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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM

Quote from: K_Dubb on April 20, 2020, 10:14:10 AM
The Danes are always with us.  Lusty seafaring folk holding out against Germany the way we do with the Swedes.  In the backs of all our minds are the heady days of King Canute and the European empire everyone else forgot.

Oh good.   An army of 20,000 Danish Hams can land amphibiously and hit them from behind in the Baltic as you launch your frontal assault.   Down with Carl Gustaf!


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 20, 2020, 10:25:22 AM
Oh good.   An army of 20,000 Danish Hams can land amphibiously and hit them from behind in the Baltic as you launch your frontal assault.   Down with Carl Gustaf!

The Danes have softened way too much. They will, however, supply tulips and butter cookies to both sides.


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 20, 2020, 10:14:10 AM
The Danes are always with us.  Lusty seafaring folk holding out against Germany the way we do with the Swedes.  In the backs of all our minds are the heady days of King Canute and the European empire everyone else forgot.
Holger Dansk and the rest of the Danes would be on our side against these Swedes.... and their Muslim cohorts (you wonder why they have been importing them for decades? Low birth native birth rate. Lack of fighting abilities.  It started with outright terrorists in the 70's, granting them asylum and freedom from prosecution, and more recently importing any fighting age Muslim male. Luring them with promises of allowing rape and other social benefits- housing, healthcare, food- if they side with them in this war campaign! Nefarious scheming but all is becoming revealed!


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 20, 2020, 10:44:10 AM
The Danes have softened way too much. They will, however, supply tulips and butter cookies to both sides.

Oh I disagree; when it comes to meaty missiles the frikadelle represents superior firepower:

Though none can hold a candle to our own mighty karbonade:

You will clearly see the close cultural kinship.


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 10:45:12 AM
Holger Dansk and the rest of the Danes would be on our side against these Swedes.... and their Muslim cohorts (you wonder why they have been importing them for decades? Low birth native birth rate. Lack of fighting abilities.  It started with outright terrorists in the 70's, granting them asylum and freedom from prosecution, and more recently importing any fighting age Muslim male. Luring them with promises of allowing rape and other social benefits- housing, healthcare, food- if they side with them in this war campaign! Nefarious scheming but all is becoming revealed!

Your Swede is always a little too clever.  Mercenaries will always bite you in the ass.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 12:17:30 PM

Heh, heh, heh... Nitwit Nancy and her ice cream Blitzkrieg.  Corona Chan must be laughing it's ass off.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 20, 2020, 10:44:10 AM
The Danes have softened way too much...

They sure had a hell of a difficult time against a crappy monster puppet.

Quote from: ItsOver on April 20, 2020, 12:43:43 PM
Heh, heh, heh... Nitwit Nancy and her ice cream Blitzkrieg.  Corona Chan must be laughing it's ass off.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 20, 2020, 03:39:27 PM

AOC was caught celebrating via tweet how many oil companies might fail due to the energy prices. Rah Rah Rah less jobs! Less  dividends! Yee-Haw stocks go lower! Doesn't she know some Democrat core constituencies work in those industries or whose retirements and investments are in energy- or at least the stock market. Like Teachers, City worker, pension plans, etc?
Also I note how the Democrats want to shut down businesses, including medical procedures not related to Corona-Chan, but sue and protest that abortions were delayed/banned (like every other non-emergency or Corona-Chan procedure.)


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 12:17:30 PM

I think her timeline is off- but that can be adjusted by their media- but now she is claiming she did the "come to Chinatown" because she was fighting racism of Trump but she knew the dire nature of Corona-Chan. Or something. Even though NYTimes, Amazon News (formerly Washington Post,) etc all mentioned Wuhan, China, etc about the virus at the time (when the WTO and others said "no big deal.")


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 03:44:17 PM
AOC was caught celebrating via tweet how many oil companies might fail due to the energy prices. Rah Rah Rah less jobs! Less  dividends! Yee-Haw stocks go lower! Doesn't she know some Democrat core constituencies work in those industries or whose retirements and investments are in energy- or at least the stock market. Like Teachers, City worker, pension plans, etc?
Also I note how the Democrats want to shut down businesses, including medical procedures not related to Corona-Chan, but sue and protest that abortions were delayed/banned (like every other non-emergency or Corona-Chan procedure.)



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 20, 2020, 04:07:11 PM

That Richard Quest guy. Sounds like a fake name, firstly. Secondly, I still don't understand how he has his job. Was so annoying on CNN Int'l for years and then arrested in some bizarre drug-fueled sexual escapade. As I recall he approached a cop in Central Park with some kind of ligature on his neck and genitals, and "sex toy" in his pocket,  and said "I have meth." Which was found in his other pocket. Bizarre. CNN kept him on and we are supposed to listen to his expertise?


