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Messages - tmock00

Random Topics / Re: Best Halloween Movies Ever
June 30, 2012, 09:49:24 PM
Terror Train is my old standby - love it.

I also like:

Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Wolf Creek (2005)
My Boyfriend's Back (1993) - really cheesy but I've always liked it as a lead in to scarier movies.

Check out http://www.1channel.ch/watch-770985-The-Midnight-Hour
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 22, 2012, 05:16:54 AM
This is like a gang of robbers! They're right up there with NIGERIAN SCAMMERS!

Agreed!  Anxiously awaiting the breakdown on Greer.
Noory kicked Jeremy Vaeni off the show after 30 minutes. 

I remember Vaeni had a website back then, where he detailed the entire sordid affair, saying that after the break, Noory didn't bring him back on and didn't offer an explanation either.  Vaeni called back into the show, only to be told that Noory had decided to "go loose," whatever the hell that means - and that was it.

I remember Vaeni being super pissed off about the whole thing, and he called Noory a douchebag for the way he was treated.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 21, 2012, 09:46:26 PM
Quote from: Lovely Bones on June 16, 2012, 10:13:56 AM

I think folks who criticize Ian glom on to one or two moments where Ian does something not so great--and often forget the many, many things he does in a four-hour program that are spot on, starting with actually PREPARING FOR EACH SHOW. 

Gosh, I get tired of defending the man, but damn he's so much better than most of what we get.

I 100% agree. 

I have always liked Ian, even back in the day when he was spinning rock 'n roll. He used to be a DJ here in my area in a studio just down the street, and back then he was known as Ian Case.  The radio station was 97x, and it was said to be haunted - and rightfully so, since it was located in a funeral home.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 21, 2012, 09:16:03 PM
Quote from: Lovely Bones on June 19, 2012, 09:31:40 AM
Just wanted to add that at the very end, GK promised this for next week: the return of David Paulides, to discuss EAST COAST DISAPPEARANCES, a la his March 25 appearance discussing West Coast disappearances.  Looking forward to that.  Or should I say, "Get ready for that."

I don't tune in to Coast when Noory is hosting, but I do listen when it's Knapp or Ian.  I remember when Paulides was on in March, and it was one hell of a good show, so I'm really looking forward to his return.
Watched Into The Wild yesterday.  I've been depressed ever since.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 13, 2012, 09:15:54 AM
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 12, 2012, 05:34:22 AM
The difference between good and crap was on display with Ian. A woman called in to say that her cat died the day before, her son is addicted to heroin, and her house is falling apart. She was at the end. She lost her job too, I think.

Ian gave her good advice and consoled her as best as possible over the phone on live radio. Now, had it been George Noory, I don't even want to think how badly George would have botched it. Good work, Ian.

George would blame it all on demons. 
Technology / Re: Facebook Sucks
June 13, 2012, 09:03:05 AM
Quote from: MV on May 31, 2012, 09:30:38 AM

on that, i couldn't disagree more.  i think twitter is a great resource.  depending on who you follow, it can be used as a real time stream of information... USEFUL information... coming at you 24/7.  what i do with twitter primarily is subscribe to certain android developers and multiple news outlets.  I'm constantly aware of what's happening because of it. 

facebook never did a single thing for me.  i think your dismissal of twitter, however, is silly.

I use Twitter for exactly the reason you mentioned. Twitter is a fantastic resource, and depending on how one uses it, there doesn't have to be any personal info shared between people at all, whatsoever.  You pick a few topics you like and start following people who generally have great info about those topics.  I have interviewed people and learned valuable information for my websites via Twitter, where people are more inclined to share their knowledge and expertise to anyone who wants it.   

Facebook on the other hand requires "friendship." 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Suggestion for Listeners
June 13, 2012, 08:49:19 AM
Just because I stopped listening months ago, doesn't mean George Noory still doesn't suck. 

Quote from: Frys Girl on June 02, 2012, 05:49:29 PM
Did you watch the video I posted?

I did - and it was painful.  The Johnny Carson of Coast to Coast?  Uh...no.
Quote from: DangerousBlossom on May 26, 2012, 04:08:02 AM
Yes, KSFO 560AM.  I was shocked it was gone.  There was no annoucement ahead of time, but that is the way of radio.  C2C isn't on any of the other Bay Area talk stations I checked either.  And that Red Eye Radio is horrible!  I am listening to c2c on the KFBK live stream now.

I was looking for the "c2c no longer in ____"  thread, but I couldn't find it.

Thanks Dangerous Blossom and Oversoul.  I thought it was KSFO, but wasn't sure.

According to this article, Coast may be moving to AM 910 KKSF.


Quote from: sleeplessinca on May 26, 2012, 12:41:49 AM
I was just turning in for the night and turned on C2C to hopefully be lulled quickly to sleep and it was gone!  Snoorey just got dumped from a major market here in San Francisco. 

Was it KSFO?

