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Voynich Morse Code Stenography Cipher

Started by Stellar, September 02, 2019, 09:15:04 PM

Who believes I have cracked the Voynich Manuscript with this cipher?


Voting closes: January 29, 2047, 05:26:12 PM


I just published a book on Amazon KDP with the title, "Voynich Morse Code Stenography Cipher", which focuses on a unique cipher I created via Morse Code Stenography. It should be available in a couple days. Here is the preface and a couple images. The book is roughly 50 pages long and describes my methodology, why the fraud case, history, provenance and Andromeda. The language of the Voynich is Italian.

For those who wish to know what the most common word in the voynich is

daiin from eva:

The italian word is: sta

meaning; be, stay, stand

... - .-


This subject regarding the Voynich Manuscript (VMS) has plagued my mind since 2008 when I first discovered it online. I have tried so many options with figuring out what language and cipher is at the heart of its inner workings. Likewise, I admit I have published several books about its content and honestly I stated that I believed I had solved the VMS. Deep down, I began to feel more had to be done by me because the cipher I produced could not be replicated by others. Also at the time I really believed that the VMS’s text was created in the 15th Century. However, I have come full circle and this cipher which I created has found evidence to the contrary of the texts time of creation; furthermore I have found its provenance with it. The angst I have felt over the years of feelings of failure have been sidelined by this unique way of decoding the text.

Forward, on how I came up with the idea to use Morse code as a stenography cipher; I began thinking out of the box by scanning pictures of the actual text and then turning them into .wav files, so that a Morse code decoder program could pick out the text. This idea was done out of the thought that the VMS was produced by alien beings and I know this is funny! After focusing and totally realizing I was wrong about that method, it did shed light on my invention of the cipher to decode the VMS.

As it turned out my thoughts then zeroed in to what if Wilfrid Voynich has hoaxed us all by actually using stenography and the encoding was Morse code. What is odd about the pictures in the VMS is there are a few anomalies regarding time and origin of some of the images for Europe in the 15th century. Take for instance f68v3 as it appears to be the Andromeda galaxy and no telescopes were around to observe this. Then there is the sunflower on page f33v which was in the America’s at the time. Furthermore, on page f80v a Pangolin is evident which is from Asia. In addition, f33v a root resembles the microscopic structure of a marine organism. Then there’s the jigsaw puzzle root on f27v and jigsaw puzzles came out in 1760 by John Spilsbury a London engraver. The image of 69r resembles Carter’s diatom. Lastly the art work is sloppy!

With all the research that has been put into figuring out if the VMS is actually a language and not gibberish; the research algorithms have suggested it is a language but what language? My cipher has pinned down Italian as its language. Let’s take a look at what I have to offer and here as an explanation why I think this way.


Even though this is over my head, it sounds very cool.  What would a real-life practical application look like? (sorry if I missed that.)


I just decoded the weird pregnant woman on the first glyph of the folio 42v. The dots in loops is indicative of a voynich morse code stenography cipher.



Michal Wojnicz Business Card From Rich SantoColoma Proto57 site
I feel this is important, which contains further evidence to methods I use regarding the encoding of the Voynich Manuscript. I'm extremely happy to have found this file of Michal Wojnicz's Cat Mouse business Card. Here is the link https://proto57.wordpress.com/

As you can see I have decoded his full name using Morse Code. If this does not shock you I don't know what will. This is evidence of Michal Wojnicz's fraud pointer to the VMS. Here are the Images.

-- .. -.-. .... .- .-.. ....... .-- --- .--- -. .. -.-. --..

Michal Wojnicz



Folio 49r Teste roma giuoco per le gente ade

The folio translates to: (Witness Rome game for the people (hell or Hades)). I guess the serpent really added the kicker here for the author. After all Satan transformed himself into a serpent in the Garden of Eden. The Romans adored Hades!

What is interesting to me was if this is referring to the Coliseum Wilfrid was using English grammar to write in Italian. I believe Wilfrid authored MS-408, because the writing style of Italian follows the English language grammatically!

Whilst in Siberia, Voynich acquired a working knowledge of eighteen different languages, albeit not well.





- . ... - . ....... .-. --- -- .- ....... --. .. ..- --- -.-. --- ....... .--. . .-. ....... .-.. . ....... --. . -. - . ....... .- -.. .

