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Messages - pate

I understand this shiet is ongoing, still.

Have they found anything of note yet?  What is this, Season IV buy now?

Politics / Re: Erection Night
July 24, 2022, 02:09:12 AM
This thread should really be moved to the Archive & locked, the Fake Noosery almost drips around this subject!

Much like a small chile (sacre-bleu) if eyes in front of those persnickity [sic] Georgia Guidstones theythe hobo elite blew up becux, raisins.

Hear, Musaks:

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
July 24, 2022, 02:00:59 AM
Biden Races To Sniff One Last Girl Before Losing Sense Of Smell From COVID
Quote from: Biden Races To Sniff One Last Girl Before Losing Sense Of Smell From COVID
... After testing positive for COVID today, President Biden immediately rushed out of the White House to go sniff one last little girl before losing his sense of smell...

This:  after his trip to South America (SA);  looking at ew... Kid!

It seems like a super-spreader situation, I wonder if he was wearing a mask?

Nautical Shore.

Quote from: K_Dubb on July 21, 2022, 01:12:42 PM...n the Truman Balcony.

Yours ever, with deepest affection, kdubb
Two Hundred and Four, Four Day Weekend FFS [sic: FSS]
I had quite furgoaten this idea of your's from the past election cycle.  Apogees!

Of course, we will rename that lofty veranda the "Harry S. Truman Capote," for reasons as mysterious as that "S." will remain in hist’ry!

Attend, K_Dubb:

I believe you have mis-splet "affectation."  Of course, far be it from me to korrect yore free speechifying, this is sin.  However, if indeed this is the case:  I shall ignore it, as you are a steadfast friend and confidant.

As per my normal FFS(?) celebrations, I happen to be deep in my cups without an obvious life-preserver;  hopefully I will "Learn to Swim!"

In any case;  Hear Musaks:

Thank you in Advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Michael Decon Program
July 24, 2022, 01:27:58 AM
Quote from: Corona Kitty on March 18, 2015, 03:57:00 PMFor those who care,  Mr. Radin joins us this Saturday night live at 7:30pm pst
If anyone has any questions leave them here I'll ask him and say they are by YOU. Also you're all welcome to call in 760 332806

Thank you.

Who are yew, and what relationship do you have to the fake & gay Myke Hydeus {sp}?

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 23, 2020, 11:30:47 AM
Cool kids youse the un’dited vershun:

The lyric they mute out is "...nuclear war..."!

I know, buddy:  Why?

Nautical Shore...


I just tuned into C2C for the first thyme in many yarns tonight;  I have to say that Dave's voice lessons (or whatever) really seem to be paying off.

As far as I can tell, by half-list-shunning:  I acshually understain most of what easy saying!

Kudos, Dave!

Did ewe get some sort of surgery to correct that hare-lip thing so you can finally get rid of the Saddam-esque ’stache?

Nautical Shore, but in any case:  you seem to have lost that basso profundo thing that both John B. Wells and Art had in spades.

I will take coherency, diction, and understand-ability every day of the weak over exhausting mush-mouthery!

Well Done, sir!

Random Topics / Re: Music
July 24, 2022, 12:28:08 AM
Quote from: comaphobe on July 21, 2022, 06:31:51 PMI noticed this is page 322...

At least it wasn't page 223...

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
July 24, 2022, 12:24:34 AM
’taint Brane Cancer nor CornHoleElbowla-19.5 in the same clone at the same thyme.  These are maladies of two separate clones, (herd on ALex Jones);  both of witch are less than three years auld.

These clones will be dork’toured to deaf, their adenenchrome harvested and used to prop up the reel Pedo-Pete.

Sickening rally, apropos of nuttin’, who said Creepy Uncle Joe was a celeb in the first plaice?

Axing for a fiend.

I really wish there was an ALDI supermarket closer to my home.

Maybe they could close one of the unprofitable ones in another city and open another that is less than fourteen traffic lights away from me?

Nautical Shore.

Random Topics / Re: One Hundred Years Ago
July 24, 2022, 12:05:22 AM
Did we ever get to the end of that Great War?

Axing for a fiend, TIA.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on July 23, 2022, 09:35:25 PMI posted this before and I'll post it again..

Where is my hoodie?

How To Use BellGab / Re: Name change requests
July 23, 2022, 11:52:02 PM
Quote from: Liberace! on July 23, 2022, 09:31:43 PMRejected.
Honest, Lee!  ’twas only until I sober up from my current bout of malaise inebrie’ [sic], which I expect to have cleared up by as early as the morning on the  ’morrow or at latest by Monday.

I have found the thread I was looking for by the by:

Change of Display Name

... it is;  through your great wisdom:  archived and locked (Peace Be Upon Liberace! Braise HIm!).  As a special bonus, to me anyhow, a great question has been answer’d!

It was worth a try, for shits and gigs:  HA!

