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Messages - pate

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 12:11:44 PM
You cannot view this attachment.

I think you may click that to "enlarge" it to its full 4:3 1024x768 resolution glory.

It took a lot of researching to find such a rare colorized image of Hitler's "Prophecy Speech," which was the one where he denounced the Juice and outlined the threat they posed to Germany (I think, Nautical Shore?)...

I normally object to "colorization" of old black & white photographs, but the graphic artist that made this one did a pretty decent job.

Quote from: Hog on September 02, 2022, 01:45:03 PMHey Pate, nice to be back!  I've already had 3, 2 females and 1 male.  I have 13 chrysalis' hanging and at least 20 caterpillars munching away on my milkweed.

Visually I have not seen many monarchs flying around.  For 2020 I had 15, 2021 also 15.  Hopefully I can increase this years amount by a bit.  I can't beleive that these creatures are actually, officially, an Endangered Spacies.


I think I occasionally get some in my garden, they seem to prefer the Dill?  Or it might just be another species that resembles them.

They sure like like whatever that is above, very small...  So as usual, I am Nautical SHore!  And I think they are usually around in the Spring/Early Summer if that is help in identification.


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Chris Stigall
September 02, 2022, 01:54:52 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 02, 2022, 12:14:48 PMDear sir, I am very sorry that your local homosexual is fat.  This represents a defective model which we work hard to keep from the public view.  I have reported him to the Gay Mafia and he shouldn't trouble you any further.  Please look after his dog...

He doesn't trouble me, I think he is a bit rage-jealous because I talk botany crap with his equally chubby boyfiend (who happens to be a Veteran).  So he doesn't talk to me and only gives the stink-eye.

I think their GayDar is NONFUNC, maybe not and that is the reason for the stink-eye, Nautical shore?

Or it could be from my occasional drunken Pastor Phelps-imitation front porch orations (delivered in a high-pitched Southern Baptist Preacher Accent) on Soddom, Gommorah, Hellfire and Brimstone.  It gets mixed reviews...

Also, I cannot take care of the dog:  it is a small yap-yap type that Hanz would like to eat for dinner;  Flip might make a try for a leg or wing, resulting in a screeching, unfortunate, and cruel "tug-of-war" which would not end well.

Please have the Gay Mafia attend to that poor little feller as well, TIA.

This amuses me.

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 02, 2022, 01:33:02 PM
Quote from: Asuka Langley on September 02, 2022, 12:50:48 PM...

Oh noes, and this a Four-Day Weakenend!

Random Topics / Re: The Spaceflight Thread
September 02, 2022, 01:29:40 PM
Welcome back, Hog!

/off-topic:  How did your Monarchs do this year?

Technology / Re: Defund NASA
September 02, 2022, 11:04:48 AM
Quote from: AC400KICK on July 23, 2020, 10:43:29 AMThere are problems down here to be dealt with. Let's take care of them first before we play Buck Rodgers.

I agree, this ridiculous JWST thing is doing absolutely horrible things to the Settled Science™.

The data is probably faked like that famous "Hockey Stick Graph" strait-outta East Anglia...

Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 02, 2022, 10:55:17 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on August 31, 2022, 12:42:57 PMI am convinced that Queen Dildo is a lolcow run out of some obscure forum very much like this one, but with the opposite political complexion.  Basically their Falkie.  And that the owner of that forum, Trans-mv, is the "Commander-in-Chief of the United States" who tells her what to do.  One hell of a troll lol poor hosers

I am going to pull a "Yorkshire Pud Original®" and ask you to cite your source on this one.

This I'd would love to see!

Probably boring and lame, becux:

I preemptively call shenanigans if this alleged online locale is actually EllGape.com...

Random Topics / Re: Greatest country song of all time?
September 02, 2022, 10:36:45 AM
September 02, 2022, 10:29:01 AM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2022, 05:46:11 AMYou dim bastards obviously can't recognise a classic diversion tactic when you see one. It's a bit like a bird faking an injury to try and divert you from their young. We have this all under control, don't you worry. And you will be destroyed. I will be shortly going undercover to coordinate some of the initial mischief before we get out the big stick on y'all!

