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Messages - Zetaspeak

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 09, 2017, 05:38:04 PM
Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 03:27:16 PM
You have not set forth the elements of any crime.

Don't you know it's a crime if you are in a government job or have access to the WH it's illegal to talk about your experience at work! Thats why when you go to any bookstore, library or even Amazon and you go to the politics section you have hundreds of books, of every administration in our life time of ex-WH staff talking about their experiences at the job(Trump fact, all those writers are currently doing time) those same people also do interviews, are "experts" in news shows and also consultants on Presidents  biographies  (authorized and unauthorized)

As you also know, no FBI agents never talk about what happened during their jobs. They certainly never write books about their time in the agency. Yes FBI director of the majority of the 90s Louis Freeh did write a book, but it must have been about his wifes baking recipes. He certainly wouldn't be talking about his time in the FBI during the Clinton era, because the idiot-in-chef and whatever right-wing rag says that's illegal and it's repeated on bellgab.  He was also interviewed on many shows including the Daily Show in 2005 but this monster is still not behind bars!

This is what so messed up with the Trump zombies, they put their brain on freeze. This is a perfect topic, it's obvious BS by Trump. You have to be retarded to not know there's "tell all" books and interviews with fromer staffers or employees and yes you CAN talk about your interaction with the Prez. EVERYTHING isn't confidential even though dumbass thinks it is.
Politics / Re: UK election results
June 08, 2017, 08:28:47 PM
I love the ridiculous of having every fringe party standings next to the main stream parties  ;D

My vote goes to Elmo but the bottle guy makes some good points

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 08, 2017, 05:34:43 PM
BREAKING: In closed hearings. There talk that Sessions had a third undisclosed meeting with the Russians.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 08, 2017, 04:17:26 PM
Quote from: Up All Night on June 08, 2017, 04:12:10 PM
Now, can we please let The President get back to #MAGA !!!

I am sure he's still fitting in is golf games and ungodly amount of hours watching cable news.
Politics / Re: UK election results
June 08, 2017, 04:14:38 PM
first official result. Newcastle stays Labour.

What I know, they have stripe soccer jersey and I know somebody from Sunderland and hates Newcastle. I think they are called Mud Pies?

Speaking of Sunderland, here they come for Labor but these are both solid labor towns
Quote from: CronkitesGhost on June 08, 2017, 01:28:08 AM
I like when he takes credit for ideas/intelligence he has no rights to.

The year is 1916, Jorch Noory has somehow managed to get Albert Einstein on Coast2Coast

Jorch: Albert it's so nice to have you on our show. I hear you've been very busy and everybody is excited about your new theory.
Einstein: Thank you sir, pleasure to be here.
Jorch: Albert what do you mean by General Relativity? What is it?
Einstein: This is a new theory, a different and I believe a more correct understanding of gravity.
Jorch: What is gravity?
Einstein: According to the laws of Newton ......
Jorch: I grew up in Detroit Albert. I always loved science in school. We were taught about Newton's laws.
Einstein: Congratulations.  So what my new theory elucidates is that gravity is just a distortion in curvature of 4 dimensional space-time.
Jorch: That's what I thought too.
Einstein: What?
Jorch: It never made sense to me. I asked Tommy just the other day 'why are there only 3 dimensions? there must be more. It just doesn't make sense.' I'm glad we agree.

I can't get fully behind this statement. We are dealing with Jorch, he would never invite  Einstein on because his science is "too confusing" and We don't do science"

Instead he will bring in a bunch of people, week after week who will call Einstein "Faux Scienece" and criticize him for being a smarty pants "academic". As Jorch repeats "You know, we don't take sides here. But I have to agree, Einstein is a kook"
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 08, 2017, 10:40:29 AM
Did John McCain just have a stroke?  He talking as if the Clinton case and Trump case is the same case. It was so strange
A-Mazing PB. I thought  my avatar  is creepy but that is so unsettling. We are officially  through the looking glass. Jorch is like the worst Dr. Who ever.

I pity you Shay, I don't  even look at the radio  if there's anything medical. So even if it's  not officially  Critical  Health Noose it still somehiw is tied to it. What a total scam C2C is endorsing 
Hmmm Saudi questions the practices of another country. That's pretty rich

That's kind of like Art questions somebody commitment abilities to stick with it.
Quote from: Juan Cena on June 07, 2017, 12:53:52 AM
Was listening (and calling into) MITD, so I escaped hearing  The Putin-porn tonight. How bad was it?

