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Messages - Theodoric

Stranger thank you so much for looking and finding it. This was one that caught me off guard sometime ago on a rerun and couldn't remember his name. He was a very refreshing man to listen to, of course he could be criticized for his statement about the catastrophe that didn't happen. But he spoke about it not with the intent to inspire fear, just as a matter of fact. I recommend this one to anyone who hasn't heard it.

found a recording of it here:

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could help me find a guest from 1995 or somewhere definitely in the 90's. He was a catholic priest from California from what I remember. But he spoke about the third secret of fatima and the world ending or a new beginning that year (not Malachai Martin). He also genuinely believed in Zechariah Stichens work and that the human race was engineered for slavery. If anyone can help me find this I would be very appreciative.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Rachel Maddow
August 04, 2011, 03:59:54 PM
Not saying anybody is fighting but always nice in political (or any ideological) discussions :) (i never use emotes but always a good time to start) ....

War - Why Can't We Be Friends?
Quote from: BobGrau on August 04, 2011, 10:25:29 AM
lol. I just listened to "Dantonio"'s call - yeah there was a lot of waffle before that about upcoming shows etc. (what's this shit about 'we've got a live show for you on such and such a night'? I thought every show was live) a decent host would've at least recapped what they'd been talking about previously in the evening.

I notice he didn't seem too fazed by the mention of coastgab - forgotten already, george? Or do they reset your programming every night?

I really believe George's response is testament to his lack of consideration as a interviewer. However in trying to give him some excuse I just picture a circus in front of him in his studio. Being bombarded with messages and reminders or youtube  / googling himself/ and turmeric porn. Either way it would be loads of fun to play the interviewer with George and turn it into a small debate over the air if someone called. Just asking about some of his beliefs that contradict each other from night to night. I still hold on to little hope that he learns to take sincere interest in things but I guess I agree with most of you that there seems to be no hope with him he is constantly reminded how amazing he is as a host and therefore needs no room for improvement. I guess I understand this is the problem George vs. Art, Art made the show because he was interested and George took over the show because it moved him up in his broadcasting career.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
August 04, 2011, 02:13:58 PM
Quote from: anagrammy on August 04, 2011, 01:19:20 PM
One can't assume the definitions are the same, but when I was Catholic, Cafeteria Catholic was a derogatory term meaning someone who would pick and choose what to believe, i.e, yes on Virgin Birth, no on obeying Pope on birth control, yes on obeying Pope on covered heads in church, etc.

The Cafeteria Catholic was diligent in observing what he or she believed in.


I have always heard this expression as "salad bar" whatever. Politics, religion or any ideology where one picks and chooses. Both seem like pretty fitting expressions. But I feel in general with institutions and dogma people will always have to rebel (if not externally than internally) because without irrefutable proof the mind always considers alternative possibilities. I guess that is where the word "faith" comes in but then again faith in humans is usually a tool of manipulation. Ugg carry on just wanted to contribute to the conversation.
Quote from: valdez on August 04, 2011, 04:22:52 AM

I'm sure it was DanDan. Identical voice, from Washington and sounded shocked to actually be on air Haha good stuff. That is pretty amazing twice within 3 days let alone twice in a week.
Oh my.... You actually did it again. Open lines last hour 29 minutes in the last hour. Called as "Antonio" you sly devil. I am in disbelief and you actually made George acknowledge what you said! Well done again.
Quote from: DanDan on August 02, 2011, 02:12:28 AM
Well it seems like there is a 30 second delay. I'm on right now.

HOLY FUCK, I WAS ON AIR. I fucked up so bad and didn't have any idea what I was saying, but did you guys hear "coastgab.com?" I was in the middle of talking and didn't know if it came on.

Well I was skipping through trying to find it. And for some reason I was trying to listen for some young girl haha. But I realize you must be Daniel from Washington, congratulations. FYI everyone he is the first caller. I love hearing your surreal realization your on the air and you tell George "its great to be here". Well done you not only made 100 dollars but you made Coast Gab history.
Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on July 21, 2011, 03:44:58 PM

Are we talking TPB Rob Wells?

As far as the other Magnet films you mentioned - Vanishing on 7th Street came off as a letdown to me.  Had a strong start but petered out towards the end....  If you liked it I suggest looking for the movie Chopper with Eric Bana.  I actually just looked at the Magnet list on their site and realized I've watched quite a few of the films on it.

Yes TPB's Rob Well haha.