Asuka Langley

I think you may be onto something, very interesting indeed!


This video is about evidence of a Voynich Morse Code Stenography Cipher found in use with Wilfrid's Voynich's Business Card.  He encoded Michal Wojincz in the card with dots and dashes.  He also used Morse Code in the Voynich Manuscript.  This video highlights my findings.



Quote from: Stellar on September 03, 2019, 10:01:23 AM
I just decoded the weird pregnant woman on the first glyph of the folio 42v. The dots in loops is indicative of a voynich morse code stenography cipher.

If T6 is a dash, shouldn't E be also considered a dash?


Ok the book is out 68 pages including python code to help you translate Morse to to Italian words.  In the book you receive the updated cipher with purchase!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Stellar on September 09, 2019, 11:36:55 AM
Ok the book is out 68 pages including python code to help you translate Morse to to Italian words.  In the book you receive the updated cipher with purchase!!!!!!!!!!

The book is now 107 pages with an updated cipher:  Inside is a translation of folio 2v.



"The Wojnicz", found in 68r1 Big Star
This seals the deal for the legitimacy of my cipher and that MS-408 was created by Michal Wojnicz. There is really no system to the madness other than he used Steganography for Morse Code dots and dashes. I just hit on the system he used. The text is in anagram form. All Michal did was count the total of dots and dashes and then quickly randomly used some glyphs associated with dots and dashes to record them on old calfskin.



The process for “Voynich Morse code Steganography Cipher” goes like this:

1) The glyphs from a vord which are summed up to the associated Morse code in my cipher I produced as dots and dashes. For instance VMS vord (oe = 3 dots and 2 dashes) so the Italian word is equal to, "ce -.-. ." which translates to "there, here or us" in English

2) Take the sum of the Morse code and look for meanings from Italian words. This is tricky, but you will only find a small amount of Italian words per vord unless their size is longer, but it’s better than a substitution cipher which I no longer believe it to be, because the dots and dashes sum must fit the Italian word. Here is code in Python for translating Morse to any language as anagrams. Yes the code has a built in anagram solver. Yes you need to cherry pick Italian words to the narrative albeit if a 1000 programmers and would be decoders used this process some of the output would be the same, but I don't know the stats for this to occur. As it stands it’s all about the input from the totals of dots and dashes. I don't know how many runs humans could do to get similar sentences. This is better suited for hard coded computers to run grammar checks in Italian for computations from Morse code arrangements using my python code and an upgrade some day.

3) I envision the VMS to have for vords like "9" to be set like this ( .- or - .) in the VMS for analysis among all the vords represented as code. That is equal to (a, or te). Then let the computer process the VMS document and see if it outputs a high quality transcription to the Italian language not only using "9", but all the vords.

print("Author Thomas O'Neil, copyright ver 0.1,VMS Italian Steganography Morse Code to Anagrams, August 8, 2019")

# Python program to implement Morse Code Translator

'cipher' -> 'stores the morse translated form of the english string'
'decipher' -> 'stores the english translated form of the morse string'
'citext' -> 'stores morse code of a single character'
'i' -> 'keeps count of the spaces between morse characters'
'message' -> 'stores the string to be encoded or decoded'

# Dictionary representing the morse code chart
MORSE_CODE_DICT = { 'A':'.-', 'B':'-...',
'C':'-.-.', 'D':'-..', 'E':'.',
'F':'..-.', 'G':'--.', 'H':'....',
'I':'..', 'J':'.---', 'K':'-.-',
'L':'.-..', 'M':'--', 'N':'-.',
'O':'---', 'P':'.--.', 'Q':'--.-',
'R':'.-.', 'S':'...', 'T':'-',
'U':'..-', 'V':'...-', 'W':'.--',
'X':'-..-', 'Y':'-.--', 'Z':'--..',
'1':'.----', '2':'..---', '3':'...--',
'4':'....-', '5':'.....', '6':'-....',
'7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.',
'0':'-----', ', ':'--..--', '.':'.-.-.-',
'?':'..--..', '/':'-..-.', '-':'-....-',
'(':'-.--.', ')':'-.--.-',}

