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Messages - Unquenchable Angst

Random Topics / Re: What the hell is going on?
December 20, 2013, 08:56:02 PM
They are looking for cataloging certain gene strains for reference when the state moves to separate the sheep from the shepherds .
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
December 20, 2013, 08:14:09 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on December 20, 2013, 06:50:13 PM
That Nooryisawesome is some gnarly dude.

cheap date.
she gets hungry just put her in the sun or under a light
1 part Java coffee nearly but not quite French roast
1 part  (real) Mocha coffee American café roast
1 partColumbian supremo café roast
into a press pot
bloom the grounds then after a couple minutes add the rest of the water....
throw a couple shots  of Irish in a mug. toss in a mint leaf
throw in the brewed coffee
top with a dollop of real whipped cream
drizzle a few drops of Kahlua or cream de cacao over the cream  or a pinch of cocoa

cold day by the fire
large coffee mug (pint or half liter at least)
have a poker heating till it is red in the fire....
12 ounces hard cider
2 ounces apple jack brandy
a pat of real butter
a touch of cinnamon
plunge the red hot poker into the mix  in the mug drink when the butter melts
this is for those nights when you and your lady are by the fire
Politics / Re: Duck Dynasty shitstorm
December 20, 2013, 07:23:26 AM
As far as Duck dynasty, I read a man that prefers his dick in vagina than to slip it into anus. I think he stated his preference and did so in a gentlemanly way. The shills that attacked him for it are really a marginal group skirmish  in the overall divide and conquer war.
The pendulum of time swings in two directions and time these squeaky wheel types that wish to radically induce a new 'norm'  may achieve receiving a backlash. Maybe they should consider the Nazi SA and 'The Night of the Long Knives' during the rise of Hitler.
Politics / Re: Duck Dynasty shitstorm
December 20, 2013, 07:06:26 AM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 20, 2013, 04:23:15 AM

Yes, of course.  I was simply responding to a post suggesting it's the Conservatives that are the war mongers.  I just get tired of hearing that we are 'Nazi's', 'racists', 'war mongers', somehow secretly 'gay', are conducting a 'war on women', and all the rest of their horseshit.

I guess I should recognize these lies for what they are - acknowledgement that we are being effective in our pursuit of a smaller, more representative and responsible government, and fear that as the majority - and as the ones with the best ideas - that we are eventually going to take our government back from the 'Progressives'.
It is all a matter of projection  and conjecture that the left attacks the conservatives.
It has always been apparent to me that there is a big wide gulf between conservatives and so called Neo-Cons. More so than the gulf between liberals and conservatives. Bush family had connections to financing the rise of Hitler.
The way I see it is there is no separation between 'progressives',neo-cons, globalists, Nazi's, Communists( as they practice when in power).
The left wants to denigrate Reagan but you have to remember that the Republican's diluted his era by putting a Bush in as VP and others of the CFR globalist cabal in there .As Eisenhower said it is the military-industrial complex is the enemy of freedom and that is what we have today and regardless of 'party' they are all ultimately under control and at war with the conservatives  the True Conservatives that have difficulty overcoming the effects of the war of divide and conquer that all other factions are duped into following.
as if we can't learn from history like the Salem Witch trials where young adolescents caused death and destruction in the community with stories about their neighbors.
PC people trying to direct the agenda towards their divide and conquer  motivation.
Atheists trying to interpret Freedom of religion to freedom from religion.
Trying to criminalize kids that make pantomime gestures like hands pointing like guns or drawing of arrows in a bow .

Trying to hyper sexualize six year olds for touching or hugging each other in spontaneous actions.
The crackdown on Freedom of speech by people that turn to innuendo and attack mode to put down others opinion rather than rational discussion of ideas.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
December 16, 2013, 07:58:02 AM
'billy jack' film maker dead of pneumonia
Random Topics / Re: Thoughts And Pics From The Road
December 15, 2013, 02:07:28 PM
When I was a kid my Grandfather was president of a small railroad. Grandmother would take GF to his office and me to the rail yard. I would spend the day on a locomotive and end up in Florida. GF would pick me up in the company chevy  that had rail wheels and we would go home.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
December 15, 2013, 01:42:29 PM

'Lawrence of Arabia' star Peter O'Toole dead at 81

Sunday, December 15th 2013, 1:43 pm

by gregory katz associated press
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Peter O'Toole, the charismatic actor who achieved instant stardom as Lawrence of Arabia and was nominated eight times for an Academy Award, has died, his agent said Sunday. He was 81.