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 04:17:30 PM
That Richard Quest guy. Sounds like a fake name, firstly. Secondly, I still don't understand how he has his job. Was so annoying on CNN Int'l for years and then arrested in some bizarre drug-fueled sexual escapade. As I recall he approached a cop in Central Park with some kind of ligature on his neck and genitals, and "sex toy" in his pocket,  and said "I have meth." Which was found in his other pocket. Bizarre. CNN kept him on and we are supposed to listen to his expertise?

I agree but here’s similar news from Fox:



Quote from: Hog on April 20, 2020, 05:29:54 AM
Women on the hip, men on the shoulders, it makes corpse sorting or "to be corpse" sorting much easier.

What about the other 57 genders?*

*I know... They had not been "invented" yet...


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 04:17:30 PM
That Richard Quest guy. Sounds like a fake name, firstly...
Maybe he was inspired by a cartoon.


And in the "things could be worse" department.

"As bad as the coronavirus and the COVID-19 sickness it causes are, warning cries are increasing over a much bigger threat with the potential to kill 90% of the U.S. population. And, unlike the virus, Washington has known of the threat for decades and done little to nothing.

“We have seen this movie before and are living through it now,” said Peter Pry, one of the nation’s leading experts on electromagnetic pulse, the electric grid killer that threatens naturally from the sun and from weapons held by China."


Not to worry, though.  Noory's on it.  Good thing I have a decade's worth of sardines and plenty of hunt'n and fish'n gear.


Quote from: ItsOver on April 20, 2020, 06:26:01 PM

Not to worry, though.  Noory's on it.  Good thing I have a decade's worth of sardines and plenty of hunt'n and fish'n gear.

Great. But how is your supply of toilet paper?  ;)


Quote from: WOTR on April 20, 2020, 06:56:12 PM
Great. But how is your supply of toilet paper?  ;)
Heh, heh...what's toilet paper?


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 20, 2020, 08:18:31 AM
May 18th is our latest projected date for "relaxing social distancing" (ugh what an ugly phrase), a date clearly chosen to suppress the huge crowds that gather for syttende mai. 

You need not wait for the 18th. You just keep casually reclining in public spaces with your pipe. You will be fine while you watch the fatties drop all around you. "According to French Newspaper Le Monde, 83% of Patients in Intensive Care in France Are Overweight."



Credit to the small businesses who are using the lockdown to remain alive. But the large ones make me laugh. LifeAlert "I fallen" company has ad with some old lady "this keeps me out of the retirement home." Which is now even more the death house due to Corona-Chan. Next commercial is lawyers. Free tv, thanks Its Over, during 'Friday the 13th' 3 which was, as I recall called '3-D' and you had to have the glasses. Obvious places where effect was used. I wonder if the red/green glasses would work? I think it did for 'Creature from Black Lagoon' once on tv but special showing? I digress from thread....


Stamp out dissidents.

It’s a flu d’etat. Chilling Big Brother stuff. :o


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 08:21:51 PM
Credit to the small businesses who are using the lockdown to remain alive. But the large ones make me laugh. LifeAlert "I fallen" company has ad with some old lady "this keeps me out of the retirement home." Which is now even more the death house due to Corona-Chan. Next commercial is lawyers. Free tv, thanks Its Over, during 'Friday the 13th' 3 which was, as I recall called '3-D' and you had to have the glasses. Obvious places where effect was used. I wonder if the red/green glasses would work? I think it did for 'Creature from Black Lagoon' once on tv but special showing? I digress from thread....
That sure didn't take long.  As you know, I watch OTA TV exclusively, in the bunker. Just about all the OTA commercials have taken a spin on trying to capitalize on Corona Chan.  Alex, with his old life insurance/ burial insurance, and the never ending Consumer Cellular commercials have yet to, but they may just be too cheap to do new ads.  I laugh when the one idiot woman says Consumer Cellular just HAS to be consumer friendly because consumer is in their name.  Yeah, right.   ::)

"Welcome to Honest George's Sales!  I have to be honest 'cause it's in the name!"


During my daily rounds about town casually violating Corn Teen I have noticed an increase in vehicle traffic.

Also, I drive with the windows down and speak to people a little bit.  I get the feeling that more and more people are beginning to question what is going on and the official response.

Mind you, I am not running into conspiracy theorists, but nearly everyone is questioning or critical of some aspect of the overall gestalt.

I notice this about two weeks later than I had predicted.  Although, my initial take was Americans would put up with this for one month & two at most.

I believe today was Day 1 of Week 7.  16MAR2020 being my Day 1 of the zombie apocalypse.

I don't see this continuing much longer...


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