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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

The  hot water heater for my apartment started to leak(when?) and then finally burst forth as in "fonts from the abyss" filled the crawl space at least one foot depth before the water found its way out on the east side 3 apartments down and scared hell out of my neighbor . City came out at her becken ,shut off my water. Apartment management had repairs done with in 3 hours. Water tank had split open from top to bottom. Thankful I have neighbors that tend to look out for each other.
Spring allergy: every morning 4am the mucous fountain begins and by 7 am ends. Lots of oak and pecan pollen. I just remind myself that the pecans are the result of my morning  pollen  self drowning.
Dumbass  state government that pilfers the gasolene taxes for years and allows the roads to become so rough that the car feels like you have a near flat tire then their answer is to try to jack the tax 10 cents to be able to fix the roads and they will probably use the revenue as they had previously.

Quote from: (Redacted) on April 22, 2015, 09:03:11 PM
There are wasps larger than hummingbirds?  Carpenter bees scare the hell out of me.  That's some horror movie shit right there.

Welllllll, technically it probably wasn't larger than a hummingbird....But I have a very real phobia of stinging insects.  My mind knows all the facts, I'm not allergic to stings, but my body SCREAMS, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!!! anytime I hear a buzzing noise. Those rascals know it, too. I can hear them, "There she izzzzzzzzzzzz." buzzzzzz,  buzzzzzzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.   OUCH!


Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on April 23, 2015, 05:07:30 AM
Dumbass  state government that pilfers the gasolene taxes for years and allows the roads to become so rough that the car feels like you have a near flat tire then their answer is to try to jack the tax 10 cents to be able to fix the roads and they will probably use the revenue as they had previously.

no worries, the feds want to do the same thing.


Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on April 23, 2015, 05:07:30 AM
The  hot water heater for my apartment started to leak(when?) and then finally burst forth as in "fonts from the abyss" filled the crawl space at least one foot depth before the water found its way out on the east side 3 apartments down and scared hell out of my neighbor . City came out at her becken ,shut off my water. Apartment management had repairs done with in 3 hours. Water tank had split open from top to bottom. Thankful I have neighbors that tend to look out for each other.
Spring allergy: every morning 4am the mucous fountain begins and by 7 am ends. Lots of oak and pecan pollen. I just remind myself that the pecans are the result of my morning  pollen  self drowning.
Dumbass  state government that pilfers the gasolene taxes for years and allows the roads to become so rough that the car feels like you have a near flat tire then their answer is to try to jack the tax 10 cents to be able to fix the roads and they will probably use the revenue as they had previously.

I feel your pain. fuck this kind of shit


Quote from: Treading Water on April 23, 2015, 05:59:20 AM
Welllllll, technically it probably wasn't larger than a hummingbird....But I have a very real phobia of stinging insects.  My mind knows all the facts, I'm not allergic to stings, but my body SCREAMS, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!!! anytime I hear a buzzing noise. Those rascals know it, too. I can hear them, "There she izzzzzzzzzzzz." buzzzzzz,  buzzzzzzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.   OUCH!
Cicada Killers are huge and scary though I think they don't bite people (unless you mess with them) but they seem flying at you as big as a hummingbird and scare you!


Quote from: Marc.Knight on April 22, 2015, 09:53:31 PM
I was almost beaten up at a hotel in Glasgow, Scotland because I was reading a book in the lobby.  One of the knuckle heads at the next table kept asking "Why the fuck is he readin' a book"?  He was getting irate. His friends finally calmed him down by saying that I must be from the University nearby.  But he was still fuming over it.

And that's in The Big City. Out where I live, they think you're a wizard.


Quote from: BobGrau on April 23, 2015, 10:31:06 AM
And that's in The Big City. Out where I live, they think you're a wizard.

Anywhere near Perth?

Quote from: albrecht on April 23, 2015, 10:19:09 AM
Cicada Killers are huge and scary though I think they don't bite people (unless you mess with them) but they seem flying at you as big as a hummingbird and scare you!
Ooooh!  I forgot about those!  We had an infestation in our front yard when I was growing up.  They built nests in the ground.  They looked like tiny  volcanoes!  Scared the crap out of us and all the rest of the kids in the neighborhood.  We used the back door for that whole summer.  My grandfather finally broke down and got professional help after the little pests spread into the yard next door. They were HUGE!  But I never did hear of anyone getting stung.  The exterminator told us that they didn't sting.  Didn't matter.  I wasn't going to test the theory.   :o

Quote from: Treading Water on April 23, 2015, 11:47:10 AM
Ooooh!  I forgot about those!  We had an infestation in our front yard when I was growing up.  They built nests in the ground.  They looked like tiny  volcanoes!  Scared the crap out of us and all the rest of the kids in the neighborhood.  We used the back door for that whole summer.  My grandfather finally broke down and got professional help after the little pests spread into the yard next door. They were HUGE!  But I never did hear of anyone getting stung.  The exterminator told us that they didn't sting.  Didn't matter.  I wasn't going to test the theory.   :o

Are those the ones that only come out every 17 years?


