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Messages - Unquenchable Angst

Technology / Re: UPS and surge protector
June 15, 2015, 02:42:46 AM
 They lasted 7-8 years before all the buzzing  stayed sort of permanant. It was odd one of the UPS the battery was slightly smaller but I used the same battery when I bought 2 to replace and I could not get the 'door' back on one. But they are on a shelf. There may be things plugged in that  aren't there to be plugged in. I have had 4 computers, 4 printers  and more power bricks and wall warts  surely more than there are devices using them now. One day I need to unplug everything and start over . I have been in this apartment for nearly 15 years. $30 each  was not bad  . I have to think about my car. I bought a battery for it about 3 years ago.  It was a "4" year battery. The car was new in 07 and only has 25k on the odo. But that one is over $100.
I have a Nook. I was sorry It only seems to hook up by wifi. I have an aversion to living in a wifi ,microwave,cell rich environment and like to hardwire things.Nice big nook. I may have to wonder in to Greenville and ask a barnes&noble clerk to help me. I have Nook and Kindle programs on the computer or at least on the last one that died. I tend to download a lot of free books via amazon or barnes cheap books that are public domain such as classics. Gutenburg  project. Books thet are out of print. I am always looking. I once had a couple thousand books. I probably have 10,000 on various hard drives both alive and dead. Always mean to burn CD's,DVD's with them.  I have always had a sort of "end of the world-library of alexandria sort of fear fetish".
Technology / Re: Anybody use IMs anymore?
June 15, 2015, 02:00:17 AM
I  generally only have two people I chat with on yahoo. I had many more I used to but got too crazy. I tried  others but lost interest.Hard to find people with the sort of things that I find interesting or into ecclectic sort of studies or projects. One of the two I have been chatting with for over 8 years and the other for 3-4 years.
Technology / Re: Keurig Machines
June 15, 2015, 01:42:33 AM
My entiment on every  SB van
Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
June 14, 2015, 10:18:26 PM
Indiana you can probably find apples,pears, cherries,plums, and such for your zone, Long "chill-hour" types.
with our luck it won't hit DC
Technology / Re: RIP Radio Shack
June 12, 2015, 07:17:00 PM
Miss the place before their last do over. There were 2 here then they built a stand alone  with 5 park slots. I still have a bag and box of odd parts and one of those "Learning Labs" (never unsealed). I remember when they were Allied Radio Shack before Tandy Leather bought them out. I might get some project going out of their parts and if I wanted quantity I would order from Mouser. Allied still exists.
Technology / Re: UPS and surge protector
June 12, 2015, 06:57:06 PM
I have 2 UPS. They woke me up buzzing the other night. Could not get them to reset. Somehow I imagined that as old as they are they may need new batteries. I found a place here that had any kind of lead battery and bought 2 for $30 each. It fixed them. I do not know how I would power all my crap  nor route all these power cords and wall warts after this amount of time.
(APC 500 and 600).
Random Topics / Re: Bell Gabbers in Idaho
June 12, 2015, 06:08:25 PM
Lived in Victor, Idaho in 1997 before I ran for Hawai'i to escape a second winter. Victor is over the pass from Jackson,WY.  I gave my library to the local library.  had several hundred books of rather ecclectic, esoteric nature. Their library had a 1950ish set of Britanicas, I gave them my set of late 70's Britanica and set of Annal's of America. Being mostly a Mormon area I am not sure if they had a book sale or book burning.
Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
June 12, 2015, 05:47:40 PM
I love growing citrus. I once had a house in Florida and I planted 28 citrus trees in my yard. The house alreaty had a Thompson Grapefruit (white seedless) . The grapefruit produced well but was typical incipid market like, thick rine,typical grapefruit after taste. I started spreading rock powders,colloidal phosphate, compost, greensand bottom. That tree started giving bouquet blossums and setting vast quantities of fruit. the fruit became thin skinned with  ,Sul-Po-Mag. Rigged a "Fogg-it" nozzle on an 10 section of pipe .Had a syphonex on the hose bibb and a 5 gallon bucket that I would mix fish emulsion, seaweed and other nutrient liquids and would mist the tree from top to very little thickness of rine and pith. They also became sweet as oranges and absolutely no aftertaste.
