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Messages - pate

Random Topics / Re: Music
February 08, 2021, 02:34:14 AM
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 08, 2021, 01:47:25 AM
.. transvestite  lunatic.  ... "twinks". ...

Quote from: Gunner65 on February 08, 2021, 01:48:43 AM
... flaming faggot and everyone knows it..,..

Quote from: Gunner65 on February 08, 2021, 01:43:07 AM
...had German POWs here near Prattsburgh,..

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
February 08, 2021, 01:46:56 AM
Quote from: paladin1991 on February 06, 2021, 01:32:37 AM
Wow and this all because of the bidet presidency?

Nautical if yore reefers two Klin-Tonn...

Effen often Bee (sudden Hive Collapse)


Random Topics / Re: Jack has shat this entire site up
February 07, 2021, 05:10:11 AM
Quote from: AZZERAE on February 04, 2021, 10:16:20 AM
I paid for my whole seat, but all I need is the edge.

Dammint, Azz.

That is just rude!
Quote from: Stellar on February 05, 2021, 08:06:43 PM

Could you please elaborate more upon your ideas and do you think that perhaps the universe is at its event horizon where its turning a corner to begin to implode over a period of time?

Don't think I'm not reading your posts I am and there interesting if I can rap my head around them.  Can you post an am or fm wav or mp3 file for one your files (i.e a frequency tunable on both the AM and FM dials;).

This graph did not come through or is not showing
This is a graph of the Circular Function csc(x):

I sure can elaborate a bit! 

Re: "...do you think that perhaps the universe is at its event horizon where its turning a corner to begin to implode over a period of time?"

     I have not examined the available evidence that can answer this question, which as I understand it has two possibilities:  the Infinite Expansion Model and the "Big Crunch" Model.  Either outcome seems plausible;  but for aesthetic reasons I like/prefer the idea of the "Big Crunch" model.   A "Big Crunch" Model opens the possibility of Infinite Universes in an Infinite succession/regression:  ...Big Bang followed by a Big Crunch followed by another Big Bang followed by another "Big Crunch" followed by another...

Re: "...Don't think I'm not reading your posts I am and there interesting if I can rap my head around them..."

      I believe you mean "...if I can wrap my head..."  I will note that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe suggests that if nothing else is available a Towel is useful for all sorts of things, here it probably indicates that you could wrap your head with one.  Also, in the movie Total Recall the character Quaid wrapped his head in what appeared to be a urine soaked Towel in order to obscure the signals emitted by the tracking device Theythe hobo elite had installed in his head until he could remove it:

Re: "...Can you post an am or fm wav or mp3 file for one your files (i.e a frequency tunable on both the AM and FM dials;)."

      I cannot.  I do not posses those, possibly because the frequencies in question may very well be location specific due to vagaries of terrestrial geography, weather and other factors.  Also, I do not have a system set-up to record any anomalous transmissions that I may or may not detect from my present location.  In short I have not made any observations to refute or confirm the presence of such, I refer you to Schrödinger's Cat.  If you find it, I would be much interested in the Lady that the Cat "owns":  I may or may not wish to interview her to determine her indeterminate Nature, Thank You In Advance (TIA).

Re: "...This graph did not come through or is not showing...This is a graph of the Circular Function csc(x):.."

      Maybe this one will come through:


Politics / Re: Erection Night 2020
February 05, 2021, 09:49:22 PM
A little bird says that this Time article:


Admits to rigging the election false flag Insurrection Erection...

Nautical Shore?

I am about to dig in.


ediot:  Having briefly skimmed this "editorial" that is rather long winded, and through the use of "loaded words" it is an obvious "pant-load" of shit from a politically motivated author.  Still some of the points are quite damning about the willful subversion of the election process that occurred.  Luckily, I am not a brane-washed political operative of either the Democrap or Rethuglicken' flavor.  -desk Shadow President pate
Quote from: Asuka Langley on February 05, 2021, 05:53:34 PM

That is nothing new, I think Obama pioneered this technique in the 'stan.  To do so on American soil (CONUS or OCONUS) would be quite the innovation, might require LegislationExecutive Orders to make it extra-Legal though.
Quote from: Stellar on February 05, 2021, 02:07:42 AM
This graph is from the math formula function I found in this number 3111112111311111211113


This is a graph of the Circular Function csc(x):

This is a graph of the Circular Function sec(x):

I think the graph of sec(x) and your graph of f(2*πy*2π+7*2π)=3 display some similarities, perhaps the decimal portion of the Hougeland Constant is at work here for the offset?

Again, I am;

Nautical Shore


Random Topics / Re: What do Bellgabbers do for a living?
February 05, 2021, 05:20:06 PM
Quote from: polydipsia on February 04, 2021, 09:58:40 PM
I did do some research on a prominent Bellgab personality. Here it is:


That is interesting, the average Bellgab poster displays this sort of primate psychology:

Quote from: Stellar on February 05, 2021, 02:07:42 AM
3111112111311111211113 I divided by 8 and left the 3...

Have you considered that this number 3111112111311111211113 is encoded as a Quaternary Number (base 4)?

