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Messages - noodlehead.crucified.c2c

Archive of Old Threads / Re: GNS
July 28, 2009, 03:54:58 PM
who the fuck do i have to offend to get my account deleted? ready to roll.  i want no part of such candy-assery.  yah TOS TOS TOS, who the fuck reads that shit? i obviously can't read anyhow. voice-to-text FTW.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: GNS
July 28, 2009, 02:24:27 PM
this is obviously not the place for me. ;:) how do i delete my account? tried but could not find how to kill it

Archive of Old Threads / Re: GNS
July 28, 2009, 12:56:57 PM
Quotenote:  please speak more courteously to fellow board members.

yah right how fucking courteous was the comment to which i rudely replied?

Quote...but please tell us why without a barrage of aimless crap. 
not too courteous

no wonder there was a big flap about mods over-modding recently : \

Discussing the meat of a post, the idea conveyed, is the point, NOT to fucking language-nazi HOW the point is put across.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: FUCK GEORGE NOORY
July 28, 2009, 02:07:06 AM
Mod Edit

i mean NO

***************...not the place to quibble over language

note:  please speak more courteously to fellow board members.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: really disgusted
July 28, 2009, 01:40:07 AM
and TONIGHT...this lackluster piece of shit...turned off the radio again after having it on for 10 minutes during a shower.  THIS FUCKING DIABOLICAL MORON. Any caller with ANY intelligent question whatsoever is allowed only to spittle out their query prior to being hung up upon.  Guest replies to caller with an engaging question...caller is gone.  Meanwhile the moronic drunken retarded fuckshits gain Noory's ear for at least a couple of drooling minutes...the ONLY level upon which he can effectively 'communicate.'  Only shithead gets to ask anyone anything...lest the shadow ppl count dracula as infinity!!!! OOOH! fuck you george.

i see his image on that fucking website and i am to puke.  i am presently beseeching  the poison control centers to redirect poisoned individuals to seek the shithead noory site for induction of reverse-peristalsis prior to seeking ipecac.

fuck you george, you loser fuck. PLEASE..for the sake of A.M. RADIO and humanity...SHUT THE FUCK UP

resign you mentally challenged piece of non-coffee-drinking shit.

thanks asshole
Archive of Old Threads / Re: really disgusted
July 25, 2009, 12:08:13 AM
Quotei love it.

like i sed...this pedestrian motherfucker(noory) is a drooling assbanshee from cuntspace with 2 cherries on top for the children to wow at, whilst his infernal bowels churn out detestable remnants of shitribbons, which acost our collective eardrum
Archive of Old Threads / FUCK GEORGE NOORY
July 22, 2009, 12:17:40 AM

can anyone SHUT HIM UP???

Archive of Old Threads / really disgusted
July 22, 2009, 12:09:41 AM
his fuckin voice is as annoying as shit on rice

fuck the song and fuck the cuntbag what made it
fuck yah!!!! PEENMAN ENTERPRISES!!!  was wondering when someone was gonna mention Phil's STELLAR take on Art's delivery

props kind sir
Archive of Old Threads / GNS
July 15, 2009, 01:15:08 AM
George Noory FUCKIN' SUCKS you bastidds!!!

thank you.

QuoteThe show is also like a train wreck sometimes, like when candy-ass mcNooryblarg tried to say C-3PO the other night.
Random Topics / Re: fuck open lines
July 11, 2009, 01:26:21 PM
One (hyphenated) word for Snoory's broadcast delivery/persona: CANDY-ASS

thank you  :)
Random Topics / Open Lines
July 10, 2009, 02:21:00 PM
FUCK OPEN LINES ON FRIDAY (or any other day)
Friday is replete with good things for lots of ppl, how come fuck it up with EXTRA douchebaggery?? Makes me think of that old phrase referring to a lemon or faulty manufactured item, "Musta been built on a Friday..." referring to dingbat's ease into his gooberlicious weekend
QuoteWhy do I keep listening to this stupid show? Am I delusional?