Yep I agree about vanishing on 7th street but the start was good enough for me to carry the rest of the film (I like to weigh 'new' concepts vs execution). I will get chopper since I really like Bronson (in general love the fact of how nuts the real Bronson is). And yeah from the sounds of it you will not like Hobo with a Shotgun. Oh and I just watched Time Crimes (Spanish time traveling movie) which had the usual lack of explaining but the story and the just general execution of the film was good in my opinion (don't use English dubs unless you hate subtitles).

Thanks really appreciate the film recommendation. Anymore would be great and in general I like watching movies even if they aren't the 'highly' recommended (except cheese and gore).
Quote from: Hugo Fitch on July 21, 2011, 02:41:24 AM
But whatever, we can go back and forth on ideology all night, and get nowhere. Clearly, however, the market - and not government subsidies - supports "right-wing" radio.

On a lighter and more topical note,
Anyway, we can agree to disagree on politics, but surely one thing unites us: George Noory's suckitude.

Ahh can you guys apologize its awkward for all of us now. As Hugo said ideologies can be debated all day... so lets not. I bet both of you have a lot more in common besides being passionate about your views. However that being said I do love debates, I just don't like name calling in general or feelings being hurt (or the attempt of). I don't want to be perceived as too much of a 'carebear' but I really like the spectrum of views on this forum and our ability to still get along like a melting pot or a family.

I hope all is well.
Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 30, 2011, 12:03:57 AM
Does he sound like he's in his late teens or early twenties? It seemed like the same young guy called each night for a while. Like you said, he had a different tale every night. It was like he just wanted to get on the air. The stories ranged from "action movies" to mundane events. The caller sounded like Brian Eno's son, but I'm not saying that's who he was. He simply sounded like a college student who enjoyed talking about paranormal events. If all of those calls came from the same guy, he broke Hoagland's record for most air time by a non-host.

No cant be a young guy. Older/raspy voice and his true voice seems to have a type of New England primarily Jersey ring to it. But then again he changes his voice too often. Meant to reply to this as soon as you posted and speaking of Brian Eno's son yuck that kid is nuts and encouraged to be by his dad, I actually liked when George kind of called him out when he said he didn't mind if the world came to an end and the masses were suffering.
Quote from: Theodoric on June 29, 2011, 05:45:23 AM
I haven't noticed you guys mention this guy who drives me up the wall. The problem he calls with a different name each time( and location i believe), but he attempts to mask his voice each time he calls it is as clear as day it is the same guy. I can't think of anyone who calls more frequently, he gets in I would say maybe 3 times a week. He called last night, he called on Sunday and had some terrible British accent. He even calls with complete different perspectives from his prior calls, but EVERY single one seems pointless and confusing. Please can anyone verify this guy, its clear they are accepting his calls on purpose but I can not see why he is a terrible actor and has terrible questions.

Anyone know who I'm talking about?

He has called many times since I posted this and he continues to call under different names. With the Richard C. Hoagland night about Vesta he called in under the name 'Jack'. I am really bothered by this guy. I also realize he consistently calls on the weekends. I am going to try and Log this guy. His voice mannerisms are so distinguishing that I can identify him regardless of his fake accents. I would love if anyone could tell me if they have/or start noticing this guy. I actually get angry when he calls because he seems to think he is so clever tricking everyone or I am just not sure, he asks pointless questions and just seems to want to see if he can get air time (or he is hired but I have heard Ian actually bring the smack down on him).
Quote from: Hugo Fitch on July 21, 2011, 02:41:24 AM

On a lighter and more topical note, tonight when Hoagland went into his "I see structures" spiel regarding the asteroid Vesta, George tried to hop aboard Richard C.'s Looney Tunes Express by excitedly claiming that he could clearly make out faces on the asteroid. In a man-bites-dog moment, Hoagy chided Noory for anthropomorphizing inanimate objects. When George petulantly objected - "Yeah, but YOU see faces on Mars..." - the old pal of Cronkite shot our host down, lecturing "Yes, but MY faces are real, three-dimensional, documented structures. You're just seeing shadows on an asteroid."

I had a good laugh.