How To Use BellGab / Name change requests
July 23, 2022, 09:21:48 PM
For old thyme’s sake, can I have my username changed to " ’ "?


ediot:  I swear there used to be a "Name Change Requests" @BellGab at some boint or another.  Apogees, I mis-spelt "doint/qoint"
Random Topics / Re: MonkeyButtPox
July 23, 2022, 09:04:04 PM
I was listening to Alex Jones the other day, and He was recommending that everyone worried about this stock up on some sort of snake oil product:

You can take that to the bank* (less my normal 25% cut)!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"

* preferably one of those swiss joints that will open one with a simple number/key combination-lock.
Quote from: Liberace! on July 23, 2022, 07:50:06 PMAll those lies... he's sinning.

Hopefully he was doing that vigorously, in a cornfield, with a rotary phone nearby...

Not to get all religious about it, but I wonder what the fate of a soul that believed in a Circle of Fiends has in the "Hot Plaice?"

Nautical Shore...

Lordy, what a weak.  I think it may be more like two-weaks, and it was certainly spent to flatten the curve:

If you zoom in really close to the picture above you will see someone standing behind all that stuff...  to give any one intardasted a sense of the absolute scale, magnitude, and/or gravity of which I am about to type.

It all began with a dream, a vision, and a whak’d out plan that I hired a really shitty online artist to portray based upon my written description of one thousand words or less:

The stupid dog with a chef’s hat that was clearly photoshopped in and not hand-drawn as I requested should give one an idea of the great depths to which artistic/autistic talent can reach, I digress.

All dreams must be built upon solid foundations, sometimes that solid foundation is reached through Jack posts, but like the ancient pyramids:  modern wonders that hope to survive the test of thyme must be laid out in a similar manner.

This can involve rollers, levers, and/oar fulcrums, Nautical SHore!  Still, the fact remains that the foundation must be solid;  older, stronger, and harder than Red Oak even sometimes.  This is the nature of Good Wood, which is sexy and manly;  as is the working of such things.

Eye have sedge two mucks!

In keeping with both the rule of threes and this site’s ridiculously small attachment size requirements the final (or capstone) image of this multi-media essay will be sadly lacking until such thyme as I mill a Round Tuit.

That is all, Carrie Anne.

How To Use BellGab / Re: What happened?
July 23, 2022, 01:42:36 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 21, 2020, 02:58:46 PM...’ is [sic] designed to make us insanely angry. ;)


Don't thank me, thank your BellGab recruiter.

" ’ " actually is designed to make us insanely angry, some of us with the awesome power of retard-strength, Buddy!

It’s (it is) most probably yet another vile plan by themthe hobo elite to force us to very carefully consider when to type yore/your/yor’re while writing on the intar-tubes.  Especially on those wierd poorly-coded forum software packages that do not use the standard ANSI format thing (looking at you Bill Gate$ and you’re shitty WinDoze product, *spit* [sic - intended vague linguistic double-entendre]), which I believe stands for A-something N-something Standard Intar-tube: most probably in français, which is the standard SI language (or at least it used to be).

I will have that shit fixed shortly, you can take that to the Bank!  (Less my 25% cut)

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Quote from: Juan on July 22, 2022, 08:03:07 AM... How much did the new owner pay @WhiteCrow for the site?

...and three Fun-size packages of Tropical Skittles.

Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
July 21, 2022, 11:15:33 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on July 21, 2022, 11:05:25 PMIn a different dimension, Pate has been posting on BellGab for the past year and a half.

Indeed, I am told that Liberace! has printed all of those posts out on legal size paper (8.5"x14" not 8.5"x11" which when added together is 19.5") and would be happy to fax them in their entirety to any user that cares to provide a fax number.

Or so I was led to believe, Nautical Shore.

How To Use BellGab / Re: Attaching Images Disabled
July 21, 2022, 11:07:41 PM
Is this still a thing?  I promised a very special someone coq-pics via the Personal Message System from my private stash, which I recall never being able to do via PMS in the olden daze.

I have learned the Art of .gif-making and wish to share with that very special someone, assuming the PMS is functional?

Nautical Shore.

Random Topics / Re: Gardens, Lawns and Such...
July 21, 2022, 10:57:00 PM
State of the Yard Address, 21JUL2022 -from the People's Free Democratic Republic of pate Duly Elected by Unanimous Accord Dictator-for-Life and United States Shadow-President (elect) pate.

The State of the Yard is dismal:  due to necessarily sky-rocketing petrochemical costs (affecting Ag-diesel, Plum and fertilizer market futures), an over-abundantly zealous inflation-rate, and budgetary concerns;  The Lawn has experienced Dune/Arrakis/Rakis-levels of Hydraulic Despotism.

Plant Thunderdome, however, continues to thrive with only a mild set-back on the sedum front.  Some sedum species are thriving under the new austerity measures however.

