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Messages - pate

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 06, 2022, 07:18:14 PMhttps://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/security-footage-shows-georgia-county-republican-chair-election-official-present-during-breach-of-voting-equipment


This is all very odd...It seems as if drump friendly officials have committed the very crimes that they accuse the Democrats of doing???  :o

PBS isn't exactly what I would categorize as a "Neutral" source, I don't know that such a thing exists anymore, anyway.

You don't mention in your quoted text WHOM at the Associated Press wrote the story you quote from, nor the title of the article/story.  Very well;  I don't see anything in the quoted text that indicates that there was an attempt to cast multiple (a very high multiple) fraudulent ballots (the thing your Democrats are accused of).

It appears to me that there is some sort of investigating going on?  Whether sanctioned by The State or not.

I like investigating of voter fraud, both sides engage in it:  as any impartial evidence gatherer could show you.  For every Democrat caught, convicted, and jailed/fined for the act, there can be found a Republican caught, convicted, and jailed/fined for the act.

I imagine, fraudulent votes are much like cockroaches:  for every one you see there are a million or so that you don't (yes:  hyperbole, I know you are well familiar with it and it is a favored weapon of yours, so we may both use it, neh?).

The problem with discovering fraudulent votes, and the people who cast them multiple times is that it is an ILLEGAL act, a crime if you will.  It is frequently difficult to get a Criminal that has "gotten away with it" to surrender themselves to the authorities and admit a crime.

You generally have to sleuth it out, some times with circumstantial corroborating evidence, witness statements, and even forensic evidence.  If your vote fraud criminal is "good," there will be little of that to find, after all that is the whole point of engaging in the activity:  "get away with it" & "leave no evidence."

I generally chuckle to myself when a Vote Fraud Denier, eventually admits that "Yes, it does happen:  BUT not enough to matter."

Firstly, in my book, ONE SINGLE fraudulent vote matters.  Secondly, given the above (each "found" fraudulent vote represents some multiple of "un-found" ones) which sort of blows the logic of the "Yes, it does happen:  BUT not enough to matter" statement apart.

It is far better for the Vote Fraud Denier to stick to their guns on "Never Happens" from a logic stand-point, it is an easier statement to defend than the half-measure "Yes/but" statement.

As a plus, it's a Rose-colored Pollyanna Land viewpoint, and even if is not made by an innocent, it at least can have a veneer of innocence associated with it.

I don't think Fraudulent Votes are like Lost Car Keys:  in that if you don't look for them they miraculously turn up in the place you thought you had already looked.

You actually have to diligently look for these things, as by their nature (criminal) they are hidden as well and flawlessly as the criminal that casts them can manage.

So, Pud:  it is probably better for you to go back to the "IT DOESN'T HAPPEN/DIDN'T HAPPEN THIS TIME" than to try to portray it as a one-sided thing.

If you wish to debate which side historically has cast the greater number of Fraudulent Votes, I'd love to.  We can begin in, what was it 1960, with the historic Kennedy election?

Probably the easiest out for you on this one is to call me a Consipiracy Kook and go back to your TDS hobby-horse.


Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 05, 2022, 09:57:58 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 05, 2022, 11:00:56 AMDear sir, forgive me; I only included Tarantulas because somewhere in this cesspit I once saw a video of a large man eating one and it stuck in my head for some reason.  I believe the creature came in a can  :o

I am sure I can round up any number of obese pastel-haired antifa commanders of indeterminate gender who will be happy to work themselves into a lather debating anything at all but, amusing as that is for about five minutes, it does get a little wearing.  Maybe instead of a board room the PETRIE committee could hold its sessions in a hog wallow equipped with pool noodles and a couple viewing chairs where we could sit (shirtless in nice weather) with beers?

Yours faithfully,

I don't know about you, but I had no intention of sitting around watching the PETRIE committee meatings:  there is too much Shit to Fix!  Will avidly read their manifestos, memos, and declarations;  I am certain they will be quite amusing and raise some very interesting points:  if not an eyebrow.

You may take diligent notes, and send me the minutes of the proceedings.

Don't forget that due to security reasons we cannot both be in the same place very often.

The important thing is to get some sort of general agreement and codification on Ethically Raised and Harvested Cricket Meal, so that the USA can dominate the world market in this lucrative, speculative, and possibly delicious (I will let Mikey try it out for a few months, even though he will eat ANYTHING) commodity.

