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Coast refugee here

Started by gaius, March 04, 2009, 12:30:01 PM


hello all, i found this site basically just searching for GN and C2C. I'd like to provide a little background about me as i will be hanging around often. [this turned into a dissertation! sorry, i dont have many people i can talk Coast to]

i am a second generation Coast listener as my dad is a bit of a radio geek and got me hooked on Art back when he first started. i was an avid listener until i went to college and just didnt have much time, lifestyle changed, etc. then a couple years later was 2003 and Art's retirement, it kind of came out of nowhere for me.

at first i enjoyed George. he didnt get as moody/snooty as Art could sometimes be and made the guest and listener feel comfortable. but after about a year i completely tuned out. i finally came back into the fold mid-2008 due to catching some random shows that were very good and quite honestly i have got to get my UFO, ET, conspiracy theory, occult, etc. fix from SOMEWHERE!

i dont "hate" george snoory. i think for whatever reason Art left the show to him b/c he knew george would keep it going. but that doesnt keep me from thinking he sucks often.

my primary gripe on Snoory is that he let's guests come in and spout whatever crap they want with ZERO challenge or questions. i believe questions are sooooo important, i ask so many questions throughout my day i think people sometimes get annoyed. but i just enjoy getting to the bottom of everthing.

secondly i feel like sometimes he simply doesnt care that much anymore. which burnout is perfectly understandable after 6+ years of midnight radio. he asks stock questions, responds with something totally off topic and shrivels up when Hoagland called him out the other night.

i realize that Georgie boy is a nice dude, doesnt ruffle feathers and that's his "style". but he was a Lietenant in the Naval Reserves for gods sake, show some nuts every now and then!

lastly, i simply think, for whatever reason, George is kinda stupid. Coast needs to be sharp and smart (art was this), current and have a driving energy behind it. these are important issues and i just dont think a half-wit is the one to be carrying the torch.

as far as the others, well Ian is alright once per week. but he's worse than George in my mind. i really enjoy Knapp. in fact to give the show a bit of energy i would recommend Snoory three nights per week, Knapp twice, Ian once. then try to get someone new in on the other night.

sorry this was so long winded, i dont have many Coast outlets. btw, i am from Texas and now live in the Pacific NW. never had an "encounter" of any type nor anyone i am really close to. i do think the govt is evil and also good at the same time. i am glad to be here!



You were not too long winded - I enjoyed reading your post - and I agree with most of what you said.

I think you'll fit right in here!


I, too am Coast refuge and love to read the viewpoints from all member of the community.  As far as contact, I have them everynite of the George kind.  Duhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the camp. My story for being here is pretty similar to yours. Hope you stick around.  :)


Like there is always room for Jello (not sure why & how) there is always room for another Noory detractor, he makes it so easy to be one.

Quotei realize that Georgie boy is a nice dude, doesnt ruffle feathers and that's his "style".

Cant say I agree with that since it is Noory who postulates that belief on his own or the call screener that instructs the shills to say it.

Quotebut he was a Lietenant in the Naval Reserves for gods sake, show some nuts every now and then!

Oh, Noory was in transportation, explains the lack thereof aforementioned "nuts"  ;D.

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