# Function to encrypt the string
# according to the morse code chart
def encrypt(message):
cipher = ''
for letter in message:
if letter != ' ':

# Looks up the dictionary and adds the
# correspponding morse code
# along with a space to separate
# morse codes for different characters
cipher += MORSE_CODE_DICT[letter] + ' '
# 1 space indicates different characters
# and 2 indicates different words
cipher += ' '

return cipher

# Function to decrypt the string
# from morse to english
def decrypt(message):

# extra space added at the end to access the
# last morse code
message += ' '

decipher = ''
citext = ''
for letter in message:

# checks for space
if (letter != ' '):

# counter to keep track of space
i = 0

# storing morse code of a single character
citext += letter

# in case of space
# if i = 1 that indicates a new character
i += 1

# if i = 2 that indicates a new word
if i == 2 :

# adding space to separate words
decipher += ' '

# accessing the keys using their values (reverse of encryption)
decipher += list(MORSE_CODE_DICT.keys())[list(MORSE_CODE_DICT
citext = ''

return decipher
def anagrams(word):
""" Generate all of the anagrams of a word. """
if len(word) < 2:
yield word
for z, letter in enumerate(word):
if not letter in word[:z]: #avoid duplicating earlier words
for j in anagrams(word[:z]+word[z+1:]):
yield j+letter
# Hard-coded driver function to run the program
while True:
def main():

message = input ("Type in Morse Code to output anagrams!: ")
result = decrypt(message)
print (result)
return result # return result
for i in anagrams(main()):
print (i)

# Executes the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':


The alchemy section was all messed up but now I'm set with this cipher so here is the updated cipher and https://www.jasondavies.com/voynich/#f77r/0.486/0.179/3.70


Doesn’t the manuscript predate Morse code by several hundred years?   Morse code contains several letters not in the Italian alphabet.  This cipher seems highly suspect.


Does this cypher also decode these:

Nautical Shore?


Quote from: whoozit on September 14, 2019, 08:39:28 PM
Doesn’t the manuscript predate Morse code by several hundred years?   Morse code contains several letters not in the Italian alphabet.  This cipher seems highly suspect.

You have to Remember Voynich Constructed this MS-408, albeit he knew 18 languages not that well.


A look into a possible order of operations for my Voynich Morse Code Steganograhy Cipher
1) About my system what is reflected in it to the observer is that the total number of dots and dashes must be represented from a vord-morse to an Italian word.
2)  The dots and dashes total must be equal an Italian word.
a) So as in eva "a" the count of Morse code dots and dashes equals 1 dot and 1 dash.  The Morse code represents ( .- = a or - , = te  ).  This is a law to my cipher.  Yet as you can see there are two words here.  A computer with Italian grammar mechanism used in Python would have to sort through all the options forming sentences to derive a narrative.  That would be a complex piece of code, but not impossible.
b) As for additional rules I'm looking for them to see if there is any specific indicator for an order of logic to the dots and dashes I have decoded from each specific glyph which spells an Italian word.  Remember this is still under a trial testing for order in the VMS Morse code.
c) I have been experimenting so bear with me this is an abstract method of logic.  Let’s take a look at “otol” for instance.  The word decoded was, "Aria" which translates to "air" in English.  So Aria is (.- .-. .. .-) is a total of 3 dashes and 5 dots. Please refer to the actual otol vord in the VMS.  Since I cannot represent VMS glyph at Cipher Mysteries I will refer to eva.  Let’s check out “otol” as it relates to Morse code and how to process it if there is an order.
Try to find the lowest letter represented by the dots and dashes.  Focus order on consonants first
O = .   E
T = -..  D
O = .    E
L = -.-.  C
Then swap C with D because D would be in order as the last letter because of its weight as a 4.
New Order:

E = .
C = -.-.
E = .
D = -..
So now we have E, C, E , D.  Next make all vowels from consonant letters going from right to left starting with D.  D becomes A.  The dot is carried to the left to form an “I” from old  letter D leaving an A behind making an E into I. Moving left Since C has to remain R for there is no other Morse Code combo just move a dot to left changing E to A .-

Ok let’s try eva for “oe” which should produce ce
E = .
C =-.-.


