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Messages - Humilia Lepus Foramen

Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 29, 2016, 07:08:46 PM
The only news outlet giving extensive coverage to the DAPL protest has been Democracy Now.  Their own anchor, Amy Goodman, was arrested and had her day in court.  A lot of other tribes have joined in, but there are non-Indians there too.  This is one of those gray areas where I see both sides.  On one hand, this will contribute to energy independence from the Middle East, but I also take the concerns of Native Americans seriously - afaik the pipeline doesn't run directly through their treaty-protected land, but it does get pretty close and if there is an oil spill it won't be pretty.

"At no point does DAPL cross into the Tribe’s reservation, but it does come within one-half mile of its boundary." - http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardepstein/2016/09/14/why-the-doj-order-to-shut-down-construction-on-the-dapl-pipeline-is-legally-indefensible/#315bd39c1b42


Random Topics / Re: Recent World News
November 29, 2016, 01:11:15 PM

World's oldest woman, raw eggs every day, hardly any fruits or vegetables.  Miserable factory job her whole life.  First fiance died in WWI.  Forced 2nd marriage, the man said, "either you agree to marry me or I will kill you."  Unsurprisingly her husband was abusive.  Her only child died at six months.  She is the only living person born in the 19th century.  This woman is made of steel.

Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 29, 2016, 10:41:11 AM
Well now that there's so much focus on the integrity of elections (funny Stein didn't ask for a recount when she ran in 2012), there should be some reforms in the future, i.e. paper ballots only and ID required nationwide.
A while back didn't Bill nearly have a meltdown on one of his calls?  He basically gave his life story and why we should feel sorry for him, but being that I always tune him out when he calls, I forgot what he said.
Random Topics / Re: Stuff Quimby is obsessing on
November 28, 2016, 10:13:54 PM
Harder, more bass, faster beat, but similar feel. 

Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 28, 2016, 06:43:03 PM

He claims it was just "irony," but I remember in the time immediately following September 11 such a joke would've landed you in trouble. 
Politics / Re: Attack in Columbus
November 28, 2016, 06:13:59 PM
Quote from: asukathing02 on November 28, 2016, 05:36:38 PM
what part stumps you? the manlet thing?

Nah gym rat manlets seem to have no problem, just the other day I seen a nearly midget size muscle head with a gorgeous woman by his side.
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 28, 2016, 09:03:08 AM
QuoteThe US economy will grow by 2.3 percent in 2017 and 3.0 percent in 2018, said the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, revising its earlier forecast.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
November 28, 2016, 12:59:42 AM
Quote from: zeebo on November 28, 2016, 12:53:20 AM
This first guest is a drag ... C'mon Knapp, bring on the good stuff.  I got in my jammies too early for this.   ;D

Seriously.  I don't know what his fascination with washed-up musicians is, but as it is we don't get enough Knapp shows - there's no need for filler segments like this when he's on.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 27, 2016, 01:55:40 PM
Shadowy? Not at all, they were open and unashamed in doing it. Even inviting PIRA terrorists to the US to give after dinner speeches. Can you imagine the outrage in the US if France had a group who had Bin Laden to dinner post 9/11, in order to raise more money?

I was being lighthearted about it, but I do understand it has been a serious problem.  To your point about Sep 11, I indeed find our cozy relationship with countries like Saudi Arabia to be "problematic" to put it lightly.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 27, 2016, 01:27:40 PM
Yeah? We took a similar point of view about the millions raised in the US on behalf of the PIRA who used the money to buy weapons and explosives to kill civilians and our soldiers. At least Castro wasn't blowing up US pubs, shopping centres and streets. The PIRA did that in the UK.

Pfffffffft! Shadowy organizations around the world have been supported by US money and sometimes weapons for years, surely you didn't think your country would be the exception ;)
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 27, 2016, 03:11:47 AM
Quote from: WOTR on November 27, 2016, 02:52:22 AM
I have very little to add.  More and more I look around and see people who only want to hear ideas that reinforce what they already believe and will not look at facts or science or reason...

I'm beginning to wonder if it is not due to information overload.  Right now I can log  onto the internet and find something to support almost any position I want to take.  Everybody has the ability to become an expert in almost any field and study it- but that opens up too much for any one person.  There is so much information out there that it is easier to just shut it down and shut it out.