*Message ends*

Jaysus (PBUH), I had not peeled The Onion down to that penultimate (5G) level yet, I was stuck on the 3D chess move after "Russian Operation!"

I hope I haven't blown the cover off the obviously obvious MI6(5?) deep-fake op!

I would hate to get one of those NATO-ally "rendition" visits by some questionable murky three (or more) letter/number foreign outfits that shouldn't be operating on US soil!

Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2022, 08:49:21 PMActually sorghum is sweet. I'm a big fan and like sour cream with for a pan cake. To cut, the sweet. If I must have them. Milo was a great baseball talker. "Holy Toleto" was likely some Masonic reference.

Hah, alby:  your double quote of my post (which was long enough anyway) makes it JaxTardis-esque in dimension.

Back to the LCQP thing, I found the angle of Passports -> Fake NATO (&non) Country Passports -> FARK-Juice Passports to be a little too obviously obtuse.

A tasty meme, perhaps the LCQP crew had something to do with the "disappearance" of that one-time Proud Boy guy?

If theythe hobo elite are real, I imagine they'd do anything you want for the correct amount of bills with large numbers of trailing zeros, amirite?


Radio and Podcasts / Chris Stigall
September 02, 2022, 10:06:28 AM
I listen to his KCMO 710am 1000-1200(CST/UTC-0600) News Feed.

I think it is different from his WNTP 990am 600-900(EST/UTC-0500).

Dude is a beast, K_Dubb, Attend:

I honestly had never seen his picture until today, and he amusingly resembles one half of the gay couple that lives in my neighborhood (who are not CHUDs, but might be CLAT-ers), not that there is anything wrong with that.

He just dropped some caller from New Jersey, apparently freeing up a line...

His site:


I also enjoy his "Best of" weekend show, which is pretty much a recycle/remix of his best bits of the week, but I think he might do some sort of podcast?  Nautical Shore.


*note to site Admin(s):  the poll feature/bug is not operational.  Just the Facts, Jax!
Politics / Re: 2020 Voter Fraud - Breaking Noose~!
September 02, 2022, 07:21:28 AM
Quote from: Recieved via Amplitude Modulated Radio wave transmission, moments agoOfficial Position has moved from "No Fraud Whatsoever" to "Not Enough Fraud To Significantly Affect Result"

say again,

Official Position has moved from "No Fraud Whatsoever" to "Not Enough Fraud To Significantly Affect Result"



The confirmation of the predicted elusive "Fraud Particle" at the recently opened KEK particle accelerator in Japan will is expected to revolutionize the field of Political Pseudo-Science.

This message brought to you by:  Faucci's Ouchie, Trust the Pseudo-Sciene™!

-Whirled Reporter At-Large
September 02, 2022, 05:20:48 AM

We typically send out rescue missions after the naval engagement (if required) on our side of the pond.

Naval traditions vary, I suppose.

We have one of those traditions called a "Shakedown Cruise" that I always understood to have been borrowed (or retained, if you like) from y'all.

Has the Great Anglish Navy abandoned this practique?

You might try blaming NATO and the resultant close association to your French cousines and their naval traditions, Nautical Shore?

Just trying to help.

Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 01, 2022, 10:49:37 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 01, 2022, 10:38:44 PM

...igize for stealing the election?


...igize for farting in the elevator?

September 01, 2022, 10:47:05 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 01, 2022, 10:21:04 PMFailed to grease shaft  :o

HMS Prince of Wales, the £3bn pride of the Navy, grinds to halt over 'failure to grease propeller shaft'
'Embarrassment' as new aircraft carrier's landmark mission to the US hangs in the balance over major fault


Rookie error

Quote from: chefist on September 01, 2022, 08:46:50 PMPossible MT this weekend...if so, Sunday or Monday best for folks? Thanks

Pick either one, the universe will align in such a manner to be diametrically opposed to my ability to be in the chat.

Such is my lot in life, which reminds me of Lot's wife for some obscure reason.

Nautical Shore?

