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Topics - Lord Grantham


The main thread is for drama and drama only.
Technology / Indian Phone Bank Scammers
February 28, 2018, 07:45:30 AM
I've found these recently. It's people fucking with scam artist telemarketers in India.


FF to 12:00 where the scammer tells us how he really feels.

"Blbbbb blbbbbbb blub, let me have fermented apple juice, I guess"
Politics / Status-6
February 02, 2018, 02:38:21 PM


QuoteOn paper, at least, Status-6 appears to be a kind of doomsday device. The report refers to it as "a new intercontinental, nuclear-armed, nuclear-powered, undersea autonomous torpedo."
... Status-6 would launch from beneath a Russian submarine. It would shoot at a depth too deep to be intercepted, and travel for thousands of miles. Upon reaching its target along the U.S. coastline, it would detonate, swallowing up whatever city happened to be nearby.

Oh boy, atomic drone weapons. Or it's a fake according to the article. Fun times
Came across this recently http://johnkeel.com, it's the notes and letters of the late John Keel, author of "The Mothman Prophecies" (for those who aren't aware). His notes are fascinating as they document MIB encounters, his own UFO sightings, his phones being tapped, his mail being intercepted, hoaxes conducted by other UFO researchers, and general UFO nut shenanigans. I started reading last week and spent two days reading as far back as page 20 on the blog before I got burnt out after a couple of days.

But, what's really interesting is this report titled "The Strange Case of the Pregnant Woman" which was typed up in 1967 or 1968 and was not intended for publication at the time. It's broken up into six parts and is well worth starting from the beginning. It involves a contactee acting as an intermediary between John and an MIB
Part 1: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=1968
Part 2: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=1976
Part 3: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=1985
Part 4: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=1994
Part 5: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=2002
Part 6: http://www.johnkeel.com/?p=2009

Part 6 is where things go completely off the rails.
http://www.johnkeel.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/PREGNANTWOMAN21.jpg (Link provided in case the image is too small)

I don't know what to make of this. In all my years of Art Bell listening and fortean reading I've never come across a story like this before. There are three options here:
1) This actually happened, John Keel helped deliver several human alien hybrid children.
2) Someone pulled off the prank / disinformation campaign of the century against John.
3) John completely made it up.

What do you guys make of it?
Random Topics / Spectre
March 28, 2015, 08:33:49 AM

All aboard for the hype train.
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