I am already dipping into the MAPA KamPain coffers and making a few discrete, conservative, and entirely hedged moves on the World Cricket Meal Futures Market.  Of course, my main focus is on the Plum Futures, but this being the most novel of my many MAPA initiatives I have not yet grown bored of it.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Random Topics / Re: The Spaceflight Thread
September 05, 2022, 09:49:15 PM
Quote from: Silphion on September 05, 2022, 01:57:35 AMThere is a mutt next door to me looks just like that little bugger.

I watched it, not too bad.  I was a little bit iffy on the "reality" of some of the effects in the beginning, the ending makes up for it.

Looking back, I don't know if I would classify it as "Horror."  Maybe that's the "hook" to get people to watch it?

Politics / Re: The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
September 05, 2022, 09:45:28 PM
For anyone interested, here's a link to the thread over at AzzGab:


I started it Valentine's Day, 2022.  I apparently cared at that point.

~25 pages long, (less whatever amount of space JaxTard's 3x Sock Puppet-account posts used in the thread.)

Hopefully, when I get on the Ukraine "Kill List" for my opinions they will send Ivana Stüpaløtaczak to kill me quietly (hell loudly, I don't mind) in the middle of the night in my bed.

Instead of that fat, nasty, and cruel Piest Miovfovich dude knocking on my back door in the dark of night... Yikes!

@albrecht, on page 25 somewhere I respond to your comments above, if you are interested!  I recommend you start at page 1 and work your way through to that point, but you are a free American:  do what you like.

Politics / The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
September 04, 2022, 06:48:47 PM
I just realized that during the BellGabian Intar-Regnum I had started a similarly titled thread over at AzzGab.

I have now rectified my error in not immediately making one here ASAP;  this seeming hesitancy to broach the subject comes about becux:

1.  I really don't care about it.


2. I just found the following article:

SCOTT RITTER: The Death List

Apparently, the Ukraine has put this Scott Ritter character on a "Death List," and he is worried about gaining intar-national fame à la Mlle. Dugina.

I am certain that the BellGab Spectrum of opinion varies on this topic, ranging from my ambivalence to strongly positive/negative emotions.

There was a Twatter vidya embedded in the above story, for those who prefer vidyas over reading:


...it may be viewed there directly (if BellGabe 2.0 doesn't embed it automatically, I encourage you to call your local Congressperson and register a formal complaint), I haven't even watched it I care so little about both Twatter and the Ukraine.

Although, I have always felt The Ukrainian Wimmins to be quite hawt.  On par with Turkish and Moldavian Wimmins, so there is that.  Must be something about the Black Sea (no racism intended).

I invite anyone that gives a crap about this to go ahead and write dissertations, monologues, and &tc in this very thread!

Try to be polite, hear?

You know:  Decorum and shit.

Random Topics / Re: The Spaceflight Thread
September 04, 2022, 05:06:39 PM
This looks to be amusing:

I will view & possibly review it later.

That is all, Carrie Anne.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 03:53:45 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 04, 2022, 02:46:45 PMRight. I don't think you're trying to buttress my point but thanks. Trump is the worst worst president because papers followed him home. The classified narrative is probably extended by definition but ok, let's say that's true. Let's even say no president previously has ever done such an evil thing. Wow fucking horrible. He should be hung.

You wisely specify ex potus so as not to include the killery servers with so many yoga recipes. But how does the previous administration to Trump abusing warrant privileges against a candidate, and then a president not ring the corruption warning bell for you? And how does <*->hellfiring 7 kids unloading water with dad<-*> in any way not concern you as much as misfiling office papers, allegedly. I don't get it. You want one hanging. I want dozens.
Two Hundred Forty-seven, FFS ThreeFour Day Weekend, FSSM"JEWELED ALIEN"
Hah, noice.

I (and others) have missed your infrequent postings these past few years:


Good to see you, mang!  I hope you were able to at least discover that place and lurk during the BellGab Intar-Regnum.

If you care to look at the quoted text of yours above:  you will find a certain <*->emphasized<-*> phrase that translates;  according to the current MAPA code-book (various keys attempted) in amusing, inscrutable, and inscrutably amusing ways!

If these be your intent, Well Done Sir!

There will always be a seat at the MAPA banquet table for you, along with requisite plum (if you show up as guest);  or perquisite plum should you choose to join the cause:  and a Commemorative MAPA Hat (1EA, default blue color, as in KC Royals Blue, Trucker-style) that you may do with as you wish.

This hat comes in varying styles and colors;  you might enjoy this version (an example of a non-standard-issue SE one):

The choice on hat design/color/style is quite up to you and your tastes, of course!

