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Messages - Zetaspeak

Politics / Re: Marine Le Pen
May 07, 2017, 10:26:40 PM
Spy mentioned  Trump, I do wonder if him becoming Prez hurts the alt-right movement  in Europe.  Europe is known to try to be different  than America so having somebody who is close to Trump might be hurting theit efforts.

Quote from: albrecht on May 07, 2017, 04:58:24 PM

I don't see the far-right, or far-left, populists doing well in Germany in national election. Maybe in some local areas and former DDR areas because with UK gone Germany has, essentially, won WWII and now is the controller of Europe, via the EU, especially as some countries go further into debt and need bailouts and technocrats to rescue them. Unless there was some really big 'event' or economic collapse. Say DB fails and a massive terrorist attack or something. But the drip, drip of rape, street level terrorism, and crime isn't enough to motivate a large mass, especially in the face of decades of (rightfully for the older people actually involved or 'looked the other way') national guilt schooling and introspection.

It seems like the top 2 or 3 opposition  to Merkel is left to her. From what I am reading the alt-right party is having  a bunch of in-fighting  and polling around 10%
Quote from: GravitySucks on May 05, 2017, 09:16:51 PM
I seem to remember JJ saying he lived in a rather bad spot in the south side of Chicago. They have already had over 1000 gunshot victims this year. Hope he is ok. Not like him to be gone this long.

Hate to sound sappy but something I don't like being in online communities, when someone disappears you have no idea what happened. I always found JJ posts entertaining especially  om GNS thread. I miss seeing that Miley avatar .
Random Topics / Re: The NHL 2017 Second Season
May 07, 2017, 05:35:40 PM
Quote from: ShayP on May 03, 2017, 10:06:26 PM
Didn't see that...

You'd make a great NHL referee   ;D But I have no sympathy for the Caps, that was a total cheapshot on Crosby  early in the series.

Nashville  in the semi, I really like how they play. Big fan of P.K
Politics / Re: Marine Le Pen
May 07, 2017, 04:48:06 PM
Quote from: Spy on May 07, 2017, 02:52:44 PM
Trump has created such a stench around the world the fascist Le Pen didn't stand a chance.  Maybe the US will come to its senses someday and rejoin the Western democracies.

Team Pepe has been 0 and 2 this year, with the Dutch guy with the hair losing and now Le Pen.

What's the next big European battle? Germany has an election  in September  but their alt-right doesn't  seem to be in the running.
Politics / Re: Marine Le Pen
May 07, 2017, 12:03:14 PM
Le Pen Le Lost
Quote from: zeebo on May 04, 2017, 12:21:55 AM
First hour guest is decent, reasonably well-spoken and lucid.  No ranting so far, which is a little disappointing, but relaxing I guess.  Unfortunately George is annoying me greatly with his overuse of his go-to lazy phrase "all this".  As in "How does Russia fit into all this?", "How should our government deal with all this?", "Are people stressed out because of all this?" .... All what?  What are we talking about?  And be specific!  Establish context!  Ah, never mind.  Pleiadians up next.

I skipped  the  show  entirely  because I  thought the topic was way to similar  to the previous  night and I had my doubt that the guest all that different  of a take on  it

What's on tonight ?  Oh for Fuchs sake, a G-damn health  show.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 04, 2017, 01:35:41 PM
Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on May 04, 2017, 01:19:14 PM
Republicans MOCK and Chant at Democrats as Obama-Care Repeal and Replace Bill Passes!!!  5.4.17.

Oh don't  worry, I am sure thats a great audio for the mid-term  Dems ad

Sooooo rushing bills through  without hearings or even  having the public reading is now considered  "okay" by the right? Lets just add it to the hypocritical  180 turn on what the "Cons" spoke aboutvthe last decade .
Random Topics / Re: The NHL 2017 Second Season
May 03, 2017, 09:55:30 PM
That Penguin  player really sold that fake high stick in the last minute  of the game.

Big pet peeve of North American  sports fan/media mocking soccer for dives and faking injury, yet it happens in "our" sports just as much. At least soccer knows there is a problem  and can suspend players for it after.
So I went to the theater and saw a C2C genre movie about the Phoenix lights called Phoenix Forgotten.

I thought it was bad. Generic "found footage" shake camera. Unlikable characters. Unsatisfactory ending. The movie ended I just shrugged my shoulders and thought "okay"
Does anybody know what this guy expertise is in. Not counting the taste of Trumps nuts.

Man this guy not even trying to hide the knee pads.
Quote from: zeebo on May 02, 2017, 11:56:19 PM
lol this is hilarious, especially his goofy voices.  It's like hearing an over-caffeinated neighbor scream at msnbc.  I wouldn't be surprised if he gets 'accidentally' bumped.

