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Messages - Zetaspeak

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Richard Syrett
February 12, 2017, 12:21:48 AM
Thank goodness Syrett said he will cool it on the politics.

Secondition half of the show they  talk about Bob Crane, if they get deep o  the kinkey stuff, it could be the type of show that will make Norry's mustache sweat.
Quote from: ItsOver on February 10, 2017, 10:14:54 PM
Imagine what Jorch must be like having sex.  Sorry for that image.

/ Reported
Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on February 10, 2017, 08:57:03 PM
First hour tonight is "Lunatics & Werewolves".

That's an odd mix. While reading it at first I thought  it said  Lunatics  & Weirdos. Which would fit together  more  :o
Quote from: StarrMountain® 2010 on February 10, 2017, 08:18:38 PM
Friday sounds cool.  I'll ask my Cat whether she'd be interested in listening to it.  If she is, we'll be here. ;) ;D

;D LOL You might be right, this might be "out there" enough that it could turn into a fun episode.
So no guest scheduled tonight and next week lineup looks absolutely dreadful

Monday Realizing life goals, Tuesday Spirit Guides,  Wednesday Natural medicine, Thursday GMO Dangers, Next Friday Talk to the animals.  Just awful topics all week long.

The week that we just had the only show that caught my attention was the Dorothy Kilgallen show.
I didn't agree with  them at all. But I also didn't think the crossed a line that other C2C guests have done before. The only thing Norry seemed disappointed in is their view of end times didn't turn into a Michael Bay movie.

Wow that woman caller started normal than went full batty.

Shows like this makes me miss Ian.

I did enjoy the first half guest
So I heard a couple of things last night. The sex dude  asked if "He should go into derails" and Norry quick reply with "No no no!"

During the food chick segment, Noory said "Thank goodness for supplements " with the guest pretty much "Not really" lol
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 07, 2017, 05:11:48 AM
The below post came on the webpage in response to the disturbing news.

NOVEMBER 23, 2016 AT 1:41 PM
Um, here’s just a sample of George Ralph Noory and his NORCOM business-practice actions from years ago. There’s another five pages or so of filings against him, but darn, some of us have lives and there’s enough against Noory to keep investigators busy for days.

If this man acts in good faith in business or even personal matters, then George Noory must be right and the rest of the world is wrong, huh?, or how he’d spin it. Some massive “conspiracy,” no doubt, to suppress his greatness, truth, love, light and being the self-professed “anointed one” of the world:
â€" NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C94-07496; Defendant ; DIVERSIFOLIA INCORPORATED V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Suit on Account; 04/25/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C94-07497; Defendant; DOWN UNDER AQUATICS V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 04/25/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE R; 16EX96-001580; Debtor; JAGUAR CREDIT CORPORATI V GEORGE NOORY; Foreign/Non-Case Document; 09/19/1996,
â€"NOORY, GEORGE; 21563328; Defendant; MIDDENDORF MEAT COMPANY ETAL V NORCOM INC ETAL; CC Other Miscellaneous Actions; 06/30/1987,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE ; 21C94-0793; Defendant ; VIDEO SERVICES GROUP INC V GEORGE NOORY ETAL; AC Suit on Account ; 05/02/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE A; 21664541; Defendant; GREYHOUND FINANCIAL CORP V NORTEL ENTERTAINME ETAL ; CC Other Miscellaneous Action; 06/22/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21668051; Defendant ; MAGNA BANK OF ILLINOIS V GEORGE NOORY; CC Promissory Note; 09/27/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21664932; Defendant ; EATON FINANCIAL CORPOR V NORTEL ENTERTAINMEN ETAL; CC Other Miscellaneous Actions; 07/05/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21C94-19720; Defendant ; VIDEO CENTRAL INCORPORATED V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 10/20/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21C94-24564; Defendant; VMI COMPANY OF ST LOUIS INC V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account; 12/29/1994,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE ; 22950-01155 ; Defendant ; UNITEL VIDEO INC VS NORCOM ENTERTATINMENT ETAL; AC Breach of Contract ; 02/03/1995,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21C95-03690; Defendant ; BOARD OF MANAGERS OF CONWAY MEADOWS C V; NOORY ETAL ; AC Contract-Other ; 02/22/1995.
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 21C96-01029; Defendant ; EQUIPLAN INCORPORATED V NORCOM ENTERTAINMENT ETAL ; AC Reg of Foreign Judgment;01/17/1996,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE ; 21C96-01863; Defendant ; FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 01/25/1996,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C96-10843; Defendant ; BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR CWMBS V NOORY ETAL ; AC Unlawful Detainer; 05/24/1996,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE; 2197TJ-03207;Defendant; FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION V GEORGE NOORY; CC Transcript Judgment ; 08/07/1997,
â€" NOORY, GEORGE R; 2100AC-22139; Defendant ; WOOD LAKE CONDOMINIUM V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Contract-Other ; 10/27/2000,
There you go, all. There’s a lot more â€" one heck of a lot more â€" in those Missouri public records where that mere “handful” of bad-faith business tactics came from. Wow! Even a housing lawsuit leveled against his condo home, then a lawsuit against him for that Jaguar car he bought.