If you simply include your preferred hat design choice with your MAPA Inaugural Banquet RSVP that you should have received by now;  one of that type will be provided to you.

These are always "Display Quality," but can certainly be worn (Lifetime Warranty, simply return the old/beat-up/damaged one, and a new one is issued gratis.  We Will Fix That Shit™!), thrown in a fire, given away to a close friend:  the Possible Use List for MAPA hats is quite lengthy;  and doesn't have any restrictions whatsoever.


pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"

/self-reported:  off-topic
Politics / Re: God-Emporer Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 02:21:01 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2022, 02:04:55 PMWell the legal/spook world has a slightly completely different interpretation to you; you can't both be correct...

/reported: Non-sensical/meaningless/word-salad/sentence-structure;  entire post INVALIDATED
        /cause:  Speculative;  Inebriation, Low IQ, Failed Anglish classes in childhood

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 04, 2022, 01:05:13 PM

Politics / Re: God-Emporer Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 12:55:48 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2022, 12:14:11 PM... going with a communial bowl that the ...

/spelling-error:  Entire post INVALIDATED

Politics / Re: God-Emporer Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 12:51:47 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2022, 12:01:32 PMYou should send your post to the FBI and DoJ...

I'll let you handle that, Pud!

Maybe I'll get a visit from a Three(or moar!) letter agency-type?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'swatted' for second time in two days, police say

Armed police swarm Steve Bannon's DC home in 'swatting' incident

That seems like a great tactic to take with a Political Enemy-of-the-State, eh?

Also, if I have some misunderstanding of how this "classification" of Official Government Documents thing actually works:  Perhaps you would care to CITE A SOURCE from somewhere relevant;  Pro-tip you might start with https://armypubs.army.mil.

Of couse, tread lightly there:  although there shouldn't be anything your naughty little pig-like eyes shouldn't see;  there does exist the distinct possibility that you yourself might be-foul the Law.

Nautical Shore!



Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 04, 2022, 12:38:21 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 04, 2022, 08:30:05 AMDear sir, the best I can come oo with is "People for Eating Tarantulas, Roaches, and other Insects, Ethically" which works out to PETRIE (or PFETRAOI,E if we are being pedantic) which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.  I will give it some more thought...

Technically:  Tarantulas are not Insects;  theythe hobo elite are Arachnids.

Mixing Arachnid Meal in with Insect Meal can be dangerous (especially if you just dump the poor bastards into a Meal Grinder while theythe hobo elite are still alive), while it is true that some Insects have toxins/poisons stored in their bodies, most Arachnids certainly do.

So probably, you would want to avoid the general practice of eating Arachnids.

Although, much like Fugu Sushi, a Tarantula could probably be eaten if prepared appropriately, although our naescent grass-roots political wing of PETRI(-DISH?)ers might protest because one of themthe hobo elite happens to own a Trantula, Nautical Shore?

Maybe we could get our grass-roots organization to do a little fun political in-fighting on whether Lab-grown Tarantula Meats or Insect Meal are the Ethically Superior Protein Source?

That could be fun for the blue-haired obese ANTIFA WhoreHe/Hurz to debate at the Annual PETRI-DISH Meating, held in the weak before the next G7-11 thing...

I digress wildly...


/self-reported:  off topic
Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 04, 2022, 12:17:14 PM
Quote from: WOTR on September 04, 2022, 02:43:31 AMYou are referring to the militarized force that pepper sprayed protesters, shot reporters for the "wrong paper" at point blank range with a non lethal projectile, trampled a native elder under their horse and then laughed about it with leaked texts joking about a musical ride and jackboots?

Or is it the force that took a military veteran who was the only survivor of an IED and had a ton of physical injuries and crushed him, and re injured him?

Possibly the RCMP who now openly admit to withholding information in order to push Trudeaus political gun control agenda using a shooting in Nova Scotia?

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure that there are still two respectable Mounties in the force. But they have lost almost all respect that took a century to build.

*I'll be honest. The individual cops are probably not all bad. The problem is that every last one will follow orders no matter what. And some of them in Ottawa proved that there is an element that will not only follow orders- but do so with panache and glee if they are given a blank cheque to attack Canadians and stomp on their heads.

Personally I enjoyed the Canadian soldier suffering with PTSD offered euthanasia by Veterans Affairs story.

If the soldier in question was a US Military Veteran utilizing the VA, he could look forward to several months of "Quality Living" before the VA got a round tuit and put him out of his misery.

