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Messages - DynamoHum

Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 04, 2020, 03:05:54 PM
I will create one, Dynamo!

invite me @

advertisingusa@hotmail.com please!

Let me know when the deed is done and I will get you added to the group.
DR I have been asked to extend a warm invitation to a FB group by the group’s admin, it will be a group you will enjoy. I can’t seem to find you on FB, do you use the beast?
Quote from: albrecht on August 04, 2020, 02:41:13 PM
Apparently there was an elevator and also port storage nearby. So grain or ammonium nitrate maybe?


News here was reporting ammonium nitrate as part of the cause.

The compression cloud looked like a nuke to me at first ... but apparently when there is moisture in the air then it can also form a cloud like a mushroom cloud.

Bloody horrendous, those poor people :(
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
August 01, 2020, 09:20:01 AM
Quote from: AZZERAE on August 01, 2020, 06:03:08 AM
It's great, isn't it!

It really is...clearly it took KR’s iron grip to keep all this dramarama in check for so long.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
August 01, 2020, 09:18:55 AM
Quote from: Sarah Brestlin on August 01, 2020, 09:01:30 AM
C2CAM is dead.
DMDN is dead.
MITD is dead.
TKON is dead.
Conspiracy.radio is dead. (even before it begins)
GabCast is dead.
Spec Sheet is dead.
Ground Zero is dead.
Dr J Radio is dead.
Edge of the desert is dead.
BartCast is dead.
The Milliard Report is dead.
Dave Schrader whatever is dead.
Midnight Society with Spooky Tim is dead.
End of Days Radio is dead.

Etc., Etc., Etc.
All Art Bell wannabe shows are dead.

These was ONLY one Art Bell.
Art Bell is dead.
Long Live Art Bell!

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting

It’s really nice that you can make a list from thread topics on this board, is that the sum total of your knowledge? There are plenty of other paranormal shows out there. The genre is thriving, your reporting, however, is not (it’s a bit stifled).

It’s not really reporting when you post blanket statements and back them up with... nothing.

- DynamoHum, commenting.
Not going too well is it?

The Chernobyl series was truly excellent. They interspersed real footage with dramatised footage for the rooftop clearance scene.

I remember the events very clearly as practically all the sheep in Wales had to be culled because the wind carried the radiation over to the UK and it contaminated lots of animals here.

If anyone hasn’t seen Chernobyl, it’s truly riveting.

Looking forward/not looking forward to the Fukushima dramatisation in a few years.
A gabcast with Anthony and Stellar would be interesting, Stellar embraces the medication route and Anthony despises it, but they both display their dislike of treatment in the same way. 
Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 30, 2020, 05:21:33 PM
I DISAVOW ALL THE NEGATIVE, HURTFUL words I delivered to my friend. Heather Wade. #LEGACY


Regardless of what ANYBODY says EVER including Mr. Rubini when he's hurt, confused or upset, Ms. Wade is the REAL DEAL.

Just because DAVID RUBINI has never seen a Alien that means NOTHING. I actually have seen Unidentified Flying Objects. I see all kinds of weird activity all the time.
Sometimes due to sleep deprivation = levity break.

psychic abilities, telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition.
Aliens? Cryptozoology? Let's find out! UFO's obviously exist too. Throw on some night vision goggles, look up, and you will see some CRAZY.
I am a "Paranormal" dude in the FLESH. I do have certain gifts. Heather has MANY and I respect her wishes with her own brand, company and direction.

Again, I was hurt. I was being dramatic. I overdid it.

I apologize Heather to YOU and your wonderful fans and appreciate so much what you're doing and I LOVE how you keep improving EVERY TIME I have the pleasure to listen.

Our friendship. Our brotherly/sisterly Love is real. We know it is. Again, I am sorry for losing my $#%@!
I need to toughen up. Talk about me on-air. Go 4 it! But say some of the "good stuff" too occasionally please. (Or prepare for BATTLE! jk I think :)

Also, I was not trying to manipulate or hurt you when I offered to help us both.
I want you to always have TKON because of our experience in March.

Please remember this. If you ever wanna resume future friendly or business communication, I'm always available for you, sister!
If my email addy is still blocked, please go ahead and consider unblocking me now please. (This is supposed to be embarrassing = my penance :)



You must have pushed the wrong buttons. I am blocked from her email as well.

So now we know where in the ballpark you are :)
Quote from: AZZERAE on July 30, 2020, 12:47:15 AM
Wait. You're team Heather now?!