We were posting the same thing haha, was a priceless moment.
Quote from: DanDan on July 21, 2011, 02:23:25 AM
*Guest being vry srs bro*

"Do you listen to Lady Gaga, [guest]?" - Noorywoory

*Gets cut the fuck off*

Yeah tonight has been full of awkward undertones with him and the egotist Hoagland. Besides the one you mentioned when George tried saying something about seeing a monkey face on the Vesta proto-planet Richard pretty much shamed him and said there was no such face (in a very degrading Hoagland fashion). George actually seemed to get defensive and 'attack' Hoagland about seeing a face on Mars. I just wanted to comment on this exchange the clash of the ego's. I still just want Hoagland in the skeptic's cage and publicly shamed, humility is a essential quality and completely lacking in Hoagland.
Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on July 20, 2011, 12:48:07 PM

Speaking of Magnet Films, have you seen Hobo With a Shotgun, and if so how was it?

I don't know what your into but not really my cup of tea. Grind-house type film just super cheesy and gory. But I too am a Rob Wells fan but its really brief scene with him fyi. Some films that were pretty good from magnet as of late were: Vanishing on 7th street, Black Death, 13 Assassin's (really a great Samurai adventure film, and I saw the Devil (very sad revenge; same actor as Old Boy) cant think of others (Bronson- not so new but if you haven't seen it). But I would say Hobo with a shotgun and Power Kids were dumbest of Magnet films I have seen for a while.

Hope this helps. I guess I should go to the movie watching thread, and speaking of which Onan's avatar reminded me to watch the Big Lebowski (so good).
Quote from: BobGrau on July 13, 2011, 02:54:39 PM
Human Highway. I forget what year.

I'm sorry to say that this is probably the worst movie I ever saw.
and not in a good way.

H U M A N H I G H W A Y t r a i l e r

Neil Young, Dennis Hopper, DEVO working in a nuclear power plant, Al from Quantum Leap, it should have been awesome.

God I'm so depressed. I might have to go listen to noory.

Thank you very much. I feel like I just had a seizure, but that was one of those movies that are so bad that it becomes so good.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B Wells 7/10/11
July 11, 2011, 12:12:42 PM
Quote from: Treading Water on July 11, 2011, 05:09:02 AM
Sigh, yeah.

I really like his bumper music, and I really, really liiiiiiiiiiike his voice(OK, I'm old, not dead! :P)

Maybe he really needs a job and he's just playing their game.  Hey, I can hope can't I?

Heavy, deep sigh.

I hold this similar belief even if its wishful thinking. But I would say his genuine respect and kindness for everyone's beliefs that he encounters on the show, and he does a bit too much of it with guests and therefore comes across as a whole hearted believer in whomever s message it is. Case in point he shows respect even to JC but only until he realizes who exactly JC is that he forms what many of us may call a "spine". Though he still does seem to have a personal sense of spirituality which has been conveyed unfortunately through nut-job guests or callers. Needless to say I still have hope he will shine as a host with the right guest (one he questions accordingly/ less ass-kissing).
And this is why I love this forum. Its less about ego and more about community. Petty fights seem to have short life spans here. Just wanted to say nice diplomacy skills on all parties included and keep up the love (accept for towards George I guess).
I too just listened to "madman" Markham because of you guys. I am trying to listen to as much Art as possible but really want to hear all of the priceless broadcasts. Needless to say Markham was great, I love how he comes across humble and seemingly poorly spoken but completely knows what he is talking about when it comes to the technical aspect.

Thanks and please keep trying to recall all other broadcast you Art lovers prize.
Quote from: Agent : Orange on June 30, 2011, 05:52:04 AM
Yesterday I went to a friends place and we watched The Troll Hunter.

Has anyone else seen this?

They manage to incorporate pretty much every single piece of folklore about trolls in this one. The attention to detail through the whole film is incredible and it has a really interesting and original story too. Very cool.

The Troll Hunter - Official Trailer

Yeah I saw it a while back. I really enjoyed it, thought it was well made for such a low budget. Had the whole clover field feel but much better. More substance and based on actual folklore. I pretty much check Magnet productions to see if they ever have a new film (how I found Troll Hunter).
Quote from: Afixer on June 22, 2011, 07:53:03 PM
I was sifting thru the older posts when I spotted this one. I too would love to finally hear Art's Quija board tale. I only recall him saying on several shows that it really scared the Hell out of him. Since we don't have Art's story I have one. I tried to get thru on Ghosts to Ghost nights with this one but never made it. When I ran into my wife she was deep into the metaphysical scene. I wasn't at all. She told me what had happened to her while playing with a Quija. Jill's mom was working as a psychic and one Friday evening she brought home a book on witchcraft. In it were directions for calling spirits. Light candles in four corners of the room, special scents and other "wierd" items were brought in to complete the instructions. A friend joined in as well. The three of them were getting alot of answers to questions when suddenly the Quija started spelling M U R D E R over and over.  All of a sudden the Quija board flew into the air on it's own. The three users were violently thrown backwards in their chairs and pinned against the wall. Jill said she was being crushed to death by an unseen force pressing down on her. Her mother screamed for her to turn on the lights. Jill used all her strength to work her way to the switch on the wall. When she at last reached it and turned on the lights everything returned to normal. I waited several weeks to ask Jill's mom about that night and she confirmed everything Jill told me. I never had either one lie to me about anything and I believe everything happened just as my wife said.

