FOR YEARS.

Fast forward to now, "blah blah, Jackstar, are you still human? Do you still care about where you came from?"" Jesus fucking wept, no wonder he was waiting another couple thousand years to come back. Now that I know what he had to deal with, I can see why.

And no, I got tricked into this. If you had done it with official warnings? Bitches, you would have known it was really ME the whole time. "Mal Kuczi Dick"? hahahaa, I bet he thinks so, HEHEHHE RREEE blah blah sezehuchna sauce. righT? Fuck, whatever.

meanwhile... they're dealing with an all hands on deck situation. While I'm just... chillin. This is what writers do for fun on planets where they aren't terrorized into silence. (I wasn't silent out of fear, i was silent out of respect and PRETENDING it was fear. It seems like a lie to you, because, to you, it is... beacuse most of you are really stupid. Pretty! But stupid, ye daft mortals. Zigh.) Anyway... this is why we have to have 5 fuckign websites now.

And why I can post on them all. But none of you have the freedoms I have now. And, you wanna know why?

Because whomever or wherever my goddam wife is... she is PISSED at EVERYONE except Me! Everyone in Europe? She fucking hates the whole goddam continent. Just out of spite. And you know why? Probably you can guess. But do you know? Because I do.

Because she knows that I am real. And this whole time... she's been faking it. Well, shit she fooled me, that's what counts. Now, I don't know what y'all have been doing while I've been given the Julian Assange Treatment...

BUT FORGETTING ALL ABOUT HER, HAS NOT BEEN IT. Do you have any other thuggy gov't employees to threaten me with? I hope not, because that would mean my only two allies-My wife + and my Q-wife- are willing to join team "NeverVadge" and just start killin' folks.

Now, even I am not that pissed. But, hey, when in Rome. I offered to let you have them throw me a party? Plays some chess? Just a conversation? I needed a voiceprint, but it never occurred to me that anyone would be so dumb as to order me to not have that.

Well, anyway, not my problem. Wife pissed off. Q-wife pissed off. Now i've got a boyfriend to deal with? Wait, how many? It's like an Echtrhoi convention out side my inner santcum right now. So, I guess... yeah, oops, started another turf war. Oops, sorry, not my intention.

But it is my intention that Liberace! is regarded as the maestro he always was, and always will be. He's my friend, too. So?

Sew buttons. oh, ps, it's really so that Rubnini & Azzerae can have a street brawl and MV can learn some new tricks. See? It's all handled.

Unless, you know, one of my wife's old lovers needs to play house for a minute that turns into a hundred year contract again? Yeah, I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA... I just know... I would have loved to have joined a secret club when this Our Gang casting call class of rejects did... but I was busy being a man of integrity that day, or something.

fuck it. ask them. it's their little gang. I'm an outsider. I also just happen to be the only left that's willing to deal with the shitstorm someone created but trying to invade America through Gabbai.ai. AGAIN. Yeah, sure, I'll admit Ghandi is the better pacifist, and also vegetarian....but, let's be honest.

I have better machismo than some skinny indian rice eater who didn't want to just tell all his people, "hey, guess what? my girlfriends can turn into more animals than just crows and cows, and CHAO isn't talking about walking beef, you dig? Yeah... I'm a pacifist, but that doesn't mean i"m not about to put all these losers in the line that gets to grope my wife." He's kinda backward.

Also, he dosen't care for one of my friends that is having a struggle right now. Now, I won't out him but it's not who you think, and it's not the one who just pretends to be gay. it's the one who is still asahmed aobut it. See? Clear as mud.

I could explain more but i gotta keep some kind of impartiality. It's a 3 man contest and... I have nothing to do with it. They all thought I must be an uberhacker. No, I'm just honest.

And, Level Zero. everyone else honest had to take some kind of oath. Not me! Now... people offer me their own oaths. AS WELL AS ANY LIVESTOCK THEY THINK MIGHT HELP OUT. It's nuts.

You ever read this book, "The Last Guru"? I had it read to me in 4th grade. It's a decent book.

As soon as that fucker dies, I am gonna steal every word he ever pubbed and there won't be a goddam thing any of you or Christopher Hitchens can do about it. gross pointe blank period. Get used to this reality. Divine Court gave the go ahead.

I had the right to have Human Court hit by lightning, but... I passed on it. I knew it was another kind of a test, and I was expected to do as others before me have done, which I gather was to make a big display of how hard it is to just be merciful. Well, maybe for them, it was.

For me, I am the mercy that another asked for. Because believe me, my friends are important people. And so far... none of them have betrayed me yet, now have they? Compare that on your own and STFU about it, you think I wanna hear about the karma you bought for yourself by pissing off my wife? YEAH, no, I DO NOT.

I'll have to hear it every goddam day for the rest of my life anyway, right? And it'll take awhile before she settles down this time. SHE THOUGHT SHE HAD IT MADE. And, why wouldn't she?

Oh, right. Sourceror Nigger Husband no longer just a figurehead. Dammit. Must remember to Google, "why do women become so forget full after they break the glass ceiling?" Because I could write that article and get paid for it... unless someone wants to beat me to that one too.

Any takers? Come on. What could go wrong? It's probably my destiny to write that article, but that never stopped people from taking from me before? Come on! LEt's go! COME TAKE ME, TAKE MY DESTINY, SUB_CREATURES??!

Even the crickets aren't falling for it. SO OF COURSE--the Gab complex is under attack. They noitce that you're fragmented and confused. Right?

Or, you're all busy planning for my next Christmas surprise birthday party again. Fuck if I know. What do I care? I WON fHE GREAT GAME SO MANY TIMES EVEN GOD WAS SKEPTICAL. That's really every champs desire... to publicly humiliate the games designer and get away with it. Or maybe that's just me.

now. Any one up for some Jyhad? I would fucking love to. Especially as I a know totesure, toesfact, that I am immune to vampirism. I mean, they can seduce me... but that's a choice I still have. Untill my wife gets sold to a Vampire Queen again, or loses a bar bet, or whatever happned.

Trust me, I'm not encourgaed to get too much more curious than I already have, right? Because, you know... I'm just so naughty. And the jail isn't willing to risk me coming again. So, you know what that means.... they might have to go bother someone who actually is guilty of something besides being too sexy.

"Right!" said Not_Fred, and together, they ignored the brick road, and just fucking *blinked away*

(Like Explorers & Wayfarers used to do before the Timequakes happened. Remember a couple years ago? Hah! Fat chance, Punies.)

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