Also Rubini really should go on your show it would be very interesting. I hope it happens.
Prepping for October....

Where have I heard that before?
Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 29, 2020, 04:36:38 PM
I would love to now host MITD.

I have to sue.

MITD is dead most likely. Unless Michael Marshalek wants to save his faggity existence from the fire I am sending to melt his pussy ass.

Why don't you contact him for GabCast? I'll be there to fucking destroy that son of a bitch.




As HIM why HE sux at business please.
He has a speech impediment that doesn't allow him to converse like a thinking human.

Try anyways.

Hit me!

It all sounds very shouty and angry.
Quote from: MarkT on July 29, 2020, 04:17:46 PM
I told you couple of days ago, why don't you become host of MITD yourself. You are crazy enough motherfucker to make that show shine. Don't be pussy.

Are you locked out of MITD? I would tend to agree that your style would be very interesting on a show.
Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 29, 2020, 04:09:17 PM
Yeah, when my hands are tied. Try Michael Marshalek.

EZ to pt. fingers when you do NOT know SHIT about details.

Hit me!

Please feel free to hit us with the details :)

At the moment you do sound more than a little butthurt. I think you realise that we have the measure of Wade around these here parts so it’s not as if anything you say is going to be a big surprise.
Quote from: Silphion on July 29, 2020, 03:15:36 PM
𝗢𝗿, we needed to be lectured about conspiracy shows and why she won't do these which once again proves how sincere she is.

𝐻𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤, ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒

Maybe she was just sending a strong message to Rubini to fuck off.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 29, 2020, 03:59:39 PM
Well I suppose that one good thing has come out of this whole shitshow.

We appear to have witnessed the MITD brand become a self powered perpetual drama generator.

Now it has broken free of the calming hand of KR it’s drama generating tentacles have attracted idiots, egotists, narcissists as well as 7 hosts that have fed it’s drama lust.

It’s not Skynet, it’s Dramanet.
Quote from: Jackrabbit on July 27, 2020, 05:28:23 PM
Certainly the dizzying post velocity turns away many without spare time to burn. Myself, I can barely keep up between all my schedules for buying cat food and waxing my t'aint.

Just don’t try and multitask those two.
Oh and tell her I said hi, we’re good friends :)
More than sure you are aware but just in case. I am pretty sure Heather doesn’t read here anymore, her sycophants are scared of coming here and anyone that could let her know you were trying to get a message to her here wouldn’t.

if you do manage to call her and actually get on the air though, do record it for .... research purposes :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 07:14:04 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 27, 2020, 06:57:46 AM
I suppose we should give lip service to the Old Warrior Rense.  I think he is too ensconced with his own stuff to be open to a change.

There is also Steinberg.  Must not forget about Steinberg. Look at his twitter: https://twitter.com/theparacast    Clean as a whistle now.  No more open pleas for cash.  He's not a young fellah either but can do a decent job when not whinging about money.

Rense’s Covid coverage with the doc he has had on nightly third hour since January has been excellent and well worth a listen. I don’t enjoy his racist shite, but it has been interesting listening to him slowly reverse back around the corner on his feelings for Trump.

Steinberg’s Paracast is now sadly little more than an advert for ipad covers but sometimes it throws a curveball and is interesting.

For pure comedic value, I throw Don Ecker into the ring - Rubini would be in cuffs with a cavity search within the week if he didn’t learn his place... 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 06:35:54 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 27, 2020, 06:25:02 AM
I think I like it more and more. Build around the Martain. Everyone has always shit on him. Decon doesn't have him on any more.  Vara used him up and cast him aside like so much rubbish. MV never gave him that $500 and his own gabcast.  The Martain has the youth, he has the inside knowledge and he has the anger. His time has come.

He could also introduce Rubini to Neely. That would probably end up in a cage match 3 months down the line.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 06:14:51 AM
Quote from: Ciardelo on July 27, 2020, 06:03:24 AM
I wonder if he has any face tattoos?

Say...I gave your interview a listen...pretty heartbreaking and made things a lot clearer. Thank you, WR250, and PBS.

Yeah that interview and Airyn’s words puts a lot of things in perspective doesn’t it. I would say glad you enjoyed it, but maybe endured is a better turn of phrase :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 06:13:38 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 27, 2020, 06:09:17 AM
I would think the Führer's only cross dressing, vampire Son would be higher on the depth chart.  He has stopped calling his listeners "white trash pieces of shit" and he even had a guest on last night.  His shows now run anywhere from 8 to 14 hours so he certainly can fill time which the network badly needs filled.