Looks like he gave people his word and had no issue with lying and even breaching contracts? Then people today feel they might have been ripped off by this huckster? Look up the history of George Noory and you will deduce it’s a history of lies, cheating and being nothing like the “light and truth” he claims to be.

James Alex Gerard


Wow that is amazing. I always thought he was just some dunce character but he might actually be some Keyser Soze character scamming people all across the nation in small sections until he can do it on a national level.
Random Topics / Re: Super Bowl 2017
February 07, 2017, 05:05:30 PM
Quote from: WildCard on February 06, 2017, 01:21:51 AM
Fuck you all. That was awesome! You people just hate everything.

Edit: Oh, wow . . . never mind. Sometimes I talk to myself.

And the fact that the the only person who hated her is a Trump hater - delicious.
Means she hit all the right notes.

Things that bring me joy

I think it's funny that some liberal friends were upset with her non-political show and Conservatives seem to love it

I think she was political in a way, it was just subtle. Starting with America the Beautiful and merging it with "This land is your land, this land is my land" I thought was certainly a statement.

To top it off a song like "Born this Way" as poppy and catchy as it is, is still a gay anthem. Getting to sing that in an NFL game, especially in front of Mike Pence was certainly a statement as well.

I think nowadays everybody think being political means u have to be a jerk about it like Sinead O'Connor/Ted Nugent. You can be subtle and effective, like Gaga was, and actually have people who aren't huge fans of her think "That ain't so bad" even though she singing about gay rights.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 07, 2017, 04:47:39 PM

Has Trump TV rating appeal ended? It's lower than Obama last three Superbowl interviews and just 55% of Obama's first Superbowl interview. I have tuned him out for a while now, but surprised how low it was. I wonder if the general public is tired of him talking already?

The strangest story of the year for me so far is politicization of the Superbowl. As a sports fan I find that so f'ed up. You cheer or boo a team because a politician has some buddies on it. That is just so bizarre. Jebus Crisp have some self-identity.
Wow one of these Bigfoot guys really have a chip on his shoulder.

-Unlike the rest of these amateurs we have credibility

- So when do you think you will have  any proof.

Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on February 06, 2017, 02:02:11 AM
I think it was something about dropping bombs off the coast of Africa on the continental shelf to cause a tsunami that would hit North America.

Thanks, I forgot to type bombs

Jorge is so slow on the technology side he would buy one after they become obsolete
Did she say "Isis people are dropping in Africa to cause a tsunami here?" I am half a sleep not sure I heard it correctly .

I can't listen to personal readings. Soooo boring
Great job George by having a guest predict the Superbowl 3 hours after the game.
Random Topics / Re: Super Bowl 2017
February 06, 2017, 12:53:11 AM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 06, 2017, 12:27:41 AM

As far as riots go, I watched the news and while there were a few instances of disgruntled fans, Atlanta was generally peaceful.  I really don't want to get into politics talking about sports. Too much is political these days. Just enjoy the games.

Amen to that.

Sports was the apolitical  gathering  where you can cheer or boo teams for multiple  reasons, from location, play style, personality , sympathy/coolness, rich team/underdogs, betting interest or something  as silly as cool uniforms.

But resorting to  political  reasons  is a truly  jump the shark moment  for the country..
Jorge "I know how you feel Falcons  fans, I'm  a Lions fan"

* Lions never made the Superbowl, so they were never came as close and allowed the Superbowl  slip through  their  fingers like  the Falcons  did tonight .
Random Topics / Re: Super Bowl 2017
February 06, 2017, 12:24:58 AM
Do coaches lose their brain in the 4th quarter of Super Bowls?

Why would you risk to drop back when you are in field goal range up by 8 late in the game. A simple  FG wpold have made it a 2 score game.

I liked Gaga. Some flash, some patriotic medley to start it, some upbeat hits, then a "feely" song.

Did anyone notice a certain theme in this year ads?

Best question during the game, early on. "Why did Brady throw the ball to the other team "  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
February 05, 2017, 01:46:32 AM
C2C site is all mixed up. They listed UfO/NWO guy in first hour and heart attack /remote viewer  for rest of show. But it turns out to be the other way around .

Queen of hearts bumper song. I haven't  heard that in a while.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
February 05, 2017, 01:26:27 AM
First guest said ye had a heart attack  because  he took some eye drops .I thought "That can't be right". Checked online and it's actually  a  side effect. Who knew,
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 05, 2017, 12:57:57 AM
wow those suicide numbers are so high. There's always a debate if the news should  report it. I think because most don't  the general  public  have no clue how bad it is
Random Topics / Re: Quirky Items in The News
February 04, 2017, 10:49:14 PM
Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on February 04, 2017, 06:46:43 PM

Interracial homosexual couple on drugs go to Bed, Bath & Beyond and commit "lewd acts" on the merchandise. It was discovered that they were infected with scabies and the merchandise had to be thrown away.

