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Messages - CrabbyOld Bat

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
February 10, 2013, 05:54:50 PM
Quote from: Elflord on February 10, 2013, 05:26:03 PM
Ok all of you coastgabbers, I have a few things to say. I hope that all of you learned that the so-called “Art Bell” is just messing with your minds. Also I hope that you learned that if the real Art Bell does come back to the air will just quit again. He is just a quitter.

I disagree. I don't think Art would waste his time messing with anyone's mind nor do I think he is a quitter. The man simply wants the right deal and the right reason to return or he won't come back. How can anyone criticize him for that? So far, he hasn't found both those things at the same time and no one, including Art, knows if he ever will. So there's nothing to do but wait and see. It's just that simple.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's TV Pursuits
February 10, 2013, 01:06:41 PM
No need to see more of it than I've seen from the previews. It's Snorge sitting at a cheap table that has a fake front to make it resembles a desk. Snorge "interviews" the exact same guests that he's had on C2C (which is free to listen to). He asks the same simplistic questions, gets the same answers, and there's the same lack of appropriate, logical followup questions. The only diff is that your eyes are punished in addition to your ears.
Quote from: bud2112 on February 10, 2013, 12:15:59 AM
There's no way you can burn your uvula unless Snorge nearly swallowed the pizza rolls. If food goes back there your either gagging or swallowing. You don't chew with your uvula. Did Snoory say he burnt his uvula?

I agree that he must have swallowed the pizza roll(s) in order to burn his uvula and throat.

Anyway, I think he said his tongue, the roof of his mouth, his uvula (though I don't think he used the term) and his throat were burned. I also remember something about him claiming he had trouble sleeping because his uvula and throat were swollen and he was afraid he wouldn't be able to breathe.

Like I said earlier, I don't buy the lone pizza roll (which he claims he spit out) theory.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jorch's Eye Pad.
February 09, 2013, 11:48:06 PM

Btw, I forgot to compliment you on the "black is slimming" toon. I roared over that one!
Quote from: McPhallus on February 09, 2013, 11:43:59 PM
I was referring to people thinking that recent trolling events were "plants" by Noory.  But whatever, let's move forward.

Oh, okay. My apology.  :-[   
Quote from: eddie dean on February 09, 2013, 11:24:11 PM
maybe, but those of us that didn't see her meltdown live, will never know will we?
I'd like to read for myself but the Great and Powerful Oz has removed all of her posts from existence.
Were her comments so terrible,
to warrent being stricken from our frail and innocent eyes?

everyone has a bad day, and some are still around.

seems kinda heavy handed.
just saying

These will be my final public comments on the matter since what's done is done and it's best to just move on. But, yes, the comments were terrible -- truly vulgar, threatening, harassing, etc -- and she clearly broke several forum rules. Getting booted was definitely warranted.
Quote from: zeebo on February 09, 2013, 11:17:48 PM
Btw .. what was up with the guy who said he'd broken into his neighbor's house, set up video cameras, taped the guy flipping out on drugs, then reaped millions from all the people watching?

I dunno. I missed parts of that but I think at some point Snorge got kinda worked up and told the guy he didn't believe him. Then Snorge asked the guy to send him a million dollars and promised that he (Snorge) would give it all away to needy Coast listeners. (It's probably in the final 30 minutes of the show if anyone wants to listen to it. I tried to sum it up as best I could but as I said, I missed hearing the whole thing.)
Quote from: RJ on February 09, 2013, 11:15:37 PM
Do you think instead of the pizza roll burn George could have had a mild stroke?  He just keeps getting stranger, night after night.

Who knows? If he ever did have a mild stroke, neither he nor PremRat would probably say anything about it unless they absolutely had to. All I know is that his ability to focus, think and speak have really gone down hill over the past few years. I've read that he started a new 5 year contract this year but I'll be shocked if he fulfills it if he continues to deteriorate.     
Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 09, 2013, 10:35:38 PM

OMG......what in heck is WRONG WITH THIS MAN? ??? !!!!!

He's a medical mystery. I'm beginning to wonder if he's already getting a bit senile. All night long he had trouble forming sentences that made sense -- more so than usual, I mean. He repeated questions to the guest on multiple occasions. Dunno if he ran out of cue cards or if he really couldn't remember that he'd already asked the same things earlier. And during his long, time-killing chit-chat session with Tom about the Navy, Snorge seemed to contradict things he previously said about his military service. To top it off, he had a few callers who were as confused and confusing as he was. But it seemed like he was trying to fill air time so he let them ramble, then got somewhat upset with a couple of them. All in all, a bad night for Snorge.
Quote from: McPhallus on February 09, 2013, 09:29:20 PM
People overreacted, what with George's recent comments about "haters."  It does appear to me that Sardondi may have helped trigger the storm, although I doubt that was his intention.