Other options? Strieber too old and frail.  Hoagland too old and flighty.  Malliard has too many real world reponsibilities.  Decon - too independent.
Decons old partner, Daniel - too sucky. Weisberg would never come back.

There is another.  Yes. Indeed. There is one more. Somewhere out there, the Mad Martian howls at the Moon (and Hoagland).  Could it be his time?     

Mad Martian would be fabulous....there would need to be a health warning for using headphones at the start of every show, in fact screw broadcasting, I don’t think they would need to broadcast, their gobs could carry that decibel level all over the world...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 05:32:57 AM
Quote from: AZZERAE on July 27, 2020, 03:40:43 AM
I'll ask him. My read on Rubini is that he's a drama queen, a wrassler. All bark and no bite. Nathan is a decent host ... Rubini is/was the problem.

He could well be a bigger drama queen than Heather, which is saying a lot.

He’s also got low impulse control which I am loving.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 05:31:05 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 27, 2020, 05:27:50 AM
It is time for the merger we have all been hoping for.

She will cave. It will be glorious. THEN he will move onto DD, even I will have to start listening then.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 03:33:47 AM
Quote from: AZZERAE on July 27, 2020, 03:29:57 AM
It certainly does seem to be stuck-in-the-mud.

And hey, I gave that url a listen, but didn't hear VC (musta missed it) ... any idea at what timestamp his call(s) took place?

No, really sorry ... maybe VC knows?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 27, 2020, 03:24:16 AM
I’m interested to see the plan for DMDN now they appear to not have a producer or a host again.

Does seem to be stuck in some circlejerk cataclysmic Groundhog Day scenario doesn’t it?
Quote from: Jackrabbit on July 25, 2020, 08:43:38 PM
Does this include the callers on hold? This point requires precision here.

Callers on hold are outside the circle of trust/haven’t donated enough $$$$
Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 25, 2020, 07:29:20 PM
I tried to be a saint.

It didn't work.

I tried w/ the best of intentions to forgive ....

I tried to help.

I tried to push for unity and legacy between Witch, KR and some others.


What has happened to everyone's sense of family?

My #Legacy family aren't ever gonna be a team. It is all about ego.

There is NO LOVE I found out. NONE.

I love them still....

But I also have to stand up for what is right and I was mischaracterized and disrespected by someone I had a SINCERE DESIRE to help.

Twice is enough for the witch. She tricked me and LIED BOTH TIMES.

She claims "she promised Art she MUST TELL THE TRUTH on-air.

I found out the hard way that she LIES on air.

She burned me when all I was doing was trying to help her.

I ended our 3 hour love fest of a POSITIVE CALL by saying I know she is sensitive about "giving up" her website (from my experience 4 mos ago w/ her)
I emphasized altruistically she be my owner-partner on a new network I was creating while I allow my attorneys get Justice for DMDN.


I wanted to bring #Legacy Dr. J. aboard too. Ya know FAMILY and all that shit??


I said that while the Network is being built, please allow me to immediately book her guests FOR FREE. She loved it. We hung up.

I changed my email signature from MITD to her show name BUT YES I LEFT E.P. as title... Who gives a fuck??? E.P., P or AP
I shoot her a new email asking her to "approve" my signature.

She then spins my sincere attempts at helping into some negative spin of LIES. Why?

Uncool. Hurtful.

I think now she has LIED for many years about many things.

She is a soul less arrogant wiccan dum-dum w/ malice in her heart.

She fooled me for 5  or 6 yrs.

KR was right.



Art was King. He's dead. It's over folks.

My positive energy about #LEGACY was proven as optimism, symbolism and delusion. Because I found out. No love, loyalty or a sharing heart or kindred spirit of sentimentality.

Just ego, lies, spin and cowardice.

Fuck you Heather. You are a con woman and a bad person. And LIAR.

Later dipshit.

Also, I was the 1st producer Art called to guide his sleigh. Call me the red nosed reindeer bitch.

WTF is wrong w/ you?

U suck redacted.

Once a nice girl now a diva bitch liar jerk

Fuck OFF!


She’d never go into something with Dr J - he’s been trolling her with Lasha for a good while now - there is no love lost between them. Not to mention he appears to be joined at the hip to Josh Chaires...

She pretends to like all her callers for 3-4 hours a night 5 nights a week, she could sweet talk you for a few hours with no problems, I think she got all your plans out of you then decided you had moved to second base too quick and she wasn’t in control so threw a hissy fit.

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