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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Jesus, the whole conversation with Breggin so far has been sooooo uncomfortable. Morbid Joorch in full flow. And also displaying utter ignorance about suicide and issues of depression. This constant parroting of 'What are they thinking? are they upset?' demonstrates such a deep disconnect from human emotion it beggars belief. Horrible, horrible idiot of a man.

i wish smoron would bless us with a resignation speech-maybe a year from now when art makes a comeback and hammers the final nail into this coffin of a show


I'm pretty sure this is the same guest Shapiro had on this afternoon. George is actually doing a better job interviewing him than Shapiro did. At least Noory sounds comfortable with the guest--Shapiro didnt.
Thank you for mentioning going off the gold standard and wage-price controls, the two worst domestic things of the Nixon administration. Watergate was nothing, really.

No, that's unfair to weasels.


"An affable guy who just wanted to get laid"

Boy, talk about destroying icons.

This is definitely Shapiros guest. Do you suppose he got a scolding from Medved for having a guest who brags about having a grapefruit size tattoo on his back?


Quote from: LAM4:2 on August 01, 2014, 04:39:44 PM
I have a feeling George likes saying "CDC". Most people don't know that it stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but George does.

I think it is because Jorge 'recalls' reading an old Dr. Suess book (no longer in print by the way) where one of the characters says:  "See the Sea?" 

Some sort of mnemonic device that helps poor Georgie speak so well...


Seriously, did this guy just say "nigger" on air?


Quote from: popple on August 13, 2014, 01:15:26 AM
Guests are dropping N-Bombs now?

LMFAO Thank God I wasn't the only one who heard that!!
Stupid fuckin Noory didnt even notice - prob sleepin


How can you be such an unattentive host that your guests can say "nigger" on air and youre so out of it that you do not even notice

Nick el Ass

Quote from: popple on August 13, 2014, 01:15:26 AM
Guests are dropping N-Bombs now?

He sure as hell did, and Neorge just let it go. The host is a moron who uses terms like jailbait... and the guests are using racial slurs. Part of me wonders if Neorge knows he is in trouble, and doesn't care anymore. Also is there supposed to be a delay to stop that kind of thing from happening?


Quote from: Nick el Ass on August 13, 2014, 02:09:21 AM
Also is there supposed to be a delay to stop that kind of thing from happening?
Only if you want to stop it.  My guess is that somebody at Coast remembered how much attention a "wardrobe malfunction" can bring and is hoping to generate some buzz using controversial (and completely accidental) "slip ups."  There is no such thing as bad publicity... now if only one of the news stations would take notice of the letters they send and turn it into a story.

George Drooly

First guest and Noory's inability to comprehend the paradoxical complexity of creative/depressive mind was wretched radio. Guest was a simpering fool; Simple George - who has never been creative or depressed - just wallowed helplessly.

Second guest was awesome. Never thought I'd hear the words "corroded rectum" "nigger" and "laid" (among others) on any C2C show, let alone from one quest on one show. George responds with his usual affable/asinine giggling indicative of his general milquetoast immaturity. Hope dear ol' "Mom" wasn't listening tonight!

Kuhlassic Pickle of a Shew toonite

George Drooly

Quote from: Nick el Ass on August 13, 2014, 02:32:35 AM

That is a new one for me.

Tommy & George are probably used to it -- he giggled knowingly and let it pass, Standards & Practices be damned!

Quote from: George Drooly on August 13, 2014, 02:27:33 AM
First guest and Noory's inability to comprehend the paradoxical complexity of creative/depressive mind was wretched radio. Guest was a simpering fool; Simple George - who has never been creative or depressed - just wallowed helplessly.

Second guest was awesome. Never thought I'd hear the words "corroded rectum" "nigger" and "laid" (among others) on any C2C show, let alone from one quest on one show. George responds with his usual affable/asinine giggling indicative of his general milquetoast immaturity. Hope dear ol' "Mom" wasn't listening tonight!

