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Your favorite TV shows that were canceled

Started by Marc.Knight, December 11, 2013, 03:43:58 PM


Lie to Me was awesome.
Prison Break's first season was amazing with a great premise. After the breakout it started jumping the shark.

I'd add a few more names to my original two (Eureka & Warehouse 13), but I sort of think there are some shows that were fabulous that ultimately got cancelled and deserved it.  For instance, X-Files was great for about 6-7 seasons, then went downhill badly.  I don't know if Heroes has been cancelled, but I lost interest somewhere in season 3.  Characters are created, abandoned willy-nilly; someone dies but is suddenly alive again; ideas keep repeating in a bland, unmeaningful way... In my opinion, by season 4 it is/was just a big bowl of yuck.


Quote from: zeebo on December 11, 2013, 11:49:46 PM
Ok this is embarassing, but I was sick one night and watched like 4 HBB's in a row.  It was awful, but I couldn't stop.  However it did pay off, because I got to hear this choice line from one of her sisters which I'm still laughing about:  "Babies don't come from your butt! They come from your biscuit."

I rest my case.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: jazmunda on December 12, 2013, 01:49:23 PM
+ 100000000

I'll add Doctor Who from 89-96 and 96-05.

This woman helped my adolescent stirrings, and she never knew it...  :'(



Not a TV show, but it hasn't hit any major theaters in north america so I can only assume it got canceled.


The Killing - it's downbeat, it's Seattle rain, it's character driven and the characters look and sound like real people, so they canceled it, only now Netflix is picking up 6 episodes.



I'll throw in some Classic children's shows I wish were still around for my daughter to watch.
Pete and Pete


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 12, 2013, 04:25:54 PM
The Killing - it's downbeat, it's Seattle rain, it's character driven and the characters look and sound like real people, so they canceled it, only now Netflix is picking up 6 episodes.


I watched an episode last night. Not too bad


Mission Impossible (the original TV series with Peter Graves, et al) - Yes, I know this makes me 100 years old,  that's OK because I am 100 years old (at least I feel like it).
Space, Above and Beyond (former Marine here, enough said)
24 (first two-three seasons, then the shark was definitely jumped)
Alfred Hitchcock Hour


Now that Ben's shockingly out of closet, I will admit that the ONLY television series I've ever loved, and always will, is The West Wing.

Oh I know, laugh it up, gnarly ol' scorpion infested gun thumpin' bible smoking weirdo luvzhim some gay ass liberal Sorkin schlop espousing "caring" politicians in their birkenstocks sippin' frapuccinos while deciding how to make the world a better place for everyone whom they think deserves it. Hey, the politics suck, but I don't care. It's well written. It's the only thing that I have the compete 7 series boxset of, and I enjoy it more on each viewing. I especially like how the series, in the last 2 seasons, portrays a cognizant and healthy right-wing through the character of Sen. Arnie Vinick, Alan Alda of all people. It's streaming on Netflix people.

Interesting personal note. Before I knew of the series, I had a very meaningful personal experience with Martin Sheen, from which I took away a personal respect for the man that still remains. When I later watched my first WW episode, already in season 5, I realized that like me, he's a dude playing a dude playing another dude, and doing an excellent job at it. Too bad about that one kid if his though.


MST3K.  I was a "Joel" fan but his replacement was good, too.  Certainly not a "Noory."  I remember when the Comedy Channel would do T-day MST3K marathons.  Saturdays just haven't been the same without MST3K to brighten the day.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 14, 2013, 11:24:59 AM
MST3K.  I was a "Joel" fan but his replacement was good, too.  Certainly not a "Noory."  I remember when the Comedy Channel would do T-day MST3K marathons.  Saturdays just haven't been the same without MST3K to brighten the day.


eddie dean

Quote from: ItsOver on December 14, 2013, 11:24:59 AM
MST3K.  I was a "Joel" fan but his replacement was good, too.  Certainly not a "Noory."  I remember when the Comedy Channel would do T-day MST3K marathons.  Saturdays just haven't been the same without MST3K to brighten the day.
Joel vs mike
2 very different personalties on mst3k. Both were  funny in their own way. Joel had a wacky,  physical commedy style that worked well during his tenure.
Mike had more of a layed back persona and played a good straight man to crows/tom servos silliness. In my younger viewing days I definately liked joel better, but as I have aged, I appreciate and identify with mikes style.
Netflix finally has several episodes available for streaming.  Time to make some dvd  recordings for my collection.


Joel was funny, but he was dull. Mike brought energy to the show. It's nice to see that both of them are still doing their thing. Rifftrax is really funny.


Funny how we can see the same thing and see it differently. I thought Joel was brilliant, and Mike was just a little funnier than a high school comedy. But I miss MST3K just the same.


Quote from: aldousburbank on December 14, 2013, 11:20:18 AM
...I will admit that the ONLY television series I've ever loved, and always will, is The West Wing.

Even though the politics were to the left of this free market libertarian-leaning squirrel, I loved the idea that gov't could actually work like that.  That even with all it's games and contridictions and flaws that there were in fact smart people coming together in good faith to actually try to work on things, without everything being almost entirely political.  And yes it was well written and acted and I also like that it was willing to let a measure of abiguity remain in some of the issues it explored.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 14, 2013, 11:24:59 AM
.. I remember when the Comedy Channel would do T-day MST3K marathons.  Saturdays just haven't been the same without MST3K to brighten the day.

I swear if they were doing that right now I'd watch it all day. 


Arrested Development. The writing on that show was brilliant, some of the best I had ever seen. I still consider the show cancelled, even though they came out with a fourth season on netflix to appease the fans. The last season was horrible.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on December 12, 2013, 01:40:05 AM
Invasion 2006

I forgot about this one, I loved Invasion. William Fichtner as the sheriff was perfect. I love how the show made it hard to tell who was a good guy and who was a bad guy. I think if this show had been released in 2010 it would have been a big hit.

Quote from: aldousburbank on December 14, 2013, 11:20:18 AM
... I realized that like me, he's a dude playing a dude playing another dude...

Ha!, aren't we all.

There have been lots of great shows over the years, but of the ones I watched it's hard to think of very may that ended before they ran out of material.  I'll have to look into some of the ones people have listed here that I missed

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on December 14, 2013, 08:28:34 PM
I forgot about this one, I loved Invasion. William Fichtner as the sheriff was perfect. I love how the show made it hard to tell who was a good guy and who was a bad guy. I think if this show had been released in 2010 it would have been a big hit.

I dug that show too, had an interesting feel, with the storms and aliens and clones and stuff. "daddy tom" was a creep.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on December 12, 2013, 12:09:50 AM

I'm surprised no one mentioned Twin Peaks.

This would top my list of favorite shows, cancelled or otherwise.


"...MST3K marathons..."

OK, I give.  What does MST3K stand for? 

Sometimes the world goes a bit berserk with the initials and anagrams, etc.    To use such shortcuts doesn't always make you cool or all knowing.  Sometimes it just means lazy. 


Quote from: TomCampbell on December 16, 2013, 05:48:04 PM
"...MST3K marathons..."

OK, I give.  What does MST3K stand for? 

Sometimes the world goes a bit berserk with the initials and anagrams, etc.    To use such shortcuts doesn't always make you cool or all knowing.  Sometimes it just means lazy.

Mystery Science Theater 3000

MST3K Season 1-5 Theme Song

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