O'Toole died Saturday after a long illness, Steve Kenis said in a brief statement.

The family was overwhelmed "by the outpouring of real love and affection being expressed towards him, and to us, during this unhappy time. ... In due course there will be a memorial filled with song and good cheer, as he would have wished," O'Toole's daughter Kate said in the statement.

O'Toole got his first Oscar nomination for 1962's "Lawrence of Arabia," his last for "Venus" in 2006. With that he set the record for most nominations without ever winning, though he had accepted an honorary Oscar in 2003.

A reformed â€" but unrepentant â€" hell-raiser, O'Toole long suffered from ill health. Always thin, he had grown wraithlike in later years, his famously handsome face eroded by years of hard drinking.

But nothing diminished his flamboyant manner and candor.

"If you can't do something willingly and joyfully, then don't do it," he once said. "If you give up drinking, don't go moaning about it; go back on the bottle. Do. As. Thou. Wilt."

O'Toole began his acting career as one of the most exciting young talents on the British stage. His 1955 "Hamlet," at the Bristol Old Vic, was critically acclaimed.

International stardom came in David Lean's "Lawrence of Arabia." With only a few minor movie roles behind him, O'Toole was unknown to most moviegoers when they first saw him as T.E. Lawrence, the mythic British World War I soldier and scholar who led an Arab rebellion against the Turks.

His sensitive portrayal of Lawrence's complex character garnered O'Toole his first Oscar nomination.

O'Toole was tall, fair and strikingly handsome, and the image of his bright blue eyes peering out of an Arab headdress in Lean's spectacularly photographed desert epic was unforgettable.

Playwright Noel Coward once said that if O'Toole had been any prettier, they would have had to call the movie "Florence of Arabia."

In 1964's "Becket," O'Toole played King Henry II to Richard Burton's Thomas Becket, and won another Oscar nomination. Burton shared O'Toole's fondness for drinking, and their offset carousing made headlines.

O'Toole played Henry again in 1968 in "The Lion in Winter," opposite Katharine Hepburn, for his third Oscar nomination.

Four more nominations followed: in 1968 for "Goodbye, Mr. Chips," in 1971 for "The Ruling Class," in 1980 for "The Stunt Man," and in 1982 for "My Favorite Year." It was almost a quarter-century before he received his eighth and last, for "Venus."

Seamus Peter O'Toole was born Aug. 2, 1932, the son of Irish bookie Patrick "Spats" O'Toole and his wife Constance. There is some question about whether Peter was born in Connemara, Ireland, or in Leeds, northern England, where he grew up.

After a teenage foray into journalism at the Yorkshire Evening Post and national military service with the navy, young O'Toole auditioned for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and won a scholarship.

He went from there to the Bristol Old Vic and soon was on his way to stardom, helped along by an early success in 1959 at London's Royal Court Theatre in "The Long and The Short and The Tall."

The image of the renegade hell-raiser stayed with O'Toole for decades, although he gave up drinking in 1975 following serious health problems and major surgery.

He did not, however, give up smoking unfiltered Gauloises cigarettes in an ebony holder. That and his penchant for green socks, voluminous overcoats and trailing scarves lent him a rakish air and suited his fondness for drama in the old-fashioned "bravura" manner.

A month before his 80th birthday in 2012, O'Toole announced his retirement from a career that he said had fulfilled him emotionally and financially, bringing "me together with fine people, good companions with whom I've shared the inevitable lot of all actors: flops and hits."

"However, it's my belief that one should decide for oneself when it is time to end one's stay," he said. "So I bid the profession a dry-eyed and profoundly grateful farewell."

In retirement, O'Toole said he would focus on the third volume of his memoirs.

Good parts were sometimes few and far between, but "I take whatever good part comes along," O'Toole told The Independent on Sunday newspaper in 1990.

"And if there isn't a good part, then I do anything, just to pay the rent. Money is always a pressure. And waiting for the right part â€" you could wait forever. So I turn up and do the best I can."

