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POTUS Makes Good On Threat-U.S. Strike Kills Senior Iranian Commander Soleimani

Started by starrmtn001, January 02, 2020, 11:06:18 PM


Quote from: Juan on January 04, 2020, 08:38:26 AM
What got me is they don’t know half mast is only aboard a ship, Navy base, or Marine base.

Fucking Morons.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on January 04, 2020, 09:15:54 PM

During the Reagan Administration the pro communist/anti-American press steadily pumped out all kinds of dire warnings about Soviet war-fighting capabilities.  According to these leftist propagandist the hard line that Reagan was taking with Gorbachev was sure to result in Armageddon for the U.S. because everyone in the Red armed forces was ten feet tall and could shoot lightening from his fingertips and rectum.  The deluge of caca del toro continued right up until the Iron Curtain came crashing down and it was revealed over time that the Soviet Military was a hollow force that was ill equipped, ill trained, underpaid and massively disgruntled.  The operational readiness and loyalty within the ranks of a major portion of the USSR's military was in serious doubt and the wonder weapons they were supposed to possess were not nearly as capable as claimed and those that were actually operational were few  in number.  (In some cases only prototypes containing outdated technology existed.)  The above was not completely unknown to our intelligence agencies and military but purveyors of Democrat disinformation like today's Truth Dig could not be openly refuted for reasons that should be obvious even to you. 

I know that the leftist porn that informs you gives you a great deal of comfort but after so many disappointments even a cretinous slug such as yourself must come to the realization that most of what he has been given to believe without question for so long is part of a malicious mind fuck.  In any case, I would never bet on any foreign adversary outgunning the U.S.   After all, even if the Russians were to acquire a significant number of hypersonic missiles, the U.S. could fund adequate countermeasures just by collecting Trump's "back taxes."

Please remove thy head from the ass, and check the second source I listed.


Since the US is a force for "democracy" will it Abide by the Iraqi Parliament's request to Get the HELL OUT?




Iraq Votes to Expel U.S. Troops After Killing of Iranian General



Quote from: starramus on January 05, 2020, 11:56:57 AM
Please remove thy head from the ass, and check the second source I listed.

English is not your first language is it?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 01:14:55 AM
Trump’s seem more limited and measured than Obama’s. The real question is why is Iran getting all riled up now? I’m suspecting wheels within wheels here.
I suppose the answer might be that one of their top military leaders was assassinated? I would assume that if a bomb went off under Mark Esper's car that people might get a little upset...

At this point, I would say it comes down not only to trusting Trump's judgement but also if believe that the military advisors are feeding him honest, reliable information. He was pulling out of the middle east. In his next run for office, he was actually going to be able to claim that he pulled troops out, that he was the president of peace. His track record on fulfilling that campaign promise was actually pretty good and would be hard for his opponent to attack.

In one move he may instead be another "wartime president". Suddenly troops are moving back to the middle east. Suddenly, the military is gearing up again (which one assumes makes the military complex, generals and other "swamp dwellers" very happy.) Was he tricked into pumping more resources into the swamp? Does anybody believe that military intelligence is above manufacturing evidence to get the results that they want?

You continue being happy for the killing of a man most of the world had never heard of before last week. I'll continue being skeptical.


Quote from: WOTR on January 05, 2020, 02:55:52 PM
I suppose the answer might be that one of their top military leaders was assassinated? I would assume that if a bomb went off under Mark Esper's car that people might get a little upset...

At this point, I would say it comes down not only to trusting Trump's judgement but also if believe that the military advisors are feeding him honest, reliable information. He was pulling out of the middle east. In his next run for office, he was actually going to be able to claim that he pulled troops out, that he was the president of peace. His track record on fulfilling that campaign promise was actually pretty good and would be hard for his opponent to attack.

In one move he may instead be another "wartime president". Suddenly troops are moving back to the middle east. Suddenly, the military is gearing up again (which one assumes makes the military complex, generals and other "swamp dwellers" very happy.) Was he tricked into pumping more resources into the swamp? Does anybody believe that military intelligence is above manufacturing evidence to get the results that they want?

You continue being happy for the killing of a man most of the world had never heard of before last week. I'll continue being skeptical.