I wonder if they use a firing squad for that, Nautical Shore?

Politics / Re: God-Emporer Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 11:50:14 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2022, 09:22:13 AMThe FBI search revealed drump casually mixed personal and "allegedly" stolen classified material in the same drawer/ box. Here's one from his family album. It has a certain charm... 

"Classified" material, eh?

I wonder, were they marked with this sticker:

Because technically ALL official material is "classified";  ones with the misleading UNCLASSIFIED label are FOUO:  but are generally available for public to viewing.  (As I recall, most of these have some Official Verbiage somewhere in the first pages stating whether or not it can be disseminated to the general public or to government contractors only).

I understand that it is common for civilians (including former Presidents) to have Security Clearances up to (and beyond) Top Secret.  My father had one of these Security Clearances, interestingly enough:  he may or may not have brought home "classified" material relating to work:  I can neither confirm nor deny that he did;  but I can say that he sometimes would discuss what he was working on in very general terms, although it was rare.

Hell, even I had a Security Clearance from my time in the Army, I don't think it was anything special.  In fact, I only inquired about it once.  I don't recall the level, probably CLASSIFIED at minimum, and possibly SECRET.

Here are some of the other stickers that relate to material classified higher than UNCLASSIFIED (which, again, counter-intuitively is actually "classified" information):

If you are in the government, you can order rolls of these stickers (and other neat stickers!):  depending on how viligant/compliant your "Supply Guy" in the relevant office is;  you may actually receive a roll of these stickers.

Hell, if you see a roll of these types of stickers laying around "unsecured" it is your DUTY to "secure" them.  Command gets a little prickly about you then running around "slapping those bitches" on Random Shit in need of Fixing.  I recall getting in trouble for putting one on an empty wire basket:

If the above basket were the one I "slapped that bitch" on, it would have been over the "492" name-plate.  I note that I elected to use a "Yellow" tag in that instance, as I thought it to have the most amusing double-entendre associated with the very real "Joke."  (I think those numbered baskets were used to store electronical equipment in the "Allied Shops" Armament/Comms/SigInt/&tc room, which did have the SECRET "classification".  I didn't get in too much trouble, but perhaps the guy that "misplaced" his roll of stickers and left that basket laying around on the hangar floor did, Nautical Shore?

Hah, good thymes!  But I digress, back to the point (the very-sharp bit at the end of the spear):

Of course, these stickers are all FOUO.  As amusing as it would be to have a roll of, say, TOP SECRET stickers:  It would be quite illegal to;  "Slap one of those bitches on my wife's panties!"

I may or may not have a roll of TOP SECRET stickers in my possession:  but if I did you can be damn sure I would "slap one of those bitches" on all kinds of retarded shit;  you know for the giggles.

I imagine it might be possible to even order reproductions (very good ones I imagine from an online supplier somewhere, Nautical Shore?

That is why I went ahead and "edited" your quoted text above.

Speaking of "Allegations" related to Trump and Military Stuff:

What's your take on that bad boy?

Who is in more danger of Formal Charges hear:  Milley, Trump, Both or Neither?

Personally, I would choose BOTH for that one:  but as to either being actually charged and convicted of anything I would say NEITHER.

I await your:  "You are a knuckle-dragging MAGAt" or what-have-you response to this.*


*Due to the length (and breadth) of this post, I provide Muzak to listen to while reading it:

Politics / Re: Grand-Poobah, Knight of KKK Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 10:29:04 PM
Quote from: Lyndon Johnson
"I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."
― Lyndon B. Johnson

Don't forget Creepy Uncle Joe's buddy, Lyndon!

Random Topics / Re: CornHoleEbola-22 - Monkey Shines
September 03, 2022, 09:09:50 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2022, 11:17:29 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 03, 2022, 11:04:19 AMI don't know where they are clickysharing these things. I tried doing a gab back when mv said, then I did a parler but only one person offered to follow me, I don't think I have the energy for Truthing and don't really want the "your favorite president needs $45 to fight the election fraud right now offer expires in 12 hours" emails, you just know there is some secret clubhouse where MDMD is posting his vidyas happy as a clam but I am sure he won't tell me  :'(
The word on the dirty street is he posts his vids on pornhub (whatever that is). Hilarity ensues when his bank statement is read by the bank staff and they look at all the fund transfers to the "DJT is a living god" account, and the Depends get some hammer at the "ten times impact" bollox.

This thread is so Two WeaksYears Ago, you old queens!