I would say is kind of what you expect, the guest being a Russian apologist or underplay things Russia does. Jorch like always lives down to his low expectations. Pretty much in agreement, every questions is a agreeing leading question, nothing challenging, no filling in the blanks when the guest is spinning. He does this annoying thing when he gives a statement in a form of a questions. For example

GN: I think there is nothing wrong in talking to other countries, we should do that! Don't you think? (somehow that's a question)
Guest: *repeats exactly what Noory just stated*
(The guest and Noory both leave out the very important detail that these guys didn't disclose that they talk to them and in some cases when asked, lied about it. You can have whatever opinion  you want, but as a host at least give the full picture of the topic)

I listened to just a bit but every questions was the  same formula, leading questions to get the guest to agree with him and then somehow act like he (Noory)is unbiased and of course leaving out basic details. Another example was Jorch saying "We should be focusing on threats like N.Korea & middle east (again not really a question) Guest says "This is all build by Democrats and the media" (which again, ignores basic known fact that that multiple govt agencies have been looking into Russia involvement not just hear but abroad)

I actually didn't mind so much the guest have a pro Russian view, but wow can the host do some homework and actually challenge a tiny bit, or at least give the full picture of what is being investigated. Somebody on twitter brought a funny point, Noory seems all in with the dangers of N.Korea, but thinks the Russia stuff is all an exaggeration, yet it pretty much comes from the same intel groups. Why would he buy so much on one side but not the other?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Big Announcement
June 06, 2017, 09:41:41 PM
PB mentioned in the Noory thread that he seems to be making this sort of "extension" announcement every 6-8 months. It really does seem like it.

Noory is like that annoying politician who always want to make announcements for for a future announcement, that when he is going to announce that he will sign something. So he does the same announcement three different times on the same thing.

But it's so Jorch to hype a BIG announcement and the result of said announcement is that nothing actually changes. ::)

Watched Wonder Woman in 3D! It deserves the praise and the box office. I am not normally into Superhero movies, but this was done really well. It's a 2 and a half hour film and it flew by, good story, great fighting scenes, some nice scenery especially early on during the "origin" parts. Just really like, might go see it again if nothing else catches my eye later this month.
Quote from: ItsOver on June 05, 2017, 10:26:53 PM
Damn.  That is so weirdly like Jorch holding a baby Tommee, it freaks me out every time I see it.

Full credit goes to Kevin Hybrid who was a regular earlier in the year. Who put up photos of a book called "Man after Man". I at first thought it had to be photo-shopped because it looked so much like Jorch. To my shock after doing some searching it came straight from the book  :o

Not sure how long I'll have it, because much like you, I find it kind unsettling as well.

The first half guests look horrible for the rest of this week. Russia apologist today and then two medical type shows. Yuck
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 05, 2017, 10:17:15 PM
Quote from: WOTR on June 05, 2017, 08:26:06 PM
It's funny.  I saw a few shots of it at the end of a news cast.  The really interesting thing is that (at least in those shots) you would not think that Manchester is multicultural... The crowd made it look like a rally for Trump (or the KKK...)  ;)

Nope, not just my imagination.  Here is one of the first google images from the independent... Perhaps if my screen would enlarge past 500% I would see the multicultural aspect of the concert?

I noticed as well, a very white crowd. There was some performers of color, but they were the Black Eye Peas and Pharrell Williams. So yeah lol.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Big Announcement
June 05, 2017, 10:08:34 PM
Summin big* is going to happen........... I can feel it.

*Note: Size is all subjective, big in one person perspective might not be big to everybody else.
Quote from: albrecht on June 05, 2017, 06:20:21 PM
John Hogue is creating a new calendar, well, really a "return to our pagan roots," and "thinks it will catch on." Norry actually pressed him on all these books he writes and he was forced to admit "ebooks" but "print to follow."

Credit to Thomas in LaJolla for breaking the Qatar news.

LOL I do like the caller asked a more interesting and breaking news question than Jorch did. But you can't blame Noory he wrote his question notes 3 days before the Qatar news.