Kuhlassic Pickle of a Shew toonite

yes  pure gold tonight!
i liked how he threw his buddy ventura under the bus the first chance he got as payback for the jabs jesse threw at him

George Drooly

"Real Navy" was classic. Now someone needs to call George and slip in "real TV show" heh heh


Quote from: narcissist noory on August 13, 2014, 02:49:53 AM
yes  pure gold tonight!
i liked how he threw his buddy ventura under the bus the first chance he got as payback for the jabs jesse threw at him
I really tried tonight... I wanted to hear "nigger" on Noories show.  But I am weak and I cannot suffer more.  How did Jorch throw Ventura under the bus?

I live close to the Nixon Presidential Library and when I jog past there on the weekends, there are many Vietnamese wedding parties taking pictures on the grounds.

Quote from: gnooryblows on August 13, 2014, 01:14:08 AM
Seriously, did this guy just say "ni**er" on air?

Maybe this guy is Bart Ell he called me that name a few weeks ago.

WOW C2C is disgusting, that along with the Jail bate makes me sick.


Quote from: gnooryblows on August 13, 2014, 01:14:08 AM
Seriously, did this guy just say "nigger" on air?

I heard him quote LBJ using "niggra."

I don't recall it being said otherwise.

May have been though.  My frustration with Noory puts a haze on my attention span.

Quote from: ShayP on August 13, 2014, 11:24:28 AM
I heard him quote LBJ using "niggra."

I don't recall it being said otherwise.

May have been though.  My frustration with Noory puts a haze on my attention span.
I heard Stone say African Americans. I also heard him rationally explain history.. didn't hear the N word allegation, but I think Stone is an extremely interesting anf smart person. He should have been permitted to have a three hour show himself last night, Noory's 'that's right' and other sound file clips being played during the interview didn't add a thing.. Stone dominated as he should have..
Also it's not racist to point out that Johnson was a racist by saying a term he used. PLus Johnson may have been the most reprehensible man to have ever lived. At least the worst that ever held office.
I always found NIXON to be one of the most fascinating people ever to have lived, and certainly the weirdest and most paranormal of presidents--he was paranoid and constantly superstitious..

Any skilled interview would have made last night's show amazingly interesting.
Mr. Noory chose to be himself.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on August 13, 2014, 11:32:47 AM
I always found NIXON to be one of the most fascinating people ever to have lived, and certainly the weirdest and most paranormal of presidents--he was paranoid and constantly superstitious..
I didn't get how fascinating he was until I saw Frost/Nixon.
No shit! Alex Jones must be on the same drug's.

I knew the Nixon/Gleason story was flaky but -
QuoteFrom what I can tell, there are four possibilities for the origin of this strange story:

1. Jackie Gleason made it up in 1973 to explain where he was one night
2. Beverly Gleason made it up in 1983 to tease her tell-all book
3. The National Enquirer made it up in 1983 and published it under Beverly’s name to sell newspapers
4. Richard Nixon took Jackie Gleason to see dead alien bodies at a Florida Air Force Base

I have no idea which one of those is true. But I’m pretty sure I know which one isn’t.

My vote for, "most paranormal of presidents", goes to Reagan. For the alien-invasion meme, the star-wars initiative, and the astrology.

Quote from: HorrorReporter on August 13, 2014, 11:32:47 AM
Any skilled interview would have made last night's show amazingly interesting.
Mr. Noory chose to be himself.
Mr. Noory,
Art was wrong. Be something else cause you . . . well, you know.

"It's alright, George knows where I'm coming form."


Quote from: gnooryblows on August 13, 2014, 01:14:08 AM
Seriously, did this guy just say "nigger" on air?

It may be a semantic point, but I don't think he did. He was describing what he called a 'stitch-up' between JFK and LBJ in the 1960 campaign. He claimed that while Kennedy toured the west, mid-west and north-east promising civil rights reform (was that actually a significant part of Kennedy's campaign?), Johnson was reassuring the southern Dixiecrats that he didn't really mean it. Stone said, mimicking LBJ, 'You don't need to worry about these Niggras'.
That would be the Texan/southern pronunciation of Negro, a word in widely accepted usage in the 50s/60s.

