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Messages - Big Chicken

Random Topics / Re: Thank You Dietrich!
October 09, 2018, 07:19:01 AM
Quote from: brig on October 09, 2018, 06:24:06 AM
Missed you Pastor Big Chicken!

Missed you as well Brig.

Praise DDD!
Random Topics / Re: Thank You Dietrich!
October 09, 2018, 05:35:07 AM
Whoa Baby!   Bell Gab is back.

It was nice of Douglas Dietrich to allow it to come back online after he had it shut down.  Missed this place - thanks Dietrich.
Dietrich.  I've said it before and I'm saying it again.  Come to West Virginia Brother.   You can be SAVED

Quote from: brig on June 01, 2018, 08:11:00 PM
Have you tried emailing Senda with counseling Pastor Big Chicken?  His email is in public view under some of his YouTubes should you need it.

Indeed.  I gave Mr. Senda sound advice from both myself and the Apostle Paul.   He told both me and the Apostle Paul to mind our own
beeswax.   ::)
So it would seem as if the Cat Sith has tried to kill Senda.   Terrifying but predictable

George - it is time for you to get Right with the Lord.  Just like these fine folks below - they are feeling the Holy Ghost's Power

Quote from: timebandit on May 31, 2018, 07:04:06 PM
and I mean met and talked to not just saw at some event.
I worked on tommy smothers house in palm springs.
Met him shook his hand.

Did Tommy drop any F-Bombs or throw his Yo-Yo around?

Hello Douglas.

So you have been kicked off of Revolution Radio and have caught on at a much smaller and even more obscure network.
You are no longer welcome as a guest by the George Noory's. Jimmy Church's or say a Jim Malliard.  Even Jim Fetzer disavows
any knowledge of you or that you were ever on his show.  You are headed in reverse Douglas.  Each month, fewer and fewer
people hear your words. 

You need to make a change.  Obviously there is nothing wrong with your lungs - not the way you rant and rave. 
Being on disability is no way for a man of your age and physical condition to live.  Trust not in other men.  Trust in the Lord and
trust in yourself.

Give Pastor Butch a listen.   He discusses this very subject.


Done now?  Good.   Hopefully you have taken that to heart.   You need to change Douglas.  Start earning your daily bread
with your own two hands.   Apparently the United States Marine Corps failed to make a man out of you.  Where the Marines,
failed, I am confident that the Murray Energy Corporation will succeed. Come to West Virginia Douglas.   Join us in the
mines.  Needless to say, the people here will be more accepting of you then you will be of them.   However, you need to try.
There is still time to make something of yourself - stop wasting your life. 

There is a position waiting for you in the Marshall County Mine.   Take the job Douglas.
You'll need your apprentice card but you will have no problem obtaining that.  When you are working Midnight's 500 feet down and the mine lets out a groan and a shudder, you will find God. 
Believe you me.

It's a cat but it is not your typical ordinary kitty named Drooly Cat or whatever silly name Senda would give it.
It is a Cat Sith or Cait Sidhe and Senda has a major issue

QuoteCait Sidhe could take the form of a witch with the ability to change into cat form. Witches with this ability were able to to change from human form to cat form only eight times. They could choose to transform into a cat a ninth time, but then they must remain a cat forever.

I am unsure whom the witch he angered was but she is on the hunt for the big man

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on May 20, 2018, 08:52:54 PM
Good idea.  Along with the strychnine, he can handle a couple Mojave Rattlers too.  We need all the good ju-ju we can get in this situation.

No desert rattlers here in the Big Chicken's mountain home.   Cotton Mouth's a plenty brought in from Vara country. 
Except they are back at the Church and the Big Chicken would need the band.   Got the Strychnine right here at the house though.

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on May 20, 2018, 08:45:10 PM
A powerful song Big Chicken.  I don't know how that demon will feel about it, nor the Jewish fella who lives there.

Yes - I don't see Senda being much of a help in this manner.  In the mean time, the Big Chicken will mix up a little Strychnine cocktail to sharpen up his Faith.
Well we certainly all need fortitude after viewing the Sith.  Let us have some encouraging music to raise our shaken spirits.



Hhhmmmmm.  The Big Chicken's first thought is that George has managed to pull a Cat Sith somehow.  Does he have any Scottish
blood in his background? Unfortunately, we can not see the entities chest - a Sith will have a white marking there. Big Chicken has been around the
block once or twice but doesn't have any direct experience tangling with a Cat Sith. They are bad news - typically a witch can turn into a Cat Sith nine total times before they are trapped in cat form for all eternity.   So the witch won't do this just on a whim.   Has George upset a witch as of late?
A witch in Cat Sith form is quite capable of stealing souls.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:31:11 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 17, 2018, 07:26:31 PM
Call To Decision! My first time listening, BC.

