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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2020, 01:03:39 PM
No clue as to what a hernia has to do with anything but you started out saying everyone should listen to the doctors but now you are saying not when it comes to alcohol and tobacco.  What about the doctors that say you need to let the virus run its normal course to establish herd immunity?

Let’s go with your “personal choice” discussion.  I choose to take HCQ as a prophylactic against the virus. Or Ivermectin. That would be my personal choice. 

How many drunk driving deaths occur on an annual basis?  Why does it seem the drunk always walks away with a few scrapes while the family in the other car is killed on the spot? You can’t honestly believe alcohol only has an effect on the drinkers. Domestic violence?  I don’t have a real position on the legalization of marijuana because of the loss of productivity (although as I lean libertarian I am beginning to believe it should be legalized), but you don’t have potheads being arrested for domestic violence.

What about the financial effects and the adverse effect on the mental health of the families of people that succumb to the deaths caused by tobacco and alcohol? 


Let me just put a match to that straw man you're building so eagerly. I pointedly said that doctors are not perfect but they have a level of expertise that warrants respect. If you have a medical emergency you're going to need a doctor, not some idiot whose only purpose in life is to pretend that experts are useless. You seem to think doctors make the laws. If you want alcohol and tobacco banned that's a question for Trump, not the medical profession, who only provide advice.

Take what you like, I'm not your mother. Drink a gallon of badger piss and stand on your head for an hour if you think it will help.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but there are laws to stop you drinking and driving. Do you honestly think banning something automatically stops it?


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:02:27 PM
Guess Pierre said the hell with the virus today.......................

The Frogs probably just surrendered.  Again.  Is Corona Chan marching down the Champs-Élysées?

The lady in this video is an economist who once worked at the Federal Reserve.  She states that the world should be pushing China a hell off a lot harder than is being done and wants answers on why the United States f'd this up so badly.  She makes a great deal of sense here but the effect is ruined as Batman, the Joker and the Incredible Hulk watch the interview silently in the background.



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:02:27 PM
Guess Pierre said the hell with the virus today.......................


Hah!  I imagine they are doing that just to piss of the Anlishers who are meekly obeying the Corn Teen orders from their masters and bettors across the Channel.  Love it, vive la France!



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:30:15 PM
The lady in this video is an economist who once worked at the Federal Reserve.  She states that the world should be pushing China a hell off a lot harder than is being done and wants answers on why the United States f'd this up so badly.  She makes a great deal of sense here but the effect is ruined as Batman, the Joker and the Incredible Hulk watch the interview silently in the background.


I thought you were joking. WTF?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 12, 2020, 01:33:57 PM
I thought you were joking. WTF?

Only thing I can figure is they put them there to distract from her rather ample bossum.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:30:15 PM
The lady in this video is an economist who once worked at the Federal Reserve.  She states that the world should be pushing China a hell off a lot harder than is being done and wants answers on why the United States f'd this up so badly.  She makes a great deal of sense here but the effect is ruined as Batman, the Joker and the Incredible Hulk watch the interview silently in the background.


While I mostly agree with her I’m going to call her out on a bit of bullshit that seems to get a lot of traction. It’s this both sides do it stuff, including Fox news in with NPR but she’s just wrong. Tucker Carlson was reporting on this since January. Less and less can I agree with both sides are equally culpable anymore.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:42:37 PM
Only thing I can figure is they put them there to distract from her rather ample bossum.

Blimey. They kept those puppies shrouded in darkness too. No wonder that guy looked intimidated.


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 12, 2020, 12:45:11 PM
It is, but these are some type of Evangelical.  There is a big church/immigration scheme setup (like the Koreans have been doing for years) near me.  Fine people:  strapping, industrious menfolk, almost uniformly slender and beautiful women with a few babushkas thrown in for color, astonishingly prolific.
On the other side of your state in Spokane has a similar type of deal. Some kind of big Slavic church but not Orthodox, Catholic, etc. And same type of people I see milling-about there.


Quote from: albrecht on April 12, 2020, 01:55:16 PM
On the other side of your state in Spokane has a similar type of deal. Some kind of big Slavic church but not Orthodox, Catholic, etc. And same type of people I see milling-about there.

I don't see K_Dubb as an Orthodox priest, prancing about in a dalmatic. For one thing he only has a weak tenor voice rather than the sonorous bass required. He'd be more drawn to the smells and bells of Catholicism where he'd get a chance to put those choirboys through their paces. Really drill them.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 12, 2020, 11:22:12 AM

Fire Fauci Hire Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Dr. Anthony Fauci right now is in the driver’s seat. Trump put him there and it was a huge mistake. Fauci may be a key member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, but he has also been a long-time key member of the globalist medical tyrants.

Is Fauci in Bill Gates’ back pocket?