I missed 'corroded rectum', but caught him describing a quote as one of the 'douchiest' he knows. He and Joorch both slipped in a 'we' when they meant the Republican Party. Asked about Putin, Stone said he would like to rent him to run the US. Asked to rate Presidents out of ten, he awarded Reagan a perfect 10. Nuff said.

Stone also had Nixon making a pass at Jackie Kennedy, and Jackie and Bobby screwing after Jack's death.

Also loved the caller who said she had a few more points she wanted to make 'before George cuts me off'. Spluttering and guffawing from Joorch in the background: 'I would never do that!'

And did anyone catch a single reference to his 'assignment'?


Nixon was also known for losing his protection detail and disappearing for a few hours every once in a while.  So taking someone like Gleason behind the scenes isn't out of question.  It comes down to whether you think the US military has frozen aliens in an extremely high security area.  The least likely piece of this story might be that a President would be able to march someone without security clearance into a high security area.  But if you're a 19 year old private standing guard at a facility Nixon would probably scare you so bad your balls would hide themselves for a week. 

Anywhoo .... cool story.  Regardless.


Quote from: gnooryblows on August 13, 2014, 01:19:27 AM
How can you be such an unattentive host that your guests can say "nigger" on air and youre so out of it that you do not even notice
Can someone get a clip of this? I'd like to hear it, but I can't stand to listen to a whole show just to find that one bit of audio.

Quote from: coaster on August 13, 2014, 02:07:27 PM
Can someone get a clip of this? I'd like to hear it, but I can't stand to listen to a whole show just to find that one bit of audio.

I remember in the eighties, when Hunter Thompson was a columnist for the "San Francisco Examiner," he wrote a piece about Nixon's Chinese mistress and claimed to have visited her on the houseboat where she was living. I never knew whether to believe it, but after hearing about the woman from Hong Kong last night, it sounds like it could have been true.

Did anyone else notice that he called Louis Armstrong a "trumpetist?"  I guess that makes John Coltrane a "saxophoner."

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on August 13, 2014, 02:36:00 PM
I remember in the eighties, when Hunter Thompson was a columnist for the "San Francisco Examiner," he wrote a piece about Nixon's Chinese mistress and claimed to have visited her on the houseboat where she was living. I never knew whether to believe it, but after hearing about the woman from Hong Kong last night, it sounds like it could have been true.

Did anyone else notice that he called Louis Armstrong a "trumpetist?"  I guess that makes John Coltrane a "saxophoner."

Who knows, Roger Stone could have been using that same article as his source of information.  During the interview about Kennedy, I was thinking about the earlier C2C interview with the author of Dr. Feelgood.  I didn't know what to make of that one, but it sure sounded like a lot of made up trash.  I was actually thinking of the Kennedy quote about horse piss from the Feelgood interview just before Stone regurgitated it verbatim, and then referenced that book as his source.  That either validates the original story, or invalidates Stone.  I'm not sure which.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on August 13, 2014, 02:52:20 PM
Who knows, Roger Stone could have been using that same article as his source of information.  During the interview about Kennedy, I was thinking about the earlier C2C interview with the author of Dr. Feelgood.  I didn't know what to make of that one, but it sure sounded like a lot of made up trash.  I was actually thinking of the Kennedy quote about horse piss from the Feelgood interview just before Stone regurgitated it verbatim, and then referenced that book as his source.  That either validates the original story, or invalidates Stone.  I'm not sure which.

I read it in a collection of his SF Examiner columns called, Generation of Swine.  I just did the Googly thing, and the column was called, "Nixon and the Whale Woman," and was mostly about a dead whale that washed up the beach near where she lived. There's just a couple of paragraphs about the woman, who claimed Nixon visited her on her houseboat over the course of thirteen years and all they did was drink gin. She claimed the Secret Service agents sat on the dock and drank long-necked Budweisers during his visits. So it sounds like the guest had a different source for what it's worth.

Another example of how bad Noory is: the guest spent more time talking about the actions of the Kennedys and LBJ than Nixon.

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