The both of you should be jabbed against the neu CornHoleEbola-22 variant;  I am certain y'all are both at risk:  Pud, you live in San Francisco & K_Dubb you are you!

Get with it you two:  focus like a laser on the Current Thing!

I am not going to /report y'all for being off... THIS THYME!

Honestly, the MAPA KamPain can afford the loss of Pud, but K_Dubb is my freaking Veep.

Straighten up, and fly right!

Don't thank me, thank your Recruiter.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"

Politics / Re: Grand-Poobah, Knight of KKK Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 08:05:29 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 03, 2022, 07:52:31 PMNot only that but apparently, at one point in the story, Biden actually refers to those black kids that swam in that pool as "roaches."

Speaking of "roaches," wasn't Brandon tight with Byrd & Johnson back in his early career (between his unclaimed income "Property Maintenance" gigs), didn't one of those cats have some sort of officious sounding KKK title or something, Nautical Shore?

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 07:40:50 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 03, 2022, 07:07:14 PMPeople have deduced from Biden's own Cornpop story that Cornpop is the real hero of the story because he saw a pedo making advances on the kids who swam at his neighborhood pool, getting them to touch his legs and stuff and decided to do something about it.

That's a good one, Coach!

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 05:58:02 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2022, 05:47:02 PM...
That isn't evidence. Yet you have the temerity to suggest trump's cult aren't in part nazis! And there is loads of photo and video evidence to support that.


Missing source material.

I found an un-altered photograph that might help your case there, Pud:

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 03, 2022, 02:16:28 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2022, 02:09:38 PM...The same filth who used to allow himself into girls' dressing rooms at pageants.

Theythe hobo elite are letting Creepy Uncle Joe hang around those Jon-Benet Pageant things?

I don't find that surprising, I wish you would cite the source on that, the people need to know!

For the Children!

I believe this image is missing from this thread (or some other one) on this newest incarnation of BellGab:

You cannot view this attachment.

Quote from: albrecht on September 03, 2022, 12:49:59 PMI knew someone who was detained for using the multiple passport switch. In his case it was a matter of tax residency (there are a certain number of days being present in the USA to gain some tax relief if you are working in another country, I think.) But he explained it was simply a mistake. Even back then they tracked. Now I imagine it would be very difficult to do the passport swap, at least in Western countries or China. Many other countries allow dual (or more) citizenship so it can get confusing, especially if you also ad a birth into the mix. That raises flag also 'why are you traveling with a kid with another country's passport?' I seem to recall some places even made you take a letter from your spouse so that you weren't kidnapping over a domestic dispute/divorce.

That might be a good dodge to use when traveling to the stops on the itenerary to/from the "job" destination, Nautical Shore?  Would mean more fake passports though...  Probably want to hide them well:  EM bag for the magnetic stips (if present) in your "collection."

HAH:  "I am sorry, sir!  I am an AVID passport collector, guilty pleasure;  I am sure you understand.  One must have their hobbies, what is your hobby?  I must have grabbed the wrong one from my drawer back home..."


Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 03, 2022, 01:55:58 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2022, 10:02:03 AMYou cannot view this attachment.

When did Dr. Faucci get so fat? 

That's gotta be Fake Noose!

Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 03, 2022, 01:38:08 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 03, 2022, 11:52:48 AMFinally!  Charles Schwab and the WEF are coming for you fatties.  Lock up the ice cream, time to eat bugs 🥳

K_Dubb, Attend:

I believe someone in Canada is in the process of or has already opened one of the world's largest "Cricket Farms" for production of Cricket Protein Meal destined for HooMan consumption.

Ah, found it:

"New video highlights Canadian cricket farm amid ongoing push to switch out beef for bugs"

Maybe I should start one of those in the back forty of the PFDRp?  I have noticed many of them around the compost pile (must not have many Preying Manti this year) and know a simple old Cajun trick to catch them for fishing.  Could be an excellent new export product for my small nation:  market them as "Free Range Organic Crickets;"  commanding a higher price per unit/lb.

This has potential, and could even be a job-creator for the PFDRp:  I will need Cricket Wranglers, Humane Cricket Euthanization Techs, Cricket Meal Grinders, Cricket Inspectors/Graders, the Cricket List goes on for miles...

I bet those evil Canadians just dump their crickets into the meal grinders while they are still alive:  @WOTR you might look into this as a weak area in which to attack the fascist government we are trying to free your fellow Canadians from!