I would plant citrus trees with a lot of ammendment to the soil and put six cups (one cup per) in six holes 3 feet from the trunk of sul-po-mag or sulpahte of potash. this would attact the feeder roots to grow out. The next year by August the tree branches would grow out to the feeder root stretch. The next February I would put 6 more holes 2 feet out from the drip zone of the tree. I got pretty good canopy development. I had Lemons:Meyer, varigated pink, Bearass, ponderosa, Persian lime, Key lime, Red Navel (cara cara) Washington Navel, Valencia,Pineapple orange, Satsuma,Poncan,Dancy, Minneola, Sunburst,FallGlo,Navel Grapefruit, Thompson Grapefruit, Hamlin, Meiwa and Nagami Kumquats,Nova and Orlando Tangelos,Limequat,Honey Murcott,Moro Blood orange,Temple .
Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
June 11, 2015, 11:42:04 PM
I have some stainless steel kabob scewers that push into the wine bottles before I pour the boiling cider vinegar into the bottles. This prevents the hot liquid from shocking the glass bottles.
Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
June 11, 2015, 11:37:00 PM
in the fall I plant chard, collards, spinach, kale, turnip greens, beets. I like to mix a batch steam them with a few carrots, blue potatoes, onions, turnips, serve it up with a little butter and pepper sauce I make from cayenne's I grow in the summer. Stuff old wine bottles with peppers, a couple cloves of  garlic, teaspoon of unground peppercorns. I then boil some apple cider vinegar and fill the bottle with the hot vinegar ,watch out for needing to top the bottle 2 or 3 times , helps to cut a slit in each pepper, Use both green and red peppers. Cork it or cap it. Let it sit for a couple months and dribble a bit on your greens, green beans etc. Cut up a tomato into bits, cut an onion into bits. Lay some on the plate top with your green beans pile on your steamed greesn and other veggies and dribble the cayenne sauce and a little butter. Make some nice buttermilk cornbread, butter that.Unless I eat at a relative that can't see to get away from using seasoning  bacon to season things  ,I don't but I eat when at my sisters.
Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
June 11, 2015, 11:04:57 PM
Azommite is great.Nitron Industries, Fayetteville,Arkansas. They have many other soil suppliments also.I mix Colloidal Phosphate,Greensand,Gypsum,Paramagnetic sand, Earthworm castings, mushroom compost some fugii from Fungi Perfecti, Kelp,SulPoMag I mix about 3 cups of each. Then I take my old potting soil and mix that with equal part new potting soil and ad 4 cups of the mineral mix when I get my pots ready for my garden. I am growing tomatoes,peppers, Kale, collards, cucumbers, and other things in a variety of 3,5,7,10,15 gallon pots and grow bags. I fertilize with fish,seaweed and or Espoma fertilizer.I have grown out citrus, dates,avocados, ginger,mangos  But they suffered terribly last winter, I need more light for the winter saves. Sometimes I take a straight pin and stick in a jar of spirulina and stick that in a spray bottle of water and spray the soil. The spirulina grows out in the phosphate and the earth worms hatching from the castings thrive on it and thus enrich the soil. My apartment management tolerates this. Two years ago I planted corn, peanuts, and sunflowers in the shrub bed in front. They did not like that. I planted about 12 golden bantam sweet corn and hand pollinated it, I got 3 ears on each plant and got a pint jar of seed off one spectacular ear I left for seed. The peanuts I planted was from a bag I was eating at the time. I have got peanuts 3 years from that planting as it is hard to get them all up and they readily volunteer from missed goobers.I wanted to expand all along the south front but have not had the extra $ for the campaigner. Neighbors all say go for it.Sometimes when some vitamins go stale (B's) I will dissolve them and pour that on the 'garden' too. I worked , managed nurseries, garden shops from 1975 to 1997 and a coffee plantation 1998-2000, Florida, Hawai'i. Live in SC now.
I finally think I have got the bloatware off the new puter. Trying out Comodo Dragon browser. Certainly has everything that I had been missing on Exploiter and Firefox. Seems most of the graphics were missing from opened pages and I was having to move the pointer around to find buttons blindly.