Wait they wouldn't throw it out anyways. I totally wouldn't be okay to just FeBreeze the thing after they were done. BTW  I also wouldn't be okay with heterosexual same race sex doing the same thing lol.
Politics / Re: Shooting at Mosque in Quebec City
February 04, 2017, 10:42:06 PM
So it's been a week since this happened. There's a irony here talking about "fake news" and Sam meme but in reality it was right-wingers shouting it was a Muslim once it breaks. The initial news was a masked man who yelled "akbar". The Pro-Turmp twitter accounts instantly claimed it was a muslim by that bit of news alone  (the thought of a white guy under the mask saying it in a mocking way, never crossed their heads) the echo chamber all retweet and liked each other and were on top of the hashtag #Quebecshooting.

Even Fox and the WH went with the false report, something that's been talked none at all here is that Spicer said "The ban was made to prevent what happened in Quebec" It turns out to be a white guy who' wants to have a 3some Trump and LePen fan who has a hate on immigrants. 

Foxnews tweets was fasination in how the tone changed from thinking it was a muslim who did it and then when it was figured it was a white gu

Tweet 1: "FOX NEWS ALERT: 6 killed at Quebec City mosque shooting; witness reportedly says gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar'" ~ make sure to make a strong point that its possibly a Muslim attack

Tweet 2: "Suspect in Mosque attack was of Moroccan origin, report shows" ~ Making it very sure it somebody from a "Muslim country" background who did this is front and center in the tweet.

Twee 3 "Suspect charged with murder in Quebec mosque terror attack" ~ So the tweet when it was figured out it wasn't a Muslim who did it. We get no physical description, no motives. Just the most basic details with none of the other details of the first two tweets, when the details were actually confirmed.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 04, 2017, 09:39:45 PM
I came across this. I thought it was Photoshop at first but it's actually true from Dr. Seuss.... The more time passes the more things stay the same. Right down to the America first sweatshirt.

Watched Thelma and Louise on TV. My estrogen level is off the charts.  :o
Random Topics / Re: Super Bowl 2017
February 04, 2017, 05:56:08 PM
Quote from: albrecht on February 04, 2017, 05:35:19 PM
Yeah, I think you are right and that is the logic they use (many people watch the Super Bowl haven't watched any other games.) The Super Bowl is not for the football fans, really but for the others. And try to expand the brand into the West Hollywood and etc set. Sort of like NASCAR is trying to expand beyond the traditional base and attempting to de-redneck the sport and appeal to others.
The phenomena of wanting to watch commercials, and looking forward to commercials, is something that could only happen in America. Fuck Yeah!

LOL that is what's happening in my situation. My sister who has no idea what's going on, invited me to watch the Superbowl. All she knows is Tom Brady, Lady Gaga, and some ad hypes and not necessary in that order. Her TV is way better than mine.... and so is her cooking. So I know where I'll be on Sunday night, even though she'll ask me absurd questions during the game  ;D
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 04, 2017, 05:47:07 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 04, 2017, 02:43:39 PM
Chump change next to the 85 million of taxpayers money that Obama spent on his numerous vacations during his presidency.


How much is it costing to protect Trump Towers? I heard it was between $400,000 to $1 Million a day before inauguration. It would be less with just wife and kid there but still would be a pretty good chunk to secure a hotel in the middle of NYC.

NYC has send a bill of $35 Million dollars to cover the cost for the 2.5 months between election day and inauguration day. So in two months BEFORE he became officially president DJT has coast over 40% of what Obama did in travel in 8 years.
Random Topics / Re: Super Bowl 2017
February 04, 2017, 05:30:32 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 04, 2017, 05:14:03 PM

I hope to god she doesn't make some stupid political statement.

Come on!  You'd love it if she showed Bush........ support.

I don't know Alb, Superbowl is already so over-the-top I don't mind an over-the-top act for it. For a big stadium like you probably need a lot of flash. I am certainly not in Gaga demo but I think that's the Nfl & networks idea, to have people watch who normally don't.

Oh yeah there's a game going on, I hope the Falcons win, but the Pats seem to be favorite. I am surprised they are only favored by 3
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 04, 2017, 05:22:32 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 04, 2017, 05:10:41 PM
That sign makes no sense.  lol.

It reminds me of my favorite C2C political caller of all time. Elderly woman calls up and tells Jorge she agrees with the guest "The government is getting too big Jorge... My government checks goes to the post office and not my home no more". Of course Jorge and the guest agrees. :D I just thought, Oh that's just perfect.
For movie reviews, I normally go to Rotten Tomatoes and look at the consensus.

With movie reviewers, I don't think there's no right or wrong, people like what people like. You just got to find somebody that's got similar taste of yours in the past and you trust their opinion going forward
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