"They sky is blue because of ozone..." 
"Actually, it is blue because molecules scatter more blue light because it has shorter waves..."
"Shut up!  I was taught that it is because of ozone."

I had something to say about this, but I kept editing my post because at this hour of the night it's hard to string together two coherent thoughts, to say nothing of the wall of text I was working on. 
Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 26, 2016, 07:10:02 PM
Yes, I remember Pierre and Fidel were chummy. I also remember Nixon calling Truedau "some asshole".

The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 26, 2016, 05:18:30 PM
This is the most I've heard the Green Party in the news since Ralph Nader.  It would be funny if Stein funnels the money back into the Green Party as a big troll job to the Democrats that donated money to her.

If you want to take this thread literally...

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
November 26, 2016, 12:30:52 AM
I am picturing Alice Eve whilst I hear her voice.
Her voice is actually quite pleasant.  The only thing that could make this interview better would be if Lisa Garr was the interviewer.
November 25, 2016, 11:31:09 PM
The whole "cuck" thing was all fun and games until some rat bastard referred to Saint Joseph as a cuck for raising the baby Jesus.  Absolutely shameless.
Quote from: JesusJuice on November 25, 2016, 10:47:51 PM

Steph has a crisp, boner-inducing British accent.

I anxiously await her asmr.
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 25, 2016, 10:50:12 PM
This is the Mia Khalifa message board, of course there is good stuff here.
Quote from: GravitySucks on November 25, 2016, 10:26:06 PM
I am glad George has the night off. Dave Schrader is interviewing Steph Young. She has been on MITD twice and I love the sound of her voice.

Is her voice as pleasant as the voice of Lisa Garr?  She is the standard by which all other voices can only aspire to.
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 25, 2016, 07:39:19 PM
Quote from: 136 or 142 on November 25, 2016, 03:29:18 PM
This sounds like the debate that some are trying to start here in Canada of requiring would be immigrants to Canada to take some sort of test to show they share Canadian values.  So, first I don't want any government to define what 'Canadian values' are, and, second, in our country any new citizen has to take an oath that reads:

"I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen."

The allegiance to her Majesty part has been defined to include things like our Constitution and 'observe the laws of Canada' is self explanatory.  For me, the Constitution and our laws are as much a definition of 'Canadian values' that I want.

I wouldn't even go that far lol.  Even if it is only symbolic, the moment I am told to pledge allegiance to an anachronism like a queen is the moment I tell her where she can stick her royal crown. 
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 25, 2016, 05:11:50 PM
Quote from: Segundus on November 25, 2016, 03:07:45 PM
But e pluribus unum is an ideal for which to strive, and not something mandated.  There are philosophies that are just incompatible.  'Slave to Allah', taken seriously, is not compatible with democratic ideals.  We do best, existing with a separation between us.  Combining these two peoples without an analysis of philosophical differences is like mixing oil and water. 

Many religions in the world have morphed with the times, though they don't like to admit it.  Islam is one of the laggards.  Many of their societies have been stuck in the past, just treading water, not moving forward.  They choose to come here and then experience culture shock.

I didn't at all mean to imply that the principle "out of many one" should be mandated by law, indeed it should be an ideal to strive for (in general I'm for less laws, not more).  It's just that it seems like less and less people are believing in that concept, instead they look out for the best interests of their particular in-group rather than the larger society (this applies to both far left SJW's and far right 1488ers) and it's a damned shame.
Politics / Re: President-Elect Donald J. Trump
November 25, 2016, 04:46:50 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 25, 2016, 04:08:36 AM
I can never watch a documentary on the middle east without really craving a falafel afterward. I know it's a racist stereotype but their headdress reminds me of tablecloths too.  :D

The Middle East has its own rich history and places of beauty, but its downside is that there is too much tribalism in that region.  The US is starting to look like that in some ways - my ethnicity versus yours, who is the biggest victim and how far back can we trace our greivances.  The polar opposite of e pluribus unum.
To me Noory is a better host than Punnet.  There was just this smugness about him and his jokes were always lame though he seemed to get a kick out of them.
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