Quote from: Matathew on May 08, 2012, 08:33:54 PM
Mad man Markum- A kid that built a massive jacobs ladder with generators stolen from a powerstation and created what he thought to be a time machine, a conclusion he drew after throwing a screw through a heat signature created by the jacobs ladder which dissapeared then reappeared shortly after.  He goes to jail for stealing the generators, talks to some physicists then decides to build another large scale device, this time using huge rotating electro magnets in his design. He dissapeared shortly after his interview, not being heard from again till 2011 in a nexus mag interview, where he said the machine took him two years into the future and left him memoriless Awesome story, most likely fake in my opinion though.

I loved Madman!  Classic Art.  Ah...those were the days!
Quote from: b_dubb on May 08, 2012, 06:45:29 AM
if this thread proves anything it's that regardless of how bad George is people continue to listen

It's kind of sad how rarely I listen to the show, but without Art, Ian and more George Knapp, I gave up the ghost a while ago.  Now, I listen to the Fine Art stream, almost anything else on Shoutcast that seems interesting, and my local police scanner.   It's true - the local crime in my area is far more exciting than 4 hours of Noory.
Quote from: sillyrabbit on April 29, 2012, 07:37:21 PM

1st of all, did anyone hear how George ended the show a few nights ago? I think it was the bigfoot/boggy creek show - speculating with the guest about how some people see escaped animals and claim they were monsters, he says roughly "maybe it was a panther that escaped from a petting zoo"? A panther...petting zoo. Anyone know a petting zoo where they keep predators for little kids to play with?

Is this great or what? You can't make these up!

Yet more evidence that George Noory is a complete idiot.  This should go on the "Nooryisms" list.
Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 20, 2012, 02:54:46 PM

How many times over several years now has he said it's almost done and he's going in a month or so?

Even if he does go to Hawaii and manages to fit a show or two into his busy schedule, pretty sure it's just going to be from an existing studio of an affiliate.

I came across this article some time ago and saved it in my Noory Rumors folder.  Anyway, it mentions that George said he has a "radio-studio hook-up at a residence in Hawaii."

So, he has a house in Hawaii?  If so, I don't think he has ever said anything about it on the air. On the other hand, if he doesn't actually own property there, does this mean he will be broadcasting from someone else's house in Hawaii?  Or in GeorgeSpeak, perhaps a "residence" is George's term for the word "affiliate."

Maybe this should be in the "Has George Ever Told a Lie" thread.
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 17, 2012, 11:31:12 AM
           The Talkers list is an annual joke. The magazine itself lacks the depth of "Highlights" and has a circulation that could barely fill a phone booth.

               No Imus, Stern or Opie and Anthony in the top 10. Please.

If it's any consolation, they did rate Howard Stern at #2 on the list of Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts of All Time.  Don Imus came it at #5, Opie & Anthony at #49.  Art Bell came in at #17, while George Noory landed at #37, and Alex Jones at #95.

That list is here: Talkers Heaviest Hundred of All Time.

I don't know anything at all about the publication itself.  I just thought the rankings were interesting.
Quote from: fysisist on April 17, 2012, 01:00:48 PM
^^^ exactly.  So what about the rest of us?  If you or I have a family member with some bad disease or illness that is going to result in sky-high medical bills, can we ask George Noory to promote our cause and start a fund in the name of the affected?  Or is it only if you are a lunatic with some crazy economic theory or perpetual doom-and-gloom naysayer?  Noory is a jackass.

Here are two possible solutions -   

1) I think in the "Hour of Power," everyone should have an opportunity to call into the show. Each caller who gets on the air receives 5 minutes to share their story, give out the appropriate contact info, and then sit back and wait for the donations to roll in.

2) Why not hold a raffle once a week?  George could pick a name out of a hat every Friday, go to their house on the weekend, and lay his hands on the afflicted for an immediate cure.
Quote from: stevesh on April 17, 2012, 04:00:39 AM
Shedlock's appearances have become mostly a way for him to beg for money to pay for his wife's (daughter's ?) medical bills. Last night he announced a sweepstakes for that purpose. Sad and embarrassing.

Shedlock's wife has Lou Gehrig's Disease.

A few months ago, Noory was asking listeners to donate money for the daughter of Mitch Barros, whose daughter had some sort of heart problems when she was born.  Later, I believe Noory said upwards of something like $18,000 was raised by the C2C audience to help defray medical costs.

They should change the name of the first hour of the show to the George Noory Hour of Power.
Yesterday, Talkers released their Talkers 250 Featuring The Heavy Hundred, and Noory came in at #26, declining in his standings; in 2011, he was ranked at #21. Instead of ranking higher this year, he has in fact, ranked lower.   

For those keeping score, Rush was again #1, Sean Hannity #2 and Michael Savage at #3.