The Bermuda grass at this time is struggling valiantly to spread and is very probably sending out runners as I type, I may deign to water them sparingly as encouragement.  No deep drought-cracks have yet developed in the yard, so the water table yet exists although it may not last the predicted two weaks to two months of 90+ temperatures with little to no precipitation.  This is normal climate for the midwest, however:  so I fully expect the strong roots and/or foundations laid in the past to rebound with cooler fall temperatures and increased precipitation.

On the tree & shrubbery front, there is one alarming development:  the "Harvest Gold Elderberry" or whatever it was called that I put in a few years ago has succumbed to something.

Certainly not lack of water:  as each main stem has experienced the droopy "I am dying" thing it has gone through over the past month or so in rather quick succession.  I have watered the thing on a slow, ground penetrating IV-type drip (hose turned to small trickle and left to saturate the ground around the elderberry);  this had no effect on the progressive decline of the apparently doomed shrub.

I think this may possibly be the result of internal acts of sabotage by the PFRDp's Canine Armed Forces; they refuse to maintain proper hydration levels in spite of the copious amounts of water provided to them and their effluent discharges are very probably on the level of highly concentrated liquid ammonium nitrate fertilizer:  Nautical Shore.

The two columnar oaks have, however, gained some 9-12 inches of new growth so far over the summer of 2022, and after my somewhat infrequent waterings have experienced growth spurts.  This reminds me that perhaps they are due for another deep watering, as I have neglected them during the Elderberry Debacle.

I still hold out hope that the Elderberry is only going through a normal high-heat dormancy.  I think, but cannot be sure (I have misplaced last year's notes, and they are obviously not going to be present hear in any form due to reasons), that it had experienced a similar thing last year.

Only thyme will tell; which is also incidentally suffering from the heat and water austerity measures:  yet it holds on without providing enough to ethically harvest.  I have a single tarrragon plant in the nursery, two sage plants (one of which is in intensive care due to Chief Warrant Officer (III) Flipper McGee's club-footed stompery) and perhaps a half-dozen Global Basil plants in containers.

The Basil will be brought in with the tropicals when the weather begins to cool down, but I will once again attempt to see if both Tarragon and Sage can manage a winter outdoors.  I suspect they can, perhaps I should attempt them both in Plant Thunderdome?

The Ginko tree had a giant branch knocked off a few months back by an over-exhuberant trucker with a really tall trailer, but is otherwise unaffected.  I wish I had grabbed the severed limb for firewood, as I wonder what it would have smelled like while burning?

The firewood supply has been replenished due to an unfortunate Red Oak & Carpenter Ant disaster on one of the PFRDp satellite territories, and has also provided several board-feet of stock lumber as well as four 9"x9" posts and one beam for culinary expansion projects.  Of course, that last bit is not pertinent to this thread:  I may or may not make an address in the appropriate thread on that development should thyme and inclination allow.

That is all, Carrie Anne.

Random Topics / Re: The Great Unbanning v5.0
July 21, 2022, 10:19:15 PM


I completely forgot about The Gaybar!  Lawd, the fake mammaries...


Aldous!  Good to see you, mang.

That Einstein picture absholutely begs for a photoshop... 

Hopefully I can get A Round Tuit on that:  my vision has something to do with Pordahls, perhaps even a quote-bubble: "Ish it a Pordahl?"

Ah good old mush-mouth Dave, I had honestly quite forgotten about that guy?  Does he still have that TeeVee Shoe?

One Hundred Seventy-two, Make Dad Smile On Wednesdays
ALLCON:  Be it known that I am officially announcing my 2024 run for re-election!

Greetings, fellow MAPA'ers.  It has been awhile, but know that I have been feverishly, diligently, and quietly  fixing all kinds of shit behind the scenes over the past few years!

Some of the MAPA staff have also been busy as well (you know who you are: some of you might think you are; but you actually aren't.)

First off, a bit of Administrative shit fixing;  K_Dubb, Attend:

I trust that I can depend on you to shirtlessly run with me again this thyme?

If so, you will recall some of the trail balloon KamPain Plancks I have already proposed for the 2024 season:

    Renationalization of the the Strategic Helium Reserve in Kansas (*spit*)
    A Turkey in Every Cauldron
    Standardization by the Food and Drug Administration of Arby's Curly Fries size and portion-sizes

I may not have discussed that last one with you, although I add it hear in consideration of your twin brother.

Apogees for revealing that thing about your brother so abruptly, I haven't revealed his name nor location so it hopefully does not fall under the doxxing restrictions of this new incarnation of BellGab...

As usual we will probably need to find snappier names for some of these new MAPA initiatives:  and I will, as always, lean heavily on you for your poetic stylings;  recall that ACRONYMS are nice, but not strictly necessary.

Other items of consequence are the First Lady thing, the Second Lady-man thing and the filling of other various currently vacant Administrative Positions.

Hear, Musaks:

As always I wish to:

Thank you in Advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"

ediot: I note that bold functionality is sadly lacking, hear?
"{b}" & "{/b}"
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