Trust me, the only one overreacting to anything was Lilly. She went ballistic.
My favorite highlight/lowlight from last night's C2C:

George asks if the Chinese celebrate New Year's "like we do in this country, on this planet?":

(At about the 0:59:47 mark)

Coast to Coast AM - 02.08.2013 - Chinese Astrology and Open Lines - C2CAM
One lone pizza roll couldn't have done as much damage as Snorge claims, especially if he correctly followed microwave directions, which he claims he did, and then waited until at least some of the other pizza rolls were "cool to the touch" as he said they were. Yet he claims that one measly pizza roll severely burned his tongue, the roof of his mouth , his uvula and his throat so severely that he had to miss 2 days of work and is still recovering weeks later.

I'm more inclined to believe that Snorge stuffed 4 or 5 pizza rolls into his mouth as soon as the microwave dinged, chewed them up immediately, then couldn't or didn't spit them out at all , opting to swallow the piping hot stuff instead. MAYBE that would be enough to account for the burns he describes. But his claim that one small roll (usually only half filled with sauce) could do that much damage before he spit it out? Nope, I don't believe his story.

Thanks much, MV.   8)

Wow. Snorge is back to talking to Tom. Seriously, there must be a huge drop in calls. Good sign!

He just took another call and right off the bat the caller says "...you'll probably hang up on me too..."

Rough night for Snorgie!
Wow. No one must have been calling Snorge. He talked to Tom about the Navy for about 10 minutes. He wouldn't have done that if he really had people on hold.

Methinks the end is near for you, Snorgie.
Quote from: Usagi on February 09, 2013, 01:19:06 AM
*sigh*  ... thinking about how Art would have dedicated his time this evening to musing over and taking special calls about the big storm on the East Coast and making it sound awesome and the listener would feel like they were truly in a moment.

I believe Snorge is FINALLY opening up a special line for people on the east coast. The callers may be interesting. (But Snorge still won't be.)
Quote from: zeebo on February 09, 2013, 01:46:45 AM
I thought I heard that too.  Makes sense .. I think those Chinese ... um they live like on Mars or something right?  Got crazy dragons and cool kung fu aliens over there I think.

I'm still trying to figure out what planet Snorge is on.
Did Snorge just ask if the Chinese celebrate New Year's "like we do on this planet"?
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 09, 2013, 12:59:03 AM
GN: "So were there any animals that were close to consideration (for the Chinese zodiac) but were passed up?"

Now this is the hard-hitting journalism I was hoping for.

For real. His hours of show prep and years of experience have really paid off.
Quote from: Sardondi on February 09, 2013, 12:12:45 AM
Am I the only one who's creeped out by Lilly's continual talk about my-big-tits, boobs this and dicks that? Every time I see Lily's avatar, the mental image I get is this:

Just keep in mind...

No, you're not the only one creeped out. However, I was envisioning a zit-faced, 13 year old boy. Either way...
Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 08, 2013, 09:20:05 PM
I want to tell Mr. Noory that the "haters" are busy people.  We are FULLY ENGAGED in life and are interested in many aspects of the world and the paranormal.  I want him to understand that people who post on Coast Gab are exceptional, bright, talented, curious, busy and  accomplished in our own right..........and BECAUSE OF THESE CHARACTERISTICS.....we are also able to MULTI TASK! Yep, we can be productive and still find time to criticize his lack of skills as the host of Coast to Coast AM.

We are able to listen to Coast and mourn the pathetic demise of once was a radio program that challenged people.....like US.....people who actually take the time and energy to pursue aspects/issues/questions/topics that are NOT mainstream.

Noory fails to understand that a typical Coast listener is, truly, not the typical person.  Instead, Coast listeners are individuals who ask the questions and purse the topics that are not answered by conventional media.  And, with that said, his program REQUIRES a host who is capable of leading us.......with skill,  adept interviewing skills and intense  background study and knowledge...... taking his listeners into the areas in which  we wish to find answers or at least participate, through the radio, while others discuss the topics with intelligence, examples, stories, facts, evidence,  and wonder!