Another thing, Hogue thinks that the Saudi weapons deal is a bad move because he thinks these weapons always seem to fall into enemy hands eventually. George agrees! Yet this is the same Jorge who also agreed with the Corsi/Curtis of the last few weeks that this was a GREAT successful middle east trip which of course the centre-piece of it all was the arms deal. How on earth can you agree in both?
Quote from: ShayP on June 04, 2017, 10:57:02 PM
Plus there is no super beets or tangerine crap in the photo.  Maybe they should throw "Doc" Wallach in the picture as well.

You are right, the graphic should have Jorch and the Doc with a giant vacuum with the hose right into an elderly woman purse.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
June 05, 2017, 09:29:42 AM
Move over One Love Manchester concert, we have 4 drunken Brits chanting for Trump. Surprisingly the drunken Brits were not Robbie Williams and Take That
Got to see Donnie Darko on DVD. Was really trippy, but I enjoyed it a lot. So good I watched it again a few days later, which I hardly ever do. You know it's a good movie when the deleted scenes were quality, the could have added those scenes easily as there was some good stuff left on the the cutting room floor.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
June 04, 2017, 11:30:32 PM
I was surprised Young giving up the Starchild gig. It's been going o  for a long time on C2C.

Leaves a lot of questions. Did Connie pass this by with Jorch as it's a bit of a regular topic for the show. Wouldn't  Noory want to break this story? Looking at Youngs name on twitter it seems that  this has been out since late March, did Jorch not want to give up the act.? Did Lloyd Pye knew it alk along?
Quote from: ItsOver on June 04, 2017, 03:58:33 AM

This always says it all.  What C2C has become with Jorch.  One big joke.  Thanks, Jorch!

Also the show hasn't  represented that photo in a long time. It's way more a crap political  show than the fun topics portrayed  in the graphic.
I have normally  skip the news segment recently. I wish I caught the teacher segment, it sounds hilarious .
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 31, 2017, 10:33:08 PM
Quote from: albrecht on May 31, 2017, 09:43:36 PM
Though a big enemy of the neo-cons, Israel, and the various Brzezinski and Kissinger types that last no matter what Presidents in the back ground, etc at least Iran/Persia had a real culture. The new "royals" in the Gulf are just very backward people who, due to energy interests and "great games" were chosen by the Brits, and then us. Not that Iran, or any Muslims,  are good but at least there was some history, pre-Islam, there. And even now more tolerance for minority religions etc. (Like Syria was before Obama/McCain "rebels.") Recall how Assad's wife was lauded in magazines "modern Muslim woman" and even he was "not like his father" and tolerance for minorities? Just a few years ago. Not nice people but, considering others? But, for various reasons, we've thrown our lot with the Sunni types- and the worst type of them. It would be better if we had nothing to do with that region, including our "ally" in NATO Turkey who threatens to send more foreign Muslim invaders into Europe, purges the secular military and people (the original Deep State by the way in terms of modern analysis of the term,) locks up journalists, and attacks Kurds who are fighting Obama/McCain's ex-'rebels' ISIS.

Wow I think we agree more than we would like to admit to each other lol.

It seems that the Iran population in general are the more of the modern/westernized people in that region. Their leader seems like a blow hard, but at times it seems like he and Netanyahu are like two wrestlers talking big just to look strong to their people while villainizing the other one. Conflict seems like good political business for all involved.

I also think countries that like Turkey & Egypt that seems to have gone really downhill since 911 is countries we need to keep and eye on and also the Saudi

I didn't agree with Trump on almost anything but the one thing I did like was he tweeted reminding people the connection between 911 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. I thought on tis topic he might be actually be different than the rest. Then the travel ban came & Saudis was no where on the list. Then of course the trip over there, and in record he became like everybody else pandering to the money.

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on May 31, 2017, 05:01:44 PM
Some drunken hillbilly, butt rocker from the 80's, versus a relevant and widely known comedian and CNN Correspondent.

Hmmmm, I sure don't see the difference, and people came out against Ted Nugent as well.

I am normally right with you in that opinion, one person doesn't represent everybody in that group. BUT that drunken hillbilly butt rocker is a main spokesperson for the NRA and the current Prez invited him to the White House.