The 1980 "Macbeth" in which he starred was a critical disaster of heroic proportions. But it played to sellout audiences, largely because the savaging by the critics brought out the curiosity seekers.

"The thought of it makes my nose bleed," he said years later.

In 1989, however, O'Toole had a big stage success with "Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell," a comedy about his old drinking buddy, the legendary layabout and ladies' man who wrote The Spectator magazine's weekly "Low Life" column when he was sober enough to do so.

The honorary Oscar came 20 years after his seventh nomination for "My Favorite Year." By then it seemed a safe bet that O'Toole's prospects for another nomination were slim. He was still working regularly, but in smaller roles unlikely to earn awards attention.

O'Toole graciously accepted the honorary award, quipping, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, my foot," as he clutched his Oscar statuette.

He had nearly turned down the award, sending a letter asking that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hold off on the honorary Oscar until he turned 80.

Hoping another Oscar-worthy role would come his way, O'Toole wrote: "I am still in the game and might win the bugger outright."

The last chance came in, for "Venus," in which he played a lecherous old actor consigned to roles as feeble-minded royals or aged men on their death beds. By failing again to win, he broke the tie for futility which had been shared with his old drinking buddy, Richard Burton.

O'Toole divorced Welsh actress Sian Phillips in 1979 after 19 years of marriage. The couple had two daughters, Kate and Pat.

A brief relationship with American model Karen Somerville led to the birth of his son Lorcan in 1983, and a change of lifestyle for O'Toole.

After a long custody battle, a U.S. judge ruled Somerville should have her son during school vacations, and O'Toole would have custody during the school year.

"The pirate ship has berthed," he declared, happily taking on the responsibilities of fatherhood. He learned to coach schoolboy cricket and, when he was in a play, the curtain time was moved back to allow him part of the evenings at home with his son.


AP writer Raphael Satter contributed to this report.
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Quote from: Seraphim27 on December 13, 2013, 02:02:23 PM
hear, hear

Your AV: Sam Elliot helped me find the peanut butter once in a Malibu grocery store. It was an awesome moment in my history of grocery shopping.
Sam Elliott, very cool. He seems like he would be cool to hang out with.
those bread heads are awful,lol.
When Michael Palin did that Around the Word thing and was in the Chinese restaurant that served snakes and they skinned them alive, whoooweee that keeps coming back in my mind.
I saw a film onetime where the scientists had created a cross genetic pig with human genes so they could use the heart valves in valve replacements for humans. Gave me the creeps and wonderment if they will use that as a standard pork critter . Especially made me wonder about all the hog slaughter in Michigan a while back about raising 'non-approved' breeds. Is this new chimera-pig the standard now? I hope not...
Went grocery shopping with James Garner one time at Sebring  in the 60's. My race team had a Austin Mini-moke  as a gofor car and Garner ran out flagged me down wanting to drive it.( had a full race prepped 1275cc cooperized engine) I made a deal, shop first and he could drive it back. Had many occasions to have dinner and breakfasts with Eddie Albert during the 70's as he was involved with a product I was R&Ding at the time. Both Garner is  and Albert was a very nice person .Very normal nice guys.Garner and Steve McQueen both had Mini-Coopers at the time. McQueen was to involved with his car at Sebring and nursing a broken leg he had acquired making the "Great Escape. McQueen drove a Porsche that year and came in 2nd Overall in spite of his right leg in a cast. Garner owned a team of two Corvettes. I was a crewman in a team that ran two MGB's. McQueen was sort of standoffish but Garner came around a lot because of the Moke.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
December 14, 2013, 08:40:37 PM
 $4.5K X 10  should be divided to the families of the 4 dead and the rich little F***er should get 20 to 40 years hard time to realize his short coming. The judge deserves some time among people he sent up.

creeping police state now no longer creeping, starting to gallop.
Quote from: jazmunda on December 12, 2013, 01:49:23 PM
+ 100000000

I'll add Doctor Who from 89-96 and 96-05.