The screened callers are, the majority of the time, simplistic, bored, stupid.....or....kneeling at his "shrine".  He despises being challenged......and, never allows them (even those who kiss his butt) to stay on line, but instead,  simply dismisses ALL OF THEM (stupid or not) as he readdresses the guest and puts in his lousy comments (true, very true, absolutely true, truely, this is true too, etc.....etc... ad nauseum).  Soooo many times the guest wishes to speak to the caller only to find GN saying, "They're gone."  They are gone?  Yep, George, because you shut them down....stupid or not, let the caller and guest have a moment.
Sweet. Hopefully someone will read it to him.  ;D
Thanks much to Morgus, the General and HAL for the info & links to Snorge's most recent whinefest. It's hilarious!

He's clearly frustrated, as indicated by the increasing pressure, pitch and speed of his voice and especially his plea to "go away!".  But, as usual, he can't think of a clever retort. There's certainly no defense for his incompetence and apparently he has no desire to actually work at getting better, so all he can do it repeat the oldest, most lame, most desperate sounding, high schoolish comebacks in the book.   

My favorite line: "I've got my small camp of haters out there...".

Small camp? Your haters are all over the globe, Snorgie. It's a large camp. Very large. And growing.

Still no guest(s) listed for the 1st part of tonight's show. Maybe people are starting to say "no thanks" when asked to be on.

If Snorge has to do an entire night of open lines, he'll be in a panic worrying if he'll get enough calls to fill the show (so he won't have to think of anything intelligent to say) and he'll be scared beyon' bleef that haters will get through since, according to Honest Snorge, they don't screen calls.   ::)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
February 08, 2013, 02:22:28 PM
Hands down, Knapp is the best host on C2C. That's probably part of why he gets so little air time; he doesn't want a lot to do with the train wreck Snorge has created and Snorge doesn't want a lot of quality hosting because it emphasizes how snoorrible Snorge is. 
Anybody have a link to last night's show? I'd love to hear Snorge whining about haters.

I sent multiple critical fastblasts and a no-punches-pulled email (cc to Lisa and Tom) during and after the show with "Dr" Robert O. Young as a guest. I'd like to think my pointed comments and questions contributed to his most recent meltdown re haters. But whether or not my efforts had anything to do with Snorge's whining, there's no longer any doubt in my mind that he reads this board.  ;D

(You suck, Snorge. Own up to it.)
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
February 08, 2013, 01:51:55 PM
Judge Judy and the people who take their lawsuits to any TV judge for "justice"

People who don't park anywhere close to being within the lines of a parking space

People who park in fire lanes while their lazy ass, non-physically handicapped friend/relative goes into a store

People who turn every single topic into a political commentary

Jerry Springerish shows




Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
February 08, 2013, 07:16:27 AM
Quote from: Falkie2013 on February 08, 2013, 05:53:47 AM
... he looks like he's either trapped behind a mirror or just ate a mouthful of spoiled turmeric.

Or a rotten lemon or maybe a piece of waxed fruit.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 08, 2013, 03:27:13 AM

What about all the organizations he yaks about without any facts - and George appears to have less facts and information than anyone -  pharmaceuticals, mortgage lenders, various government agencies, the Fed, car companies, oil companies, food companies, just about anyone really.  Not that these have covered themselves with glory but George with his vague accusations and smears is ok, but former fans of the show complaining about him and pointing out his flaws in some corner of the internet is off limits?

George, stop whining.  You have 4 hours a night five nights a week on national radio to address any perceived wrongs and negative comments people make about you.  You have the microphone, you can say anything you want about any of it completely unchallenged.  You could even do a show about it with or without true open lines and defend yourself.  Or - and I'm just tossing this out - you could even try to improve.  You're so bad at the job even the slightest improvement would seem substantial.

Well said.

Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately?), I missed last night's show. Rats! I thoroughly enjoy listening to him whine and cry about haters. It's nice to know our efforts don't go unnoticed.

Maybe I'll send him some pizza rolls to say thanks for acknowledging us.

Quote from: UFO Fill on February 08, 2013, 04:50:28 AM
Jorch asked, "How do they have time to do it, the haters?"
It only takes a few seconds to write a post but it must seem like a long time to someone who can't read quickly or easily. Maybe we should type slower to even things up.

QuoteAfter a bit of conversation, George said," I just wantthem to spell my name right."
Why, doesn't he know how?
Quote from: valdez on February 07, 2013, 06:14:38 AM
"Thanks for the Memories" is added to an already torturous bumper lineup.

I wonder if that was a snide inside joke directed at Art. Maybe Snorge's way of saying, "You can't beat me, Art. That's the real reason you're not coming back. I win! Ha-ha! See ya!"

Okay, I suppose that's just the hater* in me reading into things.


*As part of my hater duties I sent a FastBlast complaining about the Snoorrible bumper music as soon as I heard the song. What's next? Rudy Vallee's greatest hits?   
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