We should probably have some sort of Cricket Planck in the MAPA Platform:  Set up the Industry in the USA, Regulations (Free Range Only, No Dumping Of Live Crickets Into Grinders, Humane Euthanization, Make Sure No Spider Protein Is In Cricket Meal, No Grubs (Killing Babies), &tc...)

Maybe Roz could be talked into being our Cricket Czar?  That has a nice ring to it:  she could wear two hats (I seem to recall her fondness for hats, Nautical Shore?);  AND be our diplomatic Sports-Ball Representative to Angleterre as well!

Hear, Muzaks (this is the most Country of all Muzaks!):

Once we absorb Canada as the 51st State of the Union, Americans will dominate the World Wide Market in Cricket Meal:  You Can Take That To The Bank, less my 25% cut™.

I think this will be an especially lucrative export product, probably China/SW Asia:  although they may demand live product which will prove difficult logistically;  I imagine the ethical feeding and transport of Free Range Crickets across the Pacific in shipping containers will be expensive, Nautical Shore.

We Can Fix That Shit, though! 

We should probably look into creating a grass-roots political wing of the MAPA Party, one of those 501k(?) deals that is easy to skim profits from.  We will call it "People for the Ethical Treatment of Insects" or PETI (PETRI? Can we work an "Arr" between "TreetMint" & "Insects" somewhere: Focus Group that) that can cause trouble for Our Political Enemies at the non-MAPA Cricket Death Factories &tc.  Ask some of your ANTIFA buddies if they might be interested in that.

Most of this will probably be appropriate for Stump Speechifcation, although you might want to have your speech writers go over it a bit and rearrange some of the very valid points. 

I prefer to speak extemporaneously;  the MultiVote loves it when I do that.

I plan to provide some more Classified FOCOU details on this Vitalement Issue in my "September KamPain Notes/Talking Points" memo that you (&others) have yet to recieve:  I am writing each of these individually to MAPA personel/operatives individually this month;  Apogees for the delay.

Thank you in Advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
September 03, 2022, 12:44:08 PM
Frank Drake (of Drake Equation fame) is apparently no longer with us.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Chris Stigall
September 03, 2022, 12:41:49 PM
Chris Stigall has some funny observations about teh Gay Kulture, among his other amusing Old Saw Horses...

Quote from: albrecht on September 02, 2022, 03:41:23 PMHazy recollections but I remember "International Drivers License" deal that were accepted to get another one. But then some scandal. Some outfit out of Tennessee? There are places (less than used to be) that sell you Passports legit but travel can still be blocked in use. Small countries/islands etc who need funds. Though some with strong connections so still valid. (Usually.) I still want a Black One but I've heard rumors that those aren't as good as once were as the USA is increasingly being gutted. I don't know what happened to the Nansen Passports but I think still, somewhat of a deal, mainly so Danish and Greek shipping magnates can get Filipinos as cheap crews who can't really deal with the ship but need some bodies 'in case.' I think they now have an almost full AI who can steer ships (but fight back on the port side and still local 'rules' need a person to pilot into most harbors.)

Indeed, I imagine the market for False Passports is large (relatively), and the quality of such varies.  The best, of course, would be actual unaltered government issued ones.  All of which would be illegal to possess, difficult to obtain, and expensive whatever the quality.

Probably these would be "single-use" deals for ingress/egress at the border.  Depending on border controls of the country you are "visiting" you might use one to get in and another to get out (not a good idea if they keep a networked database of that information, which I imagine is wide spread...).

Given multiple fake passports for a "mission" I imagine you could do all sorts of funky bait & switch stuff muddying the waters:  Enter a country on one of them officially, then sneak out;  arrive via port or something in another?  Probably would be a logistical nightmare setting that one up!  And expensive as hell acquiring the number of fakes necessary for one "job!"

Hah, would make a great story...  Probably already several done in your Ludlum/Clancy/Fleming stories.

September 03, 2022, 12:19:25 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 03, 2022, 05:27:49 AMThere are all sorts of 'theories' going around, like KFC has some sort of agent that makes black people infertile. I usually stay off mentioning Crisco too much because it's K_Dubb's internet password for pretty much everything and the last thing we want is Mr Puniverse having all his bank accounts cleaned out and forced to live in an orange box in an especially insalubrious part of Seattle.

My favorite KFC "theories" are the bioengineering nightmares:

That's the bio-chicken theythe hobo elitists at KFC created for the Dozen Chicken-wing meal.

Then there is the other one the "headless fryer bio-chicken" which is even more alarming, so I will not post the image, it could be considered NSFW (Work/Pregnant Wimmins/Chillren).

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