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 01, 2022, 08:31:10 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 01, 2022, 08:24:34 PMYou're the cult member, queen-worshiper. 🙄

BTW, when I first read this I thought maybe Jackstar hacked your account.  :D

That's a good one, Coach!

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 01, 2022, 08:29:12 PM
Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2022, 03:52:58 PMHa. One will note that helium is also 'useful' in capacities advocated by population control types. And, apparently, less painful (interesting because normally the psychos like to maximize pain in their endeavors. Not that I am saying that is my helium plan (potential) I just like the trains, balloons, and not going after the kids or older populations. Helium for transportation uses! Not death or creepy uses. Might curb illegals by both using helium for balloon ops and also sending some, via a Lend-Lease, for Quinceras and weird Catholic holidays and keep them there! A win-win!

How does one reset a character using Helium?  An amusing suffocation where you literally get to hear them squeal like a pig (due to the vocal characteristics of the gas)??

I would award you a plum, but I would have to find a phone booth.


Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2022, 03:22:27 PMIDK however interesting. One will note also the Finders and some former Chem Weapon production in that general area. Also some government go-to place. Milo is a crop (sorghum) and also a beloved (former) baseball broadcaster. So lots of levels here. I think, and recall. Don't quote me on this. Some most pure natural salt also?

-Delete- I was talking Virginia area. But look up some stuff in MO also for weirdness and 'connections.' Arkansas also. Well, heck most of the Ozarks.

I think milo is also the word for "sweet" or "honey" in Mexican or something?  Nautical Shore on that, I refused formal schooling in the language due to the heavy Arabic/Moorish word loading.  Although, my slight familiarity with it from my culinary employments over the years aided me somewhat in deciphering the Afghani/Pashtun to a very small degree, I digress...

I always thought it had to do with the Latin mel (français: miel) word for "honey?"

Dunno, and yes there is milo/sorghum/millet growing around, hear:  I actually have a single volunteer back in the PFRDp container garden.  I am pretty sure it originated from bird-seed, it is just about ripe now and I believe it will be Red Sorghum and not the prized and somewhat rarer White Sorghum.

In the old Civil War daze it was boiled/simmered by the wimmin-folk in large pots to produce a molasses substitute.

I will have to look up the Milo of baseball broadcast fame.

I seem to recall a character named Milo in one of Orson Scott Card's "Ender" novels;  I think he ended poorly at the hands of some aliens natives he was trying to convert to MormonismCatholicism.

Wild, wierd, wacky stuff!

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 01, 2022, 07:57:07 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 01, 2022, 06:47:36 PM... and the dumb chuds will cooperate by ugly raging, making his point with every public freakout.

Two hundred forty-four, Thursday Into Friday
The MAPA KamPain will supply each and every dumb ugly raging CHUD (or CLAT-er) in the MultiVote with both a "Basic Lawn Maintenance" picket sign (sturdy picket not supplied) and a "Dog Lives Matter" yard sign for a small donation to the MAPA campaign coffers (less the standard 25% cut for the Big Dog.)

You cannot view this attachment.

I expect loyal MAPArrrs to make 2020 look like a child's fake tea party, you can take that to the bank!

I will also award promissory notes good for one free plum after the Next Glorious Tuesday, and that's a fact JaxTard!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
 "WHO farted in the elevator?"
September 01, 2022, 03:00:31 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 01, 2022, 04:09:12 AMA mere setback. I have been email-bombing the Admiralty for several years about this, regarding my plan to settle accounts with your lousy country once and for all. It's good to see that they are finally heading over there and we can start using those big guns to blast the buggery out of you. This little 'mishap' was probably a diversionary tactic to delude you burger-chewing bastards into a false sense of security.

Hell, at this rate your leaky tub will be a farthing (or whatever backward measure of distance you Anglishers use) off Hull by the time we have developed a Rail-gun with sufficient range from Newport News,VA to put the poor thing out of its misery.

Or, maybe just nuke it from orbit...

I was familiar with the term, but until recently unfamiliar with this:

Lake City Quiet Pills

For the many among the BellGab readership that are un-ironically illiterate:

I found it mildly amusing, somewhat disturbing, and almost believable.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 01, 2022, 02:27:02 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 01, 2022, 02:12:31 PMDear sir, a point of order:  I never said you were full of hot air but that you were full of noble gas.

douché, HAH!