The Hougeland Constant expressed as a Quaternary number would be 103.11:  a frequency tunable on both the AM and FM dials;  perhaps there are additional data to be found terrestrially on either of those?

Location may be important, so a road trip may be indicated.

I am hesitant to assume that the number 3111112111311111211113 is actually a Quaternary number;  I notice the lack of the digit 0 in there: for such a large number that would be an oddity.

3111112111311111211113 may actually be a Ternary Number (base 3) {Hougeland Constant=201.12}:  where 3=2, 2=1 & 1=0 or 2000001000200000100002.

If it is a Ternary number the Hougeland Frequency of 201.12 might be tunable on a SW reciever;  but you may have to play with weather or not 201.12 is in kHz or mHz.

The older LW and MW frequencies may also be of interest in your continuing research.

I am not entirely convinced that God only had two digits with which to count;  He(she/theythe hobo elite) may actually posses three or four fingers, +/- an opposable thumb.

Nautical Shore.

Politics / Re: Political Musak
February 05, 2021, 03:40:30 AM




I will be interested to see how long these three parody songs of "Circle Back" feat. Jem Psaki last on the 'tube.

They obviously qualify as hate speech/music.
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
February 05, 2021, 03:13:38 AM
Quote from: AZZERAE on February 04, 2021, 11:59:28 AM
I heard the vaccine is steeped in faggotry.

That is Fake Noose, let me fact-check and debunk that for you:

the mRNA for the vaccine is obtained from aborted fetii that carried the "gay-gene" and were thus preemptively aborted so they/them would not have to be thrown off a roof when they were all grown up (also known as a "super-late-term abortion").

Theythe hobo elite are also working on a vaccine against Mental Retardation using all the aborted fetii that carry the "retard-gene":  apparently they want more material and are proposing "super-late-term abortions" from the appropriate slice of the general population (about time, damint)...

Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
February 05, 2021, 03:02:34 AM
Quote from: albrecht on February 02, 2021, 02:07:46 PM
Karmala ...

This indicates a parody song to the tune of Culture Club's "Karma Chamelon."


I reccomend the band name Kullture Chubb & title "Karmala Khameleon"
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 05, 2021, 02:57:05 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on February 04, 2021, 03:57:01 PM
Ok fine, but what you saw during the election contest was courts declining to get involved.  Let us not forget who was desperately hoping for an activist partisan judge here!  And coming up empty every single time  :-X  The courts punted.

Well, hopefully that "punt" bought the time needed to actually take a look at some of the Evidence (whatever its quality) in a Legal setting, like I dunno maybe a Court?

My problem is that if my recollection of the Law is sound, election fraud is an actual Crime?  Weren't all these cases civil suits?  Or is the reverse OJ indicated here (acquitted of Criminal Charges, but found Liable in Civil Court)?

Will any evidence of Criminal Activity found to be compelling in a Civil Case leave the door open to Criminal Proceedings?  Or will that violate the "Double Jeopardy" legal clause (cannot be punished twice for the same crime).

It would be nice to see a District Attorney prefer charges if there is evidence of Criminal Acts;  Local, County or State.  I have little doubt that brainwashed political types on both sides have once again shit on the election process. 

It would be really nice to see Voter Fraud be a Death Penalty offense (I will add this to the 2024 MAPA Kamp Pain Goals).

To be honest, Death Penalty for Voter Fraud was an implied unspoken promise of our 2020 run.

I am sure you picked up on my delicate/indelicate hints in regard to that?

Quote from: K_Dubb on February 04, 2021, 06:08:07 PM

Here is Breitbart using that same photo of a FTM tranny wrestling a girl in the days when he was forced to compete as a girl, but wanting you to think it is a MTF competing unfairly  ;D

Shadow Veep _Dubb,

The logic of this statement fails, your cis-gendering of photographs should not matter and you should not make any distinction about it:  the injustice of the FTM being forced to wrestle girls is now righted.  As is regular dudes having to wrestle a Lady-Boy.

All is well in the world;  I think regular dudes will be just as uneasy wrestling the FTM, although the occasional excited chubb during matches won't be quite as uncomfortable...

I think the inevitable outcome of this line of "reasoning" is that sports will no longer be "gender" specific.  Or in order to play a certain sport you must be of a specific gender.

So I think as part of the MAPA initiative Soccer, Volleyball, Softball and Basketball will all be FemaleLady Sports as they have always been.

Rowing, Baseball, Football and Rugby will be Dude Sports as they have always been.

Auto Racing, Running, Golf and Chess will be gender-neutral.

I think that is a good starting point for the Official MAPA 2024 Campaign "Goooaaaaal" in this matter.

I threw Chess in there as a Red Herring, I do not think I should have been allowed a Letter Jacket for that.  I am proud to say that I never owned a Letter Jacket.


pate/K_Dubb 2024
"TheyThe Hobo Elite Have Shit the Country Up Enough, Lettuce Fixit!"

ediot: we need to work on the 2024 Campaign Slogan, I will add that to the appropriate shit-list.
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