I was always partial to Amigas from 1985 till I ended up here after the beginning of the century. I hung on for 10 long dead years of Amiga resurrection attempts and rumors. I had 6 Amigas, I was crazed. Bought a 1000, Then acquired a 2000 added emplant to run mac7+, had a 80485 bridge card to run OS2, Later put a 68040 board with 8meg memory. Later I aquired another 2000 that had been tweaked up. a 600, Then I won another 1000  at a club meeting door prize which had been an unmanned lauch monitering unit at Lockeed at the space center and had many in house tech mods.I sort of gave up on all of them after I had filled a 250meg hard drive.. That original 8MEGs ram I had on the 2000 cost about $1000. I could buy 3 of my present computers for that. Nice idea at it's time,Amigas were sort of modular with amiga slots, PC slots, processor slot for upgrading CPU,memory extra hard drive ports and a video slot for a toaster or opalvision(which promised to be a toaster like card but the add ons never made it out). Had a gret club with a lot of space center techies belonging and treating us peons to many goodies.
I built my first PC in 2002 thereabouts with a Athlon XP , an ATI 8600 all in wonder,one of those Audion sound cards w/ext box, nice for the day.That lasted till about 3 years ago. Had Mandrake 8 then 9 and or RedHat 9 before I succumbed to XP ser.1 then 2 and 3.
I would have built again but since AMD annonced the intro of a 1090FX controller in 2012(still vapor) I have been afraid the 990 would be superseded as soon as I got one. I will build on another MSI MB or possibly an Asus if and when. Then I will look for the latest greatest Linux again.
I was planning on building and have a huge case here, 4 hardrives several CD,DVDrom,ram,blueray drives but I found Addonics and found a way to plugg all into a USB3 header still have room for 5 more 3.5 and 4 2.5 drives in that case. I miss mucking around in a desktop case.

Random Topics / Re: 71st anniversary of D-Day
June 08, 2015, 11:24:27 AM
Quietest anniversary I have seen in years. Then I wake up this morning to the news that US Embassies in 57 Islamic countries have decided not to celebrate the 4th of July but did so on 4th of June  not to offend Moslems during  Ramadamnit.
Just got a new Toshiba C55. Needed immediate update of 104  updates and 20 optional updates, took 18 hours. Then I loaded the Kaspersky anti virus suite and replaced the McAfee. Then I loaded all the subscriptionware I had before. Then I rid the puter of all the bloatware games and such Then loaded in hopes of using a trackball Set Point. Then I defragged. Then I discovered the C55 does not have a hatch to the memory slots as I wanted to put another 4 gig in. Then one of my subsriptions found that I had 8 out of date drivers some as old as 9 years with even the new ones nearly 5 years old( Toshiba is not updating drivers) anyway that is done.
The touch pad is touchy (no pun) sometimes it sticks , sometimes it seems to have variable stroke to pointer movement and jumps off the screen. I like the old Trackman wheel or marbleman Logitech trackballs but they go in and out of being connected . They did this on previous laptops. I tried to change search engines to DuckDuck,Ixquick  ,startpage but it keeps going back to google and that annoying bing thing that tries to guess where I am going. What about 10 coming as a freebee to 8.1 users? I would be glad to hear the folks that wrote the Metro thing had died horrible deaths.They deserve  death by wolverines.while staked on a fireant mound. I am going to Best Buy tomorrow  and request them to install my extra 4gig and get my trackball working or I will use my prerogative to return  the computer. With only 4 gigs just sitting idle the puter is using50 to52% Ram where the 4 core A8 is showing 2-8%. Got I remember having an Amiga with 8 MB memory and that was "something" in the day.
Random Topics / Re: I'm so old...
May 31, 2015, 05:42:25 PM
15 cents each for hambuger,fries,drink. 25 cents per gallon/100 octane gas. $1800 for a new car, $2500-3000 for a really nice car, $6000 for a Jaguar or a Porsche, 10 cent comic books. 25 cents for Mad magazine, 10 for a Coke or an RC. 5 cent for a Hershey bar or pack of gum. Even in the 70's you could get a decent off lease car for under $100 p/mo. for 36 mo.(RX-4 Mazda)$50 would fill the grocery cart to nearly overflowing.$100 to 125 a trimester or quarter for college tuition. Twice that for books.$1200 per for dorm room and food service. My father was an RC bottler in NC in the 50's-60's and I remember folding and enveloping a memo to customers that a wholesale price on RC's, Nehi's was going up  to $1 per case from .90 cents. 1st class mail was 3 cents.  A carton of cigarettes was $2.  A pack in a machine 25 cents, not long before there were 3 penny's sealed on the side of the pack under the cellophane..  An Saturday matinee movie was 25 cents, they played a serial, 2 cartoons and a movie. Popcorn was a dime. High School class ring was 14kt and was $38. TV had one channel then 2 and then with an Alliance Teen-Rotor you could get about 8 or 10. As a child  I was the remote control then we got a Zenith with a space commander to replace the DuMont that caught fire and dated back to around my birth. I went to a  college that had a yacht club and  the students had an old(1924) 70 Ft boat with 2 -671 diesels in it that the coast guard had installed during WWII. We riggied a fuel line from the furnace tank in the rowing club house to the dock and used to order 100 gal. of fuel oil at 15 to 18 cents per gallon and run it to the boats tanks. The boat had 3-100 gallon tanks. We filled 2 with fuel oil and one with kerosene. When that boat was donated to the school it was a mess. Still had depth charge rack mounts on the stern and a M2 mount that took up most of the bow cabin . we removed those saved about 3000 pounds, took about 18 coats of paint off the top cabin varnished the top cabin, cleaned up the engines, painted the decks and the hull.We would cruse about 10kt's. She could do about 15kt's but would really drink the fuel. Running kerosene would help blow the carbon out of her but at about twice the burn rate.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
May 01, 2015, 12:36:42 PM
special annoyance when Noory asks a dumb question.