Welcome aboard.   Rough topic for your first show.   :'(
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:09:42 PM
Quote from: Northern Nights on May 17, 2018, 07:06:22 PM
Vara talking about Keith right now on LNM stream.

Meh.   Pastor Butch Paugh tearing it up live from Nettie, West Virginia right now ->
Douglas - perhaps some small part of your mind is still your own.  If so watch this short video.
Fight.  Come to West Virginia.  Take up the serpent and feel the power of the Holy Ghost.

Random Topics / Re: Puppies and Kitties
May 12, 2018, 05:24:24 PM
Random Topics / Re: Puppies and Kitties
May 12, 2018, 04:51:13 PM
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on May 12, 2018, 04:40:21 PM
Douglas, is that you?

Douglas is having major issues

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 10, 2018, 07:29:44 PM
Quote from: albrecht on May 10, 2018, 07:23:54 PM
The big kid drinking the moonshine strychnine looks, and apparently acts, like a young John Candy. I also note a tattoo, not sure Pastor Butch would approve even though, technically, Leviticus 19:28 doesn't apply to Christians.

The old guy handling those snakes are nothing. He should go to a Rattlesnake Roundup down here. People in sleeping bags full of rattlers, people in bathtub of rattlers, snake sacking contests, snake milking demonstrations, fried rattlesnake and other fair food. And carney-operated rides.

Well we could have called Pastor Butch on his show tonight but he's off to Pittsburgh to pick up family so Jim Fetzer is sitting in as guest host tonight on Call to Decision
Unlike some. Butch fears not the prospect of a guest host.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 10, 2018, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: chefist on May 10, 2018, 07:00:12 PM
Ha...if there is a God, I sure hope he grades on a curve.

Extra Credit is available if you take up Asps or drink a little strychnine.

Quote from: Gunner65 on May 08, 2018, 09:54:30 PM
I have investigated Dietrich for over two years...TRUST ME...he does not want to be saved.

This is most certainly true.  It is sad that he has wasted his life and what awaits him for all eternity is tragic.
Watch this video Douglas.  Listen carefully to the lyrics.  Cast out the demon and be saved!

Quote from: Gunner65 on May 08, 2018, 09:44:37 PM
LOL   That is a very interesting observation Big Chicken ...I don't think Pastor Butch can help DD.

Butch can render assistance but deep inside Douglas needs to want to be saved  He needs to want to leave the den of sin where he resides and come to West Virginia.  If he takes up serpents he may yet be saved

Pastor Butch's contact is available here -> http://www.calltodecision.com/index.php/contact-us/

Call him Douglas - save yourself.  The Pit awaits if you do not.

Have no fear, the Big Chicken is here.

Douglas seems to be in the grips of what Binsfeld would classify as a Leviathan demonic spirit.   Which, common belief aside, is associated with the deadly sin of envy   As he did not complete his military service successfully, he was envious of those who did.  As he has had no success in his personal or professional life, again he was envious.  Unfortunately this opened the door and the Leviathan stepped in.

At this point only a experienced, powerful man of God can save Douglas now.   In moments when resistance is strong, Douglas needs to reach out to Pastor Butch Paugh of Nettie, WV.

Quote from: brig on May 07, 2018, 07:36:08 PM
Good to see you here Pastor Big Chicken!

Greetings Brig.   This sure is quite the mess, is it not?

If only Heather had reached out to the Big Chicken.
Well Pastor Butch is Live now on his Call to Decision show at its normal time slot.  He was a long shot at best but obviously he isn't the new host of MiTD.

Too bad.    :'(
Quote from: Juan on May 07, 2018, 04:44:54 AM
I think it will be Pastor Butch.

What a delightful choice that would be.   We want Butch!  We want Butch!

Butch has the best intro in the business. The Big Chicken is definitely ready to pick up his sword and shield!

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 03, 2018, 06:54:22 PM
People in Japan still seem relatively healthy. I was watching a documentary on world religions on PBS last night (the TV station, not ponyboy) and what I noticed is this: People in China are FAT now. My mom used to tell me that when she was finicky about finishing her dinner as a kid her mom would tell her that there are kids starving in China. Not anymore! :D

I do trust they showed some of that good, old time religion?

So it would appear that Senda is contemplating starting his own Church?

Now mind you, the Big Chicken finds this blasphemous.  I am not condoning it, in any way shape or form.
That being clearly said, the desert location for the compound is a serious mistake.  Appalachia is the place
Senda should head for.  West Virginia or Eastern Kentucky would be ideal.   

Pound down some strychnine.  Play with some Asp's.  Hide his Jewish roots.   Build up some cred.

Quote from: ItsOver on April 28, 2018, 11:32:22 AM

"You know we're hot on your trail, Big Chicken.  MV likes Danno."

Williams?  Pishaw!   In my timeline I took care of him and got away in my Hemi 'Cuda


You are gonna have to do better than that my man.
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