Iran attacked the US first. You seem to be conveniently forgetting this. That’s why I asked why they were getting riled up. The assassination was our response. I don’t think anyone’s ever “happy” about assissinations but before you totally give into the liberal propaganda we call the news these days you might want to watch the last video I posted. It may give you some perspective in reality. ;)

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:03:28 PM
Iran attacked the US first. You seem to be conveniently forgetting this. That’s why I asked why they were getting riled up. The assassination was our response. I don’t think anyone’s ever “happy” about assissinations but before you totally give into the liberal propaganda we call the news these days you might want to watch the last video I posted. It may give you some perspective in reality. ;)

President Trump canned John Bolton for being too, hawkish.  The President has stated that he prevented a war by offing the prick general (paraphrased).

Iran is desperate due to US international sanctions against Iran.  Their aim is to mobilize public sentiment and international Islamic action against the US.  Also, John Kerry's daughter is married to a high level Iranian government official.  Kerry meets with him frequently, probably saying to wait for Trump to be impeached, then Iran can have it's way.

Consider also that the Mullahs are all old and dying.  They might wish to go out as martyrs not giving a shit about the Persian people.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 12:15:56 PM


POTUS Makes Good On Threat-U.S. Strike Kills Senior Iranian Commander Soleimani
« Reply #124 on: Today at 11:58 AM »
QuoteAdd Multi Quote
Since the US is a force for "democracy" will it Abide by the Iraqi Parliament's request to Get the HELL OUT?

Biden under O'bama gave Iraq to Iran, probably figuring that Iran would maintain better order than an independent Iraq would.  Or else that Iraq would cause Iran more problems than they have.  President Trump has stated that it is up to the Iraqis to determine who's ass they'er going to kiss (paraphrased).

Uncle Duke

Quote from: albrecht on January 04, 2020, 06:58:20 PM
Got it. It was just an FYI in case others have the problem. I like it though I would've liked the tweet to be more subtle, like Trump could be that. Haha. The 52 reference would've been "known" by the people in the region- of all religions or sects- because they are really into numbers, symbology, dates, etc and revere the hostage crisis as national pride.

I'm surprised CNN, CNBC,  NYT, WP, or any of the other usual suspects hasn't chased down one of the former Iran hostages who's willing to go on camera to indignantly declare he doesn't want a target in Iran to  be attacked in his name.  Also an opportunity for one of those networks/newspapers to give Jimmy Carter a forum to get in his anti-Trump comments.  Of course they won't point out Carter screwed the pooch and is largely responsible for Iran being what it is today.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:10:57 PM
Biden under O'bama gave Iraq to Iran, probably figuring that Iran would maintain better order than an independent Iraq would.  Or else that Iraq would cause Iran more problems than they have.  President Trump has stated that it is up to the Iraqis to determine who's ass they'er going to kiss (paraphrased).

Please don’t make up quotes. That’s not very nice. It’s something pud used to do when things weren’t going his way. I never wrote that. It was that ultracommie, staranus. ::)

Quote from: analog kid on January 04, 2020, 08:36:41 PM
The Bible says the sky is a dome, and when it rains, water is poured through a window in it.

If it's not the King James, it's not The Bible.

All other versions including the so-called, 'New King James,' are translated from corrupted texts found in Alexandria, Egypt.  Only the King James version, is translated from the original texts discovered in Antioch, Syria.  Furthermore, all of the other versions aren't even accurate translations of the corrupt Alexandrian texts; none of them agree with each other.

I am aware of only two mistakes lost in translating the King James Version; the original name for Satan was not Lucifer, and in the beginning the World was not void, but had been laid waste.


The Hebrew has those correct.


6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:18:38 PM
Please don’t make up quotes. That’s not very nice. It’s something pud used to do when things weren’t going his way. I never wrote that. It was that ultracommie, staranus. ::)

I didn't make anything up.  You need to quit falsely accusing me or I will make a monkey out of you all over the Internet in accurate ways you can't begin to imagine.

What I did was eliminate the meme and overlooked the attribution in your quote.  I stand corrected, even though you failed to accurately state the issue.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:37:24 PM
Go fuck yourself.

Why do you think people will fall for that bullshit?! My original post is on the same page. ::) ::)

I think maybe someone is having trouble with the quote function. :D

Uncle Duke

Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:06:28 PM
President Trump canned John Bolton for being too, hawkish.  The President has stated that he prevented a war by offing the prick general (paraphrased).

Iran is desperate due to US international sanctions against Iran.  Their aim is to mobilize public sentiment and international Islamic action against the US.  Also, John Kerry's daughter is married to a high level Iranian government official.  Kerry meets with him frequently, probably saying to wait for Trump to be impeached, then Iran can have it's way.