extra special annoyance when the dumb question asked causes the guest to derail his thoughts.
Turn off the radio when dumb deflecting question asked causes guest to get off telling or completing a thought  that may make guest relivant to any understaanding or revelation .
WTF, why do I listen and hope it will be anything different.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
April 23, 2015, 12:06:24 PM

This was on art's little block on my Facebook page today.
Random Topics / Re: Addictive Youtube Stuff
April 23, 2015, 05:56:13 AM
I could use that varible power supply fixing You tube ,perhaps. I have 2 dead 0-30vDC  dead door stopss
right now and have to decide what May food will be like if I spring for a replacement next month.
Random Topics / Re: Things that bring me joy....
April 23, 2015, 05:47:00 AM
Seems that the few odd TV programs that I am interested enough to follow have seasons that follow in time to each other  in a way that allows me to download them without bringing ATT to telling me I have exceeded my monthly download limit.
Vikings>Game of Thrones>Falling Skies>Doctor WHO...
Random Topics / Re: First World Problems
April 23, 2015, 05:32:38 AM
0-30 volt DC power supplies that seem to go from working to dead the next time you use them.
I now have two shoe box size door stops.
Random Topics / Re: Evacuate Earth?
April 23, 2015, 05:21:34 AM
The original BBC radio adaptation of "The Hitchikers Guide " was  better than the video or the film. The books also.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 23, 2015, 05:07:30 AM
The  hot water heater for my apartment started to leak(when?) and then finally burst forth as in "fonts from the abyss" filled the crawl space at least one foot depth before the water found its way out on the east side 3 apartments down and scared hell out of my neighbor . City came out at her becken ,shut off my water. Apartment management had repairs done with in 3 hours. Water tank had split open from top to bottom. Thankful I have neighbors that tend to look out for each other.
Spring allergy: every morning 4am the mucous fountain begins and by 7 am ends. Lots of oak and pecan pollen. I just remind myself that the pecans are the result of my morning  pollen  self drowning.
Dumbass  state government that pilfers the gasolene taxes for years and allows the roads to become so rough that the car feels like you have a near flat tire then their answer is to try to jack the tax 10 cents to be able to fix the roads and they will probably use the revenue as they had previously.
Sardondi, Food Lion
My father lived to 93 and was pretty sharp till near the end and in pretty good shape till a fall took him out. My mother had Alzheimer and it took her  at 89. Her balance went and her speech went and she made no sense verbally for the last 3-4 years which frustrated her because we were never sure what she was saying.Her mother went  senile in her 70's. My sister is in her early 70's now I will be 68 later this year.Time will tell if it is carried on X gene or I have some help avoiding with  a Y gene.Most males in the family (Father's side) died in their 70's but Dad was a vitamin freak and got a couple extra decades. I tend to take a lot of vitamins and herbs but not fanatically as dad.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 17, 2015, 12:45:45 AM
Airlines: a neighbor of mine was flying to Philadelphia from Greenville-Spartanburg but they flew her to Chicago then to Philadelphia and the same back wards to G_S.
I took a flight from G-S to Trinidad last year that flew me from G-S to NJ then to Dallas then to Trinidad 14 hours of air time. Sort of the same crazy thing with USPS sending your mail all around rather than   more direct. All are loosing money and it seems to be their fuel costs.
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