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Messages - K_Dubb

Quote from: Jackstar on July 26, 2019, 03:29:48 PM
I'm kinda late to the party on this whole mud flood thing--I only started hearing about it a few months ago. I've long thought that modern humans have been extensively lied to about world history, but the idea that a worldwide catastrophe happened so recently and was thoroughly covered up is strictly mind-blowing.

Still--a plausible theory that merits further scrutiny. The Smithsonian isn't hiding evidence for no reason.

Well, I don't know about the mud floods and the buried buildings.  If you go to Pioneer Square you can see blocks of buildings with buried first floors (and take the underground tour to go inside, which is pretty cool) thanks to efforts to raise the street level against tidal flooding -- city founders are notoriously optimistic about high tide lines.  St. Petersburg in Russia is harder to explain as the Baltic itself has no appreciable tides, though the level of the Neva probably fluctuates with the spring thaw.

Or (more to the point, given that they are digging these buildings out) fluctuated more in the past before modern flood-control methods.
Thank you Jacky that is perfect!  Tartary extended well into North America -- as anyone can see, all those great old buildings of the American West we ignorantly call "Victorian" clearly display the traits of Tatar vernacular architecture and were built by the "Indians".

A house in Kazan:

Back to the Tatars:  I remember the big kerfuffle maybe ten years ago when links were announced between some obscure Siberian languages and the Athabascans/Na-Dene, which include much of Canada's north as well as Navajo and Apache, but I had no idea how recent some of the dates might be:

from here (pdf):

So we have a large-scale migration fleeing one of the many poorly documented Central Asian empires of this period, maybe even the Huns, which practiced enslavement of whole peoples but usually lasted only a generation or two.  This is like the Israelites coming out of Egypt, but on the scale of half a continent.

Some other links the guy writes about in addition to the folklore stuff include compound bows, copper smelting (e. g. Yellowknife), and (though he doesn't say it outright) a culture dedicated to conquest and enslavement (Slavey tribe, Great Slave Lake) following its Central Asian model.  One particularly chilling speculation to try to account for some odd DNA traces as well as the rapid language spread has them practicing female infanticide, deliberately forcing their young men out to find wives from among the enemy.
Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on July 26, 2019, 01:28:20 AM
This thread is as anal as the EllGab thread . . .
Who cares about Heather's accent, her pauses, etc. ?
Get a life ffs . . .

It is apparent by your recourse to the unusual combination of italics/bold that you occasionally feel trapped within the language and unable to invoke its full expressive potential.  The judicious adoption of a folksy idiom to convey exasperation and those stronger emotions that threaten our fluency might be just the thing for you.

Quote from: brig on July 26, 2019, 01:46:12 AM
Confirmed, Heather just said "on the phone"...


Goodness, I hope she isn't reading our analysis during the show and changing accordingly!  Her idiosyncratic speech patterns need to be preserved and studied.

Quote from: Rix Gins on July 26, 2019, 12:36:13 AM
Oh, that was great, K!  Did you know that Desi Arnaz was a singer for Xavier for awhile?  I'm not too sure if Cugat payed his people a livable wage.  When Desi announced that he was starting his own band, Cugie said, "You're gonna starve."  Desi threw his arms up and shouted, "I'm starving right now!"

I did not know!  I can totally see him saying that, too.
Quote from: brig on July 26, 2019, 12:15:33 AM
"anatha thing" - Heather Wade
"another body" - also Heather Wade.

Maybe it depends on what word follows "another". ?

That's probably just sloppy diction -- the r is easier to sound on the way to the close-lipped b than it is to the th in thing, especially when the tongue is already poised from sounding the th in another.
Quote from: brig on July 25, 2019, 11:48:45 PM


Nah shifting into a folksy idiom to indicate mood, such as excitement, by less-careful speech is perfectly legit.  I think that's all she's doing.
Talkin' comfortable (adjective for adverb) with Dark Waters, yep we got (past participle for present here) recourse to a folksy idiom here.

