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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


This bomb sits in a rack of some kind that has a parachute.  From the video, it appears the parachute is released and that pulls out the bomb. The rack tips forward, and the bomb falls free.  Similarly, the Air Force at one time had a method of unloading tanks without landing the plane.  The plane swept low to the ground, deployed a parachute from the rear, and a tank popped out and fell to the ground.  I don't know if they still do that or not.  I don't think I would want to try to operate a tank that had dropped 15-20 feet.

Ed Dames says he remote viewed a nuke the Norks buried under the US troops.  I'm glad we don't have to worry about that.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 14, 2017, 06:54:17 PM
I guess ther
e's some perverse logic in getting a nuclear war over sooner rather than later.

Are you any relation to Neville Chamberlain? 


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 14, 2017, 06:45:04 PM
But this kind of thing doesn't keep you up at night?! OK, whatever with your selective outrage then.  ::)


I hate it when the husband comes home unexpectedly!  You can get "rope" burns in some really sensitive places.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 07:02:46 PM
Are you any relation to Neville Chamberlain?

I lost two great uncles in WW2. And the UK was hit hard and nearly starved into surrender, but didn't. WW2 resulted in the deaths of over 60 million, possibly as many as 80 million. Seeing as the population then was less than a third that is now, and the murderous power of nuclear weapons is thankfully limited to being witnessed only twice in anger, do you really think the insane rush to try them out again (by three or four egos on legs) is a way forward for humanity? Just to say "USA, fuck yeah"? Seriously?


Quote from: Juan on April 14, 2017, 06:58:22 PM
This bomb sits in a rack of some kind that has a parachute.  From the video, it appears the parachute is released and that pulls out the bomb. The rack tips forward, and the bomb falls free.  Similarly, the Air Force at one time had a method of unloading tanks without landing the plane.  The plane swept low to the ground, deployed a parachute from the rear, and a tank popped out and fell to the ground.  I don't know if they still do that or not.  I don't think I would want to try to operate a tank that had dropped 15-20 feet.

Ed Dames says he remote viewed a nuke the Norks buried under the US troops.  I'm glad we don't have to worry about that.

I don't think a low level roll out at 15-20 feet would a good idea when the MOAB detonates at 500 feet.  It would be more like dropping a mountain howitzer in mountainous terrain.  It's a precision guided munition.  They just need to get close.  Not knowing at what altitude the bomb was released it's hard to say what the optimum attitude of the plane would be.  I do know that when the bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima the bombers went balls to the wall and climbed to escape the blast and shock wave.  The chute I saw attached to the MOAB was not a drove chute like those deployed sometimes to slow an A/C on landing or those used to pull skids out of the back of a C-130.  It was a smaller chute that would just slow its descent.  A climb would also be a way of using gravity to slide it out the rear of the aircraft. 


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 14, 2017, 07:22:56 PM
I lost two great uncles in WW2. And the UK was hit hard and nearly starved into surrender, but didn't. WW2 resulted in the deaths of over 60 million, possibly as many as 80 million. Seeing as the population then was less than a third that is now, and the murderous power of nuclear weapons is thankfully limited to being witnessed only twice in anger, do you really think the insane rush to try them out again (by three or four egos on legs) is a way forward for humanity? Just to say "USA, fuck yeah"? Seriously?

No, I think weakness invites aggression and letting NK acquire the capability to reach North America with an ICBM is just plane stupid.  But I guess Yorkshire wouldn't be threatened so you can afford to sit on your hands and philosophize.  Sometimes there is no substitute for action and having a feint heart does not get done what has to be done.   

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 07:41:28 PM
No, I think weakness invites aggression and letting NK acquire the capability to reach North America with an ICBM is just plane stupid.  But I guess Yorkshire wouldn't be threatened so you can afford to sit on your hands and philosophize.  Sometimes there is no substitute for action and having a feint heart does not get done what has to be done.   