Deborah Birx is often seen with Vice President Pence. She too is owned by Bill Gates. These Deep State swamp dwellers all want to drag out the quarantine lockdown for as long as possible. They’re doing this to make Bill look like a savior when he rolls out his vaccine. They think the citizens will insist on getting the shot. Yes, the same shot with digital elements. A vaccine ’tattoo,’ or mark of the beast. In some states it will become mandatory. In California, vaccines are already mandatory. We’re losing our ability to decide what goes into our bodies. It’s the ultimate in Orwellian tyranny and Bill Gates is Big Brother.

The Left wants mandatory vaccines yet when it comes to abortions, it’s “My body. MY Choice”.

Doesn’t Fauci have to get at least ONE covid-19 ie  “Chinese Virus” prediction right?

Fauci now says the White House is mulling coronavirus certificates of immunity. This is a way of preparing people to be tracked and be ‘allowed’ to travel. “Your papers please!” It will be the stake in the heart of our Fourth Amendment.

Fauci is a fraud. He must go. FIRE FAUCI!

Sign the Petition at FIRE FAUCI!

“The current trajectory of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s public ‘health’ policy will result in the short- and long-term destruction of our citizen’s immune health as well as our nation’s economic health â€" perhaps a conscious and intended goal. Dr. Fauci’s policy, at best, is based on a 1950s outdated ‘one-size-fits-all,’ non-personalized approach to medicine and public health; and, at worst is derived from a ‘fake science’ understanding of the immune system â€" one, which Dr. Fauci, over five decades has perpetuated, and exploited to build his career.”

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Fire Fauci!â€"Ben Garrison


Praise Shiva!


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:42:37 PM
Only thing I can figure is they put Batman, the Joker and the Incredible Hulk there to distract from her rather ample bossum.

Sorry, I didn't notice.  It's left to the reader as to what I didn't notice.


Quote from: albrecht on April 12, 2020, 01:55:16 PM
On the other side of your state in Spokane has a similar type of deal. Some kind of big Slavic church but not Orthodox, Catholic, etc. And same type of people I see milling-about there.

Weird, Ukrainian Catholic, maybe?  My neighbor runs his own residential roofing/siding business, up 6 days a week before dawn and still comes home and mows the lawn seems like every other day and occasionally my little front yard, too, if he has surplus energy.  I don't know what they feed their people.

But there is somebody with serious money involved -- there was a Lamborghini parked in front of my house last week.  Probably the pastor hahaha.  They sure like their toys, too, already digging out their jetski since it's going to be near 70, quarantine and beach closures be damned.


This morning I asked my friend Snatchsquatch (former sewergab poster) what she thought of burningman being cancelled. She sez- Finally we’re going to get a hand up on chlamydia!

Whelp today's inferno in the good old People's Republic is brought to you by an amphibious assault carrier ablaze in the port of Shanghai.

Looks like they didn't lose her.  Just cooked to medium rare.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 12, 2020, 01:20:59 PM
Let me just put a match to that straw man you're building so eagerly. I pointedly said that doctors are not perfect but they have a level of expertise that warrants respect. If you have a medical emergency you're going to need a doctor, not some idiot whose only purpose in life is to pretend that experts are useless. You seem to think doctors make the laws. If you want alcohol and tobacco banned that's a question for Trump, not the medical profession, who only provide advice.

Take what you like, I'm not your mother. Drink a gallon of badger piss and stand on your head for an hour if you think it will help.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but there are laws to stop you drinking and driving. Do you honestly think banning something automatically stops it?

Double fault. 40-love. Is my next serve game, set match?  I always lose count in these one sided matches. 


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 07:07:56 AM
This would wipe out whole apartment complexes/neighborhoods here if it actually happened.

Indian H1B Visa Holders Fear Deportation as Unemployed Workers Must Leave US within 60 Days


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2020, 08:15:22 AM

I'm trying to decide who that is winning. In some ways, I understand. However, if they have the cash to sustain themselves (not get tax payer bail-outs), would it not be better to leave them in place? If you suddenly have an apartment complex half empty, the owner is going bankrupt. The grocery store around the corner is going to lay off more staff, the furniture store will have sales fall further in a depressed economy.

For those types of things, I'm torn... Yes, a larger labour force looking for work is not good- but I wonder which does more harm to a fragile economy...


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 01:30:15 PM
The lady in this video is an economist who once worked at the Federal Reserve.  She states that the world should be pushing China a hell off a lot harder than is being done and wants answers on why the United States f'd this up so badly.  She makes a great deal of sense here but the effect is ruined as Batman, the Joker and the Incredible Hulk watch the interview silently in the background.


Wow. Nice find.

I was saying back in early March that if Trudeau allowed Canada to remain open that the bodies should be laid (literally) on his front door step.

This one makes it look even worse than just that. I am surprised how direct she is.