woosh! I get a rush of vertigo when my brain tries to process the 4 eyed cat pictures. Like my brain is trying to reconcile the picture with its 'known' references or something.....
Quote from: Treading Water on December 12, 2013, 05:42:32 AM
Howdy Doody.  And that creepy Cowboy Bob or Uncle Bob or whoever he was.
We had a guy in the old neighborhood -- looked just like him -- we ALL knew to stay FAR FAR AWAY from him.... >:(
And that mangy marionette was a real DEMON!!
When I was 4 my mother gave me a Howdy Doody doll that had a string  articulated mouth , scarred the hell out of me....
Random Topics / Re: Music
December 10, 2013, 07:13:49 PM
I been looking for this song ever since I moved back to the mainland from Hawai'i in 2001. I had the wrong name for the song as a DJ alway's called it by the subject of the song and not the real name.It is about Waipio Valley on Hawai'i. Really gets me into alpha.
Ka Wai 'Olu O Waip'o: Makaha Sons album "Kuikawa"
Quote from: Philosopher on December 09, 2013, 11:30:56 AM

Sorta like the revelation that the USA has 57 states.

Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States

Aw, he just got it confused with his Indonesian madrassa education as there are 57 Moslem nation states.
Politics / Re: The Two Party System is an Illusion....
December 04, 2013, 01:24:52 AM
Thank you Karl. With that I am having my last little dram of Battlehill Malt and imagining that you poured my libation. I toast you all gentleman .
Earlier tonight  I did some survey that was actually asking questions about things pertanate to beliefs and attitudes concerning the fate of our collective lives as citizens of a country with a future to what we have now . and there was one where they asked whether I supported supplying rubbers to school kids. They asked whether you would change your mind for money or nothing or never under any circumstances. It was the only one I put my price to be for it at $! mill There was no way to have any other way but yes or no. At the end of it they asked what I would do with the $1 million and I aid buy an ocean capable boat and stock it with all my needs and leave to find a place where I did not have to witness the decay of civilization from.
I do not think on the surface that government should be involved in using tax money for or involved in reproduction or any manner tax money to planned parenthood. I am not against choice but I am against the public coffer . Let individuals donate to their causes but not the government.
Politics / Re: The Two Party System is an Illusion....
December 04, 2013, 01:01:09 AM
do nothing money suck jobs like Departments of Energy, Education, Homeland Security,
I don't remember what FDA, USDA are under but they are both controlled by Chemical(OIL), corporate Ag. and pharmaceutical corporations that the were formed to regulate. IRS as they constantly get into their gestapo mode whether empowered as thus or they chronically usurp powers they deserve jail time for. Federal Reserve  needs to be recognized as a branch of the Rothschild banking cartel and shut down. Money needs to be controlled by Treasury and House of Representatives as constitutionally mandated. Treasury has to be refrained from hiring secretaries from wall street firms and those people should only be allowed their views via congressional hearings. No More corporate revolving doors.No more bills writtain by lobbyists. No more inside trading allowed by government officials.
Oh Hell! I go back to my wish for a cosmic solution. Meteoric and swift justice. Karmic balance.lol.
Politics / Re: The Two Party System is an Illusion....
December 04, 2013, 12:11:41 AM
In my state there are enough people that will sign petitions to get Greens, Constitutional, Libertarian ~~~~candidates on ballots. Why not (at least) move to petition  'None of the Above' on the ballots  and get out the people who don't vote. Might be good to to let the demorepublicrats  know people rather not have the lesser of two evils .
After all what have we got , people pissed at the high weirdness and crap of the Neo-CONvicts and elect someone who never seems to know what has happened around him .I mean to say it is obvious to me that no one since Kennedy has really worked for the greater good  and all seem to be the puppets of some dark force. Even Reagan was different enough to have an attempted assassination .After all the people that run the GOP did not and do not support conservatives(True Conservatives). They set the wolves on conservatives or pull support off conservatives all the time. Neo-cons are not conservatives  they are CFR operatives as are many of the Democrat operatives. , Both parties work toward creating crises and then taking stupid measures to correct the problems(crises) they create. Hegelian Dialectic operatives.
