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***BREAKING*** Explosion in NYC

Started by Richard Groyper, September 17, 2016, 07:20:44 PM


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on September 18, 2016, 10:19:34 PMhttp://www.nfpa.org/news-and-research/fire-statistics-and-reports/fire-statistics/fires-in-the-us/multiple-death-fires/deadliest-fires-and-explosions-in-us-history  Note: the great Chicago fire listed in this link happened the same night as the Peshtigo fire - also listed. The heat from the Peshtigo fire was so intense that people seeking shelter in the river even died. No oxygen and air temperatures in the hundreds to perhaps approaching a thousand degrees.   http://www.peshtigofire.info/
And not only Peshtigo & Chi.  It was a pattern of fires that's given rise to the hypothesis that they were caused by fragments of Comet Biela.  But I think the Bad Astronomer has had something to say about that.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 18, 2016, 10:51:07 PMBut that doesn't make good news with rednecks, they want to know that a prisoner is having water poured in his lungs or electrocuted (you know; how those savage Iraqi's behaved towards US and UK troops in Gulf War 1) because they're not really interested in saving lives and gaining intelligence, they just want a video game based on misconceptions of what interrogation involves.
waterboarding does work to raise $.  Also to wash children's hair.

Quote from: Jackstar on September 19, 2016, 05:35:05 AM
How do you explain the mid-air pulverization of tens of thousands of pounds of concrete?

What ya reckon, jackie, dem thar aliens done it? Or was it the CIA (and that dang GWB!)

Quote from: chefist on September 19, 2016, 09:37:54 AM

The man deserves a fair trial before being sent to a forced labor camp the rest of his life. Oh, wait....we don`t have forced labor camps. Well that just sucks.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on September 19, 2016, 09:49:15 AM
The man deserves a fair trial before being sent to a forced labor camp the rest of his life. Oh, wait....we don`t have forced labor camps. Well that just sucks.
I vote for the clown being placed in a locked dumpster with something ticking.

So from what I've seen, as many as seven people have been arrested and are involved with this. Yet all these jahoodis managed to do with seven+ strong was set off a couple of weak bombs and accomplish nothing other than a propaganda victory for Trump. You have to think they're receiving some form of orders because how do you convince seven adults to go with such a stupid plan that will lead to the end of their lives? You would think these jahoodis would do something on a grand scale. I realize this was supposedly a probing attacking but why would you waste seven operatives on something so dumb?

Not to mention, these jahoodis let themselves get taken alive?  ???


That presser by Obama was amazingly weak. I only listened to it on the radio so couldn't see his demeanor but he sounded so vacillating and weak. And almost apologetic that he had to thank law enforcement. And no mention of Islam but that we need to report on each other if we "see something." And then he went on to say "no link" between the bombings and attempted bombings in NY&NJ and the Minn stabbing attacks. Uh, how about Islam? How about immigration policy? Some simple "links."

Quote from: albrecht on September 19, 2016, 10:05:27 AM
That presser by Obama was amazingly weak. I only listened to it on the radio so couldn't see his demeanor but he sounded so vacillating and weak. And almost apologetic that he had to thank law enforcement. And no mention of Islam but that we need to report on each other if we "see something." And then he went on to say "no link" between the bombings and attempted bombings in NY&NJ and the Minn stabbing attacks. Uh, how about Islam? How about immigration policy? Some simple "links."

I was just coming to post the same thing. What an asshole.


Quote from: albrecht on September 19, 2016, 10:05:27 AM
That presser by Obama was amazingly weak. I only listened to it on the radio so couldn't see his demeanor but he sounded so vacillating and weak. And almost apologetic that he had to thank law enforcement. And no mention of Islam but that we need to report on each other if we "see something." And then he went on to say "no link" between the bombings and attempted bombings in NY&NJ and the Minn stabbing attacks. Uh, how about Islam? How about immigration policy? Some simple "links."
O's really get the feel of being retired on the job.  Quack, quack.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jackstar on September 19, 2016, 06:01:49 AM
I think it's just fascinating and adorable how this f****** idiot c*** can't be bothered to even address a simple question about the mid-air pulverization of tens of thousands of pounds of concrete, but yet he can sit around and talk about fucking Falkie all f****** day like it's his f****** job.

What a loser - - even for a European. Note the timestamps - - he's had oodles of time, and all he's done with it, is run away.

