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Critical Omissions with Douglas Dietrich

Started by Walks_At_Night, April 11, 2017, 08:01:43 PM


I believe Moon has already given Dietrich money in advance of the book.

And Salina Kahn is a waste of time for them. 

Listen carefully to what Vinny Barbarick (Moon) does with this!

Keep in mind that Moon is married to a 30 year old Romanian woman who is the daughter of a world-renowned bullshitting mother!


Dietrich can be heard "clacking" on his keyboard while she is talking


What is celina talking about? Somebody gave her a credit card worth $22,000 and they started charging her interest on her available balance? I must not have been paying close enough attention to what she said.


Hey celina, sell lots of binoculars and pinwheels to the kids lately?


It doesn't matter.  She is so into her "job" and not Dietrich.  This is why Dietrich and Moon will reject her.  She senses that Dietrich is fake. 


But Selina is fucking retarded.  She can sell million-dollar houses to the Chinese....who does she work for?

Have you seen the size of the company she works for?  She is one of many


Good, let her sell all those multi-million properties to the chinese in NYC. Let them pay the rich taxes Cuomo and de Blasio want to impose on them. All the smart Americans have moved out.


Dietrich is using a keyboard like a maniac


"It's gonna be a beautiful world" -celina conwoman     Yeah right celina, Santa Claus is gonna bring everybody their food every day. It will be a utopia.


"Bitcoin world gonna change,,,"

Long time for a new system ....in rural areas


Hey asshole celina, does it occur to you that real estate agents contributed the most to homelessness in America? You and other speculators bought up lots of property and demanded the highest prices you could get? You convinced private sellers that their properties were worth way more than what they thought they were worth?


Jerking around for Peter Moon? Who will lie and lie and tell them they will all make money


"Blessed be thy night.....blah blah blah" -ddd   You make me wanna puke ddd.


Oh gee ddd, you have a degree in medical journalism (at least that is what you claim this time), I guess that means you can perform a heart transplant..


Moon: "I was just on the online with Krystal."

(Krystal River is another bullshit witch)  Remember the shit with jonathan ? 


Hey lazy, no talent ddd, if you don't like the way moonpie wrote your shit book, you should have written it yourself.


No ddd, you just write in a jumbled, incoherent and redundant style. Half the shit you write could easily be excised from the article and make it way more understandable. You are a loser and a dork and don't know what you're doing.


ddd is deathly afraid a chimps jumping on his back. It reminds him of N-words jumping on his back and spreading their diseases.


No ddd, your writing reflects the unorganized mind of a narcissist, injecting irrelevant or obvious notations. Just a shit hole nobody trying to appear more intelligent than what he is.


"buh.buh, the japs had superderigibles"  therefore they won WW2.


Dietrich and Moon are such a sickening pair of warped-minded assholes. After hearing Moon express exactly what I suspected about his approach to editing the "book", I am convinced he is involving himself with Dietrich toward his own financial and social gain, just as he did with Preston Nichols and the rest.

Moon could care less if Dietrich's "sources" are reliable or not. (Dietrich's sources are the documents he incinerated).  "How many people care about verifying anything?, I know Army types are not credible people", Moon said.  And Dietrich was quick to say: "You can be secure in the fact that all this is vettable and verifiable."

Moon replied by saying "It's (only) important if you are a professional researcher", and readers will take what they read at face value unless they have reason to question it.

Further on, Dietrich made two outrageous claims that any "reader" could verify in minutes.  One regarding the relationship between Hirorito and Gen Nogi.  That Nogi was Knighted by the Queen of England (Victoria).  He was NOT, he was given honorary awards associated with Victorian orders of Knighthood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nogi_Maresuke

Nogi did not raise Hirohito. Hirohito only knew Nogi as a mentor for 4 years while attending the Peer's School.  Nogi (and his wife) committed suicide when Hirorito was 11 years old following the death of his Emporer and Grandfather in 1912.

But the worst lie of that conversation was Dietrich's reference to Wouter Hobe who he claims was a survivor of the Bataan Death March in 1941,  He claimed Hobe was sent to Unit 731 and implanted with a virus, and had written a secret essay Dietrich cannot reveal.  Dietrich speculated on whether or not Hobe is still alive or dead. (He was still alive in 2012).

The truth is, Hobe was not an American nor was he captured on the Bataan Peninsula or a member of the Death March.
Hobe was a Dutch-Canadian boy (age 11) captured on the Island of Java in 1943. http://www.kumpulana.ca/stories/A_Day_in_the_Life.html


As a historian and researcher this sort of thing really pisses me off and I hope both of those lying fucks get spit-roasted after publishing the book.


Quote from: Gunner65 on February 03, 2021, 07:46:22 PM
It is obvious to me that there is considerable tension between Dietrich and Kahn.

New triangulation intercepted. VBFF deployed. STD analysis package en route.

Genesis device offline. No suitable romantic chemistry pheromone components located. Cyanide capsules are available.


Quote from: Gunner65 on February 04, 2021, 06:44:10 PM
Dietrich and Moon are such a sickening pair of warped-minded assholes. [...] I hope both of those lying fucks get spit-roasted after publishing the book.

The show must go on. Further, Primacy + Mendehlsohn were obvious choices for any combo play but as I have the opportunity to test one out, I am thinking of activating the OMEGA-55, which certainly couldn't hurt at this stage, and its primary design flaw may well save us all a lot of time in the long run, as there's a 5% chance upon each deployment to cause Grapefruit to spontaneously combust. It won't do anything either.

There is a lot of data to be gained in these thought experiments. For example, do I think it is worth the risk to see Grapefruit incinerating herself from the inside out? I'm already there. The balance is strictly maintained across events. I saw a lot of people take it right in the shorts from some kind of event and I was like, "Wow, why does that person get all that shit?" It's always balanced. It happens out of sight plenty. Like right now, Some Asshole is getting something ridiculous and I would prefer to not know that.


Quote from: Gunner65 on February 03, 2021, 06:45:30 PM
So the SECDEF is locking down the entire US Military for 60 days to investigate all active-duty personnel? For "domestic terrorism or extremist sentiment"
This is unprecedented.

I'm cleared. Cool thing on Clergy status: skip to the head of the line.


Three posts from Jackler that make no sense.  Stupid Jackler.

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