It's always amused me to hear how folks up north are afraid of bugs.  Where I grew up, it was 8- foot long rattlesnakes and 12-foot alligators.  Oh yeah, and wild hogs.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 23, 2015, 12:54:45 PM
Are those the ones that only come out every 17 years?
No, the wasp kills them and their eggs feeds on them (and the other cicadas that come out more often) though.

Yeah the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (the giant one from a few posts back) is the state insect of New Mexico, and the sting is described as a 4 out of 4 on the pain scale.

From http://www.desertusa.com/insects/tarantula-hawks.html...
QuoteTarantula hawk stings are considered to be the most painful of any North American insect...One researcher described the tarantula hawk’s sting this way: "To me, the pain is like an electric wand that hits you, inducing an immediate, excruciating pain that simply shuts down one’s ability to do anything, except, perhaps, scream. Mental discipline simply does not work in these situations."

Stupid bugs, they are so annoying, yet such an important part of the ecosystem - can't live with them, can't live without them.


Quote from: Treading Water on April 23, 2015, 05:59:20 AM
Welllllll, technically it probably wasn't larger than a hummingbird....But I have a very real phobia of stinging insects.  My mind knows all the facts, I'm not allergic to stings, but my body SCREAMS, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!!! anytime I hear a buzzing noise. Those rascals know it, too. I can hear them, "There she izzzzzzzzzzzz." buzzzzzz,  buzzzzzzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.   OUCH!

Killing wasps is my "New Hot Wonton Guilty Pleasure". And crushing their pathetic hives.

Scare me?! I KILL YOU!!!

Quote from: albrecht on April 23, 2015, 01:04:54 PM
No, the wasp kills them and their eggs feeds on them (and the other cicadas that come out more often) though.

Ohh so circada killers aren't a type of circada.  Are they like mud wasps?  We get those here.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 23, 2015, 01:44:33 PM
Ohh so circada killers aren't a type of circada.  Are they like mud wasps?  We get those here.
They are bigger and live in holes in the ground (hence the other common, but wrong, name "sand hornet") and they feed off the cicadas.

Quote from: Juan on April 23, 2015, 01:01:56 PM
It's always amused me to hear how folks up north are afraid of bugs.  Where I grew up, it was 8- foot long rattlesnakes and 12-foot alligators.  Oh yeah, and wild hogs.

I wasn't afraid of snakes until the time I poked one with a stick once and it grabbed it right out of my hand....   :-[ Now I try my best to stay out of their way.

analog kid

Quote from: Juan on April 23, 2015, 01:01:56 PM
It's always amused me to hear how folks up north are afraid of bugs.  Where I grew up, it was 8- foot long rattlesnakes and 12-foot alligators.  Oh yeah, and wild hogs.

As a Louisianian, I discovered one of these on my shoulder while watching TV. I had a lizard brain flipout of course, but I'm fortunate not to have a problem with spiders considering where I live.


Quote from: analog kid on April 23, 2015, 03:41:47 PM
As a Louisianian, I discovered one of these on my shoulder while watching TV. I had a lizard brain flipout of course, but I'm fortunate not to have a problem with spiders considering where I live.



Quote from: analog kid on April 23, 2015, 03:41:47 PM
As a Louisianian, I discovered one of these on my shoulder while watching TV. I had a lizard brain flipout of course, but I'm fortunate not to have a problem with spiders considering where I live.

They won't hurt you, its the small ones you need to worry about. People actually keep these as pets. I actually stop and help them (and turtles) across the road but I'm weird. Snakes- I let them cross at their own peril. Coyotes- I speed up and try to hit them.


Chris Rock is such an annoying little race baiter shit. "For starters, he doesn’t believe any progress has been made for blacks" Well hes been doing stand up for how many decades now? His whole routine is bout race. I wonder if his slave ancestors had that opportunity...what a dipshit. I hate how people who have made millions on race relations can complain about race relations.
Someone needs to punch him in his horse teeth.

^I often feel that way about public figures, until I remember that if it wasn't for having a considerable fan base they wouldn't be so popular, at which point I lose a bit more faith in humanity.

There is a market for race baiting, just like (ironically enough) there is a market for Che Guevara shirts.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: coaster on April 23, 2015, 04:52:32 PM
Chris Rock is such an annoying little race baiter shit. "For starters, he doesn’t believe any progress has been made for blacks" Well hes been doing stand up for how many decades now? His whole routine is bout race. I wonder if his slave ancestors had that opportunity...what a dipshit. I hate how people who have made millions on race relations can complain about race relations.
Someone needs to punch him in his horse teeth.

      His white writing team needs new material. That hack lives off of their work. Fuck him and them.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 23, 2015, 06:32:10 PM
      His white writing team needs new material. That hack lives off of their work. Fuck him and them.
Hey, stop criticizing Obama and his speech writers and handlers.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: albrecht on April 23, 2015, 08:25:04 PM
Hey, stop criticizing Obama and his speech writers and handlers.

   Speaking of comedy writers.

Fucking doctors that can't be bothered over the weekend to tell you if you have cancer or not.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 24, 2015, 12:22:06 PM
Fucking doctors that can't be bothered over the weekend to tell you if you have cancer or not.

I hope you're ok.

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