Quote from: WOTR on April 12, 2020, 02:57:10 PM
I'm trying to decide who that is winning. In some ways, I understand. However, if they have the cash to sustain themselves (not get tax payer bail-outs), would it not be better to leave them in place? If you suddenly have an apartment complex half empty, the owner is going bankrupt. The grocery store around the corner is going to lay off more staff, the furniture store will have sales fall further in a depressed economy.

For those types of things, I'm torn... Yes, a larger labour force looking for work is not good- but I wonder which does more harm to a fragile economy...

It’s probably not good for the local economy but the tech companies need a kick in the balls and so do the politicians that keep upping the number of H-1b visas. 

It’s bad enough that they undercut US college grads, but many of them get here and have anchor babies.  With technology today, why can’t they do their jobs in India? 

Quote from: WOTR on April 12, 2020, 02:57:10 PM
I'm trying to decide who that is winning. In some ways, I understand. However, if they have the cash to sustain themselves (not get tax payer bail-outs), would it not be better to leave them in place? If you suddenly have an apartment complex half empty, the owner is going bankrupt. The grocery store around the corner is going to lay off more staff, the furniture store will have sales fall further in a depressed economy.

For those types of things, I'm torn... Yes, a larger labour force looking for work is not good- but I wonder which does more harm to a fragile economy...

My issue is with the parents.  What seems to be typical here is some outfit will sponsor some Indian dude for the H1B, he'll come over and soon after will have an arranged marriage with a chick in India.  So then she comes over, then they will have a kid right away and then the parents will come over on a tourist visa to visit the baby.  Fine, but then they never go back when they should.  So then you have piles of elderly that never contributed into the system milking it when they inevitably get sick.  Let the guy come over and work but stop it there...........


Quote from: pate on April 12, 2020, 08:30:03 AM
I find your thesis that "social distancing" alone has mitigated the spread & lethality of this virus a bit suspect.

Where are the "control" experiments, ie all things being equal except the strict application of "social distancing?"  Medical care available, population densities, initial cases & their behavior, were these cases symptomatic or asymptomatic &c.

To be fair, we may not have data on people just living their lives. But we do have data on what happens when you throw a bunch of cotton-tops into a situation where social crowding exists (hello cruise ship industry...)

I lean towards people going back to work if they are able (I don't want to see a 85 year old Walmart greeter right now- she should stay home.) But I don't think that it can me "business as usual" all the way around just yet. The only problem is that people are (generally) not responsible enough to realize that if they are working they should not also be visiting their great grandmother in a long term care facility right now...


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 12, 2020, 10:18:25 AM
As nothing like this has ever been tried before I think it's only too likely that the models are going to be out until they get actual data to work from. It's literally unprecedented to shut down countries like this so it's hardly surprising that people are blundering about in the dark.

Contingency planning is always going to involve worst-case scenarios, I don't see that as something sinister. It's better to get it wrong on the high-side than the other way round. I know you're being indoctrinated over there to distrust the word of anyone with expertise but most doctors are just interested in saving lives, that's their job. Trump sees his role as prancing around on T.V. and taking credit for everything, I know who I'd rather trust.

Strangely enough, I agree.  There is literally no precedent for this event and therefore no reliable historical data on which to base analysis and projections.  What data is available from China is highly suspect and even the statistics from western nations is spurious because of variances in attribution criteria, irregular and incomplete reporting and in some instances political pressure to minimize the number of cases and deaths reported. There are no dependable parameters by which to define the universe of victims and won’t be until the dust settles.

For those wetting their pants over this being a manufactured event being used by “globalist” to deprive Americans of their liberties, at least wait until it ends and there is a return to normalcy before picking up pitchfork and torch.   If our full range of rights is not restored I will be in the first rank of castle wall stormers. 

Quote from: WOTR on April 12, 2020, 03:06:05 PM
Wow. Nice find.

I was saying back in early March that if Trudeau allowed Canada to remain open that the bodies should be laid (literally) on his front door step.

This one makes it look even worse than just that. I am surprised how direct she is.

She's a keeper.  Just too bad the Joker is staring her down throughout...........................


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 03:13:27 PM
My issue is with the parents.  What seems to be typical here is some outfit will sponsor some Indian dude for the H1B, he'll come over and soon after will have an arranged marriage with a chick in India.  So then she comes over, then they will have a kid right away and then the parents will come over on a tourist visa to visit the baby.  Fine, but then they never go back when they should.  So then you have piles of elderly that never contributed into the system milking it when they inevitably get sick.  Let the guy come over and work but stop it there...........

We did one better. We made it a policy to try to reunite families. That means that one working couple in their 40's or 50's can bring over four sick elderly parents in their 60's and 70's who didn't contribute a dime, and never will. But we also have free healthcare.

explain to me why we are on track to be a bankrupt, third world country (complete with a Cuban dictator.)  ;)


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 12, 2020, 03:17:19 PM
She's a keeper.  Just too bad the Joker is staring her down throughout...........................

What is that painting behind the dude?

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