Oh temper temper...  ;D ;D

Hush Jack.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 19, 2016, 06:17:00 AM
I know...and then he comes to threads like this and tries to Falkize us too. The amount of time he spends putting others down must be equal to the time Falkie spends doing nothing, which kinda makes him a Falkie too.  ::) ;D

You're so right... How is the evidence to support your suggestion Clinton arranged the nuclear explosion in NK coming along? Or did you blow that out of your butt like almost everything else you type?

Goddamnit, why am I always right? I even frighten myself sometimes.


Exactly what I said, second generation wild jahoodi. A fucking stupid one at that.


Source is sometimes questionable but you can see the actual court filings there. The Muslim(s) who apparently did the latest bombings in NY and NYC was, like so many others, was 'on the radar' with the police, and the Feds, but per Obama policy was able to practice his peace. His family even sued the local police. And Obama's policy on "refugees" is sending more like him to NYC (and so many other places across the USA.)
And then the hardcore Muslim mayor of Londonistan, who shares a name of the latest Muslim bomber and has defended radicals, throws out the first pitch at a Mets game?


Quote from: FightTheFuture on September 19, 2016, 08:51:27 AM
What ya reckon, jackie, dem thar aliens done it? Or was it the CIA (and that dang GWB!)

Are you seriously going to answer that question, with this?? We're on The Internet, you know--people can see you.

You get one more.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 19, 2016, 06:41:24 AM
Those buildings were huge, and the thrust that must have  been  exerted would have been immense - it's not necessary to pre-suppose that explosives were involved when natural forces can account for phenomena like that anyway.

Explain the natural forces at work in this image. Go on. Do it.

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 19, 2016, 12:11:52 PM
Goddamnit, why am I always right? I even frighten myself sometimes.


Exactly what I said, second generation wild jahoodi. A fucking stupid one at that.

You're the BellGab Nostradamus. You've almost attained Falkie status. Almost.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 19, 2016, 06:41:24 AM
you can't cite any verifiable sources. It's all based on looking at a few photos and estimating - with more than a jot of confirmation bias thrown in - what actually happened.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 19, 2016, 12:21:36 PM

Explain the natural forces at work in this image. Go on. Do it.

The new theory is the aluminum jet fuselage melted, pooled, then flowed through the cracks, finally exploding when it contacted water being sprayed from the sprinkler system. (Apparently aluminum ore is 'highly explosive' when it contacts H2o.)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on September 19, 2016, 12:12:35 PM
Source is sometimes questionable but you can see the actual court filings there. The Muslim(s) who apparently did the latest bombings in NY and NYC was, like so many others, was 'on the radar' with the police, and the Feds, but per Obama policy was able to practice his peace. His family even sued the local police. And Obama's policy on "refugees" is sending more like him to NYC (and so many other places across the USA.)
And then the hardcore Muslim mayor of Londonistan, who shares a name of the latest Muslim bomber and has defended radicals, throws out the first pitch at a Mets game?

What? Is that your argument? So anyone called McVey is as guilty too? And anyone called Harris or Kiebold is a mass killer?

Don't get your news from the DM; It never ends well.

"First American Fried Chicken" - the Col. Sanders bank!

Quote from: HedgehogNorman on September 19, 2016, 12:34:26 PM
"First American Fried Chicken" - the Col. Sanders bank!

Boiling chicken grease doesn't melt steel beams!


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 19, 2016, 12:31:44 PM
What? Is that your argument?

You ask a lot of bullshit rhetorical questions while running and hiding, are you aware of that?

p.s. Fuck your mother.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jackstar on September 19, 2016, 12:36:54 PM
You ask a lot of bullshit rhetorical questions while running and hiding, are you aware of that?

p.s. Fuck your mother.

Wow; you won the internet.  :)


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 19, 2016, 12:31:44 PM
What? Is that your argument? So anyone called McVey is as guilty too? And anyone called Harris or Kiebold is a mass killer?

Don't get your news from the DM; It never ends well.
No that is not my argument I was simply pointing out the facts. Do you deny that they share a faith and name? The lawsuit of the latest Muslim bomber was filed and is a public record. The hardcore Muslim Kahn who is now mayor of Londonistan is on the record making statements such as that "moderate Muslims are 'Uncle Toms'" (he later apologized for using that term) and has defended prisoners from terror groups and has family links to banned groups like al-Muhajiroun. Though, in a funny way, Kahn is criticized by some of his fellow Muslims for being too liberal on things like homosexuality (however there is a long tradition in some Muslim countries for that and in places like Afghanistan there is a tradition of keeping 'dancing boys' as sex slaves by Muslims.)

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