Since there is nothing left to form an Italian word.  The output is CE for eva “oe”.
You should recognize that the VMS text format is in anagrams, because no frequency attack nor common cipher for the suggested time could produce this structure or arrangement of VMS vords.  Computer models have suggested that the VMS is a language.



Walt Whitman folio 1r from MS-408
Walt Whitman was born May 31, 1819. He was an American poet intrigued with pragmatism, transcendentalism, and realism.



Definitive proof that my cipher is an axiom with Voynich studies

Well the miracle is out, and I'm humbled by what I have accomplished; likewise, in good faith I have passionately conveyed how the Voynich Manuscript was constructed to you all. The Voynich Morse Code Steganography Cipher has actually uncovered "MorseTGM" in the outer ring of folio 57v! TGM by government standards is an abbreviation for Telegram. I have theorized that the female in f57 is holding the ring which represents a dot in Morse code. Have a great day, I'm stunned by this finding.




Ros2 spiral of vords next to Castle decrypted

I have attempted to decode this with so many other systems and now finally a quality translation of Ros2 Castle.

How is that the words fit my cipher and have meaning from Voynich's hand, which relied upon an Italian dictionary as his translator?

The letter deciphered as ' P ' that appears 5994 times according to the count - that number reduces to a 9 BTW -  was prominently featured in the movie  ' Doctor Strange ' , that was just on recently. I recognized it immediately on the page that was ripped out of the spellbook in the opening scenes.
Interesting, no ?



@ Mother Mary Found in Voynich Manuscript within what was thought to be the Astrology section:

Turns out it looks like the Roman 10 month Calendar for Names day of the Saints:



Quote from: Stellar on September 15, 2019, 05:12:40 AM
A look into a possible order of operations for my Voynich Morse Code Steganograhy Cipher
1) About my system what is reflected in it to the observer is that the total number of dots and dashes must be represented from a vord-morse to an Italian word.
2)  The dots and dashes total must be equal an Italian word.
a) So as in eva "a" the count of Morse code dots and dashes equals 1 dot and 1 dash.  The Morse code represents ( .- = a or - , = te  ).  This is a law to my cipher.  Yet as you can see there are two words here.  A computer with Italian grammar mechanism used in Python would have to sort through all the options forming sentences to derive a narrative.  That would be a complex piece of code, but not impossible.
b) As for additional rules I'm looking for them to see if there is any specific indicator for an order of logic to the dots and dashes I have decoded from each specific glyph which spells an Italian word.  Remember this is still under a trial testing for order in the VMS Morse code.
c) I have been experimenting so bear with me this is an abstract method of logic.  Let’s take a look at “otol” for instance.  The word decoded was, "Aria" which translates to "air" in English.  So Aria is (.- .-. .. .-) is a total of 3 dashes and 5 dots. Please refer to the actual otol vord in the VMS.  Since I cannot represent VMS glyph at Cipher Mysteries I will refer to eva.  Let’s check out “otol” as it relates to Morse code and how to process it if there is an order.
Try to find the lowest letter represented by the dots and dashes.  Focus order on consonants first
O = .   E
T = -..  D
O = .    E
L = -.-.  C
Then swap C with D because D would be in order as the last letter because of its weight as a 4.
New Order:

E = .
C = -.-.
E = .
D = -..
So now we have E, C, E , D.  Next make all vowels from consonant letters going from right to left starting with D.  D becomes A.  The dot is carried to the left to form an “I” from old  letter D leaving an A behind making an E into I. Moving left Since C has to remain R for there is no other Morse Code combo just move a dot to left changing E to A .-

Ok let’s try eva for “oe” which should produce ce
E = .
C =-.-.


Since there is nothing left to form an Italian word.  The output is CE for eva “oe”.
You should recognize that the VMS text format is in anagrams, because no frequency attack nor common cipher for the suggested time could produce this structure or arrangement of VMS vords.  Computer models have suggested that the VMS is a language.


Okay, I'm looking at this and right off I can see a flaw.  You are not squaring the number value of the letters.  In this code, you need to have the psyche view of numbers.  Humans are more comfortable with even numbers than odd.  And that has to do with the fact that although the number of digits on our  individual hands is odd, the sum total of hands and digits is even.   Simply saying, one hand, five digits.  two hands, 10 digits.  It's a built in hardwired mathematical bias, if you will.

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