His voice did go higher and higher and he wouldn't  take a breath.

He wanted to throw people  in prison for being critical  of Trump, yet 5 minutes before he gave a vague reference  of the previous  Prez having an in house mistress 
Wow this Trump bitch is being triggered or what right now.
Quote from: lovesfreshair on April 29, 2017, 01:12:38 AM
I thought he said a couple years ago Coast Insiders would be able to view him in studio for an hour before some shows!

I haven't followed very  closely, has the webcam ever happened? I remember he kept hyping it like some big new feature, even during a time when everybody had the capabilities to film themselves with great ease.

As for Noory lies, when he dumps a guest and acts shock that they "mysteriously" disappeared.   

I just borrowed 1960s Bullitt on  DVD, going to watch it for the first time  when I get a few hours during the week.
Quote from: TigerLily on April 28, 2017, 07:12:11 PM

Now on to the new Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy movies   8)

I just watched Deadpool this weekend on DVD. Everybody sold me on it, I had to see it eventually. I was so late to the party.

Not Movie but TV, my favorite TV show concluded it's 5 season run. Bates Motel was so fantastic, really did a great job for the backstory of Psycho with a bit of a twist. Sad to see it conclude but at least they got the full run they wanted to tell the story.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
April 30, 2017, 12:33:53 PM
Shockingly this story hasn't been posted by the loud "Protect our vote" users on here. Maybe it's hasn't been picked up by the right wing blowhard machine

DA won’t prosecute woman who followed mom’s ‘dying wish’ and cast illegal vote for Trump

District Attorney David Learner, chief prosecutor for Catawba, Burke and Caldwell counties, announced his decision Wednesday not to pursue the case, which had been referred to him by the State Board of Elections.

Learner, a Republican, withheld the name of the voter but said she had cast the improper vote for Trump last November “out of sheer ignorance” of the law and while “grieving the loss of her mother.”

The voter said her 89-year-old mother was an enthusiastic Trump supporter who felt the Republican presidential candidate could “save our country.” The mother donated to Trump’s campaign and stayed glued to Fox News to watch his debates and follow the presidential election.


wow talk about white privilege. Doesn't get any jail time, she is so protected her damn name isn't even mentioned. But yet we have Trump and his blowjobbers talking "tough on voter fraud" 
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
April 15, 2017, 01:07:00 AM
This is a great example why nepotism  is a problem. When you promote  a family  member, everybody else working in the company  wonder if the family  member   truly  deserve it and if they are being held back because of it
Thank you AMC for showing Airplane Saturday  morning. Perfect timing with the United news  ;D
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
April 14, 2017, 09:32:21 PM
Quote from: Meister_000 on April 14, 2017, 09:06:53 PM


Go to that hashag right now to see vids and pics of N Korea's Military parade 105th yr celebration festivities in progress (now).

You know that had to be Trump's  inauguration  wet dream
It's hard not to vote anything Mr. Bean
Is the Lily option Tiger or someone  else ?
sandman logan avatar 7s puuurdy
This is like looking atca list of candidates  in the previous  election
Lily participates on all the threads I like. GNS, football, movies etc
The hybrid thread is pretty out there .

Even though it's past the time frame but Noory photoshop always has a place in my heart
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
April 12, 2017, 11:23:34 PM
His Prince/basketball story might be the funniest story I ever heard. When they reenacted on Chappell I laughed hardest that I can ever remember.

Now in a year both Prince and Charlie are gone :( Hope they are enjoying pancakes somewhere.
I skipped the medical show. So I came back with this disgusting woman want to get rid of og ugly babies. Even Jorge was cautious.
Quote from: Dateline on April 08, 2017, 09:57:25 AM
When I am really bored, I read the Coast Facebook comments to see how they correlate with this sites observations. I do this for grins and giggles.

The comments there, too remarked about the "TommyHawk" missiles.  One of the comments was that Norry had a man crush and that is why he repeatedly called them "TommyHawk" missiles.    It must be a term of endearment.

Jorge might be having bizarre threesome fantasies between himself, Tommee the producer and skater dude Tony Hawk. And merged it all together

Quote from: zeebo on April 08, 2017, 12:46:10 AM
I stuck it out through the "politics of I Love Lucy" ... but tuned out when they were gushing about televangelists.  Hoping open lines will be slightly less vapid.

I am a bit of an old school TV junkie myself, so I didn't give up on the topic when it first brought up. But the whole show was "Hey remember this show, that was political right!?" guest answers "That's right George". over and over again.

Jorge must have loved doing this show, he didn't have to squeeze a TV reference into the conversation, the whole topic was TV references.
I was amazed as well. I didn't even know about the SDM story.

He was still was doing and scheduled  in the expo circuit including New Living later this month in California.
He needs to mansplain it to everybody.
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