I'll occasionally say I got instead of I have, probably for the same reason.
Quote from: WOTR on July 25, 2019, 11:21:17 PM
That is it for me. The last straw. They have corrupted one of Bellgabs brightest and most literate...

Hey!  It says "Give me your tired, your poor masses lacking the dental fricatives" right on the Statualibidy, man.
I eat that, I be slimed all up inside fo' weeks!
Quote from: Catsmile on July 25, 2019, 11:14:51 PM
#Shew,Yo! NoWutI'mSayin'!?

Someun gone done and hoodooed that sheeyit!
Oh HELL no I not eatin dat bisghetti!
Quote from: brig on July 25, 2019, 10:58:41 PM
Dis and dat and dose and dese?  That's an Irish dialect.

Norwegian-American, too.  It's yust vun of dose tings.
Quote from: brig on July 25, 2019, 10:46:31 PM
Would these older rural folk say "onna phone"?

I don't think I've ever heard anyone else say it so distinctly.  I'll occasionally lapse into substituting d for the voiced th when I'm not being careful, e. g. onda phone, but that has more to do with growing up around immigrants with no native th sounds.
I remember her saying "he come in" which is another case of past participle for past, so there is consistency there.
Quote from: brig on July 25, 2019, 10:30:26 PM
I'm starting to suspect that she simply isn't very smart.


Oh I don't disagree but in this case I think it is a legitimate dialectical variation I associate with older rural folks.  I really wonder if she says et for ate.
"...he begun to describe..."  There is that odd use of past participle instead of past again.  I think it might a sort of rural/folksy idiom that comes out when she is worked up.
Politics / Re: Who Is Q ANON?
July 25, 2019, 06:29:50 PM
Quote from: Catsmile on July 25, 2019, 05:59:07 PM

Nah kitty coquetry and long-range gunnery duels are for the ladies.  I follow the immortal Nelson's orders:  "No captain can go very wrong if he lays his ship alongside one of the enemy."  Three quick broadsides and board 'em in the smoke.
Politics / Re: Who Is Q ANON?
July 25, 2019, 05:42:03 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 25, 2019, 05:32:29 PM
I am not sure the previous side boob extravaganza could ever be topped but I would like to see more attempts at it.

I have been racking my brain trying to come up with ways poor Star can get Lee's attention again, considering biker gangs, threats of reprisal from obscure internet collectives, youtube channels that appear and disappear, and (my own idea) a sung parody of a baroque rage aria (with brig playing recorder) calling on all the gods for vengeance and, of all the wronged women I've seen on here, that is what stood out the most in my mind.

Though I have been serving up sideboob with dismal regularity and Liberace won't even wink at me  :(
Politics / Re: Who Is Q ANON?
July 25, 2019, 05:12:57 PM
The lawyer shit has been done to death.  I feel like this complaint needs more sideboob if we are to take it at all seriously.
Quote from: Rix Gins on July 25, 2019, 12:29:15 AM

Cugie -- oh I love him!  It's a toss-up between this one and Aquellos ojos verdes:


Dream, dream while I lull you
With the spell of this song I made for you.
Sleep, sleep calmly, my sweet
While I watch with passion the night pass by.

I wish that nothing would ever separate us
Because my love and my life and my everything is you, mujercita ideal.
Sleep, sleep while I lull you
With the spell of this prayer I sing for you.
Random Topics / Re: Music
July 24, 2019, 03:20:43 PM
This little melancholy Satie-esque bijou is by UBC Vancouver professor Stephen Chatman and has always seemed to me to capture the mood of that city perfectly.  I am not sure what the original is but there is a version for band by the Edmonton Wind Ensemble and he reuses it in orchestral guise in a piece on the CD "Proud Music of the Storm" whose name escapes me.


The Edmonton Wind Ensemble disc also has a fine version of the second Holst suite which, though it does not approach Fennell's fine American-style blare and precision, easily outstrips every prim British rendering I've heard, falling somewhere in the middle interpretion-wise.