Consider also that the Mullahs are all old and dying.  They might wish to go out as martyrs not giving a shit about the Persian people.

I doubt the Iranians are that delusional, you can probably count on one hand the number of Muslim nations who can stomach, let alone support, Iran.  Their only Muslim friend in the Middle East is Syria, and maybe Lebanon because of Hezbollah. In the rest of Muslim world, only the odd bit player like Sudan (and previously Libya) would back them.  The vast majority of the Muslim world is too beholding to the oil rich Arab Gulf states who detest Iran to do anything to support them in "international Islamic action against the US."

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:39:02 PM
Why do you think people will fall for that bullshit?! My original post is on the same page. ::) ::)

I think maybe someone is having trouble with the quote function. :D

Go fuck yourself.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on January 05, 2020, 03:39:52 PM
I doubt the Iranians are that delusional, you can probably count on one hand the number of Muslim nations who can stomach, let alone support, Iran.  Their only Muslim friend in the Middle East is Syria, and maybe Lebanon because of Hezbollah. In the rest of Muslim world, only the odd bit player like Sudan (and previously Libya) would back them.  The vast majority of the Muslim world is too beholding to the oil rich Arab Gulf states who detest Iran to do anything to support them in "international Islamic action against the US."

Indeed.  Terrorists are terrorists because they are impotent.  They are already doing as much evil as they can.  If they could do more, they would have done it already.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:40:57 PM
Go fuck yourself.


I also think someone may have trouble admitting when they’re wrong, Gary. ::) ;D

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:47:40 PM
I also think someone may have trouble admitting when they’re wrong, Gary. ::) ;D

I admitted an oversight.  Don't go blaming others for your mischaracterizations of my comments.  Or are you hinting at a wrong that you and I haven't pointed out? 

Do you really think that people here can't see how faulty and insufficient you are?


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:49:39 PM
I admitted an oversight.  Don't go blaming others for your mischaracterizations of my comments.

Go fuck yourself is an admission of oversight?! On what planet? Mars? :D

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:51:29 PM
Go fuck yourself is an admission of oversight?! On what planet? Mars? :D

The question is how is it that you think that it's such?  Scroll up.

I'll clarify as if you honestly don't understand what I've already explained, above.

The quote which you took issue with, I eliminated the meme, along with full attribution.  After you complained, I went back and modified it to include attribution sans meme.

The fuck you quote was a comment in progress, subject to editing; which I did.  If you're going to be so trigger happy to comment before people are done writing reviewing and editing, you have to expect changes within the allotted time to modify before the comment becomes sealed.

Get it?


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:53:30 PM
The question is how is it that you think that it's such?  Scroll up.

I'll clarify as if you honestly don't understand what I've already explained, above.

The quote which you took issue with, I eliminated the meme, along with full attribution.  After you complained, I went back and modified it to include attribution sans meme.

Get it?

Now I do but still no reason to go all internet tough guy. You’re sounding more and more like pud all the time. ;)

P.S. I always enjoyed your calls and wished Hoagie had been brave enough to let you rant awhile.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 05, 2020, 03:57:11 PM
Now I do but still no reason to go all internet tough guy. You’re sounding more and more like pud all the time. ;)

Meet me in the graveyard at midnight.

See, you did it again.  Hold your horses or you won't be responding to the fully competed comment.

I'm flattered that you think I'm Gary, but don't flatter yourself to think that he would bother with you.  I think he's actually still spending the holiday with Hoagland.  They are collaborating on a new coffee table book.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on January 05, 2020, 03:59:18 PM
Meet me in the graveyard at midnight.

See, you did it again.  Hold your horses or you won't be responding to the fully competed comment.

I'm flattered that you think I'm Gary, but don't flatter yourself to think that he would bother with you.  I think he's actually still spending the holiday with Hoagland.  They are collaborating on a new coffee table book.

I look forward to it, Gary’s friend.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on January 05, 2020, 03:14:44 PM
I'm surprised CNN, CNBC,  NYT, WP, or any of the other usual suspects hasn't chased down one of the former Iran hostages who's willing to go on camera to indignantly declare he doesn't want a target in Iran to  be attacked in his name.  Also an opportunity for one of those networks/newspapers to give Jimmy Carter a forum to get in his anti-Trump comments.  Of course they won't point out Carter screwed the pooch and is largely responsible for Iran being what it is today.
Ha. You should be writing their scripts. Already they brought up, maybe they read BG, the 'wag the dog' stuff after you posted that.

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