Government is a con to take your livelihood and squander it .Putting you in debt, your children in debt and their children in debt. Debt is slavery. Grand scheme to bail out the economy ,re build the infrastructure and all they told us all went to banks and financiers and rather than financing projects they gave bonuses to the very people that created the financial crises In the first place. Even local politics down to city and counties are corrupt. In my county we have seven districts and each ,each district has a school board and each has a director paid 175,000 per year ,7 of them in a county with 75,000 people.
People are being played divide and conquer. Really all the same deal in the Media they are all owned by elite CFR operatives whether right or left. You have to be open to all to be able to tell shit from shinola.
I think if a meteor hit DC like the one that zapped Siberia recently but actually hit smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue would be a blessing to the nation and allow us to create a nation that lives up to its ideals. A real flush the turds down the cosmic toilet event and no way to blame anyone on earth or start a war over it. K street lobbyists and skanky dealer-doos gone, Government gone. Babylonian-Egyptian crypto-cultic mumbo-jumbo vaporized, Military-Industrial-corporado control vaporized. All the Neo Roman empire symbology vaporized.
Random Topics / Re: Reading Minds: The CoastGab Book Club
December 03, 2013, 10:46:45 PM
You too Onan, Thank you.
WFIT; Melbourne , Florida College station & NPR( nominally) Florida Institute of Technology, Friday night Blues show w/ Gary Z on Friday nights 8 to10PM then Blues Revival 10 to12 pm after Mr.Z's show. Gary and I shared a couple houses back in the 80's. There are a lot of good jazz programs on that station too  but Z's and Rev.Billy's revival show following Z's show are the ones I like .
Politics / Re: Climate change
December 03, 2013, 10:26:10 PM
7 sisters oil companies now 6 (or less sisters ) since some of the old Standard oil monopoly split ups are coming back together like the Terminator  liquid metal guy. (Exxon -Mobil)(Texaco Phillips)(SOHIO-Amoco-BP) EXXON-Mobil is Rockefeller outright and then there is the Banksters that own them all (JP MORGAN-Chase is Rockefeller, Then BP, Shell are all royally owned and with Rothschild in the mix.
Everytime someone comes up with alternatives that would eventually develop into a shift I energy the inventors get knocked off.(Malov,  others involved in hydrogen research, or have rediscovered some of  Tesla's work, Townsend, ~~~~~) The people that figured how to get useful HHO electrolysis to sustain driving a car on water.  I saw a unit a friend of mine developed in Hawaii that was able to run his 6KW generator of HHO produced. He had figured out that  he was able to use a 600 Hz current pulse seems to be the key to achieving enough hydrogen production to run the generator. He  figured out that the 600 Hz frequency had some harmonic with the hydrogen and caused it to remain as  a mono molecule long enough to derive some energy from it as it rejoined the oxygen in the engine their is an implosion-explosion going on in the combustion. (!?!?)
Random Topics / Re: Reading Minds: The CoastGab Book Club
December 03, 2013, 09:39:53 PM
Azimov's Foundation trilogy, Dune then Stranger in a Strange Land, then got into other books by Heinlein after "Stranger" , Clark, Niven, H.G.Wells, then after Science Fiction  I read autobiography OF A YOGI BY YOGANANDA AND THAT SET ME OFF ON READING ABOUT EVERY Hindu, yoga, Buddhist, Sufi AND EVERYTHING FROM THE Egyptian book of the Dead, Tibetan Book of the Dead, to every Guru around in the 70's-80's, Steiner, Gurdjieff, Vedas, then got into American Native spiritual matters: Sun Bear and others. Some of the concepts in Sci Fi books seemed to be influenced  from ancient concepts , certainly with Clark. sorry about suddenly going cap, but I am too tired to correct.
Random Topics / Re: What is your expertise?
November 27, 2013, 01:08:53 PM
bottling inspector, short-order cook, audio-visual set up, photographer, type setter, pit crewman SCCA, FIA endurance races, honey salesman,  horticulturist, nurseryman, fertilizer sales, horticultural R&D, garden shop manager, farmer, yoga teacher, tv show host, manager of health food store, janitor, floor sales hardware, house sitter, herbalist, researcher, gofor, courier, proof reader, ~~~~~
Random Topics / Re: Old plane buffs?
November 26, 2013, 10:03:36 AM
Seaplanes of the Luftwaffe
Wings of the Luftwaffe

Wings of the Luftwaffe - Sea Planes (13 of 14)
at first I thought this was going to be about food ...
I had wonton soup last night.
and finished watching the 3 seasons of "Deadwood".
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
November 21, 2013, 12:22:52 PM
all I could think of was the carrots in the tv show "Lexx" and the Firesign Theatre references to 'Nancy'
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