Since Coast has taught me to be less skeptical of everything (although I still would say because I have no experience of anything supernatural  I can only 'believe' such a thing) I accept this story and would add that sounds terrifying. Does she have any other 'metaphysical' experiences?  I just wish there was a way people could replicate and record such experiences (but that opens a whole other argument).

"Condemnation without investigation... is the height of ignorance."  -Albert Einstein - Great quote for your post and that man was just full of gold.

Side point I guess I will start a thread (the other radio programs thread) on some pod-casts I enjoy like "Skeptically Speaking".
I think there was a thread about this. But I hole (pun intended) heartily agree. I have a few friends unaware of coast and love the whole Mel's hole 'saga' (partly because we live in Washington) and its so damn good if you just allow the internal skepticism to turn off. As Mel says to Art at the end he sounded crazy from the beginning. And it brought me to love Art and pretty much join this site (that and most of my disappointments of C2C are expressed better than I ever could on this site).
Quote from: EvB on July 04, 2011, 09:24:58 PM
Missed it - damn.  Anyone got a link to a clip?

JC VS Brother Dimond:C2C AM

I haven't noticed you guys mention this guy who drives me up the wall. The problem he calls with a different name each time( and location i believe), but he attempts to mask his voice each time he calls it is as clear as day it is the same guy. I can't think of anyone who calls more frequently, he gets in I would say maybe 3 times a week. He called last night, he called on Sunday and had some terrible British accent. He even calls with complete different perspectives from his prior calls, but EVERY single one seems pointless and confusing. Please can anyone verify this guy, its clear they are accepting his calls on purpose but I can not see why he is a terrible actor and has terrible questions.

Anyone know who I'm talking about?
Hi guys, I have been lurking the site for more than a month now and spending many hours reading many of your opinions and discussions (mostly George hating, which I will address). I have even started to feel I am part of the community (although I am just a viewer) and for that reason wanted to involve myself and the introduction thread is the best place.

I started listening to Coast in February of this year ironically on a Friday open lines night (completely stumbled on it, oh wait no coincidences ::) ), I just was laughing so hard and kept muttering ‘what the hell is this’ to myself. Needless to say I became addicted, I just felt like each night I tuned in was just a ride without any idea of the destination (which was fun, entertaining and sometimes informative). I began to view George as nothing but a simpleton who was accepting of anyone’s idea (not a good interviewer and poorly spoken, but hey this is such a new experience I had little expectations). But then…

I heard about Mr. Bell and ended up finding the Mel’s Hole broadcasts (which I have read all of the discussion on this site but still completely love the story), and fell in love with Art and how his intrigue and natural responses to the interview was so refreshing from Noory seeming so disconnected from his interviews. Anyways I found you guys and I must try and not be so susceptible to your influence because I am beginning to despise Noory because of ALL OF YOU.  I feel like the analogy is C2C is our mother and the host is the father. Dad (Art) died but I was too young to experience him and now I have our step dad George and he doesn’t seem so bad because I have nothing to compare him to. But my sibling (this site) and some of the old family videos (old broadcasts) have shown me the dad was nothing short of a pure bad ass treating mom like a classy lady. And I’m starting to understand that Step-dad George is treating mom like a whore with his commercialization and is a complete embarrassment to the family. So that leads me to the point I’m going to stubbornly say George does suck but mainly in Art’s shadow.

Sorry for the story, I just wanted to explain I do not share the inherent hatred for George that many of you do but I completely see your side of it. I am so happy to be part of this community I have wanted to join for a while now, and I feel like I know most of you or at least through your posts.

Anyways thanks everyone for this great outlet, I share many of your opinions and better yet enjoy disagreeing with many others.
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