I believe a lot of us (Noory-dislikers) still listen due to habit and because there really isn't any other widely available "spooky/weird/paranormal shit" show.  This need to listen to intelligents, quacks, cryptozoologists, etc exists.  Art got us hooked & now we get to O.D. on Noory's cut-rate buffoonish babbling bad shit. 
The show is also like a train wreck sometimes, like when candy-ass mcNooryblarg tried to say C-3PO the other night.
Random Topics / Re: Michael Jackson is dead
July 01, 2009, 08:38:19 AM
damn frys girl, the voice of reason! good points. anyhow here is another NSFW MJ bashing song from 2005
Random Topics / Re: Billy Mays
June 29, 2009, 07:04:50 PM
QuoteI could just use baking soda or simple green...
simple green will make your clothing smell like sassafras, won't it?
Random Topics / Billy Mays
June 28, 2009, 12:48:07 PM
HOLY FUCKIN COCK!!!  another one bites the dust!!! this fucks up the theory of 3s  :o

i might tend to agree, it usually takes a cunt to call a man pompous.  excellent points MV  :-*
Random Topics / Re: Michael Jackson is dead
June 25, 2009, 06:16:02 PM
excellent point Borr  ;D
Random Topics / Celebrity Deaths
June 25, 2009, 05:28:29 PM
fuckin Michael Jackson died at 3:15 pacific today! (corrected time 2:26 pm)


sales gonna go thru the stratosphere now
THIS should be REQUIRED READING for all CoastGab members : )
agree very much re: ANNOYING FUCKING VOICE!!!!!! UGH!!!! i personally can not listen to her for long, the voice/delivery of her horse shit is indeed grating on the nerves for me.

post-script.  i realized that the annoyance factor (for me) comes at least partially from the wavering, sickly qualities of her voice.  sounds like she is on death's door with 18th stage HIV or some nefariously implanted hypothalamus carcinoma or pineal protuberance.  one foot in the grave and the other dangling off the edge of the deathbed, sounds like.
that looks like erin grey

p.s. - rick shroder is a magic underwear-wearing mormon convert - BEHOLD MORONI!!!  find the gold fuckin tablets you treasure hunting masonic polygamists!
QuoteAs for you saying "listeners at large", that's very presumptive on your part. If you want to bash someone, at least be honest when doing so. As far as I can tell GN seems to annoy a very small percentage of his audience, most of them seem to live here at GSN.

is saying someone sucks 'honest'? this site is OPINION.  to boot, where do you get your info regarding most haters living here? i hated on noory for years before finding this forum.  in the future, kindly disregard my posts nirvanix, not here to match wits with the likes of you, just to cap on snoory in the company of other like-minded, cordial cohorts.

btw i fixed it just for you, so sorry my uncredentialed noobpost did not live up to your high standards of journalistic integrity
QuoteDo you consider the 12 misanthropes that hang out at this website the "listenership at large"? Or are you pompous enough to believe you speak for the other 5 million patrons of the show?

Kind Sir, seems to me this forum is for bashing NOORY, not other members.  :P

LOLZ so he essentially told the listening audience that he is a born liar??  Very good Georgio Snoozemani!
This has irritated me to no end for much time now.  Noory does not know how to pronounce the ING ending to a word such as DOING, GOING, WEARING, etc.
Instead, the words become doEEN, goEEN, wearEEN...much like the Jack Tripper character played by John Ritter (RIP) in Three's Company.  For Ritter, it was acceptable and cute, but a broadcaster should know how to effectively enunciate.  Wait..there are a LOT of things a broadcaster should do for the audience which snoorbag is incapable of...

That being said, there gots ta be other folks who are as annoyed by this idiosyncratic speech nuance of Captain Lametard McMoustache as myself.

p.s. - Noodlehead has stated numerous times that he does not drink coffee - can such an individual be trusted???
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