And you trust Trump to make that decision? Do you think SK and 20 million people is a worthy sacrifice for Trump and the fat kid in NK to love themselves in the mirror? Both are insane. Both are self obsessed to the detriment of nearly everything else including their populations. The moment that Trump orders a strike on NK, the fat kid will turn SK, Japan and possibly Hawaii to glass. Irrelevent to what Trump sends 'his' military to use on NK. At the moment, only China can control the fat kid. Trump can't, he can only play with 'his' new toys. He doesn't know, nor care for the why, the what, the who or the long term aspirations.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 14, 2017, 07:49:27 PM
And you trust Trump to make that decision? Do you think SK and 20 million people is a worthy sacrifice for Trump and the fat kid in NK to love themselves in the mirror? Both are insane. Both are self obsessed to the detriment of nearly everything else including their populations. The moment that Trump orders a strike on NK, the fat kid will turn SK, Japan and possibly Hawaii to glass. Irrelevent to what Trump sends 'his' military to use on NK. At the moment, only China can control the fat kid. Trump can't, he can only play with 'his' new toys. He doesn't know, nor care for the why, the what, the who or the long term aspirations.ave

Christ, do you know any other tunes?  Arguing with you is like arguing when a foghorn is blaring..  Words are spoken but nothing is heard.  When the smoke clears on this whole thing, we will have another discussion. 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 08:00:53 PM
Christ, do you know any other tunes?  Arguing with you is like arguing when a foghorn is blaring..  Words are spoken but nothing is heard.  When the smoke clears on this whole thing, we will have another discussion.

And it still won't be any different.  ;D


Quote from: RoseGirl on April 14, 2017, 07:54:33 PM

Oh-oh. This can't be good.

Everyone knew about the NSA monitoring and ability to stop but also I think some of this was already leaked to the "digital underground" or maybe even to other State actors (the $86Mil Bangladesh CB "hack" at the NY FED comes to mind.) But now with any average hacker gaining the code it is troubling. Hopefully SWIFT etc is already working on (or already has) worked around this? And the latest release is far worse than just SWIFT but many Microsoft software systems.

I like this quote:
"I’m only being somewhat glib in suggesting that the best security measure for a Windows computer might be to just turn it off for a few days."


Quote from: albrecht on April 14, 2017, 08:03:15 PM
Everyone knew about the NSA monitoring and ability to stop but also I think some of this was already leaked to the "digital underground" or maybe even to other State actors (the $86Mil Bangladesh CB "hack" at the NY FED comes to mind.) But now with any average hacker gaining the code it is troubling. Hopefully SWIFT etc is already working on (or already has) worked around this? And the latest release is far worse than just SWIFT but many Microsoft software systems.

I like this quote:
"I’m only being somewhat glib in suggesting that the best security measure for a Windows computer might be to just turn it off for a few days."

Not sure if I am being a bit reactionary, but I worry about money laundering at the highest levels. Given today's politicians, anything is possible.


Quote from: RoseGirl on April 14, 2017, 08:07:36 PM
Not sure if I am being a bit reactionary, but I worry about money laundering at the highest levels. Given today's politicians, anything is possible.

Sure you are. That kind of thing would NEVER go on in Canada, would it?





Quote from: RoseGirl on April 14, 2017, 08:07:36 PM
Not sure if I am being a bit reactionary, but I worry about money laundering at the highest levels. Given today's politicians, anything is possible.
Money laundering (even for vicious groups like Muslim terrorists and violent drug cartels,) LIBOR manipulation, criminal tax evasion, Front Running, insider trading, financial fraud (even creating accounts that the customer doesn't know about by banks,) and all kinds of illegal things are/have going on. And, usually, no real criminal penalties but, when caught*, slap-on-the-wrist fines (considering the profits generated by the various banks.) Even a cursory reading of Bloomberg, the NYTimes, Financial Times, or WSJ will show you (often buried inside the paper) of some "settlement" that a large bank, like HSBC for example, has made with the government for some fraud.

*the speed, secrecy, complexity, technology, high priced lawyers, and the fact that many people in various governments big businesses are personally vested (Fonseca leak stuff comes to mind,) make it hard for governments to 1) find out about the fraud and 2) prosecute or get good convictions.


Quote from: albrecht on April 14, 2017, 08:20:29 PM
Money laundering (even for vicious groups like Muslim terrorists and violent drug cartels,) LIBOR manipulation, criminal tax evasion, Front Running, insider trading, financial fraud (even creating accounts that the customer doesn't know about by banks,) and all kinds of illegal things are/have going on. And, usually, no real criminal penalties but, when caught*, slap-on-the-wrist fines (considering the profits generated by the various banks.) Even a cursory reading of Bloomberg, the NYTimes, Financial Times, or WSJ will show you (often buried inside the paper) of some "settlement" that a large bank, like HSBC for example, has made with the government for some fraud.