Random Topics / Re: Famous Bellgabbers on canvas
July 23, 2019, 05:32:50 PM
Quote from: WOTR on July 23, 2019, 05:18:42 PM
I would imagine that puts us 97-98 or earlier? Nothing AWD, nothing with a turbo... How about an late 80's Mercedes diesel? Certainly it does not NEED to be a Volvo?

***Full disclosure- I bought a Westfalia around 12 years ago... Before they got really expensive.  :-[

Ahahaa I smell a stinky hipster!  Nah the Volvo thing is pure Scandy/native Seattleite; with your background an older German car is entirely appropriate.
Random Topics / Re: Famous Bellgabbers on canvas
July 23, 2019, 04:40:01 PM
Quote from: WOTR on July 23, 2019, 04:06:02 PM
How old must a Volvo be in order to be eligible for hipsterhood?

*Do old VW vans count- or are they too damn expensive now?

Anything boxy era is good.  Recognizably older, but too new to be cool.  And it must be refurbished rather than restored -- you are aiming for the studied look of inattention and neglect, as though you might really be poor or don't care.  Walks has it right on.

The classic VW van is far too cool to be hipster.  They are larping hippie poseurs, which is a completely different category.  My neighbor drives a T3, though, which is right in that sweet spot.
Politics / Re: WTF Excutive Punk
July 23, 2019, 11:28:14 AM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on July 23, 2019, 10:30:21 AM
True your verse does tend to suck all the air out of a room, thus accounting for my occasional gasps, but I don't think you ought to push the Byronic comparison too far. Byron walked with a limp, and your poetry is equally claudicated. There the resemblance ends.

That is unfair -- I look at least as fetching in a skirt.

Politics / Re: WTF Excutive Punk
July 23, 2019, 06:17:12 AM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on July 23, 2019, 01:02:18 AM
That was Lady Caroline Lamb describing Lord Byron. Dipshit.

Though your breathless enthusiasm for my work quite bowls me over sometimes I must beg you to keep your voice down when making such absurd comparisons or people will suspect I have an ear for flattery.
Quote from: albrecht on July 22, 2019, 09:41:24 PM
Blasphemer. Gelato, and even Ragu, was brought from China via Marco Polo. Actually weren't the potato and tomato 'new world' deals? Odd how things get adopted, even become staples or stereotypes but not from there. 

Estate Sale this past weekend had some good stuff. Former Supreme Court Justice (which here is highest civil court,not criminal.) Didn't get, but had a bunch of pre-Nutso Persian rugs (seemed legit with labels and signatures) but worn but still pretty solid* and some cool old wall hanging tapestries which also I couldn't use but were neat if I had more wall space or lived in a castle with drafts.
* for some reason I always suspect Norry is a carpet salesman. He has the "look" for it.

Yeah potato, tomato, chocolate, corn, chilies, -- basically everything that is good.

I'm deeply suspicious of anything's supposed Chinese origins.  I don't think there is any race more grasping when it comes to intellectual property, even historical, and even though Confucianism and elder-worship basically put a lid on inquiry for hundreds of years of their history.

Porcelain and tea I get because the documentation is fairly recent, but I'm not buying the dinosaur feathers since most of the specimens come from there and the way they puff out their chests you'd think they invented the damn things.  I need to see receipts.

Quote from: albrecht on July 22, 2019, 09:09:09 PM
You mean Marco Polo didn't bring spaghetti and ice cream back from China?  :o

Goodness no, the idea is preposterous on its face.  Spaetzle and all those mini dumplings are usually made fresh but you can't tell me somebody didn't notice you could keep them overnight -- flour-and-liquid paste dries quite willingly -- and pop them in the pot the next day, or the next week.  Why should he spare any weight on his camels for the dried scraps that probably littered his mother's kitchen floor when all the silks and spices and attars of Asia were begging for a lift?
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