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Messages - narcissist noory

Quote from: Nick el Ass on September 28, 2014, 12:10:10 PM

Details, details. You can't mention a story like that without details.

you would of just had to been there..
  it was literally 3hours of animal porn
excellent show tonight!
just trying to imagine what georges reaction would of been to the segment about the foot long exploding duck penis
what level of brain dead autopilot setting do you have to be on anyway to not notice the clipper guard is not on?
omfg noory just found the cure for ebola!
drink bleach!
"not straight out the bottle, dilute it"
well it looks like we are being tricked into watching beyonbleef if only to see NoStacheNoorys new look
on tonight's show, we will learn how to protect ourselves from e-bowl-a with
Quote from: wr250 on September 24, 2014, 08:39:22 PM
or cruising bellgab.
or trolling bellgab /fixed
and stache clippers
  NoStacheNoory sucks!
i like how he tried to misdirect the criticism by bringing up how art glued his mouth shut
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on September 22, 2014, 11:51:34 PM
He had to tape five Bee On Bleefs without his dead caterpillar.

hitler is displeased
noory accidentally shaves his 40 year old stache off and tries to draw it on!
BAHAJAAAAAA so much fail
Quote from: wr250 on September 16, 2014, 02:45:45 PM
and thats why the nickname of "morbid george"

he's well aware of it but the urge is too strong
he's definitely rattled tonight!
even allowed the expert to keep talking deep into bumper music till guest stopped himself, than said " i wanted you to finish"
   dont worry gorgie, your secret is safe with us
tonight  after failing to pronounce 'malevolent',  he declares "i give up, i cant even talk tonight"
  than redeems himself and sounded like he won the Pulitzer
noory's so ignorant and delusional that on monday he wont even realize that he's doing a show about himself
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 04, 2014, 10:08:55 PM
He hosted the night his father died, and as I recall he was upset he had to take a day off for his daughter's wedding.  I think he'll be hosting.

yep, everyone can relax and keep the flames on high
  a narcissist sociopath feels the same about a family member dying or kicking a puppy
Quote from: Nick el Ass on September 02, 2014, 09:03:54 PM
The guy Neorge has on tonight lives in Hawaii so listen for an oddly placed comment " Oh, we have a studio there."

Ding Ding Ding! 60seconds in!
"and will be operational in october or november"

guest: ohh really? tell me more!
goory: no comment

gory noory on full display tonight;  "is gouging out eye balls acceptable for self defense"?  " a man asked the police to shoot him and got his wish" sounded like he had a orgasm after that comment
  hows it feel to be the most hated talk show host 'on this planet'?
interesting topic
believable guest
  excellent host
Quote from: zeebo on August 28, 2014, 11:44:54 PM
I didn't really think about this, but yeah, I would not be at all surprised if this was true.  I try to not be a completely raving anti-Noory hater, but I'm running out of reasons not to be.

Resistance is Futile!
the suckage is too strong
when this guest wakes up tomorrow and listens to herself i think it will be the worlds biggest facepalm-if goory doesn't pull the plug.
lady its the middle of the night!
during the spider segment a caller went awol while waiting to go live, the host continued interviewing the guest without trying for another caller making me think there wasnt anyone else available.
anyone wanting to have their voice heard on 'the most popular night time show' have at it
..his audience has continued to grow by leaps and bounds..
  must really be a press release
he forgot his last name again, that's twice this week, 20minutes in coming back from break
oh great its fireside chat time, as for that tac nuke comment, if i ever see this freak irl ima throat punch his sociopathic ass
Quote from: yumyumtree on August 14, 2014, 01:20:25 AM
If we invented the wheel today, it wouldn't work.

yah i can't for the life of me figure out his obsession with things from decades ago 'not working' the same these days, like mentioning once again tonight that twilight zone wouldnt work these days
what a strange weirdo this guy is
Quote from: George Drooly on August 13, 2014, 02:27:33 AM
First guest and Noory's inability to comprehend the paradoxical complexity of creative/depressive mind was wretched radio. Guest was a simpering fool; Simple George - who has never been creative or depressed - just wallowed helplessly.

Second guest was awesome. Never thought I'd hear the words "corroded rectum" "nigger" and "laid" (among others) on any C2C show, let alone from one quest on one show. George responds with his usual affable/asinine giggling indicative of his general milquetoast immaturity. Hope dear ol' "Mom" wasn't listening tonight!

Kuhlassic Pickle of a Shew toonite

yes  pure gold tonight!
i liked how he threw his buddy ventura under the bus the first chance he got as payback for the jabs jesse threw at him
i wish smoron would bless us with a resignation speech-maybe a year from now when art makes a comeback and hammers the final nail into this coffin of a show
coming back from the 1st break snoorgy forgot his own last name!
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