*the speed, secrecy, complexity, technology, high priced lawyers, and the fact that many people in various governments big businesses are personally vested (Fonseca leak stuff comes to mind,) make it hard for governments to 1) find out about the fraud and 2) prosecute or get good convictions.

Do you think the money laundering done by the  Clinton FOundation caused her any worry?


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 07:23:08 AM
The job will always involve blowing shit up and killing bad guys and the Marines have always done that extremely well.

Here I have to give a tip of the hat to the squids for always getting us where we need to be.  Bravo Zulu


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 14, 2017, 08:47:36 AM
Before the one that went off yesterday, the heaviest non nuclear bomb was Barnes Wallis's Grand Slam. 20000 pound, dropped from a modified (read, minus front gun turret and lightened) Lancaster bomber. But that was designed to go supersonic and basically cause a mini earthquake.

*Just stares at the Pud*


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 08:25:31 PM
Do you think the money laundering done by the  Clinton FOundation caused her any worry?
My favorite recent one was the DiCaprio Foundation stuff. While he is not, at least as currently alleged, to be involved it shows how these Foundations can be used. And the besides the alleged fraud(s) and questionable donors- just the base hypocrisy of these "charitable" Foundations, in this case DeCaprio is a big guy about the "global warming" but his Foundation's events involved private planes, helicopters, yachts, flying in models, etc to party. Quite a "carbon foot-print."


Quote from: smccomas69 on April 14, 2017, 09:44:55 AM
Not chest beating simple fact. We are different breed the only people that understand us are other Marine's, people will say I was in the Army or the Air Force what ever Marines say I am a Marine. It is an identity.   

Locate close with destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel the enemy ass by fire and close combat
Charlie 1/8 Golf 2/8
Semper Fi

Reading you Lima Charlie, Brother.  'Lightning from the Sky, Thunder from the Sea'
Semper Fi


Quote from: albrecht on April 14, 2017, 08:38:29 PM
My favorite recent one was the DiCaprio Foundation stuff. While he is not, at least as currently alleged, to be involved it shows how these Foundations can be used. And the besides the alleged fraud(s) and questionable donors- just the base hypocrisy of these "charitable" Foundations, in this case DeCaprio is a big guy about the "global warming" but his Foundation's events involved private planes, helicopters, yachts, flying in models, etc to party. Quite a "carbon foot-print."

Rules, personal discipline and sacrificing for the greater good are for the hoi polloi. 


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 14, 2017, 11:08:49 AM
You know, as a conscientious objector I thank God there are heroes like you to do the dirty work for people like me.

Thanks for the thought, babe.  But I'm no hero.  I'm just some guy who made it back, pretty much intact.  Those who fell, those are heros.  The guys and gals getting fucked over at the VA, those are heros.

You use the word 'hero' with me and you are probably talking about the sandwich I had for lunch.


Quote from: Jackstar on April 14, 2017, 11:41:26 AM
Look, look, read, read--I've heard of a scorched-earth policy, but this latest attempt to keep all the virgins away from me is completely over-the-top.

72 virgins for Jacky boy?  Let's get this goy laid!


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on April 14, 2017, 08:55:22 PM
72 virgins for Jacky boy?  Let's get this guy laid!

Virgins are overrated.  I prefer someone who knows what she's doing.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on April 14, 2017, 05:12:37 PM

BTW, military jets just flew over my house on the US West Coast.

Where is that?  Are you close enough to the city of Marpenis?  Maybe you can give Falkie a sponge bath?  (As long as you are cock-casian, that is)



Go to that hashag right now to see vids and pics of N Korea's Military parade 105th yr celebration festivities in progress (now).


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on April 14, 2017, 09:01:33 PM
Where is that?  Are you close enough to the city of Marpenis?  Maybe you can give Falkie a sponge bath?  (As long as you are cock-casian, that is)
HOT DAM!  A surgical air strike on an enclave of leftist subversives.  Another campaign promise kept. Looking forward to the BDA.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 14, 2017, 08:00:53 PM
Christ, do you know any other tunes?  Arguing with you is like arguing when a foghorn is blaring..  Words are spoken but nothing is heard.  When the smoke clears on this whole thing, we will have another discussion.



Quote from: Meister_000 on April 14, 2017, 09:06:53 PM


Go to that hashag right now to see vids and pics of N Korea's Military parade 105th yr celebration festivities in progress (now).

You know that had to be Trump's  inauguration  wet dream

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