It early still but it seems like the liberal blow-back against Griffin (losing her CNN NYE gig and she did apologize ) than the Conservative blow-back which I can't think of anything he actually lost out of it or took any of it back.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 31, 2017, 09:32:14 PM
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 31, 2017, 08:23:55 PM
I'm not so sure its 'the vast majority'.  Maybe just the majority

Iran trains, supports, funds, and fights alongside Hezbollah.  They train, support, and fund the Houthis in Yemen.  They have been propping up Assad in Syria all along, and now have military units in the field there.  The government of Iraq is under their sway, and they have military units in the filed there.  Before the Shiites gained control of Iraq, their militias were trained, supported, and funded by Iran. 

When ever a Sunni Mosque is blown up in the Muslim world, Iran is probably behind it.  This happens all the time in Pakistan.  Lately Iran has been illegally harassing our Navy in international waters in the Persian Gulf, and threatening them.  They even illegally captured and detained a crew awhile back, if you recall.  Iran harasses and attacks Israeli interests all around the world.   They are building nuclear weapons, and ICBMs to deliver them here.  They are continually blustering threatening Israel, us, Europe, their neighbors, and looking for opportunities to meddle. 
That's correct.

I think I ready all Islamic terrorism about 90% was Sunni, but I read that a while back and not sure where I read it. Of course with anything as vague as "terrorism" it can be up to interpretation.

I always found the Shia groups to be much more political in their attacks. If Isreal wasn't to connected to us so much,  Hezbollah being considered along the lines with the Sunni groups out there would be laughed out of the room. You don't really hear Hez attacking random western population, the main thing you hear from them is the back and forth with Israel or with neighboring countries. Most of the time it seems political or a focused target.

Unlike Sunni that seem much more religious purity reasons, who attack sites are much more wide ranging to make a "statement" which I find way more concerning the Shia.

I never had a easy relationship with the Saudi, you go back to 911 where most of the terrorists came from SA and we somehow attacked Iraq? I feel some deja vu where most of the attacks at the west are coming from people with Sunni backgrounds yet these past few weeks this administration seems to be only focusing at Iran (who aren't really attacking the west), yet are playing dancing with swords and rub my glowing orb oh and giving them a billion dollars worth of weapons that terrorist do come from.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 31, 2017, 04:43:38 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 31, 2017, 02:38:50 PM
Oh? So not all Muslims are terrorists after all? I thought that was the general opinion of Trumpers.

All Muslims are terrorists..... unless they are willing to give Trump money, then they are good guys.
Look at all those right wing PC snowflakes, where do they all come from?  All those right-wing PC snowflakes, where do they all belong?

So for eight years you Trump blinders didn't notice the exact same type of thing happened to the previous Prez? Ted Nugent made threats and is a spokesman of the right wing NRA and invited to Trump's WH. So seriously spare the clutching of the pearls.

As for young Barron, if he's dad was actually a man and lived with his family, the kid would know he was fine.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 28, 2017, 05:52:40 PM
Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on May 28, 2017, 02:39:26 PM
President Trump VS President Obama Visiting Saudi Arabia (Huge Difference).  5.20.17.


So you WANT the Saudi to be friendly with him? The country that smiles to our face, yet most terrorists come from there? I thought most on this board were pretty right(pre-Trump) in being suspicious about them, now they play Trump like a fool and you think their great?

The Saudi played Trump like a fool, like a Hooters waitress/or stripper flirting with the customer for a big tip and the customer thinks "Wow she really likes me". Everybody in the world knows how much of a loser Trump is, give him a big show, compliment him, stroke his ego and he would think you are a trusted best friend.

That Saudi (and Israel) got exactly what they wanted in the clown in chief, put most of the terrorism fault of countries like Iran (Shia) which have such a low percentage of international terrorism and ignore where most of it breeds from in Sunni countries like Saudi Arabia and like the guy background on Monday Libia (Yup another Sunni country)

I wonder if Trump even knows the difference.
Forgot to  mention that on Schrader show on Friday night he mentioned the passing of music guest RG Patterson. I am saddened by that as he was certainly a worthwhile listen when he's on and one of the guests/topics I normally enjoy.

Now how soon before Dr Wallet try to profit from it.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
May 27, 2017, 09:23:13 AM
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