Rounding out the Top 10:

Ed Schultz
Laura Ingraham
Dave Ramsey
Mark Levin
Thom Hartmann
Glenn Beck
Joe Madison

You can see the full list over at Talkers.com.
Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 14, 2012, 11:33:44 AM

George continues to get worse gradually, but over the years the further Art Bell seemed to get from coming back and the less he came around as a fill in host, the less George decided he had to worry about and the worse he seemed to get.   His laziness in preparing, his disinterest in the topics just shine through now.  No way would he have been singing and doing sound impressions if he thought Art Bell was anywhere around and available to come back. 

Yep - I think this nails it.
Mitchell has been announcing on Coast to Coast for years, and the guy doesn't even get a proper send-off. 

Quote from: Sardondi on April 09, 2012, 12:04:29 AM

Okay, but is there anything about Premiere which makes you think they're concerned about what listeners think?

Just throwing out an idea...

Maybe a suggestion would be to legally shorten your last name, or find the English translation of your last name and change it to that? 

I know many people who I believe to have unusual names or names which I find hard to pronounce, but these same names are easy for other people to pronounce.  I think in the end, you have to do what you're happiest and most comfortable with. 
Quote from: Sardondi on April 08, 2012, 11:27:01 PM
About an hour ago I wrote a (totally futile) email to Premiere's public relations address, making this very point. I said I had noticed a trend to what passes for "serious" topics at C2C, with Noory having many more "fear porn" guests like Alex "Slavery Is Upon Us And There's Nothing We Can Do" Jones. I said IMO that was useless, since people have never come to C2C to get their news - they come for paranormal, UFO, weird, spooky, goofy, silly stuff that is escapist.

I just finished reading it a little while ago Sardondi, and I agree - what ever happened to "things that go bump in the night" ?

Let us know if you get a response. 
Quote from: M. Knight on April 08, 2012, 10:53:28 PM
So, is the use of a pseudonym better than legally changing your name to suit your needs?

For me, using a pseudonym works well.  I don't want to change my name legally because other than in the writing/entertainment world, nobody seems to care.  I think there's something about seeing a name in print that seems to garner all kinds of questions and/or assumptions.  On the other hand, if I wanted to get a good story lead, or an invite to a posh party, using my more famous last name always did the trick.  ;) 

I think if I had a name that I absolutely hated or that was seriously detrimental to my career, then I would probably have it legally changed. 
For me, it has made quite a difference, so much so that I've had to go under a fake name for the majority of my writing and websites, depending on the topic and subject matter.

My real first name begins with the letter "T" (harmless enough), but my last name is Mock_____.  I was interviewed for a book a few years ago, and it took a few emails back and forth just to convince the author that I was not "mocking" the very thing I was being interviewed about. Before that, I was using my married name - which is the same as someone famous - and while he and I are related by marriage and are not close, the questions about his private life persisted (he is a well known celebrity and I am a former celebrity writer). 

These days, I will occasionally use my real name, however most of the time I am known under another name in my writing and websites.  I have only one website which is under my real name. 
Quote from: punkinpie on April 08, 2012, 10:07:57 PM

The interest in speaking to him again bothered me.  I don't want to know!  It doesn't feel like a Coast to Coast topic to me.  C2C should be more X-Files and less evening news.

The part of the conversation that really bothered me was "I'm not talking about people who go out and murder people and stuff like that obviously, but I really want people that when they finally get out of prison to get their lives together -  to get rehabilitated."

Many times murder is justifiable.  Kiddie porn and child molesting is something that you can never argue was acceptable or a misunderstanding.   He was too much of a pussy to stick to his guns that he didn't believe that child molesters could be rehabilitated because he was on the telephone with one.  What an asshole. 

Who screened that call?  Is Tommy-boy just fucking with him now?

Thinking the exact same way you are in every respect.   This is absolutely, positively not a topic I want to hear discussed on Coast to Coast - especially by George Noory.  Topics like this are best left up to professionals in another form. 

What direction is this show going in? I seriously do not understand it. What sort of audience are they trying to gain?  I want Bigfoot, X-Files, Mel's Hole, Shadow People, even aliens in the closet - not guests who are addicted to kiddie porn.
Quote from: punkinpie on April 08, 2012, 10:33:35 AM
Have any of you listened to Friday's open lines?  During the first part of hour 3 George gets a call from someone who says he did time for kiddie porn.  George asked him lots of questions and was courteous to him.  Before the call was over he asked to put him on hold because he wanted to get his number for "a future show."  WHAT THUH FUUUUUCK??

I heard this show as well, and just when I thought Coast to Coast couldn't possibly sink any lower, George proved me wrong.

I have a legitimate question for everyone here:  Why would George want to do a show with a convicted internet pedophile as a guest?  I just can't wrap my mind around it. 
I don't understand Noory's fixation with "the haters."

Art had his detractors - and he full well knew it - but he never let those people get under his skin, or come between him and a show.  I recall him stating a time or two, that he couldn't please everyone, and then he just moved on.  If George seriously thinks he can scrub the internet clean of opposing views concerning the job he's doing on C2C, he's dumber than I thought.

Besides, "haters" and criticism (constructive or otherwise) are not the same thing, but I think he believes that the two are interchangeable. 

Just my .02.

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