K_Dubb, Attend:

You are now authorized to wear the "Dad Hat" with your official uniform, if you wish.

I believe the "Dad Hat" comes in many stylish colors other than red, and also various styles.  You are only authorized a Trucker Hat-type (1EA) of any color (or combination of colors;  if you wish we will special order a RAINBOW flavor for you if one is not currently available on the free market) with the above text on the front panel.  No bérets!

Unfortunately, this only comes with half a plum, due to the circumstances of the award.  The "Hatting Ceremony" will be accompanied with the following ceremonial Muzaks (of which I am uncertain as to which List it belongs on):

That is all, Carrie Anne!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 01, 2022, 02:03:22 PM
Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2022, 12:06:59 PMOne can actually buy old FEMA trailers on government procurement sights. Personally I'm keeping an eye on the helium deal (comes with a railroad!) The trailers have formaldehyde and I would not suggest buying. Besides who wants to live in a trailer. Caveat: some of the RVs are nice and ability to drive around and just stay where you want. But the helium will allow me cheap, and safer, flights!!


Not pretty but also other mineral rights (surface and under!)


K_Dubb, Attend:

You of course recall my KamPain communiqué dated 06MAR2022 in regards to the Ukrainian CrySis?

I hereby officially declassify the relevant bit of that memo (the rest shall remain at the FOCUO and redacted from the general public view, -p):

Quote from: MAR: orders, updates &cHonestly, I am a bit surprised by the Ukraine thing...

redacted portion

...themThe hobo elite...

redacted portion

...a bit of amusement when discussion reaches an impasse...

redacted portion

...This provides amusement when discussion reaches impasse:  one can retreat to point out glaring error in use of indefinite article...

redacted portion

#4 What has been going on in the worldwide production & reserves of Helium?
This rabbit-hole is probably the most fun of my many questions related to the current Ukraine CrySis.  I mean who doesn't like a helium-filled balloon?  For one thing, it makes your voice sound really funny.  For another thing, if you can manage to super-chill Helium to its liquid state it displays some really interesting chemical properties that are fun as well.  Probably my favorite is the "super-fluidity" or complete absence of viscosity for He-3 & He-4.  What military, industrial or economic applications that has to do with the price of tea in China I leave to those with higher pay-grades than this lowly Corporal.  Of some interest might be the following three sites:
Helium statistics and information
Superfluidity in Helium
United States National Helium Reserves

redacted portion

I think I have written more than enough on this subject for now, especially my introduction of point #4!  Forgive the Jackstar-esque character of this particular e-mail...

redacted portion


And you thought I was full of Hot Air.


albrecht, although you are half a year behind on this curveball, you are right on target with it.

Say, albrecht:  would you care to be my new Federal Communications Commissioner?  I think I recently had to fire the previous one, but I can't recall who that was.  Probably someone unimportant.

The Chair, A Place at the Banquet Table, and of course the requisite Plum are yours if you want.

Hear, Musaks:

The Re-establishment of the National Helium Reserve is now an Official Planck in the 2024 MAPA platform.  For the children.

Thank you all in Advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

*the full glory of this heavily redacted e-mail is absent without the BOLD and _underline_ typeface functionality that so horribly disfigures the current incarnation of BellGab, apogees.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
August 31, 2022, 09:03:15 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on August 31, 2022, 08:55:41 PM(... if I knocked on Kamala's back door and tried to bang the Second Gentleman ...)

That sounds uber-kinky, my Shadow Veep!

Lady-boy and then "husband," both at the same time, or Second Gentleman then theythe hobo elite partner?

I think there should be some '70s porn music (arranged for the accordion, of course) somewhere in this fantasy of yours.

You may award yourself another delicious plum, my friend.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
August 31, 2022, 08:46:04 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 31, 2022, 08:37:15 PMHe was president, you idiot, and should be afforded the same rights and privilages as every president that came before him. You don't get to make exceptions cuz it's someone you and the deep state dicks you suck don't like.

That's a good one, Coach!

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